
news2025/1/8 19:32:09


一般情况下,托福独立口语一类问题是自由回答间题(Free-choice Response),如:If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Use details to support your. response;另一类是选择类问题(Paired-choice Response),如:Do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the same kind of food all the time? Use details and examples to support your response,准备时间为15秒,回答问题时间为45秒。

这部分问题会被朗读出来,且同时出现在屏幕上。考生可以不用理会电脑的朗读,迅速阅读完问题。这样可以争取大概5秒,那么在这大约20秒内,考生可在草稿纸上迅速记下自己所要表达的关键信息。这里记笔记的方法为“TST表格”。TST ( Topic-Supporting ideas--Transitions)意思是考生须在草稿纸上用一到两个词写下欲表达的Topic(主题),Supporting ideas(分论点)和Transitions(信号词)。下面试举一例:

Question: Where would you want to be professionally in ten years? Use details to support your response.

考生应迅速在纸上写下“own bus...”、“master”、“work com...”、“start”等信息见以下TST( Topic—Supporting ideas—Transitions )表格。

Topic statement:

own bus... (I would like to own my own business) Supporting ideas:

( How I will work toward owning my business)

master (Will get master's in business )

work com... (Will work in company while planning my business)

start (Will start my own business when I am ready)

Transitions: 10 next because 3 within 10 y (可用y代替 years)

Sample Answer

In ten years I would like to win an import business of my own. Next year, I will be starting a master's program in business with a specialization in entrepreneurship. I will be getting this degree because I hope to start my own business and make it successful some day. After I finish my master's degree three years from now, I will most likely take a position in another company for a few years to make some money and to spend some time planning my own business. Within ten years, I hope to own my own company and be on the way to making it a success.


Question: Sometimes students have to write papers. Sometimes they have to give oral presentations. Which activity do you think is better for students, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

考生应迅速在纸上写下“pap”、“strong read write exams”、“more time think deeply”等信息。见以下TST( Topic—Supporting ideas—Transitions )表格::

Topic: pap (writing papers is better for students) Supporting ideas: (Why writing papers is better)

* strong read write exams (need strong writing skills for reading and writing and prepare for exams)

* more time think deeply(show understanding for more time to explain and think deeply)

Transitions: firstly because, so also

Sample Answer

I think writing papers is better for students. Firstly we need to develop strong writing skills. We go to school mainly to learn reading and writing, so we need a lot of practice. Examinations require a lot of writing, so writing papers is good reparation. Also, I think writing is a better way to show that I understand. When I write a paper, I can think deeply because I have more time to explain my ideas.


1. Describe a place that you consider to be beautiful. Explain why certain qualities of this place make it beautiful. Include details and examples to support your explanation.

2. Some people relax by staying home. Others relax by going out. Which type of relaxation is better for your and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.-

3. Describe an occasion when you were surprised. What happened to you, and why did you feel surprised? Include details and examples in your explanation.

4. Some students prepare for tests by studying alone. Others prepare for tests by studying with other students or a tutor. Which study method do you think is better, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

5.What type of home would you like to live in? Describe the characteristics of such a home and explain why you would like to live there. Include details and examples in your explanation.

6. Some people exercise early in the morning. Others exercise in the afternoon or evening. Which time of day do you think is better for exercising and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.





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