highcharts 3D环形饼图

news2025/2/28 10:01:05


npm install highcharts --save


import highcharts from 'highcharts'


import highcharts from 'highcharts'
import highcharts3d from 'highcharts/highcharts-3d'


		<div class="echartsBox">
          <div class="chart-container">
            <div class="textColor">{{  this.arrValue[0] }}</div>
            <div id="echartsid1"
            <!-- 底座背景 -->
            <div class="bg"></div>
          <div class="chart-container">
            <div class="textColor textColor2">{{  this.arrValue[1] }}</div>
            <div id="echartsid2"
            <!-- 底座背景 -->
            <div class="bg"></div>
          <div class="chart-container">
            <div class="textColor textColor3">{{  this.arrValue[2] }}</div>
            <div id="echartsid3"
            <!-- 底座背景 -->
            <div class="bg"></div>
          <div class="chart-container">
            <div class="textColor textColor4">{{  this.arrValue[3] }}</div>
            <div id="echartsid4"
            <!-- 底座背景 -->
            <div class="bg"></div>


.echartsBox {
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;
  justify-content: space-around;
.chart-container {
  position: relative;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  .textColor {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #0659e6;
  .textColor2 {
    color: #5c98bc;
  .textColor3 {
    color: #4fc05c;
  .textColor4 {
    color: #44aba9;
  .chartsid {
    height: 80px;
    width: 100px;
    margin-bottom: -20px;
  .bg {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: -25px;
    // left: 50%;
    z-index: 0;
	width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background: no-repeat center;
    background-image: url('~@/assets/screenImage/chartbg.png');
    background-size: auto;


  • 在data中定义
	  dataList: [],
      dataList1: [],
      dataList2: [],
      dataList3: [],
  • js方法

	initOption(a) { // 后端数据
      let a1 = parseFloat(a[0])
      this.dataList = [   // 数据格式
          name: '大型企业',
          y: a1,     // 数据值
          h: 10,     // 饼图高度
          bfb: 0,
          name: 'all',
          y: 100,
          h: 5,
          bfb: 0,
      let a2 = parseFloat(a[1])
      this.dataList1 = [
          name: '中型企业',
          y: a2,
          h: 10,
          bfb: 0,
          name: 'all',
          y: 100,
          h: 5,
          bfb: 0,
      let a3 = parseFloat(a[2])
      this.dataList2 = [
          name: '小型企业',
          y: a3,
          h: 10,
          bfb: 0,
          name: 'all',
          y: 100,
          h: 5,
          bfb: 0,
      let a4 = parseFloat(a[3])
      this.dataList3 = [
          name: '微型企业',
          y: a4,
          h: 10,
          bfb: 0,
          name: 'all',
          y: 100,
          h: 5,
          bfb: 0,
      // 修改3d饼图绘制过程

      var each = highcharts.each,
        round = Math.round,
        cos = Math.cos,
        sin = Math.sin,
        deg2rad = Math.deg2rad


        function (proceed) {
          proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1))

          // Do not do this if the chart is not 3D

          if (!this.chart.is3d()) {

          var series = this,
            chart = series.chart,
            options = chart.options,
            seriesOptions = series.options,
            depth = seriesOptions.depth || 0,
            options3d = options.chart.options3d,
            alpha = options3d.alpha,
            beta = options3d.beta,
            z = seriesOptions.stacking
              ? (seriesOptions.stack || 0) * depth
              : series._i * depth

          z += depth / 2

          if (seriesOptions.grouping !== false) {
            z = 0

          each(series.data, function (point) {
            var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,

            point.shapeType = 'arc3d'

            var ran = point.options.h

            shapeArgs.z = z

            shapeArgs.depth = depth * 0.75 + ran

            shapeArgs.alpha = alpha

            shapeArgs.beta = beta

            shapeArgs.center = series.center

            shapeArgs.ran = ran

            angle = (shapeArgs.end + shapeArgs.start) / 2

            point.slicedTranslation = {
              translateX: round(
                cos(angle) * seriesOptions.slicedOffset * cos(alpha * deg2rad)

              translateY: round(
                sin(angle) * seriesOptions.slicedOffset * cos(alpha * deg2rad)
      highcharts.chart('echartsid1', {
        tooltip: {
          enabled: false,  // 隐藏tooltip
          followPointer: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
          followTouchMove: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
        chart: {
          animation: false,
          backgroundColor: 'none',
          type: 'pie', //饼图
          margin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
          options3d: {
            enabled: true, //使用3d功能
            alpha: 70, //延y轴向内的倾斜角度  
            beta: 0,
          events: {
            load: function () {
              var each = highcharts.each,
                points = this.series[0].points

              each(points, function (p, i) {
                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,
        legend: {
          show: false,
          enabled: false, // 关闭图例
          align: 'right', //水平方向位置
          verticalAlign: 'top', //垂直方向位置
          layout: 'vertical',
          x: -20,
          y: 30,
          symbolWidth: 10,
          symbolHeight: 10,
          symbolRadius: '50%', // 修改成圆
          itemMarginBottom: 8,
          useHTML: false,
          //labelFormat: '{name}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{y}',
          // labelFormatter: function () {
          //   return (
          //     '<div style="width: .3125rem;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.name +
          //     ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div style="color: #00d7da;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.y +
          //     '</div>'
          //   )
          // },

          itemStyle: {
            color: '#f4f4f6',

            fontSize: 12,

        title: {
          // enabled: false,
          text: '',
        subtitle: {
          text: '',
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: false, // 禁用点击
            cursor: 'pointer',
            depth: 0,
            showInLegend: false,
            size: '55%', // 外圈直径大小
            innerSize: 30, // 内圈直径大小
            center: ['50%', '35%'],
            colors: ['#3a59f0', '#0349C1'],
            dataLabels: {
              useHTML: false,
              enabled: false, //是否显示饼图的线形tip
              distance: 5,
              borderColor: '#007acc',
              align: 'center',
              // verticalAlign: 'top',
              position: 'right',
              // format: '{point.bfb}%',
              // formatter: (point,b) => {
              //   console.log(point,'ponit-->>')
              //   console.log(b,'ponit-->>')
              // },
              // color: '#ffffff',
              // style: {
              //   textOutline: 'none',
              //   fontSize: 13,
              // },
          series: {
            states: {
              inactive: {
                opacity: 1,
        credits: {
          enabled: false, // 禁用版权信息
        series: [
            type: 'pie',
            name: '数量',
            data: this.dataList,
      highcharts.chart('echartsid2', {
        tooltip: {
          enabled: false,
          followPointer: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
          followTouchMove: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
        chart: {
          animation: false,
          backgroundColor: 'none',
          type: 'pie', //饼图
          margin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
          options3d: {
            enabled: true, //使用3d功能
            alpha: 70, //延y轴向内的倾斜角度
            beta: 0,
          events: {
            load: function () {
              var each = highcharts.each,
                points = this.series[0].points

              each(points, function (p, i) {
                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,
        legend: {
          show: false,
          enabled: false, // 关闭图例
          align: 'right', //水平方向位置
          verticalAlign: 'top', //垂直方向位置
          layout: 'vertical',
          x: -20,
          y: 30,
          symbolWidth: 10,
          symbolHeight: 10,
          symbolRadius: '50%', // 修改成圆
          itemMarginBottom: 8,
          useHTML: false,
          //labelFormat: '{name}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{y}',
          // labelFormatter: function () {
          //   return (
          //     '<div style="width: .3125rem;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.name +
          //     ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div style="color: #00d7da;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.y +
          //     '</div>'
          //   )
          // },

          itemStyle: {
            color: '#f4f4f6',

            fontSize: 12,

        title: {
          // enabled: false,
          text: '',
        subtitle: {
          text: '',
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: false, // 禁用点击
            cursor: 'pointer',
            depth: 0,
            showInLegend: false,
            size: '55%', // 外圈直径大小
            innerSize: 30, // 内圈直径大小
            center: ['50%', '35%'],
            colors: ['#5495cd', '#0349C1'],
            dataLabels: {
              useHTML: false,
              enabled: false, //是否显示饼图的线形tip
              distance: 5,
              borderColor: '#007acc',
              align: 'center',
              // verticalAlign: 'top',
              position: 'right',
              // format: '{point.bfb}%',
              // formatter: (point,b) => {
              //   console.log(point,'ponit-->>')
              //   console.log(b,'ponit-->>')
              // },
              // color: '#ffffff',
              // style: {
              //   textOutline: 'none',
              //   fontSize: 13,
              // },
          series: {
            states: {
              inactive: {
                opacity: 1,
        credits: {
          enabled: false, // 禁用版权信息
        series: [
            type: 'pie',
            name: '数量',
            data: this.dataList1,
      highcharts.chart('echartsid3', {
        tooltip: {
          enabled: false,
          followPointer: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
          followTouchMove: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
        chart: {
          animation: false,
          backgroundColor: 'none',
          type: 'pie', //饼图
          margin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
          options3d: {
            enabled: true, //使用3d功能
            alpha: 70, //延y轴向内的倾斜角度
            beta: 0,
          events: {
            load: function () {
              var each = highcharts.each,
                points = this.series[0].points

              each(points, function (p, i) {
                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,
        legend: {
          show: false,
          enabled: false, // 关闭图例
          align: 'right', //水平方向位置
          verticalAlign: 'top', //垂直方向位置
          layout: 'vertical',
          x: -20,
          y: 30,
          symbolWidth: 10,
          symbolHeight: 10,
          symbolRadius: '50%', // 修改成圆
          itemMarginBottom: 8,
          useHTML: false,
          //labelFormat: '{name}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{y}',
          // labelFormatter: function () {
          //   return (
          //     '<div style="width: .3125rem;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.name +
          //     ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div style="color: #00d7da;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.y +
          //     '</div>'
          //   )
          // },

          itemStyle: {
            color: '#f4f4f6',

            fontSize: 12,

        title: {
          // enabled: false,
          text: '',
        subtitle: {
          text: '',
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: false, // 禁用点击
            cursor: 'pointer',
            depth: 0,
            showInLegend: false,
            size: '55%', // 外圈直径大小
            innerSize: 30, // 内圈直径大小
            center: ['50%', '35%'],
            colors: ['#4caf5a', '#0349C1'],
            dataLabels: {
              useHTML: false,
              enabled: false, //是否显示饼图的线形tip
              distance: 5,
              borderColor: '#007acc',
              align: 'center',
              // verticalAlign: 'top',
              position: 'right',
              // format: '{point.bfb}%',
              // formatter: (point,b) => {
              //   console.log(point,'ponit-->>')
              //   console.log(b,'ponit-->>')
              // },
              // color: '#ffffff',
              // style: {
              //   textOutline: 'none',
              //   fontSize: 13,
              // },
          series: {
            states: {
              inactive: {
                opacity: 1,
        credits: {
          enabled: false, // 禁用版权信息
        series: [
            type: 'pie',
            name: '数量',
            data: this.dataList2,
      highcharts.chart('echartsid4', {
        tooltip: {
          enabled: false,
          followPointer: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
          followTouchMove: false, // this is already the default, it's just to stress what's said in commit comments and make code "speak"
        chart: {
          animation: false,
          backgroundColor: 'none',
          type: 'pie', //饼图
          margin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
          options3d: {
            enabled: true, //使用3d功能
            alpha: 70, //延y轴向内的倾斜角度
            beta: 0,
          events: {
            load: function () {
              var each = highcharts.each,
                points = this.series[0].points

              each(points, function (p, i) {
                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,

                  translateY: -p.shapeArgs.ran,
        legend: {
          show: false,
          enabled: false, // 关闭图例
          align: 'right', //水平方向位置
          verticalAlign: 'top', //垂直方向位置
          layout: 'vertical',
          x: -20,
          y: 30,
          symbolWidth: 10,
          symbolHeight: 10,
          symbolRadius: '50%', // 修改成圆
          itemMarginBottom: 8,
          useHTML: false,
          //labelFormat: '{name}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{y}',
          // labelFormatter: function () {
          //   return (
          //     '<div style="width: .3125rem;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.name +
          //     ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div style="color: #00d7da;display: inline-block">' +
          //     this.y +
          //     '</div>'
          //   )
          // },

          itemStyle: {
            color: '#f4f4f6',

            fontSize: 12,

        title: {
          // enabled: false,
          text: '',
        subtitle: {
          text: '',
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: false, // 禁用点击
            cursor: 'pointer',
            depth: 0,
            showInLegend: false,
            size: '55%', // 外圈直径大小
            innerSize: 30, // 内圈直径大小
            center: ['50%', '35%'],
            colors: ['#2FAAA7', '#0349C1'],
            dataLabels: {
              useHTML: false,
              enabled: false, //是否显示饼图的线形tip
              distance: 5,
              borderColor: '#007acc',
              align: 'center',
              // verticalAlign: 'top',
              position: 'right',
              // format: '{point.bfb}%',
              // formatter: (point,b) => {
              //   console.log(point,'ponit-->>')
              //   console.log(b,'ponit-->>')
              // },
              // color: '#ffffff',
              // style: {
              //   textOutline: 'none',
              //   fontSize: 13,
              // },
          series: {
            states: {
              inactive: {
                opacity: 1,
        credits: {
          enabled: false, // 禁用版权信息
        series: [
            type: 'pie',
            name: '数量',
            data: this.dataList3,




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