用android Studio 做了一个应用,想发布在google play 里,就碰到一个版本的问题。
我上传了一个版本,更新了一点点,结果有这样一个错误:Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code。本文就这问题的解决做个小总结。
google 这个错误,找到下面这个链接:android - Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code - Stack Overflow
You have two ways to solve this, if you released your bundle already, then you have to update your version code like in balu k's answer,
If you're still developing and pushed app bundle for say, testing, and then you delete it, this bundle is saved as a draft with that version code. Therefore, it says that you can't use the same version because it already sees another one with the same version name.
Here's how you fix it:
- Go to the release section
- go to app bundle explorer, in the top right you should see a dropdown button for you app version, click on it.
- A bottomsheet will show containing all the previous app bundles you uploaded it. Delete the one with clashing bundle version and you're good to go.
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.liwensoft.recognizefindtext"
minSdk 24
targetSdk 33
versionCode 2 //from 1=>2
versionName "1.1" //1.0 => 1.1
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
再回到第一种方法,只有inactive 的这种未发行包才可以删除。跟着右箭头,到了下面界面:
对于处于active 状态,这个delete 就不会出现。