DRM全解析 —— framebuffer详解(1)

news2025/3/12 10:56:03




1. 简介

framebuffer是一块内存区域,可以理解为一块画布,驱动和应用层都能访问它。绘制前需要将它格式化,设定绘制的色彩模式(例如RGB24,YUV 等)和画布的大小(分辨率),不负责显存的分配释放。


2. 核心结构

在Linux内核的DRM中,framebuffer对应的核心结构体为:struct drm_framebuffer。该结构体在include/drm/drm_framebuffer.h中定义,代码如下(Linux内核版本:6.1):

 * struct drm_framebuffer - frame buffer object
 * Note that the fb is refcounted for the benefit of driver internals,
 * for example some hw, disabling a CRTC/plane is asynchronous, and
 * scanout does not actually complete until the next vblank.  So some
 * cleanup (like releasing the reference(s) on the backing GEM bo(s))
 * should be deferred.  In cases like this, the driver would like to
 * hold a ref to the fb even though it has already been removed from
 * userspace perspective. See drm_framebuffer_get() and
 * drm_framebuffer_put().
 * The refcount is stored inside the mode object @base.
struct drm_framebuffer {
	 * @dev: DRM device this framebuffer belongs to
	struct drm_device *dev;
	 * @head: Place on the &drm_mode_config.fb_list, access protected by
	 * &drm_mode_config.fb_lock.
	struct list_head head;

	 * @base: base modeset object structure, contains the reference count.
	struct drm_mode_object base;

	 * @comm: Name of the process allocating the fb, used for fb dumping.
	char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];

	 * @format: framebuffer format information
	const struct drm_format_info *format;
	 * @funcs: framebuffer vfunc table
	const struct drm_framebuffer_funcs *funcs;
	 * @pitches: Line stride per buffer. For userspace created object this
	 * is copied from drm_mode_fb_cmd2.
	unsigned int pitches[DRM_FORMAT_MAX_PLANES];
	 * @offsets: Offset from buffer start to the actual pixel data in bytes,
	 * per buffer. For userspace created object this is copied from
	 * drm_mode_fb_cmd2.
	 * Note that this is a linear offset and does not take into account
	 * tiling or buffer layout per @modifier. It is meant to be used when
	 * the actual pixel data for this framebuffer plane starts at an offset,
	 * e.g. when multiple planes are allocated within the same backing
	 * storage buffer object. For tiled layouts this generally means its
	 * @offsets must at least be tile-size aligned, but hardware often has
	 * stricter requirements.
	 * This should not be used to specifiy x/y pixel offsets into the buffer
	 * data (even for linear buffers). Specifying an x/y pixel offset is
	 * instead done through the source rectangle in &struct drm_plane_state.
	unsigned int offsets[DRM_FORMAT_MAX_PLANES];
	 * @modifier: Data layout modifier. This is used to describe
	 * tiling, or also special layouts (like compression) of auxiliary
	 * buffers. For userspace created object this is copied from
	 * drm_mode_fb_cmd2.
	uint64_t modifier;
	 * @width: Logical width of the visible area of the framebuffer, in
	 * pixels.
	unsigned int width;
	 * @height: Logical height of the visible area of the framebuffer, in
	 * pixels.
	unsigned int height;
	 * @flags: Framebuffer flags like DRM_MODE_FB_INTERLACED or
	int flags;
	 * @hot_x: X coordinate of the cursor hotspot. Used by the legacy cursor
	 * IOCTL when the driver supports cursor through a DRM_PLANE_TYPE_CURSOR
	 * universal plane.
	int hot_x;
	 * @hot_y: Y coordinate of the cursor hotspot. Used by the legacy cursor
	 * IOCTL when the driver supports cursor through a DRM_PLANE_TYPE_CURSOR
	 * universal plane.
	int hot_y;
	 * @filp_head: Placed on &drm_file.fbs, protected by &drm_file.fbs_lock.
	struct list_head filp_head;
	 * @obj: GEM objects backing the framebuffer, one per plane (optional).
	 * This is used by the GEM framebuffer helpers, see e.g.
	 * drm_gem_fb_create().
	struct drm_gem_object *obj[DRM_FORMAT_MAX_PLANES];

3. drm_connector结构释义


 * struct drm_framebuffer - frame buffer object
 * Note that the fb is refcounted for the benefit of driver internals,
 * for example some hw, disabling a CRTC/plane is asynchronous, and
 * scanout does not actually complete until the next vblank.  So some
 * cleanup (like releasing the reference(s) on the backing GEM bo(s))
 * should be deferred.  In cases like this, the driver would like to
 * hold a ref to the fb even though it has already been removed from
 * userspace perspective. See drm_framebuffer_get() and
 * drm_framebuffer_put().
 * The refcount is stored inside the mode object @base.

struct drm_framebuffer —— frame buffer对象。

注意,fb是为了驱动程序内部的益处而引用计数的,例如一些硬件,禁用CRTC/plane是异步的,并且扫描输出实际上直到下一个vblank才完成。因此,一些清理工作(如释放支持GEM bo(s)的引用)应该推迟。在这种情况下,驱动程序希望保留fb的引用,即使它已经从用户空间的角度被删除了。请参见drm_framebuffer_get()和drm_frame buffer_put()。


(1)struct drm_device *dev

	 * @dev: DRM device this framebuffer belongs to
	struct drm_device *dev;


(2)struct list_head head

	 * @head: Place on the &drm_mode_config.fb_list, access protected by
	 * &drm_mode_config.fb_lock.
	struct list_head head;


(3)struct drm_mode_object base

	 * @base: base modeset object structure, contains the reference count.
	struct drm_mode_object base;


(4)char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]

	 * @comm: Name of the process allocating the fb, used for fb dumping.
	char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];

分配framebuffer的进程的名称,用于framebuffer dumping。

(5)const struct drm_format_info *format

	 * @format: framebuffer format information
	const struct drm_format_info *format;


(6)const struct drm_framebuffer_funcs *funcs

	 * @funcs: framebuffer vfunc table
	const struct drm_framebuffer_funcs *funcs;

framebuffer vfunc表。

(7)unsigned int pitches[DRM_FORMAT_MAX_PLANES]

	 * @pitches: Line stride per buffer. For userspace created object this
	 * is copied from drm_mode_fb_cmd2.
	unsigned int pitches[DRM_FORMAT_MAX_PLANES];






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