
news2025/1/15 13:02:49


“linear-gradient(to right, rgba(246, 12, 112, .6) 30%, rgba(46, 112, 112, .8) 30%, rgba(46, 12, 145, .8) 30%)”




linear-gradient() 函数用于创建一个表示两种或多种颜色线性渐变的图片。

/* 从上到下,蓝色渐变到红色 */
linear-gradient(blue, red);
/* 渐变轴为45度,从蓝色渐变到红色 */
linear-gradient(45deg, blue, red);
/* 从右下到左上、从蓝色渐变到红色 */
linear-gradient(to left top, blue, red);
/* 从下到上,从蓝色开始渐变、到高度40%位置是绿色渐变开始、最后以红色结束 */
linear-gradient(0deg, blue, green 40%, red);

background-image: linear-gradient(direction, color-stop1, color-stop2, …);

color-stop1, color-stop2,…:用于指定渐变的起止颜色。





看下css,如linear-gradient(180deg, #f34cf6 20%, #ea3e7f, #ea3e7f 100%)


  • 首先,第一个direction是180deg,或者to left,这里暂时只处理这两种格式。
  • 第二,之后是颜色颜色值和stop


// 渐变方向
enum SkinGradientTo {
  top, // 向上
  bottom, // 向下
  left, // 向左
  right, // 向右

// 渐变类
class SkinGradient {
  double? degree; // 角度
  SkinGradientTo? gradientTo; // 方向
  List<Color>? colors; // 颜色
  List<double>? stops;


2.1 处理css线性渐变的direction



  // 方式就是遍历两个空格,将其替换成一个空格
  // 处理字符串中多个空格
  // red___50%转red_50%,_代表空格,处理多个连续空格
  static String dealMultContinuousBlank(String originString) {
    String twoBlank = "  ";
    bool hasTwoContinuousBlank = originString.contains(twoBlank);
    while(hasTwoContinuousBlank) {
      originString = originString.replaceAll(twoBlank, " ");
      hasTwoContinuousBlank = originString.contains(twoBlank);

    return originString;

转换后的valueString结果格式为:linear-gradient(180deg, #f34cf6 20%, #ea3e7f, #ea3e7f 100%)

2.2 统一颜色处理,将css中的rgb、rgba全部转换成#FFFFFFFF或者#FFFFFF格式

由于需要根据逗号“,”进行拆分字符串,生成数组:[“180deg”," #f34cf6 20%“,” #ea3e7f"," #ea3e7f 100%"]

 // 处理rgba字符串转成Color
  static Color? rgbaToColor(String rgbaString) {
    String start = "rgba";
    if (rgbaString.startsWith(start)) {
      // rgba(152, 69, 255, 0.75)
      String subColorStr = rgbaString.substring(start.length);
      String noBlank = subColorStr.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

      String noLeftBrackets = noBlank.replaceAll("(", "");
      String gDgColor = noLeftBrackets.replaceAll(")", "");
      List<String> colors = gDgColor.split(",");

      if (colors != null && colors.length == 4) {
        String redStr = colors[0];
        String greenStr = colors[1];
        String blueStr = colors[2];
        String alphaStr = colors[3];
        int? red = int.parse(redStr);
        int? green = int.parse(greenStr);
        int? blue = int.parse(blueStr);
        double? alpha = double.parse(alphaStr);

        Color color = Color.fromRGBO(red, green, blue, alpha);
        return color;

    String rgbStart = "rgb";
    if (rgbaString.startsWith(rgbStart)) {
      // rgba(152, 69, 255)
      String subColorStr = rgbaString.substring(rgbStart.length);
      String noBlank = subColorStr.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

      String noLeftBrackets = noBlank.replaceAll("(", "");
      String gDgColor = noLeftBrackets.replaceAll(")", "");
      List<String> colors = gDgColor.split(",");

      if (colors != null && colors.length == 3) {
        String redStr = colors[0];
        String greenStr = colors[1];
        String blueStr = colors[2];
        int? red = int.parse(redStr);
        int? green = int.parse(greenStr);
        int? blue = int.parse(blueStr);
        double alpha = 1.0;

        Color color = Color.fromRGBO(red, green, blue, alpha);
        return color;

    return null;

  /// 颜色检测只保存 #RRGGBB格式 FF透明度
  /// [color] 格式可能是材料风/十六进制/string字符串
  /// 返回[String] #rrggbb 字符串
  static String? color2HEX(Color color) {
    // 0xFFFFFFFF
    //将十进制转换成为16进制 返回字符串但是没有0x开头
    String temp = color.value.toRadixString(16);
    if (temp.isNotEmpty) {
      loggerDebug("color2HEX temp:${temp}");
      if (temp.length == 8) {
        String hexColor = "#" + temp.substring(2, 8);
        return hexColor.toLowerCase();
      } else {
        String hexColor = "#" + temp;
        return hexColor.toLowerCase();

    return null;


生成数组:[“180deg”," #f34cf6 20%“,” #ea3e7f"," #ea3e7f 100%"]

2.3 获得SkinGradientTo或者degree


top, // 向上
  bottom, // 向下
  left, // 向左
  right, // 向右



String first = colors.first.trim().toLowerCase();

List<double> gStops = [];
if (first.contains("deg")) {
  // 角度
  String aFirst = first.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

  String dgs = aFirst.replaceAll("deg", "");
  double? dgDouble = double.parse(dgs);
  if (dgDouble != null) {
    // 为整型值
    gradient.degree = dgDouble;
} else if (first.startsWith("to")) {
  // 方向
  String aFirst = first.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

  String toStart = "to";
  String toStr = aFirst.substring(toStart.length);
  SkinGradientTo? gradientTo;
  if ("left" == toStr) {
    gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.left;
  } else if ("right" == toStr) {
    gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.right;
  } else if ("top" == toStr) {
    gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.top;
  } else if ("bottom" == toStr) {
    gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.bottom;

  gradient.gradientTo = gradientTo;



2.4 颜色colors与stops,


// 处理渐变的Color, 处理这种字符#280069 50%
  static Map<String, dynamic> handleGradientColor(String colorString) {
    List<String> contentList = colorString.split(" ");
    Map<String, dynamic> mapData = {};
    String? colorHex;
    if (contentList.isNotEmpty) {
      for (String str in contentList) {
        if (str.isNotEmpty) {
          if (str.startsWith("#")) {
            colorHex = str;
          } else if (str.contains("transparent")) {
            colorHex = str;
          } else {
            Color? aColor = kColorNameMap[str];
            if (aColor != null) {
              colorHex = str;

    if (colorHex != null) {
      // 颜色的占比
      String colorRatio = findFirstRatio(colorString);
      if (colorRatio.isNotEmpty) {
        // 百分比,如50%
        String ratioStr = colorRatio.replaceAll("%", "");
        double ratio = double.parse(ratioStr) / 100.0;

        mapData["ratio"] = ratio;

        Color? color;

        Color? aColor = kColorNameMap[colorHex];
        if (aColor != null) {
          color = aColor;
        } else {
          color = hexColorString(colorHex);
        mapData["color"] = color;
      } else {
        Color? color;
        Color? aColor = kColorNameMap[colorHex];
        if (aColor != null) {
          color = aColor;
        } else {
          color = hexColorString(colorHex);

        // 没有设置颜色值Stop的百分比,则默认为-1
        double ratio = -1;
        mapData["color"] = color;
        mapData["ratio"] = ratio;

    return mapData;

// 颜色名称对应的color类,如red对应Colors.red
Map<String, Color> kColorNameMap = {


2.5 处理stops,将color的stop填充完整

由于出现缺省的color stop,缺省是默认值为-1,需要将其改成正确的值。

目的是将#f34cf6 0%,#ff0100,#ff0200,#ea3e7f 50%,#0000ff,#000fff, #ea3e7f 100%


 // 处理gStops值,将gStops中为-1的值转换成正确的值,-1只是占位值
  static List<double> dealGradientStops(List<double> stops) {
    // 如果stops值超过两个的时候
    int startIdx = -1;
    int endIdx = -1;

    int allNum = stops.length;

    if (stops.length >= 2) {
      int firstIdx = 0;
      int lastIdx = allNum - 1;

      double first = stops[firstIdx];
      double last = stops[lastIdx];
      if (first == -1) {
        stops.replaceRange(0, 1, [0.0]);

      if (last == -1) {
        stops.replaceRange(lastIdx, allNum, [1.0]);

      print("before stops:${stops}, num:${stops.length}");

      bool isHasDefaultValue = checkGradientStopsHasDefault(stops);
      while(isHasDefaultValue) {

        // 进入循环重新设置值
        startIdx = -1;
        endIdx = -1;

        // 判断出startIdx
        for(int index = 0; index < allNum; index++) {
          double value = stops[index];
          int nextIdx = index+1;

          if(nextIdx < allNum) {
            double nextValue = stops[nextIdx];

            if (value != -1.0 && nextValue == -1.0) {
              startIdx = index;

        // 判断出endIdx
        for(int index = 0; index < allNum; index++) {
          double value = stops[index];

          if (value != -1.0 && index > startIdx) {
            endIdx = index;

        print("step stops:${stops}, num:${stops.length}");

        if(endIdx >= startIdx) {
          print("startIdx:${startIdx}, endIdx:${endIdx}");

          int betweenNum = endIdx - startIdx;
          double startValue = stops[startIdx];
          double endValue = stops[endIdx];

          double aTValue = endValue - startValue;
          double perValue = aTValue/(betweenNum);

          List<double> replacements = [];
          double beginValue = startValue;
          for(int i = startIdx+1; i < endIdx; i++) {
            double value = beginValue + perValue;
            beginValue = value;
          stops.replaceRange(startIdx+1, endIdx, replacements);

        isHasDefaultValue = checkGradientStopsHasDefault(stops);

    } else if (stops.length == 1) {
      double first = stops[0];
      if (first == -1) {
        stops.replaceRange(0, 1, [0.0]);

    return stops;

2.5 得到所需数据类SkinGradient属性值



“decorationGradient gradient colors: g r a d i e n t . c o l o r s , s t o p s : {gradient.colors}, stops: gradient.colors,stops:{gradient.stops}, gradientTo:${gradient.gradientTo}”);

Alignment begin = Alignment.centerLeft;
Alignment end = Alignment.centerRight;
GradientRotation? transform;
if (gradient.gradientTo != null) {
if (SkinGradientTo.top == gradient.gradientTo) {
// 向上
begin = Alignment.bottomCenter;
end = Alignment.topCenter;
} else if (SkinGradientTo.bottom == gradient.gradientTo) {
// 向下
begin = Alignment.topCenter;
end = Alignment.bottomCenter;
} else if (SkinGradientTo.left == gradient.gradientTo) {
// 向左
begin = Alignment.centerRight;
end = Alignment.centerLeft;
} else if (SkinGradientTo.right == gradient.gradientTo) {
// 向右
begin = Alignment.centerLeft;
end = Alignment.centerRight;
} else {
// 角度
// 计算角度
if (gradient.degree != null && gradient.degree != 0) {
double p = 180.0;
double radians = (math.pi / p) * gradient.degree!;
transform = GradientRotation(radians);

  // 和css角度,方向保持一致
  begin = Alignment.bottomCenter;
  end = Alignment.topCenter;


LinearGradient linearGradient;
if (gradient.colors != null &&
gradient.stops != null &&
gradient.colors!.length == gradient.stops!.length) {
linearGradient = LinearGradient(
colors: gradient.colors!,
stops: gradient.stops!,
begin: begin,
end: end,
transform: transform,
} else {
linearGradient = LinearGradient(
colors: gradient.colors ?? [],
begin: begin,
end: end,
transform: transform,



import 'dart:ui';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'color_util.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;

// 颜色名称对应的color类,如red对应Colors.red
Map<String, Color> kColorNameMap = {

// 渐变样式
enum SkinGradientStyle {
  line, // 线性渐变

// 渐变方向
enum SkinGradientTo {
  top, // 向上
  bottom, // 向下
  left, // 向左
  right, // 向右

// 渐变
class SkinGradient {
  SkinGradientStyle? style; // 样式
  double? degree; // 角度
  SkinGradientTo? gradientTo; // 方向
  List<Color>? colors; // 颜色
  List<double>? stops;

// 描边
class SkinDecorationStroke {
  double? width;
  Color? color;

// 主题皮肤配置
class SkinThemeConfig {
  /// 转换css到具体的element类
  static SkinGradient? transformThemeGradient(
      { required String value}) {

    try {
        if (value != null && value.isNotEmpty) {
          value = dealMultContinuousBlank(value);
          value = value.trimLeft().trimRight().toLowerCase();
          // 渐变

          SkinGradient? gradient = transformGradient(value);
          if (gradient != null) {
            return gradient;

          return null;
    } catch (e) {
      return null;

  /// 转换css到具体的element类
  static LinearGradient? transformLineGradient(
      {SkinGradient? gradient}) {

    try {
      if (gradient != null) {
        Alignment begin = Alignment.centerLeft;
        Alignment end = Alignment.centerRight;
        GradientRotation? transform;
        if (gradient.gradientTo != null) {
          if (SkinGradientTo.top == gradient.gradientTo) {
            // 向上
            begin = Alignment.bottomCenter;
            end = Alignment.topCenter;
          } else if (SkinGradientTo.bottom == gradient.gradientTo) {
            // 向下
            begin = Alignment.topCenter;
            end = Alignment.bottomCenter;
          } else if (SkinGradientTo.left == gradient.gradientTo) {
            // 向左
            begin = Alignment.centerRight;
            end = Alignment.centerLeft;
          } else if (SkinGradientTo.right == gradient.gradientTo) {
            // 向右
            begin = Alignment.centerLeft;
            end = Alignment.centerRight;
        } else {
          // 角度
          // 计算角度
          if (gradient.degree != null && gradient.degree != 0) {
            double p = 180.0;
            double radians = (math.pi / p) * gradient.degree!;
            transform = GradientRotation(radians);

            // 和css角度,方向保持一致
            begin = Alignment.bottomCenter;
            end = Alignment.topCenter;

        LinearGradient linearGradient;
        if (gradient.colors != null &&
            gradient.stops != null &&
            gradient.colors!.length == gradient.stops!.length) {
          linearGradient = LinearGradient(
            colors: gradient.colors!,
            stops: gradient.stops!,
            begin: begin,
            end: end,
            transform: transform,
        } else {
          linearGradient = LinearGradient(
            colors: gradient.colors ?? [],
            begin: begin,
            end: end,
            transform: transform,
        return linearGradient;
    } catch (e) {
      return null;

  // 处理渐变,转换成渐变的类
  static SkinGradient? transformGradient(String valueString) {
    // value: linear-gradient(180deg, #ff34c6, #fea3e7)

    try {
      String value = valueString.toLowerCase();

      SkinGradient gradient = SkinGradient();
      gradient.style = SkinGradientStyle.line;

      String start = "linear-gradient";
      String subGradientValue =
      value.substring(start.length); // (180deg, #ff34c6, #fea3e7)

      // [rgba(119, 77, 255, .8), rgba(119, 177, 255, .8)]
      List<String> rgbaList = findRegRgbaColorList(subGradientValue);
      if (rgbaList.isNotEmpty) {
        // 将rgba(255, 77, 255, .8)转换成#ff34c6格式
        for (String rgbaString in rgbaList) {
          Color? rgbaColor = rgbaToColor(rgbaString);
          if (rgbaColor != null) {
            String? colorHex = ColorUtil.color2HEX(rgbaColor);
            subGradientValue =
                subGradientValue.replaceAll(rgbaString, colorHex ?? "");
      } else {
        List<String> rgbList = findRegRgbColorList(value);
        if (rgbList.isNotEmpty) {
          // 将rgb(255, 77, 255)转换成#ff34c6格式
          for (String rgbString in rgbList) {
            Color? rgbColor = rgbaToColor(rgbString);
            if (rgbColor != null) {
              String? colorHex = ColorUtil.color2HEX(rgbColor);
              subGradientValue =
                  subGradientValue.replaceAll(rgbString, colorHex ?? "");

      String noLeftBrackets =
      subGradientValue.replaceAll("(", ""); //180deg,#ff34c6,#fea3e7)
      String gDgColor =
      noLeftBrackets.replaceAll(")", ""); //180deg,#ff34c6,#fea3e7
      List<String> colors = gDgColor.split(",");

      print("gDgColor:${gDgColor} colors:${colors}");

      if (colors.isNotEmpty) {
        List<Color> gColors = [];

        String first = colors.first.trimLeft().trimRight().toLowerCase();

        List<double> gStops = [];
        if (first.contains("deg")) {
          // 角度
          String aFirst = first.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

          String dgs = aFirst.replaceAll("deg", "");
          double? dgDouble = double.parse(dgs);
          if (dgDouble != null) {
            // 为整型值
            gradient.degree = dgDouble;
        } else if (first.startsWith("to")) {
          // 方向
          String aFirst = first.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

          String toStart = "to";
          String toStr = aFirst.substring(toStart.length);
          SkinGradientTo? gradientTo;
          if ("left" == toStr) {
            gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.left;
          } else if ("right" == toStr) {
            gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.right;
          } else if ("top" == toStr) {
            gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.top;
          } else if ("bottom" == toStr) {
            gradientTo = SkinGradientTo.bottom;

          gradient.gradientTo = gradientTo;
        } else {
          Map<String, dynamic> mapData = handleGradientColor(first);

          double? ratio = mapData["ratio"];
          Color? color = mapData["color"];

          if (color != null) {

          if (ratio != null) {

        // 遍历之后的
        for (int index = 1; index < colors.length; index++) {
          String colorString = colors[index].trimLeft().trimRight().toLowerCase();
          Map<String, dynamic> mapData = handleGradientColor(colorString);

          double? ratio = mapData["ratio"];
          Color? color = mapData["color"];

          if (color != null) {

          if (ratio != null) {

        gradient.colors = gColors;

        // 处理后的新的stop数组
        List<double> gGdStops = dealGradientStops(gStops);
        gradient.stops = gGdStops;

        print("to:${gradient.gradientTo},degree:${gradient.degree},colors:${gradient.colors} gStops:${gradient.stops}");

        return gradient;
    } catch (e) {
      return null;
    return null;

  // 处理渐变的Color, 处理这种字符#280069 50px
  static Map<String, dynamic> handleGradientColor(String colorString) {
    List<String> contentList = colorString.split(" ");
    Map<String, dynamic> mapData = {};
    String? colorHex;
    if (contentList.isNotEmpty) {
      for (String str in contentList) {
        if (str.isNotEmpty) {
          if (str.startsWith("#")) {
            colorHex = str;
          } else if (str.contains("transparent")) {
            colorHex = str;
          } else {
            Color? aColor = kColorNameMap[str];
            if (aColor != null) {
              colorHex = str;

    if (colorHex != null) {
      // 颜色的占比
      String colorRatio = findFirstRatio(colorString);
      if (colorRatio.isNotEmpty) {
        // 百分比,如50%
        String ratioStr = colorRatio.replaceAll("%", "");
        double ratio = double.parse(ratioStr) / 100.0;

        mapData["ratio"] = ratio;

        Color? color;

        Color? aColor = kColorNameMap[colorHex];
        if (aColor != null) {
          color = aColor;
        } else {
          color = hexColorString(colorHex);
        mapData["color"] = color;
      } else {
        Color? color;
        Color? aColor = kColorNameMap[colorHex];
        if (aColor != null) {
          color = aColor;
        } else {
          color = hexColorString(colorHex);

        // 没有设置颜色值Stop的百分比,则默认为-1
        double ratio = -1;
        mapData["color"] = color;
        mapData["ratio"] = ratio;

    return mapData;

  // 处理rgba字符串转成Color
  static Color? rgbaToColor(String rgbaString) {
    String start = "rgba";
    if (rgbaString.startsWith(start)) {
      // rgba(152, 69, 255, 0.75)
      String subColorStr = rgbaString.substring(start.length);
      String noBlank = subColorStr.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

      String noLeftBrackets = noBlank.replaceAll("(", "");
      String gDgColor = noLeftBrackets.replaceAll(")", "");
      List<String> colors = gDgColor.split(",");

      if (colors != null && colors.length == 4) {
        String redStr = colors[0];
        String greenStr = colors[1];
        String blueStr = colors[2];
        String alphaStr = colors[3];
        int? red = int.parse(redStr);
        int? green = int.parse(greenStr);
        int? blue = int.parse(blueStr);
        double? alpha = double.parse(alphaStr);

        Color color = Color.fromRGBO(red, green, blue, alpha);
        return color;

    String rgbStart = "rgb";
    if (rgbaString.startsWith(rgbStart)) {
      // rgba(152, 69, 255)
      String subColorStr = rgbaString.substring(rgbStart.length);
      String noBlank = subColorStr.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s*"), "");

      String noLeftBrackets = noBlank.replaceAll("(", "");
      String gDgColor = noLeftBrackets.replaceAll(")", "");
      List<String> colors = gDgColor.split(",");

      if (colors != null && colors.length == 3) {
        String redStr = colors[0];
        String greenStr = colors[1];
        String blueStr = colors[2];
        int? red = int.parse(redStr);
        int? green = int.parse(greenStr);
        int? blue = int.parse(blueStr);
        double alpha = 1.0;

        Color color = Color.fromRGBO(red, green, blue, alpha);
        return color;

    return null;

  // 找到字符串中的第一个百分比百分比
  // 'abc rgba(119, 77, 255, .8) 88% , rgba(119, 177, 255, .8) 21%'
  // => [88%, 21%]
  static String findFirstRatio(String str) {
    RegExp exp = RegExp(r'[\d.]+%');
    RegExpMatch? match = exp.firstMatch(str);
    return match?.group(0) ?? '';

  // 处理字符串中多个空格
  // red___50%转red_50%,_代表空格,处理多个连续空格
  static String dealMultContinuousBlank(String originString) {
    String twoBlank = "  ";
    bool hasTwoContinuousBlank = originString.contains(twoBlank);
    while(hasTwoContinuousBlank) {
      originString = originString.replaceAll(twoBlank, " ");
      hasTwoContinuousBlank = originString.contains(twoBlank);

    return originString;

  // 处理gStops值,将gStops中为-1的值转换成正确的值,-1只是占位值
  static List<double> dealGradientStops(List<double> stops) {
    // 如果stops值超过两个的时候
    int startIdx = -1;
    int endIdx = -1;

    int allNum = stops.length;

    if (stops.length >= 2) {
      int firstIdx = 0;
      int lastIdx = allNum - 1;

      double first = stops[firstIdx];
      double last = stops[lastIdx];
      if (first == -1) {
        stops.replaceRange(0, 1, [0.0]);

      if (last == -1) {
        stops.replaceRange(lastIdx, allNum, [1.0]);

      print("before stops:${stops}, num:${stops.length}");

      bool isHasDefaultValue = checkGradientStopsHasDefault(stops);
      while(isHasDefaultValue) {

        // 进入循环重新设置值
        startIdx = -1;
        endIdx = -1;

        // 判断出startIdx
        for(int index = 0; index < allNum; index++) {
          double value = stops[index];
          int nextIdx = index+1;

          if(nextIdx < allNum) {
            double nextValue = stops[nextIdx];

            if (value != -1.0 && nextValue == -1.0) {
              startIdx = index;

        // 判断出endIdx
        for(int index = 0; index < allNum; index++) {
          double value = stops[index];

          if (value != -1.0 && index > startIdx) {
            endIdx = index;

        print("step stops:${stops}, num:${stops.length}");

        if(endIdx >= startIdx) {
          print("startIdx:${startIdx}, endIdx:${endIdx}");

          int betweenNum = endIdx - startIdx;
          double startValue = stops[startIdx];
          double endValue = stops[endIdx];

          double aTValue = endValue - startValue;
          double perValue = aTValue/(betweenNum);

          List<double> replacements = [];
          double beginValue = startValue;
          for(int i = startIdx+1; i < endIdx; i++) {
            double value = beginValue + perValue;
            beginValue = value;
          stops.replaceRange(startIdx+1, endIdx, replacements);

        isHasDefaultValue = checkGradientStopsHasDefault(stops);

    } else if (stops.length == 1) {
      double first = stops[0];
      if (first == -1) {
        stops.replaceRange(0, 1, [0.0]);

    return stops;

  // 判断数组中是否有占位的-1值
  static bool checkGradientStopsHasDefault(List<double> list) {
    for (int index = 0; index < list.length; index++) {
      double value = list[index];
      if (value == -1) {
        return true;

    return false;









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