日历组件 el-calendar 实现标记功能

news2025/3/1 2:56:22






<!-- 日历组件 -->
				<div style="width: 28% !important">
					<el-date-picker v-model="selectDate" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" :picker-options="pickerOptions" @change="dataPickerHandle"> </el-date-picker>
					<el-calendar v-model="selectDate" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd">
						<template :disabled="data.styleFlag == true" slot="dateCell" slot-scope="{ data }">
							<span>{{ dealMyDate(data.day, data) }}</span>
							<p @click="calendarOnClick(data)" :class="data.styleFlag == true ? 'preventClick' : ''">
								}}<br />
							<div v-for="item in resDate" :key="item.dt">
								<div v-if="data.day == item.dt">
									<span class="redStyle" v-if="item.type == 2">需质检</span>
									<span class="greenStyle" v-if="item.type == 1">已质检</span>
        dealMyDate(v, data) {
			if (v > this.defaultDate) {
				Object.assign(data, { styleFlag: true });
		dataPickerHandle(date) {
			let obj = {
				date: this.dateFormat('YYYY-mm-dd', date),
			getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.resDate = res.data.data;
        // 页面一开始进来调用前天的日历接口
	    getCalenderData() {
			let obj = {
				date: this.defaultDate,
			getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.resDate = res.data.data;


			<div style="float: left">
				<!-- 日历组件 -->
				<div style="width: 28% !important">
					<el-date-picker v-model="selectDate" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" :picker-options="pickerOptions" @change="dataPickerHandle"> </el-date-picker>
					<el-calendar v-model="selectDate" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd">
						<template :disabled="data.styleFlag == true" slot="dateCell" slot-scope="{ data }">
							<span>{{ dealMyDate(data.day, data) }}</span>
							<p @click="calendarOnClick(data)" :class="data.styleFlag == true ? 'preventClick' : ''">
								}}<br />
							<div v-for="item in resDate" :key="item.dt">
								<div v-if="data.day == item.dt">
									<span class="redStyle" v-if="item.type == 2">需质检</span>
									<span class="greenStyle" v-if="item.type == 1">已质检</span>
						background: 'rgb(255, 191, 191)',
						color: 'rgb(44,44,44)',
					style="width: 28%; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 20px"
					<el-table-column label="序号" width="70">
						<template slot-scope="scope">
							{{ scope.$index + 1 }}
					<el-table-column label="状态" prop="type"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="100" label="人数" prop="number"> </el-table-column>
					<el-table-column label="操作" width="100">
						<template slot-scope="scope">
							<el-button type="text" v-if="scope.row.type == '需质检'" @click="handleInspect(scope.row)">质检</el-button>
							<el-button type="text" v-if="scope.row.type == '已质检'" @click="handleView(scope.row)">详情</el-button>
			<div class="inspection-right-table">
						background: 'rgb(255, 191, 191)',
						color: 'rgb(44,44,44)',
					:default-sort="{ prop: 'time', order: 'descending' }"
					<el-table-column label="序号" width="60" type="index">
						<template slot-scope="scope">{{ page.size * (page.current - 1) + scope.$index + 1 }}</template>
					<el-table-column label="成员" prop="name"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="90" label="客户" prop="contactName"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="90" label="敏感内容(分)" prop="sensitiveContent"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="90" label="用语规范(分)" prop="terminologyNorm"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="90" label="服务禁语(分)" prop="serviceTaboo"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="90" label="加分项(分)" prop="pluses"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="70" label="总分" prop="score"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="100" label="质检人" prop="checkeName"></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column width="100" label="质检时间" prop="checkDt" sortable></el-table-column>
					<el-table-column label="操作" width="100">
						<template slot-scope="scope">
							<el-button v-if="scope.row.type == '2'" type="text" @click="dialogInspect(scope.row)">质检</el-button>
							<el-button type="text" v-if="scope.row.type == '1'" @click="dialogView(scope.row)">详情</el-button>
				<!-- 分页 -->
				<div class="madp-pagination">
						:page-sizes="[10, 20, 30, 50, 100]"
						layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper"

			<el-dialog :title="dialogTitle" :close-on-click-modal="false" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" :before-close="handleCancel" width="88%">
				<div class="dialog-left">
					<div class="dialog-left-title">聊天记录</div>
					<el-row style="padding: 7px; border-left: 1px solid #ebebeb">
						<el-col :span="12" :offset="6">
							<el-input maxlength="30" v-model="searchCont" placeholder="请输入聊天内容"></el-input>
						<el-col :span="6">
							<el-button style="margin-left: 20%" type="primary" @click="handleSearch">搜索</el-button>
					<div class="scrollStyle">
						<div class="madp-chatInfo" v-for="(it, i) in chatData" :key="i">
								<p :class="it.toListType == 0 ? 'madp-chat-link' : 'madp-chat-link madp-chat-right'">
									<span v-if="it.toListType == 0">
										<img class="madp-chatInfo-avatar" :src="it.avatar" />
										<span class="madp-chatInfo-name">{{ it.name }}</span>
										<span class="madp-chatInfo-time">{{ it.msgDataTime }}</span>
									<span v-else>
										<span class="madp-chatInfo-etime">{{ it.msgDataTime }}</span>
										<span class="madp-chatInfo-ename">{{ it.name }}</span>
										<img class="madp-chatInfo-eavatar" :src="it.avatar" />
								<div v-if="it.type == 1" :class="it.toListType == 0 ? '' : 'madp-chat-right'">
									<p :class="it.toListType == 0 ? 'madp-chatInfo-chat madp-text-over' : 'madp-chatInfo-echat madp-text-over'">
										{{ it.content.content }}
								<div v-if="it.type == 2" :class="it.toListType == 0 ? 'madp-chat-box' : 'madp-chat-box madp-chatInfo-eimg'">
											isLargeImgShow = true;
											largeImgUrl = it.content.ossPath;
								<div v-if="it.type == 13" :class="it.toListType == 0 ? '' : 'madp-chat-right'">
									<p :class="it.toListType == 0 ? 'madp-chatInfo-chat madp-text-over' : 'madp-chatInfo-echat madp-text-over'">
										<a :href="it.content.link_url" target="_blank">{{ it.content.link_url }}</a>
								<div v-if="it.type == 4" :class="it.toListType == 0 ? '' : 'madp-right-audio'">
									<audio :src="it.content.ossPath" controls="controls" class="madp-chatInfo-audio"></audio>
								<div :class="it.toListType == 0 ? '' : 'madp-chatInfo-eimg'" v-if="it.type == 5">
									<video :src="it.content.ossPath" controls="controls" class="madp-chatInfo-img"></video>
								<div v-if="it.type == 7" :class="it.toListType == 0 ? '' : 'madp-right-audio'">
									<!-- 音频 -->
									<div v-if="it.content.fileext == 'mp3'">
										<audio :src="it.content.ossPath" controls="controls" class="madp-chatInfo-audio"></audio>
									<!-- 视频 -->
									<div v-if="it.content.fileext == 'mp4'">
										<video :src="it.content.ossPath" controls="controls" class="madp-chatInfo-img"></video>
									<div class="madp-file" v-else>
											<p class="madp-file-name">
												{{ it.content.filename }}
											<p>{{ (it.content.filesize / 1024).toFixed(2) }}kb</p>
										<a :href="it.content.ossPath" target="_blank">
											<img src="/img/xlsx.png" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'xlsx'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />
											<img src="/img/pdf.jpg" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'pdf'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />

											<img src="/img/ppt.jpg" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'pptx'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />

											<img src="/img/txt.png" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'txt'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />

											<img src="/img/word.png" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'docx'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />

											<img src="/img/csv.png" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'csv'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />
											<img :src="it.content.ossPath" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'jpg'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />
											<img :src="it.content.ossPath" v-show="it.content.fileext == 'png'" class="madp-chatInfo-file" />
				<div class="dialog-right">
						style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px"
						<el-table-column prop="sort" label="分类" width="110"> </el-table-column>
						<el-table-column prop="class" label="类别" width="110"> </el-table-column>
						<el-table-column prop="standards" label="标准"> </el-table-column>
						<el-table-column prop="checkPoints" label="考核扣分"> </el-table-column>
						<el-table-column property="inspectScore" label="得分">
							<template slot-scope="scope">
									v-if="!scope.row[scope.column.property + 'isShow'] && scope.row.sort !== '加分项' && scope.row.class == '敏感内容(40分)'"
									@blur="editCellSensitive(scope.row, scope.column)"
									v-if="!scope.row[scope.column.property + 'isShow'] && scope.row.sort !== '加分项' && scope.row.class == '用语规范(20分)'"
									@blur="editCellNorms(scope.row, scope.column)"
									v-if="!scope.row[scope.column.property + 'isShow'] && scope.row.sort !== '加分项' && scope.row.class == '服务禁语(40分)'"
									@blur="editCellService(scope.row, scope.column)"

									v-if="!scope.row[scope.column.property + 'isShow'] && scope.row.sort == '加分项'"
									@blur="editCellPraise(scope.row, scope.column)"
								<el-select :disabled="isEdit" @change="selectChange" clearable v-if="scope.row.sort == '其他'" v-model="selectValue" placeholder="请选择">
									<el-option style="text-align: center" v-for="item in options" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value"> </el-option>
								<!-- <span v-else>{{ scope.row.inspectScore }}</span> -->
						<el-table-column property="inspectAdvice" label="问题建议">
							<template slot-scope="scope">
									:autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 5 }"
									v-if="!scope.row[scope.column.property + 'isShow'] && scope.row.class == '敏感内容(40分)'"
									@blur="editCellQuestionSensitive(scope.row, scope.column)"
									:autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 5 }"
									v-if="!scope.row[scope.column.property + 'isShow'] && scope.row.class == '用语规范(20分)'"
									@blur="editCellQuestionNorms(scope.row, scope.column)"
									:autosize="{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 2 }"
									v-if="!scope.row[scope.column.property + 'isShow'] && scope.row.class !== '用语规范(20分)' && scope.row.class !== '敏感内容(40分)'"
									@blur="editCellQuestion(scope.row, scope.column)"
								<!-- <span v-else>{{ scope.row.inspectAdvice }}</span> -->
				<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
					<el-button type="primary" v-if="this.dialogTitle == '会话质检'" @click="dialogConfim">确定</el-button>
					<el-button type="primary" @click="handleCancel">取消</el-button>
import { getCalenderList, getInspectionList, getChatData, inspectionCinfirmList } from '@/api/session-quality-inspection/inspection';
export default {
	name: 'starff-inspection',
	data() {
		return {
			defaultDate: '',
			selectDate: '',
			pickerOptions: {
				disabledDate(time) {
					return time.getTime() > Date.now() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000;
			searchCont: '', //搜索框内容
			chatData: [],
			resDate: [],
			listLoading: false, //左边表格loading
			tableList: [], //左边表格数据
			detailLoading: false, //右边详情表格loading
			detailTable: [], //右边表格数据
			page: {
				current: 1,
				size: 10,
				total: 0,
			isEdit: false, //得分和意见是否可编辑
			dialogVisible: false,
			dialogTableData: [],
			dialogHandleData: {},
			dialogTableList: [
					sort: '服务规范',
					class: '敏感内容(40分)',
					standards: '遵守法律法规,坚持道德准则,不得妄议党的方针政策,不得传播色情、低俗等不当内容',
					sort: '服务规范',
					class: '用语规范(20分)',
					standards: '态度积极友善、耐心诚恳,不得反问、客户或与客户争辩质问、责怪、嘲讽',
					sort: '服务规范',
					class: '服务禁语(40分)',
					standards: '尊重客户、不得训斥、辱骂客户',
					checkPoints: '出现训斥、辱骂客户的字眼,扣40分/次;',
					sort: '加分项',
					class: '表扬',
					standards: '客户在线提出表扬',
					checkPoints: '如出现"你服务真好!"、"我对你的回答很满意"、"我想表扬你等"加10分;',
					sort: '其他',
					class: '投诉事件',
					standards: '出现因工作人员自身原因引起客户投诉,有损银行名誉、形象行为',
					checkPoints: '如:因服务态度不好引发有责投诉,业务解答、引导、流程有误引发有责投诉或造成客户经济损失,索要红包等扣20分/次;',
			dialogTitle: '',
			randomKey: '',
			options: [
					value: 1,
					label: '是',
					value: 0,
					label: '否',
			selectValue: '',
			calanderType: '',
			sumsScore: '',
			classFlag: false,
			searchData: {},
			allInspectDate: [],
			allDetailDate: [],
	created() {
		this.$nextTick(() => {
			// 点击上个月
			let prevBtn = document.querySelector('.el-calendar__button-group .el-button-group>button:nth-child(1)');
			prevBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
				let obj = {
					date: this.dateFormat('YYYY-mm-dd', this.selectDate),
				getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
					if (res.data.code == 0) {
						this.resDate = res.data.data;
						this.tableList = [];
			// 点击今天
			let currBtn = document.querySelector('.el-calendar__button-group .el-button-group>button:nth-child(2)');
			currBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
				let obj = {
					date: this.dateFormat('YYYY-mm-dd', this.selectDate),
				getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
					if (res.data.code == 0) {
						this.resDate = res.data.data;
						this.tableList = [];
			// 点击下个月
			let nextBtn = document.querySelector('.el-calendar__button-group .el-button-group>button:nth-child(3)');
			nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
				let obj = {
					date: this.dateFormat('YYYY-mm-dd', this.selectDate),
				getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
					if (res.data.code == 0) {
						this.resDate = res.data.data;
						this.tableList = [];
		// this.page.total = this.detailTable.length;
	activated() {},
	mounted() {
		var now = new Date();
		var year = now.getFullYear(); //得到年份
		var month = (now.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'); //得到月份
		var date = now.getDate().toString(); //得到日期
		if (date.length == 1) {
			this.defaultDate = `${year}-${month}-0${date - 1}`;
		} else if (date.length == 2) {
			this.defaultDate = `${year}-${month}-${date - 1}`;
	updated() {},
	methods: {
		dealMyDate(v, data) {
			if (v > this.defaultDate) {
				Object.assign(data, { styleFlag: true });
		dataPickerHandle(date) {
			let obj = {
				date: this.dateFormat('YYYY-mm-dd', date),
			getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.resDate = res.data.data;
		// 页面一开始进来调用前天的日历接口
		getCalenderData() {
			let obj = {
				date: this.defaultDate,
			getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.resDate = res.data.data;
		dateFormat(fmt, date) {
			let ret;
			const opt = {
				'Y+': date.getFullYear().toString(), // 年
				'm+': (date.getMonth() + 1).toString(), // 月
				'd+': date.getDate().toString(), // 日
				'H+': date.getHours().toString(), // 时
				'M+': date.getMinutes().toString(), // 分
				'S+': date.getSeconds().toString(), // 秒
			for (let k in opt) {
				ret = new RegExp('(' + k + ')').exec(fmt);
				if (ret) {
					fmt = fmt.replace(ret[1], ret[1].length == 1 ? opt[k] : opt[k].padStart(ret[1].length, '0'));
			return fmt;
		//日期选择器 默认显示当前日期的前一天
		getdatatime() {
			const start = new Date();
			this.selectDate = start.getTime() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000;
		calendarOnClick(e) {
			this.detailTable = [];
			if (this.resDate.length == 0) {
				this.calanderType = '3';
				this.tableList = [];
			} else {
				this.calanderType = this.resDate[0].type;
			// 调用左边表格的接口
			let obj = {
				date: e.day,
				type: this.calanderType,
			getInspectionList(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.tableList = res.data.data;
					// this.page.total = res.data.data.page.total;
					// this.page.current = res.data.data.page.current;
					// this.page.size = res.data.data.page.size;
		// 点击质检按钮
		handleInspect(data) {
			this.allInspectDate = data.page.records;
			// this.detailTable = data.page.records;
			// this.page.size = data.page.size;
			// this.page.current = data.page.current;
			this.page.total = data.page.total;
			this.detailTable = this.allInspectDate.slice((this.page.current - 1) * this.page.size, this.page.current * this.page.size);
		// 点击详情按钮
		handleView(data) {
			this.allDetailDate = data.page.records;

			this.detailTable = this.allDetailDate.slice((this.page.current - 1) * this.page.size, this.page.current * this.page.size);
		// 分页
		handleSizeChange(size) {
			console.log('当前页多少数据:', size);
			this.page.size = size;
			this.detailTable = this.allInspectDate.slice((this.page.current - 1) * this.page.size, this.page.current * this.page.size);
		handleCurrentChange(current) {
			console.log('当前页数:', current);
			this.page.current = current;
			this.detailTable = this.allInspectDate.slice((current - 1) * this.page.size, current * this.page.size);
		// 合并单元格操作
		objectSpanMethod({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {
			if (columnIndex == 0) {
				if (rowIndex == 0) {
					return {
						rowspan: 3,
						colspan: 1,
				} else if (rowIndex < 3) {
					return {
						rowspan: 0,
						colspan: 0,
			if (rowIndex == 5) {
				if (columnIndex == 0) {
					return {
						rowspan: 1,
						colspan: 4,
				} else if (columnIndex < 4) {
					return {
						rowspan: 0,
						colspan: 0,
				} else {
					return {
						rowspan: 1,
						colspan: 2,
		// editTableData(row, column) {
		// 	row[column.property + 'isShow'] = true;
		// 	//refreshTable是table数据改动时,刷新table的
		// 	this.refreshTable();
		// 	this.$nextTick(() => {
		// 		this.$refs[column.property] && this.$refs[column.property].focus();
		// 	});
		// },
		//得分一列编辑 敏感内容打分(不包含加分项)
		editCellSensitive(row, column) {
			row[column.property + 'isShow'] = false;

			if ((row.sort = '敏感内容(40%)')) {
				if (row.inspectScore != '') {
					this.selectValue = 0;
		//得分一列编辑 用语规范(不包含加分项)
		editCellNorms(row, column) {
			row[column.property + 'isShow'] = false;

			if ((row.sort = '敏感内容(40%)')) {
				if (row.inspectScore != '') {
					this.selectValue = 0;
		//得分一列编辑 服务禁语(不包含加分项)
		editCellService(row, column) {
			row[column.property + 'isShow'] = false;

			if ((row.sort = '敏感内容(40%)')) {
				if (row.inspectScore != '') {
					this.selectValue = 0;
		editCellPraise(row, column) {
			row[column.property + 'isShow'] = false;

		//问题建议编辑  敏感
		editCellQuestionSensitive(row, column) {
			row[column.property + 'isShow'] = false;

		//问题建议编辑  规范
		editCellQuestionNorms(row, column) {
			row[column.property + 'isShow'] = false;

		editCellQuestion(row, column) {
			row[column.property + 'isShow'] = false;

		selectChange(val) {
			this.dialogTableData[4].inspectScore = val;
		refreshTable() {
			this.randomKey = Math.random();
		// 表尾合计总分
		getTotalScore(param) {
			const { columns, data } = param;
			const sums = [];
			columns.forEach((column, index) => {
				if (index === 1) {
					sums[index] = '最终得分';
                const values = data.map((item) => Number(item[column.property]));
                if (!values.every((value) => isNaN(value))) {
                    sums[index] = values.reduce((prev, curr) => {
                        const value = Number(curr);
                        if (!isNaN(value)) {
                            return prev + curr;
                        } else {
                            return prev;
                    }, 0);
                    sums[index] = 0;
                    this.sumsScore = sums[index]; 
                } else {
                    sums[index] = '';
			return sums;
		// 弹窗搜索聊天记录
		handleSearch() {
			let obj = {
				chatDate: this.searchData.sessionDt,
				wxUserId: this.searchData.wxUserId,
				name: this.searchData.name,
				wxExternalUserid: this.searchData.wxExternalUserid,
				contactName: this.searchData.contactName,
				content: this.searchCont,
			getChatData(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.chatData = res.data.data.records;
		dialogInspect(data) {
			this.searchData = data;
			this.dialogHandleData = data;
			this.dialogVisible = true;
			this.isEdit = false;
			this.dialogTitle = '会话质检';
			if (data.ifComplain == '') {
				this.selectValue = 0;
			} else if (data.ifComplain > 1) {
				this.selectValue = 1;
			} else {
				this.selectValue = data.ifComplain;
			let amout3Key = [data.sensitiveContent, data.terminologyNorm, data.serviceTaboo, data.pluses, data.ifComplain];
			let amout4key = [data.sensitiveDis, data.terminologyDis, data.serviceDis, data.plusesDis, data.complainDis];
			this.dialogTableData = this.dialogTableList.map((i, index) => {
				return {
					inspectScore: amout3Key[index],
					inspectAdvice: amout4key[index],
			let obj = {
				chatDate: data.sessionDt,
				wxUserId: data.wxUserId,
				name: data.name,
				wxExternalUserid: data.wxExternalUserid,
				contactName: data.contactName,
			getChatData(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.chatData = res.data.data.records;
		dialogView(data) {
			this.searchData = data;
			this.dialogVisible = true;
			this.dialogTitle = '质检详情';
			if (data.ifComplain == '') {
				this.selectValue = 0;
			} else if (data.ifComplain > 1) {
				this.selectValue = 1;
			} else {
				this.selectValue = data.ifComplain;
			this.isEdit = true;
			let amout3Key = [data.sensitiveContent, data.terminologyNorm, data.serviceTaboo, data.pluses, data.ifComplain];
			let amout4key = [data.sensitiveDis, data.terminologyDis, data.serviceDis, data.plusesDis, data.complainDis];
			this.dialogTableData = this.dialogTableList.map((i, index) => {
				return {
					inspectScore: amout3Key[index],
					inspectAdvice: amout4key[index],
			let obj = {
				chatDate: data.sessionDt,
				wxUserId: data.wxUserId,
				name: data.name,
				wxExternalUserid: data.wxExternalUserid,
				contactName: data.contactName,
			getChatData(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					this.chatData = res.data.data.records;
		// 弹窗确定按钮
		dialogConfim() {
			this.dialogTableData[4].inspectScore = this.selectValue;
			//否0   是1
			if (this.dialogTableData[4].inspectScore == 0) {
				if (this.dialogTableData[0].inspectScore == '' || this.dialogTableData[1].inspectScore == '' || this.dialogTableData[2].inspectScore == '') {
						showClose: true,
						message: '请对我的服务进行评分',
						type: 'warning',
				} else {
					this.dialogVisible = false;
			} else if (this.dialogTableData[4].inspectScore == 1) {
				this.dialogVisible = false;
				this.sumsScore = 0;
			let obj = {
				sessionDt: this.dialogHandleData.sessionDt,
				wxUserId: this.dialogHandleData.wxUserId,
				deptId: this.dialogHandleData.deptId,
				name: this.dialogHandleData.name,
				wxExternalUserid: this.dialogHandleData.wxExternalUserid,
				contactName: this.dialogHandleData.contactName,
				checkPeople: this.dialogHandleData.checkPeople,
				checkDt: this.dialogHandleData.checkDt,
				sq: this.dialogHandleData.sq,
				sensitiveContent: this.dialogTableData[0].inspectScore,
				sensitiveDis: this.dialogTableData[0].inspectAdvice,
				terminologyNorm: this.dialogTableData[1].inspectScore,
				terminologyDis: this.dialogTableData[1].inspectAdvice,
				serviceTaboo: this.dialogTableData[2].inspectScore,
				serviceDis: this.dialogTableData[2].inspectAdvice,
				pluses: this.dialogTableData[3].inspectScore,
				plusesDis: this.dialogTableData[3].inspectAdvice,
				ifComplain: this.dialogTableData[4].inspectScore,
				complainDis: this.dialogTableData[4].inspectAdvice,
				score: this.sumsScore,
			inspectionCinfirmList(obj).then((res) => {
				if (res.data.code == 0) {
					let obj = {
						date: this.dialogHandleData.sessionDt,
					getCalenderList(obj).then((res) => {
						if (res.data.code == 0) {
							this.resDate = res.data.data;
							console.log(res.data.data, 'youbing');
							this.tableList = [];
							this.detailTable = [];
							// 调用左边表格的接口
							let obj = {
								date: this.resDate[0].dt,
								type: this.resDate[0].type,
							getInspectionList(obj).then((res) => {
								if (res.data.code == 0) {
									this.tableList = res.data.data;
									// this.page.total = res.data.data.page.total;
									// this.page.current = res.data.data.page.current;
									// this.page.size = res.data.data.page.size;
		handleCancel() {
			this.dialogVisible = false;
	watch: {
		selectDate: {
			handler(val, old) {
				let date = new Date(val);
				let date1 = new Date(old);
				let yy = date.getFullYear();
				let yy1 = date1.getFullYear();
				let mm = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1;
				let mm1 = date1.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date1.getMonth() + 1) : date1.getMonth() + 1;
				let mm2 = date.getMonth() + 1;
				if (yy + '-' + mm != yy1 + '-' + mm1) {
					this.$emit('watchChild', yy + '-' + mm, mm2);
			deep: true,
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1、短语及释义 scare the pants off sb. 释义&#xff1a; 把某人的裤子吓掉&#xff1b;引申为严重的惊吓 2、示例及出处 美剧&#xff1a;《生活大爆炸》第八季第2集 The Big Bang Theory, Season 8 Episode 2 Leonard Hofstadter: I think the idea that someone could be …




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