笔者最近在研究Azure,需要画Azure的技术架构图;画Azure架构图的方法很多,有在线的工具,有基于Azure的PPT模板,同时也有笔者这样选择用最传统的微软的工具:MS Visio来绘图。那么在MS Visio里面如何绘制漂亮专业的Azure的技术架构图呢?当然是Github的开源项目走起。
2.开源项目: Microsoft-Integration-and-Azure-Stencils-Pack-for-Visio
sandroasp的开源项目,提供了Azure Visio免费开源库: Microsoft-Integration-and-Azure-Stencils-Pack-for-Visio, 其不仅仅提供了Azure的模板,还提供了其他的模板,包括Azure一起总共27个。
- Microsoft Integration Stencils
- MIS Additional or Support Stencils
- MIS Azure Stencils
- MIS Azure Additional or Support Stencils
- MIS Azure Black and Gray
- MIS Power Platform Stencils
- MIS Security and Governance
- MIS AI and Machine Learning Stencils
- MIS Apps and Systems Logo Stencils
- MIS Databases and Analytics Stencils
- MIS IoT Stencils
- MIS Office, Office 365 and Dynamics 365
- MIS SAP Stencils
- MIS Buildings Stencils
- MIS Developer Stencils
- MIS Devices Stencils
- MIS Files and Message Types Stencils
- MIS Generic Stencils
- MIS Infrastructure and Networking Stencils
- MIS Servers (Hexagonal) Stencils
- MIS Users and Roles Stencils
- MIS Integration Fun
- MIS Integration Patterns Stencils
- MIS Black and Cyan
- MIS Azure Old Versions
- MIS Deprecated Stencils
- Organisational Stencils
其License是MIT license,可以用于自学习或者商业用途,其在Github有1.2k的星,已经相当厉害了~
安装很简单,假设你电脑上已经安装MS Visio,你需要做的就是到这个地址 把最新的代码现在现在下来,然后解压后复制到
“%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Shapes” (比如“C:\Users\chancein007\Documents\My Shapes”;
“More Shapes【更多形状】 -> My Shapes【我的形状】 -> Microsoft Integration Stencils"
“More Shapes 【更多形状】-> My Shapes 【我的形状】 -> MIS Azure Stencils"
“More Shapes 【更多形状】-> My Shapes 【我的形状】 -> MIS Power Platform Stencils"