CKEditor5 爬坑.

news2025/1/9 5:03:47

CKEditor5 爬坑

  • exportpdf.d.ts

ChatGPT 推荐我使用CKEditor,确实比UEditor高不少档次。
但是如果你想使用控件中的 PDF导出,Word导入导出。


 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or
 * @module export-pdf/exportpdf
 * @publicApi
import { Plugin, type Editor } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
import { Notification } from 'ckeditor5/src/ui';
import type { InitializedToken, TokenUrl } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services';
import '../theme/exportpdf.css';
 * The export to PDF feature.
 * It allows you to generate a PDF file directly from the editor content.
 * For a detailed overview, check the {@glink features/converters/export-pdf export to PDF} feature documentation.
export default class ExportPdf extends Plugin {
     * @inheritDoc
    static get pluginName(): 'ExportPdf';
     * @inheritDoc
    static get requires(): (string | typeof Notification)[];
     * @inheritDoc
    init(): void;
 * The configuration of the export to PDF feature. It is used by the PDF export features from the `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-export-pdf` package.
 * ```ts
 * ClassicEditor
 * 	.create( editorElement, {
 * 		exportPdf: ... // Export to PDF feature options.
 * 	} )
 * 	.then( ... )
 * 	.catch( ... );
 * ```
 * See {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig all editor options}.
export interface ExportPdfConfig {
     * Paths to the `.css` files containing additional styling for the editor's content (**the order of provided items matters**).
     * ```ts
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	stylesheets: [ './path/to/custom-style.css' ]
     * }
     * ```
     * **NOTE:** If `stylesheets` are not provided, the plugin will sent only
     * {@glink installation/advanced/content-styles#the-full-list-of-content-styles the default editor content styles} to the converter.
     * **Default editor's content styles**:
     * {@glink installation/advanced/content-styles#the-full-list-of-content-styles The default editor content styles}
     * are applied to the generated PDF thanks to the 'EDITOR_STYLES' token, which is provided to the `stylesheets` by default.
     * If you don't want them to be applied, you have to omit the token:
     * ```ts
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	stylesheets: [ './path/to/custom-editor-styles.css' ]
     * }
     * ```
     * **Web fonts:** If you want to {@glink features/converters/export-pdf#providing-web-font-styles use web fonts} in your PDF document,
     * you should provide a path to the file containing the web font declaration before the `'EDITOR_STYLES'` token:
     * ```ts
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	stylesheets: [
     * 		'./path/to/fonts.css',
     * 		'EDITOR_STYLES'
     * 	]
     * }
     * ```
     * **Web fonts and custom styling:** For more advanced styling, your configuration should look like this:
     * ```ts
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	stylesheets: [
     * 		'./path/to/fonts.css',
     * 		'EDITOR_STYLES',
     * 		'./path/to/custom-styles.css'
     * 	]
     * }
     * ```
     * @default `[ 'EDITOR_STYLES' ]`
    stylesheets?: Array<string>;
     * The name of the generated PDF file.
     * ```ts
     * // Static file name.
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	fileName: 'my-document.pdf'
     * }
     * // Dynamic file name.
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	fileName: () => {
     * 		const articleTitle = document.querySelector( '#title' );
     * 		return `${ articleTitle.value }.pdf`;
     * 	}
     * }
     * ```
     * **NOTE:** The file name must contain the `.pdf` extension.
     * Otherwise your operating system or device may have trouble identifying the file type.
     * @default 'document.pdf'
    fileName?: string | (() => string);
     * A URL to the HTML to PDF converter.
     * ```ts
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	converterUrl: ''
     * }
     * ```
     * **NOTE:** The plugin uses the default HTML to PDF converter delivered by CKEditor Cloud Services.
     * You can provide a URL to an on-premises converter instead.
     * @default ''
    converterUrl?: string;
     * The HTML to PDF converter options.
     * **NOTE:** Configuring the plugin is not mandatory but it is highly recommended,
     * especially if you want to get the most accurate results when generating the PDF file.
     * To learn more, please check the [HTML to PDF converter configuration](
     * ```ts
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	converterOptions: {
     * 		...
     * 	}
     * }
     * ```
     * @default `{
     * 	format: 'A4',
     * 	margin_top: '0',
     * 	margin_bottom: '0',
     * 	margin_right: '0',
     * 	margin_left: '0',
     * 	page_orientation: 'portrait',
     * 	header_html: undefined,
     * 	footer_html: undefined,
     * 	header_and_footer_css: undefined,
     * 	wait_for_network: true,
     * 	wait_time: 0
     * }`
    converterOptions?: ExportPdfConverterOptions;
     * A function to gather the HTML to be converted to PDF.
     * **NOTE:** This option may be useful when the editor does not have `getData()` method,
     * or if the HTML to be converted should be different than the edited one.
     * ```ts
     * const exportPdfConfig = {
     * 	dataCallback: ( editor: Editor ) => {
     * 		return `
     * 			<header id="header">${ { rootName: 'header' } ) }</header>
     * 			<div id="content">${ { rootName: 'content' } ) }</div>
     * 		`;
     * 	}
     * }
     * ```
     * @default `( editor: Editor ) => editor.getData()`
    dataCallback?: (editor: Editor) => string;
     * A token URL or a token request function. This field is optional and should be used only when a different `tokenUrl` is required for
     * the export to PDF feature.
     * **Note:** The token can be disabled with the `false` value provided.
     * See: {@link module:cloud-services/cloudservicesconfig~CloudServicesConfig#tokenUrl}
    tokenUrl?: TokenUrl | false;
     * The authentication token.
     * See: {@link module:cloud-services/cloudservices~CloudServices#token}
    token?: InitializedToken;
     * The application unique identifier.
    appID?: string;
export type ExportPdfConverterOptions = {
    format?: 'Letter' | 'Legal' | 'Tabloid' | 'Ledger' | 'A0' | 'A1' | 'A2' | 'A3' | 'A4' | 'A5' | 'A6';
    margin_top?: string;
    margin_bottom?: string;
    margin_right?: string;
    margin_left?: string;
    header_html?: string;
    footer_html?: string;
    header_and_footer_css?: string;
    page_orientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape';
    wait_for_network?: boolean;
    wait_time?: number;








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