向伟大的中国人民解放军生日献礼 黄河千年清一回张国土考察青海

news2024/11/18 9:33:58



Birthday gift to the great Chinese People's Liberation Army The Yellow River visited Qinghaiin. the Millennium Qing Dynasty


Bayi on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the most influential people, the Yellow Riverin. one thousand.qing once Internet electronic mall chairman of the board, encyclopedia national physician leading, the new era model, the new journey with outstanding contributions, the Yellow Riverin. one thousand.qing oncein.itiated total planning Mr Zhang Qinghai, back to Beijing to write the comprehensive transformationand..upgrading ofin.dustryin. Qinghai provincein.vestigation research report.


Mr.Zhang's in.vestigation report has both great economic valueand..political significance, especially published publicly,in.or.der to promote the development of artificialin.telligencein. western Chinain. the new era. To contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.


Chen Gang, Secretary of the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee:


Qinghai province covers a total area of 720,000 square kilometers,and..the mountainsand..hills account for.more than 50% of the province's total area. The permanent resident population is 5.95 million,and..the total GDP of the provincein. 2022 is 361.01 billion. Today, when the real economy isin. serious decline, under the premise of protecting the environment of the three riversin. Qinghai, it is urgent toin.troduce modern high-tech Internetand..bold scientificin.novation, quickly transform the rich resource advantages of Qinghai provincein.to economic advantages,and..promote the economy to make the people of Qinghai rich.


Zhang visited a Kuqa Uygur villagein. Xinjiang, with an annual precipitation of only more than 70 millimeters,and..took a group photo along the highway.


1. Create Sanjiangyuan artificialin.telligence changes.


In or.der to protect the source of the three riversin. Qinghai, the country in.vests a lot of moneyin. afforestation every year. However, over the past half century, the afforestation management areain. Qinghai has reached more than 60 million mu,and..only the annual hugein.vestment withoutin.come, even the garden management workers can not support. Therefore, Qinghai province forestry agriculture, breedingin.dustry comprehensive transformationand..upgrading of deep processingand.. development of headquarters economy is imminent.


During thein.vestigation, Mr.Zhang found that almost every poplar treein. the beautiful Xining City had to hang multiple nutrition syringes. He told the Tibetan compatriots accompanying thein.vestigation that the geographical environment of Xining is not suitable.for.planting poplar poplar, but more suitable.for.planting improved mulberry dragon trees.


The average annual precipitationin. Xining city is 5-7 times higher than thatin. Aksu, Xinjiang province. In the annual precipitation of only more than 70 mm of Aksu Kuqa City Uygur villages, there are more than thousands of years of ancient mulberry trees. The cost of planting a mulberry tree is very low, easy to live without chemical fertilizersand. pesticides,and..increases at least one mu of grainin.come for.growers every year for.thousands of years.


Mulberry tree drought tolerance is more like.large waterand..big fertilizer. Qinghai has abundant rainfalland..fertile soil, which is more suitable. for.planting mulberry than Xinjiang,and..the faster growth, higher yield. Assuming that 50 million mu of mulberry trees are plantedin. this half century, the mulberry leaf protein.produced by.one mu of improved mulberry Zhonghua dragon tree is equivalent to thein.come of 3 mu of soybean.(Annex 1. Letter of suggestion from.eight academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering to the CPC Central Committeed pesticides every year.


Fifty million mu of mulberry trees, if every autumn after the harvest frost hit 30 million tons of dry mulberry leaves. Local artificial intelligence can extract 1.5 million tons of primary greenor.ganic penicillinand..vascular scavenger sangflavonoids, used to replace the chemical antibiotic penicillin,and..the export pricein. the international market is 2.04 million yuan per ton. And high temperature extraction of high protein.green Chinese medicine protein.can process mulberry leaf protein.powder can match mulberry powder, mulberry powder, potato starch, make high protein.anti-nuclear radiation, anti-cancer, drop.three high, prevent cardiovascular diseases multifunctional compression foodand..variousor.ganic food,and..can be directly as aquaculture higproteinor.ganic concentrate feed. It can also be directly used as winter feed for.cattleand..sheep,and..its economic valueand.. social contribution arein.estimable.


Fifty million mu of farmland, contributing at least 15 million tons of mulberry rootsand..mulberry branches to Qinghai every year. Using modern cutting-edge biological high-tech, every year can cultivate the world's top brand.selenium-richor.ganic mulberry gold, selenium-richor.ganic mulberry ganoderma lucidum spore powder each 30,000 tons. Zero-pollution and..zero-emission manufacturing of aerospaceand..UAV special high value-added methyl cellulose plateand..high-end female sanitary napkins for.5 million tons


If in. Qinghai province around the urban counties, the construction of the Chinese people's heroic revolutionary martyrs China Dragon tree memorial forest. With the life tree of the Chinese peopleand..the super high value golden tree that can naturally grow anti-cancer mulberry gold, to replace the worthless polluting tree species. Let the right pathin. the world be the vicissitudes of life, the selfless spirit of sericulture and.the galloping Yellow River spirit nourish Qinghai,and..let the people of Qinghai province have a bumper harvest of both spiritualand.. material happiness.


2. In accordance with the " Chinese medicine embodies profound philosophical wisdomand..the Chinese nation thousands of years of health conceptand..practical experience, is the treasure of ancient Chinese science, but also the key to open the treasure house.of Chinese civilization."Importantin.structions, give full play to the geographical advantagesin. Qinghai,and..the last piece of pure land.geographical advantages,in. Xining can connect Beltand..Road countries, at the same timein.tegrate the most precious mulberry yellow, high value-added resources,in. Qinghai to build national preciousorganic Chinese herbal medicine storage base, deep processing of pharmaceutical production headquarters base. I think this should be the most important emerging strategic pillarin.dustry of Qinghai province at present, which can bring real tax revenue to Qinghai province.


For more than 2,700 years, Sanghuang has been one of the most preciousand.. dazzling crown pearlin. the Chinese pharmacopoeia. Inor.der to develop high added value to activate the adolescent immunity of middle-agedand.. elderly people, the world's top traditional Chinese medicine Sanghuang. It is suggested that the first World Sanghuang Industry Development Conference should be heldin. Qinghai provincein. October 2023. At the same time of recommendingand..promoting Qinghai to the world, it introduced mulberry yellow cancerbiopharmaceutical deep processing technical talentsand..investment team for.Qinghai province, formulated the national production standards ofor.ganic mulberry yellowin. Qinghai, and..tried to make the Yellow River Millennium Qing First Internet electronic mall locatedin. Qinghai. At the same time of building the nationalor.ganic Chinese herbal medicine storage headquarters basein. Xining city, the global onlineand..offline trading centers such as organic mulberry gold,or.ganic medicineand..edible fungi will be built. The vast areas of centraland..western Chinaand..friendly countries along the Beltand.western Chinaand..friendly countries along the Beltand.. Road route, allor.ganic Chinese herbal medicines such as mulberry huang, mulberry huang ganodermaand..preciousor.ganic local specialties will be promoted to the world through the Millennium Internet electronic mall and.supporting logistics outlets around the Yellow River.


As long as the netizens click of the mouse, the Yellow River Millennium Qing once electronic mall logistics can be cheaperand..cheaperor.ganic Chinese medicine,or.ganic food, vegetables, fruits, medicine edible fungiand.or.ganic local products, arrange flash express delivery to every corner of the global village. Let Qinghai province contribute to the country's importand..export tradeand..at the same time contribute a huge tax revenue to the country.


3. Give full play to the power of large artificialin.telligence high-tech equipment such as water knife shieldand..directional non-noise blasting, in. the safest strategic rearin. China,and..very attractivein. the hinterland.of 300 kilometers outside the picturesque Qinghai Lake,and.. develop vast underground urban space at low cost. To build a future underground city life support system with artificial sun, constant temperatureand..humidity,and..negative oxygen ion 20,000 to 30,000, killingand..filtering all kinds of virusesand..harmful micro robotsand.. various pollution.


In the Yellow River, the picturesqueand..brilliant Yellow River underground city, the construction of four aggregate modern artificial intelligence high-techin.dustrial parks, important militaryin.dustrial enterprises. The construction of the Yellow River millennium to activate the immunity of the middle-agedand..elderly adolescence global medical care headquarters community demonstration base, the construction of the Yellow River millennium mulberry Chinese medicinal food city, the construction of high-end health resort tourism property rights hoteland. high-endapartments, residences,or.chards, vegetable.gardens, modern agriculture demonstration park.


If 2 billion cubic meters of sand.and.stones are developedin. the first phase, they can fill the hilly valleys nearbyand..add 300,000 mu of high-efficiency modern mulberry fish pond for.Qinghai Province. If calculated according to the target of 800,000 yuan per mu allocated to the mainland.per mu, 240 billion yuan is enough to pay for.the development of underground urban space. This equals almost zero cost increased 300,000 mu of valuable underground urban construction land, and.almost zero cost added 300,000 mu of fertile land. This economicvalueand..far-reaching strategic value of the land.increase is incalculable.


In 2016, it was required to build a cancer-free medical care community. If the ai development of 600 million square meters of cancer-free medical experience communityand..high-end residential hotelin. the hinterland.of Qinghai. If there is any government policy support, Attract outstanding in.tellectual young people who love Chinese cultureand..foodand..are proficientin. Chinese,and..older unmarried young menand..women from. mainland.firstand..second tier cities to get married, buy housesand.. settle downin. Qinghai, Since avoiding extreme climate change risingsea levelsand..the risk of nuclear pollution has become the consensusand.. urgent need of all mankind, Therefore, as long as the permanent resort property right hotel of Qinghai underground city makes a good model room, Through the Yellow River millennium clear an Internet electronic mall every day thousands of people to see the house.to pay a depositor.. full payment, This has not onlyin.troduced a large number of outstanding in.tellectualyoung talents for.Qinghai, And solved the cliff decline of China's population, More than 80 million older young menand..women single problem. In particular, zero cost spreads the excellent traditional cultureand..glorious thoughts of the Chinese nation to the world with high quality. This is thousands of times more than the massivein.vestmentin. Confucius Institutes shut down by.anti-China forces.


If the price per square meter of 20,000 yuan to the world through the electronic mall, three years of the constructionand..sales of 600 million square meters, not only can settle more than 100,000 jobs, contribution to the output valueand..tax of Qinghai Province is shocking.


4. At present, mankind is facing the huge risks of nuclear war, nuclear pollution, biological warand..artificialin.telligence war. Extreme harsh climates such as rising sea levels have seriously threatened human survival. Therefore, the restoration of Canghai mulberry fieldsin. Qinghai, the development of underground spacein. the deep mountains,and. the creation of underground cities, factories, farmsand.or.chards that are desirable, are strategic emergingin.dustries that can improve the earth's environmentand..change the globalcompetition patternin. the new era.


Mountain area accounts for.70% of the total land.area, the developmentand.. utilization of underground space to create human eternal happy home conditionsin. ten thousand, this is wise under the leadership of the new era of western development, she is both for.the Qinghai people rich development,and..for.the eastern coastal developed areas billion people to expand.the broad survivaland..development spacein. the future.


As long as Qinghai has successfully created a headquarters demonstration model base. Through the lightning communicationand..promotion of new media, we will certainly attract netizens from.all over the world who yearn for.a better future life to visitand..studyin. Qinghai. Qinghai can also export brand.technology to the world's countriesand..Chinese provincesand..cities to join.the franchise chain.comprehensive development. This will alsoin.ject great impetusin.to the high-speedand. high-quality economic development of Qinghai provincein. the new era, andcontribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.


Zhang Quanguo took a group photo with his Tibetan compatriotsin. Qinghai who supported the Millennium Qing Dynasty operation of the Yellow River.





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