这里记录一下关于fossen的MMS工具箱中,关于ILOSpsi制导率的代码解析内容,结合fossen的marine carft hydrodynamics and motion control这本书来参考看
- ILOSpsi制导率的代码解析
- 前言
- 一、代码全文
- 二、内容解析
- 1.persistent变量
- 2.初始化
- 3.读取下一个航路点
- 4.计算路径的切向角
- 总结
function [psi_d, r_d, y_e] = ILOSpsi(x,y,Delta,kappa,h,R_switch,wpt,U,K_f)
% [psi_d, r_d, y_e] = ILOSpsi(x,y,Delta,kappa,h,R_switch,wpt,U)
% ILOSpsi computes the desired heading angle psi_d, desired yaw rate r_d
% and cross-track error y_e when the path is straight lines going through
% the waypoints (wpt.pos.x, wpt.pos.y). The desired heading angle computed
% using the classical ILOS guidance law by Børhaug et al. (2008).
% psi_d = pi_h - atan( Kp * (y_e + kappa * y_int) ), Kp = 1/Delta
% d/dt y_int = Delta * y_e / ( Delta^2 + (y_e + kappa * y_int)^2 )
% where pi_h is the path-tangential (azimuth) angle with respect to the
% North axis and y_e is the cross-track error. The observer/filter for the
% desired yaw angle psi_d is
% d/dt psi_f = r_d + K_f * ssa( psi_d - psi_f ) )
% where the desired yaw rate r_d = d(psi_d)/dt is computed by
% d/dt y_e = -U * y_e / sqrt( Delta^2 + y_e^2 )
% r_d = -Kp * dy_e/dt / ( 1 + (Kp * y_e)^2 )
% Initialization:
% The active waypoint (xk, yk) where k = 1,2,...,n is a persistent
% integer should be initialized to the first waypoint, k = 1, using
% >> clear ILOSpsi
% Inputs:
% (x,y): craft North-East positions (m)
% Delta: positive look-ahead distance (m)
% kappa: positive integral gain constant, Ki = kappa * Kp
% h: sampling time (s)
% R_switch: go to next waypoint when the along-track distance x_e
% is less than R_switch (m)
% wpt.pos.x = [x1, x2,..,xn]' array of waypoints expressed in NED (m)
% wpt.pos.y = [y1, y2,..,yn]' array of waypoints expressed in NED (m)
% U: speed, vehicle cruise speed or time-varying measurement (m/s)
% K_f: observer gain for desired yaw angle (typically 0.1-0-5)
% Feasibility citerion:
% The switching parameter R_switch > 0 must satisfy, R_switch < dist,
% where dist is the distance between the two waypoints at k and k+1:
% dist = sqrt( (wpt.pos.x(k+1)-wpt.pos.x(k))^2
% + (wpt.pos.y(k+1)- wpt.pos.y(k))^2 );
% Outputs:
% psi_d: desired heading angle (rad)
% r_d: desired yaw rate (rad/s)
% y_e: cross-track error (m)
% For course control use the functions LOSchi.m and ILOSchi.m.
% Ref. E. Børhaug, A. Pavlov and K. Y. Pettersen (2008). Integral LOS
% Control for Path Following of Underactuated Marine Surface Vessels in the
% presence of Constant Ocean Currents. Proc. of the 47th IEEE Conference
% on Decision and Control, pp. 4984–4991, Cancun, Mexico.
% Author: Thor I. Fossen
% Date: 10 June 2021
% Revisions: 26 June 2022 - use constant bearing when last wpt is reached,
% bugfixes and improved documentation
% 17 Oct 2022 - added filter/observer for psi_d to avoid steps
persistent k; % active waypoint index (initialized by: clear ILOSpsi)持久变量标注了路点的序列
persistent xk yk; % active waypoint (xk, yk) corresponding to integer k
persistent psi_f; % filtered heading angle command
persistent y_int; % integral state
%% Initialization of (xk, yk) and (xk_next, yk_next), and integral state
if isempty(k)
% check if R_switch is smaller than the minimum distance between the waypoints
if R_switch > min( sqrt( diff(wpt.pos.x).^2 + diff(wpt.pos.y).^2 ) )
error("The distances between the waypoints must be larger than R_switch");
% check input parameters
if (R_switch < 0); error("R_switch must be larger than zero"); end
if (Delta < 0); error("Delta must be larger than zero"); end
y_int = 0; % initial states
psi_f = 0;
k = 1; % set first waypoint as the active waypoint
xk = wpt.pos.x(k);
yk = wpt.pos.y(k);
fprintf('Active waypoints:\n')
fprintf(' (x%1.0f, y%1.0f) = (%.2f, %.2f) \n',k,k,xk,yk);
%% Read next waypoint (xk_next, yk_next) from wpt.pos
n = length(wpt.pos.x);
if k < n % if there are more waypoints, read next one
xk_next = wpt.pos.x(k+1);
yk_next = wpt.pos.y(k+1);
else % else, continue with last bearing
bearing = atan2((wpt.pos.y(n)- wpt.pos.y(n-1)), (wpt.pos.x(n)-wpt.pos.x(n-1)));
R = 1e10;
xk_next = wpt.pos.x(n) + R * cos(bearing);
yk_next = wpt.pos.y(n) + R * sin(bearing);
%% Compute the path-tangnetial angle w.r.t. North
pi_h = atan2( (yk_next-yk), (xk_next-xk) );
% along-track and cross-track errors (x_e, y_e)
x_e = (x-xk) * cos(pi_h) + (y-yk) * sin(pi_h);
y_e = -(x-xk) * sin(pi_h) + (y-yk) * cos(pi_h);
% if the next waypoint satisfy the switching criterion, k = k + 1
d = sqrt( (xk_next-xk)^2 + (yk_next-yk)^2 );
if ( (d - x_e < R_switch) && (k < n) )
k = k + 1;
xk = xk_next; % update active waypoint
yk = yk_next;
fprintf(' (x%1.0f, y%1.0f) = (%.2f, %.2f) \n',k,k,xk,yk);
% ILOS guidance law
Kp = 1/Delta;
psi_d = psi_f;
psi_ref = pi_h - atan( Kp * (y_e + kappa * y_int) );
% desired yaw rate r_d
Dy_e = -U * y_e / sqrt( Delta^2 + y_e^2 ); % d/dt y_e
r_d = -Kp * Dy_e / ( 1 + (Kp * y_e)^2 ); % d/dt psi_d
% integral state: y_int[k+1]
y_int = y_int + h * Delta * y_e / ( Delta^2 + (y_e + kappa * y_int)^2 );
% observer/filter: psi_f[k+1]
psi_f = psi_f + h * ( r_d + K_f * ssa( psi_ref - psi_f ) );
persistent k; % active waypoint index (initialized by: clear ILOSpsi) 标注了路点的序列
persistent xk yk; % active waypoint (xk, yk) corresponding to integer k 标注了第k个路点的序列
persistent psi_f; % filtered heading angle command 滤波后的航向角命令
persistent y_int; % integral state 积分状态
%% Initialization of (xk, yk) and (xk_next, yk_next), and integral state
if isempty(k) % 确定数组k是否为空,若为空则进入初始化步骤
% check if R_switch is smaller than the minimum distance between the waypoints
% 检查一下R是否小于最小的路点间的距离
if R_switch > min( sqrt( diff(wpt.pos.x).^2 + diff(wpt.pos.y).^2 ) )
error("The distances between the waypoints must be larger than R_switch");% 小于航路点间的距离,说明R选取的不合适,报错
% check input parameters
if (R_switch < 0); error("R_switch must be larger than zero"); end
% R必须选择大于0的圆
if (Delta < 0); error("Delta must be larger than zero"); end
% 参数delta也必须大于0
% 初始化状态
y_int = 0; % initial states
psi_f = 0;
k = 1; % set first waypoint as the active waypoint 设定第一个航路点为活跃点
xk = wpt.pos.x(k);
yk = wpt.pos.y(k);
fprintf('Active waypoints:\n')
fprintf(' (x%1.0f, y%1.0f) = (%.2f, %.2f) \n',k,k,xk,yk);
对于Enclosure-based LOS 的制导率来说,通过包围载体的圆的半径来确定载体和载体路径之间的距离关系。R一定要选择比行路点序列中两点间距离更大的点。
%% Read next waypoint (xk_next, yk_next) from wpt.pos
n = length(wpt.pos.x);% 返回航路点的个数
if k < n % if there are more waypoints, read next one 若是k小于航路点的总个数,那么继续读取下一个航路点
xk_next = wpt.pos.x(k+1);
yk_next = wpt.pos.y(k+1);
else % else, continue with last bearing 若是达到了航路点的尽头,那么沿着最后一个航路点的方位继续前进
bearing = atan2((wpt.pos.y(n)- wpt.pos.y(n-1)), (wpt.pos.x(n)-wpt.pos.x(n-1)));
R = 1e10;
xk_next = wpt.pos.x(n) + R * cos(bearing);
yk_next = wpt.pos.y(n) + R * sin(bearing);
%% Compute the path-tangnetial angle w.r.t. North
pi_h = atan2( (yk_next-yk), (xk_next-xk) ); % 求解旋转角pi_p
% along-track and cross-track errors (x_e, y_e) 求解路径坐标系下的x轴误差和y轴误差
x_e = (x-xk) * cos(pi_h) + (y-yk) * sin(pi_h);
y_e = -(x-xk) * sin(pi_h) + (y-yk) * cos(pi_h);
% if the next waypoint satisfy the switching criterion, k = k + 1
d = sqrt( (xk_next-xk)^2 + (yk_next-yk)^2 );% 求解一下当前位置和下一点位置间的距离
if ( (d - x_e < R_switch) && (k < n) )% 若是距离delta小于圆的半径,以及k还在序列范围内
k = k + 1;% k进一步更新
xk = xk_next; % update active waypoint 更新当前的目标点
yk = yk_next;
fprintf(' (x%1.0f, y%1.0f) = (%.2f, %.2f) \n',k,k,xk,yk);
% ILOS guidance law
% 这里是引导率的核心算法处
Kp = 1/Delta;
psi_d = psi_f;
psi_ref = pi_h - atan( Kp * (y_e + kappa * y_int) ); % 制导率的公式
% desired yaw rate r_d
Dy_e = -U * y_e / sqrt( Delta^2 + y_e^2 ); % d/dt y_e
r_d = -Kp * Dy_e / ( 1 + (Kp * y_e)^2 ); % d/dt psi_d
% integral state: y_int[k+1]
y_int = y_int + h * Delta * y_e / ( Delta^2 + (y_e + kappa * y_int)^2 );
% observer/filter: psi_f[k+1]
psi_f = psi_f + h * ( r_d + K_f * ssa( psi_ref - psi_f ) );
(1)计算xe ye
根据fossen书中所讲,先求解一下 path-tangential coordinate 坐标系相对应的xe和ye误差。