
news2024/9/23 15:25:59




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2.1  本文参与求解CEC2022的智能优化算法


 2.2 部分测试函数运行结果与收敛曲线


The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GSA is : 474.5299
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GWO is : 411.197
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by WOA is : 416.4015
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AVOA is : 400.0163
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GTO is : 404.0752
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by DBO is : 408.9161
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SO is : 407.3562
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SMA is : 407.083
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AOA is : 1154.5349
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SCSO is : 423.5253


The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GSA is : 1006.2953
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GWO is : 900.1918
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by WOA is : 3903.9517
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AVOA is : 953.213
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GTO is : 918.2926
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by DBO is : 967.949
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SO is : 903.3099
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SMA is : 900.6152
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AOA is : 1378.7241
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SCSO is : 1437.0716


 The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GSA is : 2253.7266
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GWO is : 2225.0024
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by WOA is : 2231.3405
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AVOA is : 2225.3089
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GTO is : 2204.8334
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by DBO is : 2224.6929
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SO is : 2222.9351
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SMA is : 2220.9324
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AOA is : 2445.8039
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SCSO is : 2216.7517



The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GSA is : 2636.9688
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GWO is : 2500.2949
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by WOA is : 2500.6209
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AVOA is : 2500.4701
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GTO is : 2500.4813
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by DBO is : 2500.5967
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SO is : 2500.351
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SMA is : 2500.5584
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AOA is : 2708.7742
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SCSO is : 2630.1491


The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GSA is : 3026.5742
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GWO is : 2872.1718
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by WOA is : 2911.8117
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AVOA is : 2865.403
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by GTO is : 2863.4948
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by DBO is : 2864.956
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SO is : 2865.3162
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SMA is : 2863.4012
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by AOA is : 3035.8413
The best optimal values of the objective funciton found by SCSO is : 2868.6205 


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