
news2024/10/9 16:28:22



在本文中,我将与您分享2023 年您可以学习的 10 大编程语言,以便在 Google、Microsoft 和 Facebook 等您最喜欢的公司找到工作。

As a programmer, one of our goals is to learn new technologies and programming languages, but which languages should you learn? Since acquiring a programming language requires both time and patience, you should learn a language worth the effort; I mean., it can reward you with a better job and career growth. 

In this article, I will share with you the top 10 programming languages you can learn in 2023 to get a job in your favorite companies like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.

2023 年值得学习的 10 种最佳编程语言

10 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

这个列表的灵感来自许多您可以在网上找到的列表,例如 StackOverFlow、TIBOE 和其他列表,但是,我的列表与 StackOverflow 或您可以在网上找到的任何其他列表有点不同,因为我已经根据我的经验对其进行了一些调整以及你在 2023 年应该学习什么。

This list is inspired by many lists you will find online like the StackOverFlow, TIBOE, and others but, my list is a little bit different from the StackOverflow or any other list you will find online as I have used my experience to tweak it a bit and what you should learn in 2023.

1. Golang

如果你正在寻找一种现代编程语言来在 2023 年学习,那么这是你应该在 2023 年花时间学习的一种编程语言。我知道它不是很流行,同时也很难学,但我觉得它的用法到 2023 年将呈指数级增长。由于周围的 Go 开发人员并不多,而且很多公司都会采用它,因此这可能是学习 Go 的最佳时机,尤其是如果你想创建框架之类的东西。如果您可以投入一些时间并成为Go专家,那么您的需求量将会很大。

1. Golang

If you are looking for a modern programming language to learn in 2023, then this is the one programming language you should spend time in 2023. I know it's not very popular and, at the same time, hard to learn, but I feel its usage will increase exponentially in 2023. Since there are not many Go developers around and many companies will adopt it, it's probably the best time to learn Go, especially if you want to create frameworks and things like that. If you can invest some time and become an expert in Go, you're going to be in high demand. 


Java,最流行、最强大、最有效的编程语言之一。尽管我已经使用 Java 多年,但我仍然需要学习很多东西,例如最近版本中引入的许多新功能,例如用于局部变量的 var、记录、开关中的字符串、文本块、模块等等。 

如果您想从事后端开发、Android 应用程序开发和一般应用程序开发,那么 Java 是最好的编程语言之一。 

我 2023 年的目标是关注 JDK 9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16 和 17 上的最新特性。

2.   Java

Java, one of the most popular, powerful, and effective programming languages. Even though I have been using Java for years, I still have to learn many things, like many new features introduced in recent releases like var for local variables, Records, string in the switch, Text Block, Modules, and much more. 

If you want to go into backend development, Android app development, and in general application development then Java is one of the best programming language to learn. 

My goal for 2023 is to focus on recent Java changes on JDK 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. 

3. JavaScript

信不信由你,JavaScript 是网络的第一语言。jQuery、Angular、Vue、Svelte和React.js的兴起,使 JavaScript 更加流行。由于您离不开网络,因此学习 JavaScript 越早越好。

即使您不使用 Angular JS 或 React JS,许多其他库(如 jQuery)也是基于 JavaScript 的。它也是客户端验证的第一语言,这使得它值得学习 JavaScript。

如果你想在 2023 年使用 React Native 成为 Web 开发人员和移动应用程序开发人员,那么你应该学习 JavaScript。它是唯一支持完整全栈开发的语言,这意味着您不仅可以为 Web 应用程序创建前端,还可以使用 node.js 创建后端和使用 React Native 的移动应用程序前端。 

3. JavaScript

Believe it or not, but JavaScript is the #1 language of the web. The rise of jQuery, Angular, Vue, Svelte, and React.js has made JavaScript even more popular. Since you just cannot stay away from the web, it's better to learn JavaScript sooner than later.

Even if you are not using Angular JS or React JS, many other libraries, like jQuery, are based on JavaScript. It's also the number one language for client-side validation, which makes it worth learning JavaScript.

If you want to become a web developer and mobile application developer in 2023 using React Native then you should learn JavaScript. It's the only language that supports complete full-stack development, which means you can not only create a frontend for a web application but also backend using node.js and mobile application frontend using React Native. 


Python 现在已经取代 Java 成为大学和学术界教授最多的编程语言。从去年开始,我一直在尝试学习 Python,但不知何故,它总是被推到我的目标清单上。

它是一种引人注目的语言,非常适合生成脚本。你会找到一个 python 模块来处理你能想到的一切,就像我正在寻找一个命令来监听 Linux 上的 UDP 流量但找不到任何东西,所以我在 10 分钟内写了一个 Python 脚本来做同样的事情。

Python 还是数据科学、机器学习、人工智能、自动化和 Web 开发的最佳编程语言之一。它实际上是最流行的全能编程语言之一,可用于为复杂的面向对象应用程序创建简单的脚本。 

4. Python

Python has now toppled Java to become the most taught programming language in Universities and academics. I have been trying to learn Python since last year, but somehow, it always gets pushed down on my list of goals.

It's a compelling language and high to generate scripts. You will find a python module for everything you can think of like I was looking for a command to listen to UDP traffic on Linux but couldn't find anything, so I wrote a Python script in 10 minutes to do the same.

Python is also one of the best programming languages for Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and web development. It's actually one of the most popular all-around programming language which can be used to create a simple script for a complex object-oriented application. 


如果您认真考虑 Android 应用程序开发,那么 Kotlin 是 2023 年要学习的编程语言。它可能是 Android 世界中发生的下一件大事。谷歌已经宣布 Kotlin 为 Android 平台的官方应用程序开发语言。

尽管 Java 是我的首选语言,但 Kotlin 具有原生支持,许多 IDE(如IntelliJ IDEA和Android Studio )都支持 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发。Spring 等 Java 主要开发框架近年来也引入了对 Kotlin 的支持。

您也可以像 Java 一样使用 Kotlin 进行后端开发。许多公司已经开始使用 Kotlin 来创建服务器端应用程序,这将在未来几天推动 Kotlin 开发人员的需求。 

5. Kotlin

If you think seriously about Android App development, then Kotlin is the programming language to learn in 2023. It is probably the next big thing happening in the Android world. Google has already declared Kotlin as the official app development langauge for the Android platform.

Even though Java is my preferred language, Kotlin has native support, and many IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio supports Kotlin for Android development. Major Java development framework like Spring has also introduced support for Kotlin in recent years.

You can also use Kotlin for backend development just like Java. Many companies have started using Kotlin to create server-side applications and that will fuel the demand of Kotlin developers in the coming days. 

6. C#

I am not a big fan of C#, and probably I won't learn it in 2023, but you may want to. It's anyway a great language to developer GUI. C# is a great choice for game development and creating Desktop based applications.

It's also the language of the .NET platform so if you want to build anything using the popular .NET CORE and ASP .NET MVC framework then learning C# is essential for you. The demand for C# developers is also quite high, I just search indeed.com and there are more than 100K open positions around the world. 

7. Swift

If you are thinking about iOS development, like making iPhone and iPad apps, you should seriously consider learning Swift in 2023. The popularity of Swift has grown a lot in the last couple of years because of its simplicity, power, and robustness. 

It replaces Objective C as the preferred language to develop iOS apps. Since I am the Android guy, I have no goal concerning Swift, but if you do, you can start with the iOS and Swift  - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp, another excellent course from Udemy I bought last month.

8. Rust

To be honest, I don't know much about Rust and its usage as I have never used it, but whatever I heard, it's the right language for developers. For the last couple of years, it has won first place for "most loved programming language" in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey.

I think, If you are an experienced programmer and you're looking for a new language in 2023, Rust might be the right choice because developers love this language. 

9. PHP

Yup, another surprise. If you thought that PHP is dead, then you are wrong. It's still alive and kicking. As you know, 50% of internet websites are built using PHP; hence you cannot ignore the power of PHP. Though it's not on my list of things to learn in 2023, it's still a great programming language to learn, and if I decide to learn PHP, then PHP for Beginners is a good starting point.

10. C/C++

这两个再次成为最流行、最强大和最受欢迎的编程语言之一。C和C++也有多种用法。您可以使用 C++ 构建游戏,它还大量用于创建实时系统和嵌入式系统。  

鉴于它已经存在了 40 年,您在学习 C++ 方面所做的任何投资都会得到丰厚的回报,因为它将在未来的许多年里派上用场。 

C 和 C++ 都是长青的语言。

10. C/C++

These two are again one of the most popular, powerful, and in-demand programming languages. C and C++ also have a variety of usage. You can use C++ to build games, it is also used heavily in creating real-time systems and embedded systems.  

Given it has already survived 40 years, any investment you made on learning C++ has great reward as it's going to be useful for many more years to come. 

Both C and C++ are evergreen languages。

这就是您可以在 2023 年学习的一些最佳编程语言。您可以从此列表中选择一种或两种语言并专注于此。即使您只学习一种与您日常使用的编程语言不同的编程语言,您的职业发展也会处于良好状态。现在最重要的是制定你的目标,并尽最大努力在 2023 年实现它。

That's all about some of the best programming languages you can learn in 2023. You can choose one or two languages from this list and focus on that. Even if you learn just one programming language apart from the one you use daily, you will be in good shape for your career growth. The most important thing right now is making your goal and trying your best to achieve it in 2023.


PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language



The PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language Index is created by analyzing how often language tutorials are searched on Google.

The more a language tutorial is searched, the more popular the language is assumed to be. It is a leading indicator. The raw data comes from Google Trends.

If you believe in collective wisdom, the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language index can help you decide which language to study, or which one to use in a new software project.


TIOBE Index for December 2022




The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.



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