
news2025/3/11 3:05:28




  1. 分页,为了方便计算,产品列表的行高进行了固定
  2. 字体大小,由于web字体最小只能设置10像素,所以结算页面统一为12像素,打印模块使用缩放,进行缩小字体元素
  3. 背景,由于实用的printjs在生成pdf时会将background丢失,唯一能渲染出来的是边框颜色,所以背景都使用定位,叠加的方式实现


使用了printjs, printjs官方介绍: A tiny javascript library to help printing from the web.


  1. 对页面组件惊醒细化拆分
  2. 对拆分后的组件尽心分组,渲染
# 页面模块结构如下

|-    index.vue #页面入口文件
|-    hooks.ts # 抽离函数以及数据状态管理
|_    component # 页面组件
    |- ContentRender.vue # 渲染首页头部以及订单信息
    |- InvoiceHeader.vue # 首页头部
    |- OderInvoiceInfo.vue # 订单编号客户信息等
    |- ProductInfoRender.vue # 渲染产品列表
    |- ProductsTable.vue # 产品列表表格
    |- ProductTableTitle.vue # 表单自定义表头
    |- ProductInfoColumn.vue # 产品信息模块
    |- product-info-data.ts # 产品信息
    |- Summation.vue # 产品合计
    |- FeeDtailRender.vue # 产品明细渲染
    |- MergeOrderFeeDetail.vue # 遍历渲染订单明细
    |- OriginOrderFeeDetail.vue # 订单明细组件
    |- PageFooter.vue # 页面通用底部


依赖数据 product-info-data.ts 呢日用

// table column solts
interface TableColumnSolts {
    title?: string;
    customRender: string;
// table column
export interface TableColumnItem {
    dataIndex: string;
    key: string;
    slots?: TableColumnSolts;
    title?: string | Function;
    titleStr?: string;
    tipContent?: string;
    [key: string]: any;
// 商品

export const customeTitleColumn: TableColumnItem[] = [
        dataIndex: 'originQuantity',
        key: 'originQuantity',
        titleStr: '原单数量',
        tipContent: '订单第一次创建的数量',
        align: 'center',
        slots: {
            title: 'yuandan',
            customRender: 'quantity',
        dataIndex: 'quantity',
        key: 'quantity',
        titleStr: '订单数量',
        tipContent: '主单+子单数量',
        align: 'center',
        slots: {
            title: 'dingdan',
            customRender: 'orderQuantity',
        dataIndex: 'returnQuantity',
        key: 'returnQuantity',
        titleStr: '退货数量',
        align: 'center',
        tipContent: '主单+子单退货单据状态为[已完成]',
        slots: {
            title: 'tuihuo',
            customRender: 'quantity',
        dataIndex: 'saleQuantity',
        key: 'saleQuantity',
        titleStr: '结算数量',
        align: 'center',
        tipContent: '订单数量-退货数量',
        slots: {
            title: 'jiesuan',
            customRender: 'quantity',
        dataIndex: 'installQuantity',
        key: 'installQuantity',
        titleStr: '安装数量',
        align: 'center',
        tipContent: '安装数量-退货数量',
        slots: {
            title: 'anzhuang',
            customRender: 'quantity',
        dataIndex: 'salesPrice',
        key: 'salesPrice',
        title: '单价(¥)',
        align: 'center',
        slots: {
            customRender: 'Price',
        dataIndex: 'serviceFeeRatio',
        key: 'serviceFeeRatio',
        title: '服务费率',
        align: 'center',
        slots: {
            customRender: 'serviceFeeRatio',
        dataIndex: 'unReturnNum',
        key: 'unReturnNum',
        titleStr: '退货未入库数量',
        tipContent: '产生退货,未进行入库',
        align: 'center',
        width: 85,
        slots: {
            title: 'noInWarehose',
            customRender: 'quantity',
        dataIndex: 'unOrderNum',
        key: 'unOrderNum',
        titleStr: '安装未补单数量',
        tipContent: '已经安装,未进行补单',
        width: 85,
        align: 'center',
        slots: {
            title: 'noCreateOrder',
            customRender: 'quantity',
export const columns: TableColumnItem[] = [
        dataIndex: 'index',
        key: 'index',
        title: '序号',
        align: 'center',
        slots: {
            customRender: 'Index',
        dataIndex: 'productTypeName',
        key: 'productTypeName',
        title: '类别',
        width: 100,
        slots: {
            customRender: 'ProductType',
        dataIndex: 'name',
        key: 'name',
        title: '产品名称',
        width: 204,
        slots: {
            customRender: 'ProductInfo',

// 测试 多条数据拓展,自己可以循环多创建一些
export const testFeeList = [
        id: 14,
        code: 'PRODUCT_FEE',
        name: '产品费',
        type: 1,
        value: 1,
        amount: 5664711.2,
        itemNum: 0,
        version: 235,
        required: 1,
        enableState: 1,
        allowDiscount: 1,
        lowestDiscount: 0.8,
        originalAmount: 7080889,

export const resData = {
    id: 316,
    orderId: 'SO2022050156496',
    storeId: '8',
    storeName: '凉山门店',
    houseId: '253',
    projectNo: 'PM2022050554572',
    customerName: '张三100',
    customerPhone: '13510001100',
    linkman: '张三100',
    phone: '13510001100',
    principalId: 7,
    principal: '高富帅',
    area: '广东省深圳市南山区',
    type: 1,
    discountAmount: 0,
    adjustAmount: 0,
    amount: 43.29,
    paidAmount: 43.29,
    refundAmount: 0,
    status: 3,
    version: 0,
    productFeeVersion: 235,
    createTime: '2022-05-01T16:31:03',
    statProductAmount: 92.79,
    statServiceAmount: 0,
    statExtendAmount: 14.95,
    statDiscountAmount: 0,
    statAmount: 64.45,
    statPaidAmount: 0,
    statRefundAmount: 0,
    statRealReceiptAmount: 0,
    statChangeAmount: 21.16,
    statOriginAmount: 43.29,
    extendFeeList: [
            id: 10,
            name: '产品费',
            code: 'PRODUCT_FEE',
            originalAmount: 43.29,
            discount: 10,
            amount: 43.29,
            version: 235,
            type: 1,
            value: 100,
            lowestDiscount: 5,
            allowDiscount: 1,
            required: 1,
            itemNum: 0,
    itemList: [
            skuId: 56,
            name: '门窗传感器 T1',
            productTypeName: '门窗传感器',
            freeGiftQuantity: 0,
            sn: '6970504211186',
            specification: '门窗传感器 T1',
            unit: 'Pcs',
            quantity: 1.0,
            returnQuantity: 0.0,
            salesPrice: 43.29,
            serviceFee: 0,
            retailPrice: 43.29,
            discountPrice: 0.0,
            discountAmount: 0.0,
            salesAmount: 43.29,
            paidAmount: 0.0,
            price: 43.29,
            requireService: 0,
            returnAmount: 0.0,
            skuId: 3,
            freeGiftQuantity: 0,
            img: 'https://dev-img.aqaramaster.com/uat/product/image/20220110/8/G2H黄-T1.png',
            sn: 'FSZJ-G10-0001',
            specification: '绿色',
            unit: '厘米',
            originQuantity: 555.0,
            quantity: 566.0,
            returnQuantity: 566,
            saleQuantity: 566.0,
            installQuantity: 566.0,
            salesPrice: 566.9,
            serviceFee: 566,
            unOrderNum: 566,
            retailPrice: 566666666,
            discountPrice: 566666666,
            discountAmount: 566666666,
            salesAmount: 566666666,
            paidAmount: 566666666,
            price: 5666,
            requireService: 5666,
            returnAmount: 5666,
    // 子单数据
    subOrders: [
            id: 433,
            orderId: 'SO2022111547851',
            storeId: '8',
            houseId: '253',
            customerName: '张三100',
            customerPhone: '13510001100',
            linkman: '张三100',
            phone: '13510001100',
            principalId: 7,
            principal: '高富帅',
            area: '广东省深圳市南山区',
            type: 1,
            discountAmount: 0.0,
            adjustAmount: 0.0,
            amount: 64.45,
            paidAmount: 0.0,
            refundAmount: 0.0,
            status: 1,
            version: 0,
            createTime: '2022-11-15T15:55:28',
            statProductAmount: 0,
            statServiceAmount: 0,
            statExtendAmount: 0,
            statDiscountAmount: 0,
            statAmount: 0,
            statPaidAmount: 0,
            statRefundAmount: 0,
            statRealReceiptAmount: 0,
            statChangeAmount: 0,
            statOriginAmount: 0,
            extendFeeList: [
                    id: 58,
                    name: '扯皮费',
                    originalAmount: 10,
                    discount: 10,
                    amount: 10,
                    version: 302,
                    type: 2,
                    value: 10,
                    lowestDiscount: 6,
                    allowDiscount: 0,
                    required: 1,
                    itemNum: 0,
                    enableState: 1,
                    id: 24,
                    name: '延保定金-固定非必收不允许打折50',
                    originalAmount: 50.25,
                    amount: 50.25,
                    version: 302,
                    type: 2,
                    value: 50.25,
                    lowestDiscount: 5,
                    allowDiscount: 1,
                    required: 0,
                    itemNum: 0,
                    enableState: 0,
                    id: 22,
                    name: '安装费-比例必收不允许打折10',
                    originalAmount: 4.95,
                    discount: 10,
                    amount: 4.95,
                    version: 302,
                    type: 1,
                    value: 10,
                    lowestDiscount: 10,
                    allowDiscount: 0,
                    required: 1,
                    itemNum: 0,
                    enableState: 1,
            itemList: [
                    skuId: 3,
                    name: 'G10摄像机',
                    freeGiftQuantity: 0,
                    sn: 'FSZJ-G10-0001',
                    specification: '绿色',
                    unit: '厘米',
                    quantity: 5.0,
                    returnQuantity: 0.0,
                    salesPrice: 9.9,
                    serviceFee: 0,
                    retailPrice: 9.9,
                    discountPrice: 0.0,
                    discountAmount: 0.0,
                    salesAmount: 49.5,
                    paidAmount: 0.0,
                    price: 12.89,
                    requireService: 0,
                    returnAmount: 0.0,

index.vue 内容

    <div class="order-invoice">
        <div class="order-invoice-header">
            <h3 class="order-invoice-title">结算单</h3>
            <div class="btn-wrap">
                <a-button @click="goBack">

                <a-button @click="printPage">
        <div class="PrintOrderInvoiceWrap">
            <div class="print-content" id="PrintOrderInvoice">
                <ContentRender :isPrintModel="true" />
                <ProductTableRender :isPrintModel="true" />
                <Summation />
                <FeeDetailRender />
        <div class="order-invoce-content" id="PrintOrderInvoiceWeb">
            <ContentRender />
            <ProductTableRender />
            <Summation />
            <FeeDetailRender />

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import ContentRender from './component/ContentRender.vue';
import ProductTableRender from './component/ProductInfoRender.vue';
import Summation from './component/Summation.vue';
import FeeDetailRender from './component/FeeDtailRender.vue';

// const { pageList } = useCalcProductPages();
export default defineComponent({
    name: 'OrderInvoice',
    components: {
        ContentRender, // 结算单信息
        ProductTableRender, // 结算单产品列表
        Summation, // 费用合计
        FeeDetailRender, // 费用明细
    setup() {
        // 返回上一页面
        const goBack = () => {
        const printPage = () => {
            return false;

        return {

<style lang="less" scoped>
@import url('~@/less/mixin');
.order-invoice {
    background-color: @white;
    margin-top: 16px;
    padding-bottom: 16px;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #000;
.order-invoice-header {
    height: 48px;
    padding: 0 24px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid @border-color;
    .order-invoice-title {
        font-size: @font-xl;
        color: @font-black;
        font-weight: 500;
    .ant-btn {
        margin-left: 10px;
.order-invoce-content {
    padding: 0 24px;
<style lang="less">
.PrintOrderInvoiceWrap {
    position: absolute;
    right: 99999999cm;
// 打印配置值
#PrintOrderInvoice {
    width: 278mm;
    padding: 12px 32px 32px;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    font-size: 9px;
    color: #000;
    .order-invoice-header {
        .small-title {
            width: 60mm;
            transform: scale(0.76) translate(30px, 13px);
    .print-font {
        transform: scale(0.75);
    .order-invoices-product-table-wrap .order-invoice-table {
        min-width: 278mm;

ProductInfoRender 代码书写

    <div class="order-invoice-product-render">
        <div class="table-list">
           <!-- table-item 每个item是一页,需要定宽定高 -->
                    otherProductList: key > 0,
                v-for="(page, key) in pageList"
                <ProductTable :data="page" :pageIndex="key" />
                        marginTop: getMarginButtom(page.length, key) + 'px',
                <!-- 需要做换行处理 -->
                <div class="empty-box" v-if="key === 0"></div>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import ProductTable from './ProductsTable.vue';
import PageFooter from './PageFooter.vue';

export default defineComponent({
    name: 'OrderInvoiceProductRender',
    components: {
    props: {
        isPrintModel: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false,
    setup(props) {
        const pageList = []

        const getMarginButtom = (): number  => {
           return 0

        return {

<style lang="less" scoped>
.table-item {
    margin-bottom: 4px;
.otherProductList {
    margin-top: 32px;
    margin-bottom: 0;
#PrintOrderInvoice {
    .order-invoice-product-render {
        min-width: 274mm;
        :deep(.page-footer) {
            transform: translateY(28px);
    .empty-box {
        min-height: 58px;
        min-width: 274mm;
    .otherProductList {
        margin-top: 0;
        // min-height: 210mm;
        height: 793px;
        padding-top: 50px;
        min-width: 1036px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
// 处理页面在没有加载出来的时候 会有抖动的问题
#PrintOrderInvoiceWeb {
    .order-invoice-product-render {
        min-height: 579px;

ProductsTable.vue 相关代码

由于打印的时候 需要定制话,antd自带的table相对比较麻烦。所以web显示 使用antd的table组件,打印使用自己手写的table

    <div class="order-invoices-product-table-wrap">
        <!-- 只有在网页并且第一个产品列表才显示 -->
        <div class="info-tip-column" v-if="pageIndex === 0 && !isPrintModel">
            <div class="info-tip-item">结算单</div>
            <div class="info-tip-item">需退库(补单)的产品数量</div>
        <div class="custom-table-wrap" v-if="isPrintModel">
            <div class="print-table-bg-div"></div>
            <div class="print-table-title-line"></div>
            <table class="print-table-header">
                    <tr class="title-tr">
                        <th v-for="column in initColumns()" :key="column.key">
                            {{ column.title ? column.title : column.titleStr }}
                    <tr v-for="(info, idx) in data" :key="info.skuId">
                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ idx + 1 }}</div>
                        <td class="product-type-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ info.productTypeName }}</div>
                        <td class="product-name-td">
                            <ProductInfoColumn :info="info" />
                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ info.originQuantity }}</div>
                        <!-- 订单数量 -->
                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ info.quantity }}</div>
                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ info.returnQuantity }}</div>
                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ info.saleQuantity }}</div>
                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ info.installQuantity }}</div>

                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">
                                {{ filterPrice(info.salesPrice) }}
                        <td class="num-td">
                            <div class="tab-td-content-wrap">{{ info.serviceFeeRatio }}%</div>
            :style="{ marginBottom: getMarginButtom() + 'px' }"
            :rowKey="(record) => record.skuId"
            <!-- 序号 -->
            <template #Index="{ index }">
                <div>{{ index + 1 }}</div>
            <template #ProductType="{ text }">
                <div class="ProductTypeDiv">{{ text }}</div>
            <template #ProductInfo="{ record }">
                <ProductInfoColumn :info="record" />
            <template #name="{ text }">
                <a>{{ text }}</a>
            <!-- 价格 -->
            <template #Price="{ text }">
                <div>¥{{ filterPrice(text || 0) }}</div>
            <!-- 数量 -->
            <template #orderQuantity="{ text, record }">
                    {{ text || 0
                    }}{{ record.freeGiftQuantity ? ` 赠品:${record.freeGiftQuantity}` : '' }}
            <!-- 数量 -->
            <template #quantity="{ text }">
                <div>{{ text || 0 }}</div>
            <!-- 服务费率 -->
            <template #serviceFeeRatio="{ text }">
                <div>{{ text || 0 }}%</div>
            <!-- 处理自定义title -->
                v-for="item in customeTitleColumn"
                        width78: ['noInWarehose', 'noCreateOrder'].includes(item.slots.title),

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue';
import { filterPrice } from '@/components/calculate-price/calculate';
import { columns, customeTitleColumn, TableColumnItem } from './product-info-data';
import ProductTableTitle from './ProductTableTitle.vue';
import ProductInfoColumn from './ProductInfoColumn.vue';

const { calcProductTableMarginBottom } = useCalcProductPages();
export default defineComponent({
    name: 'OrderInvoicesProductsTable',
    props: {
        data: {
            type: Array as PropType<any[]>,
            default() {
                return [];
        pageIndex: {
            type: Number as PropType<number>,
            default: 0,
        isPrintModel: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false,
    components: {
        ProductTableTitle, // 自定义提示表头
        ProductInfoColumn, // 产品信息
    setup(props: { pageIndex: number; data: any[]; isPrintModel: boolean }) {
        const getMarginButtom = (): number => {
            // 首页margin bottom 处理
            const marginBottom = 10

            return marginBottom;
        // 打印模式下 部分信息不打印
        const initColumns = (): TableColumnItem[] => {
            if (props.isPrintModel) {
                return columns.slice(0, -2);
            return columns;
        // 这个函数不重要 就不写了
        const filterPrice = (price: any): any => price;
        return {
            filterPrice, // 价格过滤函数

<style lang="less" scoped>
@lineHeight: 44px;
.order-invoices-product-table-wrap {
    position: relative;
    .ant-table-wrapper .ant-table-body tr > td {
        padding: 5px;
    .width85 {
        width: 78px;
    .order-invoice-table {
        margin-bottom: 16px;
    .info-tip-column {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: space-between;
        height: 39px;
        background: #d6d7d7;
        text-align: center;
        border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
    .info-tip-item:nth-of-type(1) {
        flex: 1;
    .info-tip-item:nth-of-type(2) {
        min-width: 170px;
        line-height: 38px;
        border-left: 1px solid #62647a;
    :deep(.ant-table .ant-table-content .ant-table-thead tr) {
        height: 39px;
    :deep(.ant-table .ant-table-content .ant-table-thead tr th) {
        background: #d6d7d7;
        padding: 0 !important;
        line-height: 19px;
        border-color: #d6d7d7;
        border-bottom-color: #3e415c;
            > .ant-table-content
            > .ant-table-body
            > table
            > .ant-table-tbody
            > tr
            > td) {
        padding: 0 5px !important;
        height: @lineHeight;
    .ProductTypeDiv {
        max-width: 100px;
        overflow: hidden;
        display: -webkit-box;
        -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
        -webkit-line-clamp: 2;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        white-space: break-spaces;

    .print-table-header {
        width: 100%;
        min-width: 274mm;
        max-width: 274mm;
        position: relative;
        border: 2px solid #dfdfdf;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        z-index: 2;
        th {
            height: @lineHeight;
            text-align: center;
            transform: scale(0.76);
        td {
            height: @lineHeight;
            border: 2px solid #dfdfdf;
            transform: scale(0.76);
        .title-tr {
            border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
            position: relative;
            z-index: 2;

            // background: #d6d7d7;
            height: @lineHeight;

        .product-name-td {
            width: 204px;
        .num-td {
            text-align: center;
        :deep(.product-img) {
            scale: 1.2;
        .tab-td-content-wrap {
            min-width: 120%;
            transform: translate(-8%, -42%);
            max-width: 60px;
            overflow: hidden;
            text-overflow: ellipsis;
            white-space: nowrap;
            position: absolute;
        .product-type-td {
            min-width: 60px;
    .print-table-bg-div {
        border-bottom: @lineHeight solid #d6d7d7;
        width: 100%;
        min-width: 274mm;
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1;
    .print-table-title-line {
        border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
        width: 100%;
        min-width: 274mm;
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 4;
        transform: translateY(44px);
#PrintOrderInvoice {
    .order-invoices-product-table-wrap {
        font-size: 9px;

ContentRender 代码书写

    <div class="order-invoice-content-render">
        <InvoiceHeader v-if="isPrintModel" />
        <OrderInvoiceInfo />

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import InvoiceHeader from './InvoiceHeader.vue';
import OrderInvoiceInfo from './OderInvoiceInfo.vue';

export default defineComponent({
    name: 'OrderInvoceContentRender',
    components: {
    props: {
        isPrintModel: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false,
    setup() {
        return {};

.order-invoice-content-render {
    background-color: #fff;
    min-width: 274mm;

OriginOrderFeeDetail.vue 费用详情相关

订单汇急速一个固定的页面,这里不补齐,只有这个费用明细 需要合并 多个,以及是否展示页面通用底部 所贴上来

            feeDetailTop: info && info.showFooter,
            lastFeeDetailTop: info && info.isLastFeeDetail,
        <div class="origin-order-fee-title-bg"></div>
        <div class="origin-order-fee-title">
            <div class="scale-font">{{ title }}({{ info ? info.orderId : '' }})</div>
        <div class="price-info-wrap" :style="{ ...(info ? info.marginBottom : {}) }">
                v-for="(item, key) in getExtendFeeList(info)"
                <div class="price-info-item">
                        :class="{ overLength: item.name && item.name.length > 14 }"
                        <div class="scale-font">{{ item.name }}</div>
                    <div class="price-info-item-value">
                        <div class="scale-font">{{ item.originalAmount }}</div>
                <div class="price-info-item">
                    <div class="price-info-item-label">
                        <div class="scale-font">折扣</div>
                    <div class="price-info-item-value">
                        <div class="scale-font">{{ item.discount }}</div>
                <div class="price-info-item">
                    <div class="price-info-item-label">
                        <div class="scale-font">应收金额</div>
                    <div class="price-info-item-value">
                        <div class="scale-font">{{ item.amount }}</div>
        <PageFooter v-show="info ? info.showFooter : false" :currentPage="currentPage" />

<script lang="ts">
import { computed, defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue';
import { OrderFeeDetailInfo, CostConfigItem } from '../hooks';
import PageFooter from './PageFooter.vue';

export default defineComponent({
    name: 'OriginOrderFeeDetail',
    components: {
    props: {
        title: {
            type: String,
            default: '订单-费用明细',
        info: {
            type: Object as PropType<OrderFeeDetailInfo>,
        startIndex: {
            type: Number,
            default: 0,
    setup(props) {
        const getExtendFeeList = (info: OrderFeeDetailInfo | null): CostConfigItem[] => {
            if (info) {
                return info.extendFeeList;
            return [];
        const currentPage = computed(() => {
            const index: number = props.info ? props.info.pageIndex + props.startIndex : 0;
            return index;
        return {

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        text-overflow: ellipsis;
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    .price-info-item-label {
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#PrintOrderInvoice {
    .origin-order-fee-detail {
        min-width: @printWidth;
        position: relative;
        margin-top: -2px;
        .price-info-item-label {
            border-width: 2px;
    .scale-font {
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        transform: scale(0.76) translate(-17%, 6%);

    .lastFeeDetailTop {
        padding-top: 28px;
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        position: relative;
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    <div class="page-footer">
        <div class="info-item">
            {{ checkFormInfo.storeName }}
            /{{ checkFormInfo.principal }} / {{ checkFormInfo.principalPhone }}
        <div class="info-item right-info-item">
            第 {{ currentPage + 1 }} 页/共 {{ paginationInfo.totalPageSize }} 页

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { useLoadCheckFormInfo, usePaginationInfo } from '../hooks';

export default defineComponent({
    name: 'OrderInvoicePageFooter',
    props: {
        currentPage: {
            type: Number,
            default: 0,
    setup() {
        const { checkFormInfo } = useLoadCheckFormInfo();
        const { paginationInfo } = usePaginationInfo();
        return { checkFormInfo, paginationInfo };

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#PrintOrderInvoice {
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  1. 以上 主要贴出了主要代码
  2. 关于分页,为了方便处理 将产品列表,收费明细进行了组件化渲染,方便进行控制以及固定宽高(物理打印A4是固定的宽高)
  3. 其次 web展示和打印是有显示差异化 js逻辑 使用一个isPrintModel判断,css相关的使用一个标签包裹,并设置id=PrintOrderInvoice,printjs打印需要一个dom id 作为选择器,所以 就使用id作为趣分类额
  4. 最后,关于计算的逻辑 我放到另外一个开个一篇,否则代码量太大,没法看




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一、选择题 1、1-2 ( ) A.1 B.3 C.-1 D.-3 2、|1-2|( ) A.1 B.3 C. -1 D.-3 3、1x2x3( ) A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 4、3643( ) A.29 B.16 C.8 D.3 5、55x5( ) A.15 B.30 C.50 D.125 二、填空题(请填写阿拉伯数字) 6、110100 1000_______ 7、一个三角形砍去1个角&#…


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