- intent classification 意图分类。
- dialogue systems 对话系统
- 已经存在的系统并没有能力去处理快速增长的意图。
- zero-shot intent classifcation: 零样本意图分类。
Nevertheless 不过。
incipient stage 初期阶段
- two unaddressed limitations:两个未解决的限制。
- 在提取语义胶囊的时候,并不能够处理多义性。
- 在广义零样本意图分类序列中,几乎不能够识别不可见意图的语句。
- 为了克服这个限制,我们提出了重新构建零样本意图分类的胶囊网络。
- 引入:
- a dimensional attention mechanism to fight against polysemy
- we reconstruct the transformation matrices for unseen intents by utilizing abundant latent information of the labeled utterances.
- 实验结果: two task-oriented dialogue datasets
- task-oriented spoken dialogue systems :任务导向型的语言对话系统。
- 为了提升商业效率和用户满意度,准确在用户语句之后识别用户意图。
- user queries are sometimes short and expressed diversely
(用户查询更短而且表达更加多元化) - 传统的用户意图分类方法在大量标签数据集上训练监督学习模型。在识别越来越增长的不可见意图并没有效率。
- external resources:外部资源
label ontologies
manually defined attributes
utilize neural networks to project intent labels and data samples to the same semantic space. and then measure their similarity.
IntentCapsNet 可以使用胶囊网络去提取高维度语义特征。 then transfers the prediction vectors for seen intents to unseen intents
- labeled utterances are first encoded by Bi-LSTM
- a set of semantic capsules are extracted via the dimensional attention module
- these semantic capsules are fed to a capsule network to train a model for predicting the seen intents
to predict the unseen intents, a metric learning method is trained on labeled utterances and intent label embeddings to learn the similarities between the unseen and seen intents。
the learned similarities and the transformation matrices for the seen intents trained by capsule networks are used to construct the transformation matrices for the unseen intents
ReCapsNet-ZS 有两个成分组成:
其引进 a dimensional attention module to alleviate the polysemy problem. (这能为胶囊网络帮助提取语义特征)
Second, it computes the similarities between unseen and seen intents by utilizing the rich latent information of labeled utterances
*** constructs the transformation matrices** for unseen intents with the computed similarities.
the trained transformation matrices for seen intents.
Zero-shot Intent Classification
- 零样本分类目的是使用从可见类别中学习到的知识。
- 得到外部资源是困难的。
Capsule Networks
- 胶囊网络的提出是为了解决卷积神经网络的缺陷。
- the dynamic routing algorithm 动态路由算法。和零样文本分类的元学习框架。
Problem Formulation
- the set of all intent labels:
Y = Y s ⋃ Y u Y = Y^s \bigcup Y^u Y=Ys⋃Yu
Y s = { y 1 s , y 2 s , ⋯ , y k s } Y^s = \{y^s_1,y^s_2,\cdots,y^s_k\} Ys={y1s,y2s,⋯,yks}
Y u = { y 1 u , y 2 u , ⋯ , y L u } Y^u = \{y^u_1,y^u_2,\cdots,y^u_{L}\} Yu={y1u,y2u,⋯,yLu}
Y s ⋂ Y u = ∅ Y^s \bigcap Y^u = \emptyset Ys⋂Yu=∅
K 和 L K和L K和L是可见类别和不可见类别用户标签的各自数量。 - 可见类别和不可见类别用户标签的嵌入。embedding.
E s = { e 1 s , e 2 s , ⋯ , e k s } E^s = \{e^s_1,e^s_2,\cdots,e^s_k\} Es={e1s,e2s,⋯,eks}
E u = { e 1 u , e 2 u , ⋯ , e L u } E^u = \{e^u_1,e^u_2,\cdots,e^u_L\} Eu={e1u,e2u,⋯,eLu}
每个嵌入都是 a d − d i m e n s i o n a l v e c t o r a d-dimensional vector ad−dimensionalvector
- 可见类别和不可见类别的样本语句集被标注为:
X s = { x 1 s , x 2 s , ⋯ , x n s s } X^s = \{x^s_1,x^s_2,\cdots,x^s_{n_s}\} Xs={x1s,x2s,⋯,xnss}
X u = { x 1 u , x 2 u , ⋯ , x n u u } X^u = \{x^u_1,x^u_2,\cdots,x^u_{n_u}\} Xu={x1u,x2u,⋯,xnuu} - n s n_s ns is the number of instances of the seen labels
- n u n_u nu is the number of instances of the unseen labels
- 可见类别和不可见类别的样本语句集被标注为:
Zero-shot Intent Classification
Generalized Zero-shot Intent Classification
Limitations of IntentCapsNet
- a multi-dimensional embedding::多维度嵌入。 表示单词。
- different dimensions of a word embedding may tend to represent different semantic meanings.
- ∣ ∣ ⋅ ∣ ∣ || \cdot|| ∣∣⋅∣∣ is the L2-norm of a vector
R is the number of semantic capsules