Service Account是什么呢,顾名思义,服务账号,一种给服务使用的账号,它不是给Kubernetes的集群的用户(系统管理员、运维人员、租户用户等)使用,而是给运行在Pod里的进程用的,它…
文章目录 Python for Everybody课程简介Loops and IterationsUpdating variablesThe while statementInfinite loopsFinishing iterations with continueDefinite loops using forLoop patternsCounting and summing loopsMaximum and minimum loopsDebuggingGlossary Python f…
文章目录 Python for Everybody课程简介StringsA string is a sequenceGetting the length of a string using lenTraversal through a string with a loopString slicesStrings are immutableLooping and countingThe in operatorString comparisonString methodsParsing stri…