bclinux aarch64 ceph 14.2.10 对象存储 http网关 CEPH OBJECT GATEWAY Civetweb

news2025/3/12 23:35:21


bclinux aarch64 ceph 14.2.10 文件存储 Ceph File System, 需要部署mds: ceph-deploy mds-CSDN博客

ceph-deploy bclinux aarch64 ceph 14.2.10【3】vdbench fsd 文件系统测试-CSDN博客

ceph-deploy bclinux aarch64 ceph 14.2.10【2】vdbench rbd 块设备rbd 测试失败-CSDN博客

ceph-deploy bclinux aarch64 ceph 14.2.10-CSDN博客


cd /etc/ceph
ceph-deploy rgw create ceph-0 ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3


[root@ceph-0 ceph]# ceph-deploy rgw create ceph-0 ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (2.0.1): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy rgw create ceph-0 ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  rgw                           : [('ceph-0', 'rgw.ceph-0'), ('ceph-1', 'rgw.ceph-1'), ('ceph-2', 'rgw.ceph-2'), ('ceph-3', 'rgw.ceph-3')]
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : create
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0xffffa1b8faa0>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function rgw at 0xffffa1d554d0>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] Deploying rgw, cluster ceph hosts ceph-0:rgw.ceph-0 ceph-1:rgw.ceph-1 ceph-2:rgw.ceph-2 ceph-3:rgw.ceph-3
[ceph-0][DEBUG ] connected to host: ceph-0 
[ceph-0][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
21.10U3 LTS
[ceph-0][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] Distro info: bclinux 21.10U3 21.10U3 LTS
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] deploying rgw bootstrap to ceph-0
[ceph-0][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph-0][WARNIN] rgw keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[ceph-0][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[ceph-0][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[ceph-0][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-rgw --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create client.rgw.ceph-0 osd allow rwx mon allow rw -o /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.ceph-0/keyring
[ceph-0][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-0
[ceph-0][WARNIN] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw.target.wants/ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-0.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw@.service.
[ceph-0][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-0
[ceph-0][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] The Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) is now running on host ceph-0 and default port 7480
dhclient(1787) is already running - exiting. 

This version of ISC DHCP is based on the release available
on ftp.isc.org. Features have been added and other changes
have been made to the base software release in order to make
it work better with this distribution.

Please report issues with this software via: 

dhclient(1787) is already running - exiting. 

This version of ISC DHCP is based on the release available
on ftp.isc.org. Features have been added and other changes
have been made to the base software release in order to make
it work better with this distribution.

Please report issues with this software via: 

[ceph-1][DEBUG ] connected to host: ceph-1 
[ceph-1][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
21.10U3 LTS
[ceph-1][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] Distro info: bclinux 21.10U3 21.10U3 LTS
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] deploying rgw bootstrap to ceph-1
[ceph-1][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph-1][WARNIN] rgw keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[ceph-1][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[ceph-1][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[ceph-1][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-rgw --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create client.rgw.ceph-1 osd allow rwx mon allow rw -o /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.ceph-1/keyring
[ceph-1][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-1
[ceph-1][WARNIN] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw.target.wants/ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-1.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw@.service.
[ceph-1][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-1
[ceph-1][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] The Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) is now running on host ceph-1 and default port 7480
dhclient(1742) is already running - exiting. 

This version of ISC DHCP is based on the release available
on ftp.isc.org. Features have been added and other changes
have been made to the base software release in order to make
it work better with this distribution.

Please report issues with this software via: 

dhclient(1742) is already running - exiting. 

This version of ISC DHCP is based on the release available
on ftp.isc.org. Features have been added and other changes
have been made to the base software release in order to make
it work better with this distribution.

Please report issues with this software via: 

[ceph-2][DEBUG ] connected to host: ceph-2 
[ceph-2][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
21.10U3 LTS
[ceph-2][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] Distro info: bclinux 21.10U3 21.10U3 LTS
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] deploying rgw bootstrap to ceph-2
[ceph-2][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph-2][WARNIN] rgw keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[ceph-2][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[ceph-2][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[ceph-2][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-rgw --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create client.rgw.ceph-2 osd allow rwx mon allow rw -o /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.ceph-2/keyring
[ceph-2][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-2
[ceph-2][WARNIN] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw.target.wants/ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-2.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw@.service.
[ceph-2][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-2
[ceph-2][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] The Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) is now running on host ceph-2 and default port 7480
dhclient(1722) is already running - exiting. 

This version of ISC DHCP is based on the release available
on ftp.isc.org. Features have been added and other changes
have been made to the base software release in order to make
it work better with this distribution.

Please report issues with this software via: 

dhclient(1722) is already running - exiting. 

This version of ISC DHCP is based on the release available
on ftp.isc.org. Features have been added and other changes
have been made to the base software release in order to make
it work better with this distribution.

Please report issues with this software via: 

[ceph-3][DEBUG ] connected to host: ceph-3 
[ceph-3][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
21.10U3 LTS
[ceph-3][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] Distro info: bclinux 21.10U3 21.10U3 LTS
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] deploying rgw bootstrap to ceph-3
[ceph-3][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph-3][WARNIN] rgw keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[ceph-3][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[ceph-3][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[ceph-3][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-rgw --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create client.rgw.ceph-3 osd allow rwx mon allow rw -o /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.ceph-3/keyring
[ceph-3][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-3
[ceph-3][WARNIN] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw.target.wants/ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-3.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw@.service.
[ceph-3][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-3
[ceph-3][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] The Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) is now running on host ceph-3 and default port 7480
[root@ceph-0 ceph]# cp: cannot stat '/tmp/security_updates': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/tmp/security_updates': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/tmp/security_updates': No such file or directory








cd /var/log/ceph
echo "" > ceph-client.rgw.ceph-0.log
systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw-ceph-0


journalctl -xeu ceph-radosgw@rgw-ceph-0


Nov 14 13:38:08 ceph-0 radosgw[58375]: 2023-11-14 13:38:08.450 ffff7ab37010 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw-ceph-0/keyring: (2) No such file or directory
Nov 14 13:38:08 ceph-0 radosgw[58375]: 2023-11-14 13:38:08.450 ffff7ab37010 -1 AuthRegistry(0xffff7a330148) no keyring found at /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw-ceph-0/keyring, disabling cephx
Nov 14 13:38:08 ceph-0 radosgw[58375]: 2023-11-14 13:38:08.450 ffff7ab37010 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw-ceph-0/keyring: (2) No such file or directory
Nov 14 13:38:08 ceph-0 radosgw[58375]: 2023-11-14 13:38:08.450 ffff7ab37010 -1 AuthRegistry(0xffffdc7f98c8) no keyring found at /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw-ceph-0/keyring, disabling cephx
Nov 14 13:38:08 ceph-0 radosgw[58375]: failed to fetch mon config (--no-mon-config to skip)
Nov 14 13:38:08 ceph-0 systemd[1]: ceph-radosgw@rgw-ceph-0.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

没有按照官方文档执行网关安装有关?ceph-deploy install --rgw node..


解决  /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw-ceph-0/keyring: (2) No such file or directory






cd /var/lib/ceph/radosgw
ln -s ceph-rgw.ceph-0 ceph-rgw-ceph-0


Nov 14 14:11:43 ceph-0 radosgw[59264]: 2023-11-14 14:11:43.076 ffff99055730 -1 monclient(hunting): handle_auth_bad_method server allowed_methods [2] but i only support [2]
Nov 14 14:11:43 ceph-0 radosgw[59264]: 2023-11-14 14:11:43.080 ffff99856730 -1 monclient(hunting): handle_auth_bad_method server allowed_methods [2] but i only support [2]
Nov 14 14:11:43 ceph-0 radosgw[59264]: failed to fetch mon config (--no-mon-config to skip)
Nov 14 14:11:43 ceph-0 systemd[1]: ceph-radosgw@rgw-ceph-0.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE


cd /etc/ceph
ceph-deploy rgw create ceph-0 ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3



Numerical result out of range

2023-11-14 14:32:24.461 ffff8abe8010  0 deferred set uid:gid to 1000:1000 (ceph:ceph)

2023-11-14 14:32:24.461 ffff8abe8010  0 ceph version 14.2.10 (b340acf629a010a74d90da5782a2c5fe0b54ac20) nautilus (stable), process radosgw, pid 60035

2023-11-14 14:32:25.509 ffff8abe8010  0 rgw_init_ioctx ERROR: librados::Rados::pool_create returned (34) Numerical result out of range (this can be due to a pool or placement group misconfiguration, e.g. pg_num < pgp_num or mon_max_pg_per_osd exceeded)

2023-11-14 14:32:25.509 ffff8abe8010  0 failed reading realm info: ret -34 (34) Numerical result out of range

2023-11-14 14:32:25.509 ffff8abe8010  0 ERROR: failed to start notify service ((34) Numerical result out of range

2023-11-14 14:32:25.509 ffff8abe8010  0 ERROR: failed to init services (ret=(34) Numerical result out of range)

2023-11-14 14:32:25.513 ffff8abe8010 -1 Couldn't init storage provider (RADOS)

设置默认pg_num pgs_num


osd pool default size = 3
osd pool default min_size = 1
osd pool default pg num = 128
osd pool default pgp num = 128


cd /etc/ceph
ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf rgw create ceph-0 ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3




 652  ceph osd pool ls
  653  ceph osd pool rm vdbench
  654  ceph osd pool rm vdbench vdbench --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
  655  ls /dev/
  656  mount
  657  df -h
  658  umount /mnt/rbd0
  659  ceph osd ls
  660  ceph osd pool ls
  661  ceph osd volume ls
  662  ceph osd dump
  663  ceph osd pool rm cephfs_data cephfs_data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
  664  ceph fs ls
  665  ceph fs rm cephfs
  666  ceph fs fail
  667  ceph fs fail cephfs
  668  ceph -s
  669  ceph fs status cephfs
  670  ceph fs ls
  671  ceph fs rm cephfs
  672  ceph fs rm cephfs --yes-i-really-mean-it
  673  ceph fs ls
  674  ceph osd pool ls
  675  ceph osd pool rm cephfs_data cephfs_data  --yes-i-really-mean-it
  676  ceph osd pool rm cephfs_data cephfs_data  --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
  677  ceph osd pool rm cephfs_metadata cephfs_metadata  --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
  678  ceph -
  679  ceph -s
  680  cd /etc/ceph
  681  ceph-deploy rgw create ceph-0 
  682  cat /var/log/ceph/ceph-client.rgw.ceph-0.log 
  683  systemctl status ceph-radosgw@rgw.ceph-0

cd /etc/ceph
ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf rgw create ceph-0 ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3


ceph -s rgw已经起来了




ceph-deploy install --rgw ceph-0 ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3

故障 Unable to find a match: epel-release

dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm -y

故障Status code: 404

坑爹的阿里云镜像,没有epel 8,bclinux又是el8版本!

采用huawei epel镜像

name=huawei epel mirror
yum install epel-release --nobest --skip-broken

ceph-deploy 会强制执行yum install epel-release(失败)


修改/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_deploy/hosts/centos/install.py 60行,注释掉epel-release的安装(前面已经手动--skip-broken安装好了)


故障 Unable to find a match: yum-plugin-priorities

参考上面思路,直接注释掉/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_deploy/hosts/centos/install.py 61,62行

自动找到老版本ceph-release-1-0.el6 Status code: 404



安装版本参数args.release = 'mimic' 改为 args.release = 'nautilus


bclinux python3.7.9

cenos7 python3.6.8

openeuler 20.03 lts sp3 python 3.7.9


Ceph Object Gateway — Ceph Documentation

如何在 CentOS 8 和 RHEL 8 服务器上启用 EPEL 仓库 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

ceph-deploy部署ceph-nautilus_ceph nautilus-CSDN博客




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最近有个需求&#xff0c;前端传入时间间隔&#xff0c;去elasticsearch按照时间间隔统计每个时间间隔内数据量。 public List<HashMap<String,Object>> getCount(RequestParam Integer time, RequestParam String selectedDatedTime) {SimpleDateFormat format n…

Oracle(2-3) Basic Oracle Net Server Side Configuration

文章目录 一、基础知识1、The Listener Process监听器进程2、Connection Methods 连接方法3、Spawn and Bequeath Conn4、Direct Hand-Off Connections 直接切换连接5、Redirection Session 重定向会话6、Simple to Complex:N-Tier 简单到复杂&#xff1a;N层7、Service Config…

双写绕过 [极客大挑战 2019]BabySQL 1

打开题目 随便输入账号密码 根据报错信息可知这是单引号的字符型注入 那我们试试万能密码 1 or 11 页面报错 1 or 11 页面报错 而且根据报错内容显示是没有我们注入上去的or的 那我们就试试 1 order by 3 # 页面报错&#xff0c;根据报错显示页面过滤掉了or和by 那我们…

Java 并发-Lock

目录 Lock 源码 lock() tryLock() tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) Lock与synchronized Lock Lock 是 java.util.concurrent.locks包 下的接口。 上图是 java.util.concurrent.locks包下主要常用的类与接口的关系。 源码 public interface Lock {void lock();void l…


在Activiti6和Activiti7中跳转节点都要自己实现&#xff0c;Flowable增加了这个功能。 一&#xff1a;简介 串行流程是指简单的一条线的流程&#xff0c;流程中如果包含会签、排它网关也算串行流程。 节点移动有三种方式&#xff1a; 向前移动foreward。向后移动back。直接跳…


并发编程产生的根本原因和C#怎么处理并发问题&#xff1f; 前言 对于现在很多编程语言来说&#xff0c;多线程已经得到了很好的支持&#xff0c; 以至于我们写多线程程序简单&#xff0c;但是一旦遇到并发产生的问题就会各种尝试。 因为不是明白为什么会产生并发问题&#…