- –SWCs和/或BSW模块交换的信息
- –独立于实施/网络/硬件
- –端口+接口
- –标准化的语法和语义
- –标准化端口+接口
- –标准化API
- –通常为特定编程语言(“C”)定义
- –通常由同一ECU上的S/W模块使用
- –应用程序数据类型
- –实现数据类型
- –基本数据类型
Process Flow “DataType Creation”
Type | Scene | Sample |
Boolean | compu method、 data constraints | - |
Value | a unit, compu method and data constraints | - |
String | compu method and to define the text properties of the string type. The text properties include the selection of the string’s base type, the definition of a fixed or variable size, and a filling character | - |
Array | data type | - |
Record | record elements | - |
Axis | describes one of the input values of a characteristic table | - |
Characteristic Table | define a number of input values (axis) and an output value (as Application Values Type). | - |
Type | Scene | Sample |
Value | Define a datatype of base type, can add compu method 、data constraint、invalid value | typedef unsigned long uint32; |
Type Reference | A type reference expresses a redirection to another data type,not need to choose base type | typedef MySimpleType MyTypeRef; |
Data Reference | A data reference expresses a pointer type as defined by the C code statement | typedef MySimpleType * MyDataRef; or typedef void * MyDataRef;. |
Union | Only one of the union elements might hold data at a given time | typedef union{ uint32 UnionElement0; } MyUnitCode; |
Array | The element type of the can be Value, Type Reference, Array or Record and a fixed or variable size | typedef uint64 MyArrayCode[5]; |
Record | define a struct type | typedef struct{ uint16 RecordElement; CounterType RecordElement_1; } MyRecordCode; |
–例如:“typedef unsigned char“
In the New Unit dialog you may define the display name and the factor and offset.
- –物理(测试和测量)含义
- –内部(校准)含义
Compu Methods Category:
Type | Scene | Sample |
Identical | Only the unit is relevant, no compu scales can be defined | - |
Linear | Exacty one compu scale expressing a linear conversion can be defined | - |
Scale-Linear | Any number of compu scales expressing a linear conversion can be defined. The ranges must not overlap. | - |
TextTable | Enumeration: Any number of compu scales expressing a constant value can be defined. | - |
Scale-LinearAndTextTable | Any number of compu scales expressing a linear conversion can be defined. The ranges must not overlap. | - |
BitfieldTextTable | Bitfield: Only compu scales of type Int to Phys can be defined. | - |
Compu Methods Compu Contents:
Int To Phys: computing the physical value out of the internal value.
Phys To Int: compu scales used for reversely computing the internal values out of the physical value.
Compu Methods Sample: defining enumerations
Data Constraints:
define a minimum and maximum range.
define a range related to the internal value and/or to the physical value.
AutoSAR Interface Design --Summary
Interfaces are assigned to SWC Ports.
Interfaces define the communication-mechanism
between SWC-Ports
Sender/Receiver Interface
E.g. Data exchange between Application SWCs
Client/Server Interface
E.g. Data exchange between Application SWCs and BSW
Calibration Interface
Additional Interfaces introduced with AUTOSAR 4.0
NvDataInterface (NvRAM)
ModeSwitchInterface (Mode Switch)
TriggerInterface (external triggering, e.g. from ComplexDevicerDriver)
Client Server Interface: The operations that are implemented by the server and invoked by the client are defined.
· Sender Receiver Interface: Defines the data elements that are exchanged.
· Parameter Interface: Constant, fixed or calibration data is accessed via the parameter interfaces.
· Non Volatile Data Interface: Provide access to the data at the element level.
· Trigger Interface: A signal of triggered event is passed to the component via the trigger interface.
· Mode Switch Interface: The information about the current mode is passed to the component via mode switch interface.
AutoSAR Interface Design --Flow
Process Flow “Interface Creation”
AutoSAR Interface Design --Relationship
Port/Interface Relationship:
AutoSAR Interface Design –-S/R Interface
Sender/Receiver Communication
- 1..m Multiplicity (Multicast)
- n..1 Multiplicity
- Transfer of Data element
- of a certain Data type (e.g. Uint8)
- Data Elements are Variables:Base Type、record
AutoSAR Interface Design –-S/R Sample
S/R Interface Sample:
AutoSAR Interface Design -- C/S Interface
Client/Server Communication
- n..1 Multiplicity
- Sync or async
- Transfer of Arguments to/from an Operation
- Arguments are Variables
- Arguments have a direction “in, out, inout”
- Return of ErrorCodes possible using “ApplicationError”
AutoSAR Interface Design –-C/S Sample
C/S Interface Sample:
AutoSAR Interface Design –-Trigger Interface
Trigger Interface Sample:
AutoSAR Interface Design –-Calibration Interface
Calibration Interface :
Type of calibration support can be defined in the ‘Calibration’ column for the dataelements of the different interfaces
This information can be used by the RTE generator to be able to support McSupportData generation (that maps symbol with the dataelement)
McSupportData is the bridge from Autosar to the A2L generation
Affects: ModeSwitch, ClientServer and SenderReceiver communication
AutoSAR Interface Design -- Service Interface
Service Interface :
Communication between SWC and BSW
IsService = true
Can be Client/Server, Sender/Receiver, etc...
AutoSAR SWC Design –-SWC Component Type
Component Type :
AutoSAR SWC Design -- Atomic Component
Define Atomic Component Sample :
AutoSAR SWC Design -- Composition
Define Composition Component Sample:
1.Application component should be assigned to Composition component.
2.Application component instance will be added automatic after sync in Davinci Configurator.
3.In this project, DIMswarch will be used to export ECUExtract.
AutoSAR SWC Design -- Ports
AutoSAR Runnable Design --Triggers
The runnable entity is triggered exactly once on start up of the component.
Runnables with init triggers are not allowed to have other triggers.
The runnable entity is periodically triggered.
On Data Reception
The runnable entity is triggered upon an incoming data element.
Can select data elements of all receiver port of the component type.
Used for unqueued communication.
On Data Reception Error
The runnable entity is triggered upon an incoming data element.
Can select data elements of all receiver port of the component type.
On Data Send Completion
The runnable entity is triggered upon completion of sending an output data element (Tx Acknowledge).
Can select data elements of all sender port of the component type.
AutoSAR Runnable Design -- Access points
Access Points
Receive Data
The runnable entity may receive data from a receiver port prototype.
This kind of port access is only available for queued data element prototypes.
Read Data
The runnable entity may read data from a receiver port prototype.
This kind of port access is only available for unqueued data element prototypes
Send Data
The runnable entity may send data to a sender port prototype.
This kind of port access is only available for queued data element prototypes.
Write Data
The runnable entity may write data to a sender port prototype.
This kind of port access is only available for unqueued data element prototypes
Invoke Operations
The runnable entity may invoke operations of a client port prototype
AutoSAR Runnable Design -- Exclusive Area List
The runnable entity does not access the exclusive area.
The runnable entity runs in the exclusive area during the complete execution.
The runnable entity can enter the exclusive area during its execution.
1.Solve the issue of the swc runnables run in different task.
AutoSAR Runnable Design --InterRunnableVariable
The runnable entity does not access the inter-runnable variable .
The runnable entity only reads the inter-runnable variable .
The runnable entity only writes the inter-runnable variable .
The runnable entity reads and writes the inter-runnable variable.