
news2024/11/15 7:08:57




      • 步态识别常见模块解读及代码实现:基于OpenGait框架
        • 一、GaitSet: Set-Based Recognition
          • 1, set_block:提取空间特征信息
          • 2, gl_block:提取各种层次的set信息
          • 3, set_pooling:提取时序信息
          • 4, Horizontal Pooling Matching (HPM)
          • 5, SeparateFCs
          • 6,forward
        • 二、GaitPart: Part-based **(Local)** Recognition
          • 1, backbone
          • 2,HPP
          • 3, Temporal Feature Aggregator (TFA)
          • 4, forward
        • 三、GLN: feature pyramid
          • 1,backbone (encoder)
          • 2, lateral (decoder)
          • 3, Compact Block
        • 四、GaitGL: Global and Local
        • 五、SMPLGait:
          • 1,SLN:Silhouette Learning Network
          • 2, 3D-STN: 3D Spatial Transformation Network
          • 3, 3D Spatial Transformation Module: 融合多模态特征
        • 六、GaitEdge
          • 1,pre-process:提取边缘信息和内部信息
          • 2, Gait Synthesis: 依据边缘信息和内部信息对分割出的人体信息进行增强
          • 3, Gait Align
        • 七、GaitBase
          • 1, backbone: ResNet-9
          • 2, TP和HPP
          • 3,BNNeck

一、GaitSet: Set-Based Recognition


1, set_block:提取空间特征信息


 	self.set_block1 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_c[0], in_c[1], 5, 1, 2),
                                    BasicConv2d(in_c[1], in_c[1], 3, 1, 1),
                                    nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2))

    self.set_block2 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_c[1], in_c[2], 3, 1, 1),
                                    BasicConv2d(in_c[2], in_c[2], 3, 1, 1),
                                    nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2))

    self.set_block3 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_c[2], in_c[3], 3, 1, 1),
                                    BasicConv2d(in_c[3], in_c[3], 3, 1, 1),


 	self.set_block1 = SetBlockWrapper(self.set_block1)
    self.set_block2 = SetBlockWrapper(self.set_block2)
    self.set_block3 = SetBlockWrapper(self.set_block3)

SetBlockWrapper用于reshape数据,保证conv是在[c, h, w]维度上进行,代码如下:

class SetBlockWrapper(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, forward_block):
        super(SetBlockWrapper, self).__init__()
        self.forward_block = forward_block

    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        	n是bacth_size,也就是当前batch中序列的总数; s是序列中的帧数
            In  x: [n, c_in, s, h_in, w_in]
            Out x: [n, c_out, s, h_out, w_out]
        n, c, s, h, w = x.size()
        # conv2d会将输入数据的最后三个维度视为[c, h, w],所以此处需要先reshape
        x = self.forward_block(x.transpose(
            1, 2).reshape(-1, c, h, w), *args, **kwargs) 
        output_size = x.size()
        return x.reshape(n, s, *output_size[1:]).transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
2, gl_block:提取各种层次的set信息


	self.gl_block2 = copy.deepcopy(self.set_block2)
    self.gl_block3 = copy.deepcopy(self.set_block3)

进入gl_block前,特征会进行以此set_pooling, shape从[n, c, s, h, w]变为[n, c, h, w],所以gl_block无需SetBlockWrapper。

3, set_pooling:提取时序信息


	self.set_pooling = PackSequenceWrapper(torch.max)


class PackSequenceWrapper(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, pooling_func):
        super(PackSequenceWrapper, self).__init__()
        self.pooling_func = pooling_func

    def forward(self, seqs, seqL, dim=2, options={}):
            In  seqs: [n, c, s, ...]
            Out rets: [n, ...]
        if seqL is None:
            # 对s维度进行pooling,[n, c, s, h, w]->[n, c, h, w]
            return self.pooling_func(seqs, **options)
        seqL = seqL[0].data.cpu().numpy().tolist()
        start = [0] + np.cumsum(seqL).tolist()[:-1]

        rets = []
        for curr_start, curr_seqL in zip(start, seqL):
            narrowed_seq = seqs.narrow(dim, curr_start, curr_seqL)
            rets.append(self.pooling_func(narrowed_seq, **options))
        if len(rets) > 0 and is_list_or_tuple(rets[0]):
            return [torch.cat([ret[j] for ret in rets])
                    for j in range(len(rets[0]))]
        return torch.cat(rets)
4, Horizontal Pooling Matching (HPM)



	self.HPP = HorizontalPoolingPyramid(bin_num=model_cfg['bin_num'])

class HorizontalPoolingPyramid():
        Horizontal Pyramid Matching for Person Re-identification
        Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.05275
        Github: https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Horizontal-Pyramid-Matching

    def __init__(self, bin_num=None):
        if bin_num is None:
            # GaitSet论文中HPP分别按16, 8, 4, 2, 1等分,所以n=31
            bin_num = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
        self.bin_num = bin_num

    def __call__(self, x):
            x  : [n, c, h, w]
            ret: [n, c, p] 
        n, c = x.size()[:2]
        features = []
        for b in self.bin_num:
            z = x.view(n, c, b, -1)
            z = z.mean(-1) + z.max(-1)[0]
        return torch.cat(features, -1)
5, SeparateFCs


	self.Head = SeparateFCs(**model_cfg['SeparateFCs'])
class SeparateFCs(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, parts_num, in_channels, out_channels, norm=False):
        super(SeparateFCs, self).__init__()
        self.p = parts_num
        self.fc_bin = nn.Parameter(
                torch.zeros(parts_num, in_channels, out_channels)))
        self.norm = norm

    def forward(self, x):
            x: [n, c_in, p]
            out: [n, c_out, p]
        x = x.permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous()
        if self.norm:
            out = x.matmul(F.normalize(self.fc_bin, dim=1))
            out = x.matmul(self.fc_bin)
        return out.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous()

最后计算loss的时候也是按照不同的part去计算triplet loss,然后取平均。

	def forward(self, inputs):
        ipts, labs, _, _, seqL = inputs
        sils = ipts[0]  # [n, s, h, w]
        if len(sils.size()) == 4:
            sils = sils.unsqueeze(1) # [n, c, s, h, w]

        del ipts
        outs = self.set_block1(sils)  # [n, c, s, h, w]
        gl = self.set_pooling(outs, seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0] # [n, c, h, w]
        gl = self.gl_block2(gl)

        outs = self.set_block2(outs)
        gl = gl + self.set_pooling(outs, seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0]
        gl = self.gl_block3(gl)

        outs = self.set_block3(outs)
        outs = self.set_pooling(outs, seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0]
        gl = gl + outs

        # Horizontal Pooling Matching, HPM
        feature1 = self.HPP(outs)  # [n, c, p]
        feature2 = self.HPP(gl)  # [n, c, p]
        feature = torch.cat([feature1, feature2], -1)  # [n, c, p]
        embs = self.Head(feature)

        n, _, s, h, w = sils.size()
        retval = {
            'training_feat': {
                'triplet': {'embeddings': embs, 'labels': labs}
            'visual_summary': {
                'image/sils': sils.view(n*s, 1, h, w)
            'inference_feat': {
                'embeddings': embs
        return retval

二、GaitPart: Part-based (Local) Recognition


1, backbone

GaitPart中backbone主要由三个部分组成:Basic Conv2d (BC), MaxPool2d (M), Focal Conv2d (FC)。BC和M的结构很好理解,不多介绍。Focal Conv2d的代码如下:

class FocalConv2d(nn.Module):
        GaitPart: Temporal Part-based Model for Gait Recognition
        CVPR2020: https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2020/papers/Fan_GaitPart_Temporal_Part-Based_Model_for_Gait_Recognition_CVPR_2020_paper.pdf
        Github: https://github.com/ChaoFan96/GaitPart
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, halving, **kwargs):
        super(FocalConv2d, self).__init__()
        self.halving = halving
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels,
                              kernel_size, bias=False, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, x):
        # x.shape [B, C, H, W]
        if self.halving == 0:
            z = self.conv(x) # 等同于普通的Conv2d
            h = x.size(2)
            # halving表示进行几次二等分
            split_size = int(h // 2**self.halving)
            z = x.split(split_size, 2) # 在h维度均分
            z = torch.cat([self.conv(_) for _ in z], 2) # 拼接
        return z




 	self.HPP = SetBlockWrapper(
3, Temporal Feature Aggregator (TFA)



class TemporalFeatureAggregator(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, squeeze=4, parts_num=16):
        super(TemporalFeatureAggregator, self).__init__()
        hidden_dim = int(in_channels // squeeze)
        self.parts_num = parts_num

        # MTB1, 主要是conv1d来聚合相邻帧之间的信息
        conv3x1 = nn.Sequential(
            BasicConv1d(in_channels, hidden_dim, 3, padding=1),
            BasicConv1d(hidden_dim, in_channels, 1))
        self.conv1d3x1 = clones(conv3x1, parts_num)
        # template function: avg_pool, max_pool
        self.avg_pool3x1 = nn.AvgPool1d(3, stride=1, padding=1)
        self.max_pool3x1 = nn.MaxPool1d(3, stride=1, padding=1)

        # MTB2
        conv3x3 = nn.Sequential(
            BasicConv1d(in_channels, hidden_dim, 3, padding=1),
            BasicConv1d(hidden_dim, in_channels, 3, padding=1))
        self.conv1d3x3 = clones(conv3x3, parts_num)
        self.avg_pool3x3 = nn.AvgPool1d(5, stride=1, padding=2)
        self.max_pool3x3 = nn.MaxPool1d(5, stride=1, padding=2)

        # Temporal Pooling, TP
        self.TP = torch.max

    def forward(self, x):
          Input:  x,   [n, c, s, p]
          Output: ret, [n, c, p]
        n, c, s, p = x.size()
        x = x.permute(3, 0, 1, 2).contiguous()  # [p, n, c, s]
        feature = x.split(1, 0)  # [[1, n, c, s], ...]
        x = x.view(-1, c, s)

        # MTB1: ConvNet1d & Sigmoid
        logits3x1 = torch.cat([conv(_.squeeze(0)).unsqueeze(0)
                               for conv, _ in zip(self.conv1d3x1, feature)], 0)
        scores3x1 = torch.sigmoid(logits3x1)  # [p, n, c, s]
        # MTB1: Template Function
        feature3x1 = self.avg_pool3x1(x) + self.max_pool3x1(x) #[n*p, c, s]
        feature3x1 = feature3x1.view(p, n, c, s)
        feature3x1 = feature3x1 * scores3x1 # [p, n, c, s]

        # MTB2: ConvNet1d & Sigmoid
        logits3x3 = torch.cat([conv(_.squeeze(0)).unsqueeze(0)
                               for conv, _ in zip(self.conv1d3x3, feature)], 0)
        scores3x3 = torch.sigmoid(logits3x3)
        # MTB2: Template Function
        feature3x3 = self.avg_pool3x3(x) + self.max_pool3x3(x)
        feature3x3 = feature3x3.view(p, n, c, s)
        feature3x3 = feature3x3 * scores3x3 

        # Temporal Pooling
        ret = self.TP(feature3x1 + feature3x3, dim=-1)[0]  # [p, n, c]
        ret = ret.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous()  # [n, p, c]
        return ret
4, forward
	def forward(self, inputs):
        ipts, labs, _, _, seqL = inputs

        sils = ipts[0]
        if len(sils.size()) == 4:
            sils = sils.unsqueeze(1)

        del ipts
        out = self.Backbone(sils)  # [n, c, s, h, w]
        out = self.HPP(out)  # [n, c, s, p]
        out = self.TFA(out, seqL)  # [n, c, p]

        embs = self.Head(out)  # [n, c, p]

        n, _, s, h, w = sils.size()
        retval = {
            'training_feat': {
                'triplet': {'embeddings': embs, 'labels': labs}
            'visual_summary': {
                'image/sils': sils.view(n*s, 1, h, w)
            'inference_feat': {
                'embeddings': embs
        return retval

三、GLN: feature pyramid


1,backbone (encoder)



        ### stage 0 sil ###
        sil_0_outs = self.sil_stage_0(sils)
        stage_0_sil_set = self.set_pooling(sil_0_outs, seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0]

        ### stage 1 sil ###
        sil_1_ipts = self.MaxP_sil(sil_0_outs)
        sil_1_outs = self.sil_stage_1(sil_1_ipts)

        ### stage 2 sil ###
        sil_2_ipts = self.MaxP_sil(sil_1_outs)
        sil_2_outs = self.sil_stage_2(sil_2_ipts)

        ### stage 1 set ###
        set_1_ipts = self.set_pooling(sil_1_ipts, seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0]
        stage_1_sil_set = self.set_pooling(sil_1_outs, seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0]
        set_1_outs = self.set_stage_1(set_1_ipts) + stage_1_sil_set

        ### stage 2 set ###
        set_2_ipts = self.MaxP_set(set_1_outs)
        stage_2_sil_set = self.set_pooling(sil_2_outs, seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0]
        set_2_outs = self.set_stage_2(set_2_ipts) + stage_2_sil_set

        set1 = torch.cat((stage_0_sil_set, stage_0_sil_set), dim=1)
        set2 = torch.cat((stage_1_sil_set, set_1_outs), dim=1)
        set3 = torch.cat((stage_2_sil_set, set_2_outs), dim=1)


2, lateral (decoder)



		set3 = self.lateral_layer3(set3) # Conv2d
        set2 = self.upsample_add(set3, self.lateral_layer2(set2))
        set1 = self.upsample_add(set2, self.lateral_layer1(set1))
        set3 = self.smooth_layer3(set3) # Conv2d
        set2 = self.smooth_layer2(set2)
        set1 = self.smooth_layer1(set1)
        set1 = self.HPP(set1)
        set2 = self.HPP(set2)
        set3 = self.HPP(set3)

        feature = torch.cat([set1, set2, set3], -1)

        feature = self.Head(feature) # SeparateFCs

可以看到示意图中对于stage0只用了sil_features, 但是代码中实际做法为:对sil_features进行set_pooling获得set_features。

3, Compact Block

作者认为在GaitSet的HPM中,将特征沿h维度划分为不同的区域时,会存在特征冗余。例如,(s, t) = (4, 1) 和(s, t) = {(8, 1), (8, 2)}就表示相同的区域,其中s是划分的尺度,t是区域的index。(换言之,”四等分的第一块“等价于”八等分的第一块和第二块“)。由于HPM最终一共会产生 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31 1+2+4+8+16=31 1+2+4+8+16=31个part,每个part的dimension都是256,所以最终的特征维度为 31 × 256 = 7936 31\times256=7936 31×256=7936。为此,GLN提出了Compact Block来对特征维度进行压缩。定义如下:

        self.encoder_bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(sum(self.bin_num)*3*self.hidden_dim)

        self.reduce_dp = nn.Dropout(p=model_cfg['dropout'])
        self.reduce_ac = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        self.reduce_fc = nn.Linear(sum(self.bin_num)*3*self.hidden_dim, reduce_dim, bias=False)

        self.reduce_bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(reduce_dim)

        self.reduce_cls = nn.Linear(reduce_dim, model_cfg['class_num'], bias=False)


        bn_feature = self.encoder_bn(feature.view(n, -1))
        bn_feature = bn_feature.view(*feature.shape).contiguous()

        reduce_feature = self.reduce_dp(bn_feature)
        reduce_feature = self.reduce_ac(reduce_feature)
        reduce_feature = self.reduce_fc(reduce_feature.view(n, -1))

        bn_reduce_feature = self.reduce_bn(reduce_feature)
        logits = self.reduce_cls(bn_reduce_feature).unsqueeze(1)  # n c

        reduce_feature = reduce_feature.unsqueeze(1).contiguous()
        bn_reduce_feature = bn_reduce_feature.unsqueeze(1).contiguous()

Compact Block可以把三个stage的特征维度从 3 × 7936 = 23808 3\times7936=23808 3×7936=23808降到hidden_dim = 256。

四、GaitGL: Global and Local


GaitGL有两套配置,分别用于数据集"OUMVLP and GREW",以及其他数据集。这两套配置主要结构都差多,只不过前者卷积层的数量会多一些。由于GaitGL使用3d卷积和池化来提取[s, h, w]三个维度的信息,所以backbone部分不需要SetBlockWrapper封装。




class GLConv(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, halving, fm_sign=False, kernel_size=(3, 3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1), padding=(1, 1, 1), bias=False, **kwargs):
        super(GLConv, self).__init__()
        self.halving = halving
        self.fm_sign = fm_sign
        self.global_conv3d = BasicConv3d(
            in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, **kwargs)
        self.local_conv3d = BasicConv3d(
            in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, x):
            x: [n, c, s, h, w]
        gob_feat = self.global_conv3d(x)
        if self.halving == 0:
            lcl_feat = self.local_conv3d(x)
            h = x.size(3)
            split_size = int(h // 2**self.halving)
            lcl_feat = x.split(split_size, 3)
            lcl_feat = torch.cat([self.local_conv3d(_) for _ in lcl_feat], 3)

        if not self.fm_sign:
            feat = F.leaky_relu(gob_feat) + F.leaky_relu(lcl_feat)
            feat = F.leaky_relu(torch.cat([gob_feat, lcl_feat], dim=3))
        return feat
2,LTA: Local Temporal Aggregation


        self.LTA = nn.Sequential(
            BasicConv3d(in_c[0], in_c[0], kernel_size=(
                3, 1, 1), stride=(3, 1, 1), padding=(0, 0, 0)),
3, Gait Recognition Head


motivation: HPP对所有数据集采用相同的处理方式(指按固定比例混合全局池化和平均池化),不能自适应处理。
method: 公式如下,通过参数p来自适应调整比例。当p=1,等价于平均池化;当p趋于无穷,等价于最大池化。 Y T F M Y_{TFM} YTFM表示TP后的特征。

Y S F M G e M = F G e M ( Y T F M ) F G e M ( Y T F M ) = ( F Avg  1 × 1 × 1 × W f m ( ( Y T F M ) p ) ) 1 p \begin{gathered} Y_{S F M}^{G e M}=F_{G e M}\left(Y_{T F M}\right) \\ F_{G e M}\left(Y_{T F M}\right)=\left(F_{\text {Avg }}^{1 \times 1 \times 1 \times W_{f m}}\left(\left(Y_{T F M}\right)^p\right)\right)^{\frac{1}{p}} \end{gathered} YSFMGeM=FGeM(YTFM)FGeM(YTFM)=(FAvg 1×1×1×Wfm((YTFM)p))p1


class GeMHPP(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, bin_num=[64], p=6.5, eps=1.0e-6):
        super(GeMHPP, self).__init__()
        self.bin_num = bin_num
        self.p = nn.Parameter(
        self.eps = eps

    def gem(self, ipts):
        return F.avg_pool2d(ipts.clamp(min=self.eps).pow(self.p), (1, ipts.size(-1))).pow(1. / self.p)

    def forward(self, x):
            x  : [n, c, h, w]
            ret: [n, c, p] 
        n, c = x.size()[:2]
        features = []
        for b in self.bin_num:
            z = x.view(n, c, b, -1)
            z = self.gem(z).squeeze(-1)
        return torch.cat(features, -1)


4, forward
	def forward(self, inputs):
        ipts, labs, _, _, seqL = inputs
        seqL = None if not self.training else seqL
        if not self.training and len(labs) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'The input size of each GPU must be 1 in testing mode, but got {}!'.format(len(labs)))
        sils = ipts[0].unsqueeze(1)
        del ipts
        n, _, s, h, w = sils.size()
        if s < 3:
            repeat = 3 if s == 1 else 2
            sils = sils.repeat(1, 1, repeat, 1, 1)

        outs = self.conv3d(sils)
        outs = self.LTA(outs)

        outs = self.GLConvA0(outs)
        outs = self.MaxPool0(outs)

        outs = self.GLConvA1(outs)
        outs = self.GLConvB2(outs)  # [n, c, s, h, w]

        outs = self.TP(outs, seqL=seqL, options={"dim": 2})[0]  # [n, c, h, w]
        outs = self.HPP(outs)  # [n, c, p]

        gait = self.Head0(outs)  # [n, c, p]

        if self.Bn_head:  # Original GaitGL Head
            bnft = self.Bn(gait)  # [n, c, p]
            logi = self.Head1(bnft)  # [n, c, p]
            embed = bnft
        else:  # BNNechk as Head
            bnft, logi = self.BNNecks(gait)  # [n, c, p]
            embed = gait

        n, _, s, h, w = sils.size()
        retval = {
            'training_feat': {
                'triplet': {'embeddings': embed, 'labels': labs},
                'softmax': {'logits': logi, 'labels': labs}
            'visual_summary': {
                'image/sils': sils.view(n*s, 1, h, w)
            'inference_feat': {
                'embeddings': embed
        return retval




1,SLN:Silhouette Learning Network


 	self.Backbone = self.get_backbone(model_cfg['backbone_cfg'])
    self.Backbone = SetBlockWrapper(self.Backbone)
2, 3D-STN: 3D Spatial Transformation Network

3D-STN由三个全连接层组成,用于把SMPL的输入从一维向量转为二位的特征图(input dimension->128->256->h*w)。

 		# for SMPL
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(85, 128)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 256)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 256)
        self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128)
        self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256)
        self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256)
        self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(p=0.2)
        self.dropout3 = nn.Dropout(p=0.2)
3, 3D Spatial Transformation Module: 融合多模态特征
		# extract SMPL features
        smpls = ipts[1]   # [n, s, d]
        n, s, d = smpls.size()
        sps = smpls.view(-1, d)
    	sps = F.relu(self.bn1(self.fc1(sps)))
        sps = F.relu(self.bn2(self.dropout2(self.fc2(sps))))  # (B, 256)
        sps = F.relu(self.bn3(self.dropout3(self.fc3(sps))))  # (B, 256)
        sps = sps.reshape(n, 1, s, 16, 16)
        iden = Variable(torch.eye(16)).unsqueeze(
            0).repeat(n, 1, s, 1, 1)   # [n, 1, s, 16, 16]
        if sps.is_cuda:
            iden = iden.cuda()
        sps_trans = sps + iden   # [n, 1, s, 16, 16]. I+G in paper
        # extract SMPL features
        sils = ipts[0]    # [n, s, h, w]
        outs = self.Backbone(sils)  # [n, c, s, h, w]
        outs_n, outs_c, outs_s, outs_h, outs_w = outs.size()

        zero_tensor = Variable(torch.zeros(
            (outs_n, outs_c, outs_s, outs_h, outs_h-outs_w)))
        if outs.is_cuda:
            zero_tensor = zero_tensor.cuda()
        # [n, s, c, h, h]  [n, s, c, 16, 16]
        outs = torch.cat([outs, zero_tensor], -1) # zero padding on the short edge (i.e., w) 
        outs = outs.reshape(outs_n*outs_c*outs_s, outs_h,
                            outs_h)   # [n*c*s, 16, 16]

        sps = sps_trans.repeat(1, outs_c, 1, 1, 1).reshape(
            outs_n * outs_c * outs_s, 16, 16) # repeat on the dimension c, i.e., 1->c
        outs_trans = torch.bmm(outs, sps) # batch matrix multiplication
        outs_trans = outs_trans.reshape(outs_n, outs_c, outs_s, outs_h, outs_h) # fused features




GaitEdge的网络由三个部分组成:Silhouette Segmentation网络, Gait Synthesis模块和Gait Recognition网络,训练也是分两阶段进行。Segmentation网络的主干为U-net,用于分割人体信息,训练损失为bce loss; Gait Synthesis模块用于对分割出的人体信息进行增强,Recognition网络的主干为GaitGL。


预处理过程旨在通过膨胀腐蚀等形态学操作来从轮廓图像中提取边缘信息和内部信息,如下图所示。公式中, M M M表示轮廓图, M e M_e Me表示边缘信息, M i M_i Mi是内部信息。

M i = erode ⁡ ( M ) M e = M i ∨ ‾ dilate ⁡ ( M ) \begin{aligned} & M_i=\operatorname{erode}(M) \\ & M_e=M_i \underline{\vee} \operatorname{dilate}(M) \end{aligned} Mi=erode(M)Me=Midilate(M)

    def preprocess(self, sils):
        dilated_mask = (morph.dilation(sils, self.kernel.to(sils.device)).detach()
                        ) > 0.5  # Dilation
        eroded_mask = (morph.erosion(sils, self.kernel.to(sils.device)).detach()
                       ) > 0.5   # Erosion
        edge_mask = dilated_mask ^ eroded_mask
        return edge_mask, eroded_mas
2, Gait Synthesis: 依据边缘信息和内部信息对分割出的人体信息进行增强

P P P是U-net分割结果, M s M_s Ms是Gait Synthesis的输出。
M s = M e × P + M i M_s=M_e \times P+M_i Ms=Me×P+Mi

		ratios = ipts[0]
        rgbs = ipts[1]
        sils = ipts[2]

        n, s, c, h, w = rgbs.size()
        rgbs = rgbs.view(n*s, c, h, w)
        sils = sils.view(n*s, 1, h, w)
        logis = self.Backbone(rgbs)  # [n, s, c, h, w]
        logits = torch.sigmoid(logis)
        mask = torch.round(logits).float() # U-net segmentation result 
        if self.is_edge:
            edge_mask, eroded_mask = self.preprocess(sils)

            # Gait Synthesis
            new_logits = edge_mask*logits+eroded_mask*sils
3, Gait Align

Gait Align模块用于将增强后的人体信息与轮廓图进行对齐,代码如下:

	self.gait_align = GaitAlign()
    # forward
    ratios = ipts[0]
    cropped_logits = self.gait_align(new_logits, sils, ratios) 


class GaitAlign(nn.Module):
        GaitEdge: Beyond Plain End-to-end Gait Recognition for Better Practicality
        ECCV2022: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.03972v2.pdf
        Github: https://github.com/ShiqiYu/OpenGait/tree/master/configs/gaitedge
    def __init__(self, H=64, W=44, eps=1, **kwargs):
        super(GaitAlign, self).__init__()
        self.H, self.W, self.eps = H, W, eps
        self.Pad = nn.ZeroPad2d((int(self.W / 2), int(self.W / 2), 0, 0))
        self.RoiPool = RoIAlign((self.H, self.W), 1, sampling_ratio=-1)

    def forward(self, feature_map, binary_mask, w_h_ratio):
           In  sils:         [n, c, h, w]
               w_h_ratio:    [n, 1]
           Out aligned_sils: [n, c, H, W]
        n, c, h, w = feature_map.size()
        # w_h_ratio = w_h_ratio.repeat(1, 1) # [n, 1]
        w_h_ratio = w_h_ratio.view(-1, 1)  # [n, 1]

        h_sum = binary_mask.sum(-1)  # [n, c, h]
        _ = (h_sum >= self.eps).float().cumsum(axis=-1)  # [n, c, h]
        h_top = (_ == 0).float().sum(-1)  # [n, c]
        h_bot = (_ != torch.max(_, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
                 [0]).float().sum(-1) + 1.  # [n, c]

        w_sum = binary_mask.sum(-2)  # [n, c, w]
        w_cumsum = w_sum.cumsum(axis=-1)  # [n, c, w]
        w_h_sum = w_sum.sum(-1).unsqueeze(-1)  # [n, c, 1]
        w_center = (w_cumsum < w_h_sum / 2.).float().sum(-1)  # [n, c]

        p1 = self.W - self.H * w_h_ratio
        p1 = p1 / 2.
        p1 = torch.clamp(p1, min=0)  # [n, c]
        t_w = w_h_ratio * self.H / w
        p2 = p1 / t_w  # [n, c]

        height = h_bot - h_top  # [n, c]
        width = height * w / h  # [n, c]
        width_p = int(self.W / 2)

        feature_map = self.Pad(feature_map)
        w_center = w_center + width_p  # [n, c]

        w_left = w_center - width / 2 - p2  # [n, c]
        w_right = w_center + width / 2 + p2  # [n, c]

        w_left = torch.clamp(w_left, min=0., max=w+2*width_p)
        w_right = torch.clamp(w_right, min=0., max=w+2*width_p)

        boxes = torch.cat([w_left, h_top, w_right, h_bot], dim=-1)
        # index of bbox in batch
        box_index = torch.arange(n, device=feature_map.device)
        rois = torch.cat([box_index.view(-1, 1), boxes], -1)
        crops = self.RoiPool(feature_map, rois)  # [n, c, H, W]
        return crops





1, backbone: ResNet-9





BNNeck是在特征层之后、分类层FC层之前添加一个BN(batch normalization)层,BN层之前的特征表示为 embed1 , embed1 经过BN层归一化之后得到特征 embed2 ,分别用 embed1和 embed2去计算triplet loss和CE loss。代码如下:

class SeparateBNNecks(nn.Module):
        Bag of Tricks and a Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-Identification
        CVPR Workshop:  https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPRW_2019/papers/TRMTMCT/Luo_Bag_of_Tricks_and_a_Strong_Baseline_for_Deep_Person_CVPRW_2019_paper.pdf
        Github: https://github.com/michuanhaohao/reid-strong-baseline

    def __init__(self, parts_num, in_channels, class_num, norm=True, parallel_BN1d=True):
        super(SeparateBNNecks, self).__init__()
        self.p = parts_num
        self.class_num = class_num
        self.norm = norm
        self.fc_bin = nn.Parameter(
                torch.zeros(parts_num, in_channels, class_num)))
        if parallel_BN1d: # 为True,则BN在不同part之间共享
            self.bn1d = nn.BatchNorm1d(in_channels * parts_num)
            self.bn1d = clones(nn.BatchNorm1d(in_channels), parts_num)
        self.parallel_BN1d = parallel_BN1d

    def forward(self, x):
            x: [n, c, p]
        if self.parallel_BN1d:
            n, c, p = x.size()
            x = x.view(n, -1)  # [n, c*p]
            x = self.bn1d(x)
            x = x.view(n, c, p)
            x = torch.cat([bn(_x) for _x, bn in zip(
                x.split(1, 2), self.bn1d)], 2)  # [p, n, c]
        feature = x.permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous()
        if self.norm:
            feature = F.normalize(feature, dim=-1)  # [p, n, c]
            logits = feature.matmul(F.normalize(
                self.fc_bin, dim=1))  # [p, n, c]
            logits = feature.matmul(self.fc_bin)
        return feature.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous(), logits.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous()







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