学习笔记23 stack和queue

news2025/2/20 7:35:59





import java.util.*;

 * This program demonstrates the java.util.Stack class.

public class StackDemo1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a stack of strings and add some names
        Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
        String[] names = {"Al", "Bob", "Carol"};
        System.out.println("Pushing onto the stack the names:");
        System.out.println("Al Bob Carol");
        for (String s : names)

        // Now pop and print everything on the stack
        String message = "Popping and printing all stack values:";
        while (!stack.empty())
            System.out.print(stack.pop() + " ");
Pushing onto the stack the names:
Al Bob Carol
Popping and printing all stack values:
Carol Bob Al

 stack类不接受primitive data type,所以如果要存int,要转化为integer。

当然,如果你把primitive data type存入stack,java会自动box。


public class ArrayStack {
    private int[] s; // Holds stack elements
    private int top; // Stack top pointer

     * Constructor.
     * @param capacity The capacity of the stack.
    public ArrayStack(int capacity) {
        s = new int[capacity];
        top = 0;

     * The empty method checks for an empty stack.
     * @return true if stack is empty.
    public boolean empty() {
        return top == 0;

     * The push method pushes a value onto the stack.
     * @param x The value to push onto the stack.
     * @exception StackOverflowException When the stack is full.
    public void push(int x) {
        if (top == s.length)
            throw new StackOverflowException();
        else {
            s[top] = x;

     * The pop method pops a value off the stack.
     * @return The value popped.
     * @exception EmptyStackException When the stack is empty.
    public int pop() {
        if (empty())
            throw new EmptyStackException();
        else {
            return s[top];

     * The peek method returns the value at the top of the stack.
     * @return value at top of the stack.
     * @exception EmptyStackException When the stack is empty.
    int peek() {
        if (empty())
            throw new EmptyStackException();
        else {
            return s[top-1];

注意,我们需要自己实现两个异常类EmptyStackException StackOverFlowException


class LinkedStack {
     * The Node class is used to implement the linked list.
    private class Node {
        String value;
        Node next;
        Node(String val, Node n) {
            value = val;
            next = n;

    private Node top = null; // Top of the stack

     * The empty method checks for an empty stack.
     * @return true if stack is empty, false otherwise.
    public boolean empty() {
        return top == null;

     * The push method adds a new item to the stack.
     * @param s The item to be pushed onto the stack.
    public void push(String s) {
        top = new Node(s, top);

     * The Pop method removes the value at the top of the stack.
     * @return The value at the top of the stack.
     * @exception EmptyStackException When the stack is empty.
    public String pop() {
        if (empty())
            throw new EmptyStackException();
        else {
            String retValue = top.value;
            top = top.next;
            return retValue;

     * The peek method returns the top value on the stack.
     * @return The value at the top of the stack.
     * @exception EmptyStackException When the stack is empty.
    public String peek() {
        if (empty())
            throw new EmptyStackException();
            return top.value;

     * The toString method computes a string representation of the contents of the stack.
     * @return The string representation of the stack contents.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        Node p = top;
        while (p != null) {
            p = p.next;
            if (p != null)
        return sBuilder.toString();




enqueue ( x ): add a new item x to the rear of the queue
dequeue ( ): remove and return the item at the front of the queue
empty ( ): check if the queue is empty
peek ( ): return, but do not remove, the item at the front of the queue




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