
news2025/1/13 15:35:15


  • 1. 同步输入/异步输入(synchronous and asynchronous inputs in sequential system)
      • 为什么需要异步复位?
    • 1.1 异步复位Asynchronous reset
      • Explanation:
      • Further knowledge:
    • 1.2 Asynchronous reset and synchronous reset
    • 1.3 异步复位同步释放Synchronized Asynchronous Reset
  • 2. 同步系统/异步系统Synchronous/Asynchronous System

Synchronous/Asynchronous inputs and system, Synchronous/Asynchronous reset

1. 同步输入/异步输入(synchronous and asynchronous inputs in sequential system)


  Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous inputs to a sequential system. For what purpose should an asynchronous reset input be used?

  1. Synchronous inputs are enabled only if the clock signal is valid (synchronous input signals are dependent with clock), while asynchronous inputs is unrelated to the clock signal, it can be enabled in any point of the clock time, which ‘asynchronous’ means that the transition to a new state happened as soon as inputs had stabilized.

  2. Asynchronous inputs to flip-flops only used for initialization. Asynchronous reset is used to initialize the system when it is first turned on.

1.1 异步复位Asynchronous reset


  Because when power is first applied to a flip-flop its initial state is unpredictable, and in many applications, this is unacceptable, so flip-flops are provided with further inputs to set (or reset) their outputs to 1 or to 0.

Further knowledge:

  It is very bad practice to use these inputs to set the state of a flip-flop during normal system operation.
  The reason for this is that in synchronous systems, flip-flop only change state when clocked. The set and reset inputs are asynchronous and hence cannot be guaranteed to change an output at a particular time. It can lead to all sorts of timing problems. In general, keep all designs strictly synchronous or follow a structured asynchronous design methodology.


1.2 Asynchronous reset and synchronous reset


  • 同步复位就是指复位信号只有在时钟上升沿到来时,才能有效。相当于对复位reset_n和输入din。

  • 异步复位是指无论时钟沿是否到来,只要复位信号有效,就对系统进行复位。

1.3 异步复位同步释放Synchronized Asynchronous Reset

异步复位同步释放(Synchronized Asynchronous Reset)

  • 目的:防止复位信号撤除时产生亚稳态事件。
  • 异步复位:显而易见,reset_n异步复位后,rst_n将拉低,即实现异步复位。
  • 同步释放:这个是关键,看如何实现同步释放,即当复位信号reset_n撤除时,由于双缓冲电路(双寄存器)的作用,rst_n复位信号不会随着reset_n的撤除而撤除。​​​​​​​


2. 同步系统/异步系统Synchronous/Asynchronous System

Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits

No.KeySynchronous Sequential CircuitsAsynchronous Sequential Circuits
1DefinitionSynchronous sequential circuits are digital sequential circuits in which the feedback to the input for next output generation is governed by clock signals.On other hand Asynchronous sequential circuits are digital sequential circuits in which the feedback to the input for next output generation is not governed by clock signals.
2Memory UnitIn Synchronous sequential circuits, the memory unit which is being get used for governance is clocked flip flop.On other hand unclocked flip flop or time delay is used as memory element in case of Asynchronous sequential circuits.
3State and realityThe states of Synchronous sequential circuits are always predictable and thus reliable. Since all the Internal State changes are in the strict control of a master clock source they are less prone to failure or to a race condition and hence are more reliable.On other hand there are chances for the Asynchronous circuits to enter into a wrong state because of the time difference between the arrivals of inputs. This is called as race condition.Since there is no such universal clock source, the internal state changes as soon as any of the inputs change and hence are more prone to a race condition.Timings of the internal state changes are in our control.
4ComplexityIt is easy to design Synchronous sequential circuitsHowever on other hand the presence of feedback among logic gates causes instability issues making the design of Asynchronous sequential circuits difficult.
5PerformanceDue to the propagation delay of clock signal in reaching all elements of the circuit the Synchronous sequential circuits are slower in its operation speedSince there is no clock signal delay, these are fast compared to the Synchronous Sequential Circuits
6ExampleSynchronous circuits are used in counters, shift registers, memory units.On other hand Asynchronous circuits are used in low power and high speed operations such as simple microprocessors, digital signal processing units and in communication systems for email applications, internet access and networking.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits





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