Storm forming 风雨欲来 | 经济学人20230325版社论高质量双语精翻

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本期精翻为2023年3月25日《经济学人》周报封面文章:《风雨欲来》(Storm forming)。

Storm forming


As video games grow, they are eating the media


The games business has lessons for other industries and for governments


Warner Bros released a new Harry Potter title last month and took $850m in two weeks. That made it the second-most-successful Potter launch in the film studio’s history. But “Hogwarts Legacy”, the title in question, was no movie: it was a video game.

华纳兄弟上个月发行了一部新的《哈利波特》影片(译者注:本句中a new Harry Potter title的意思是a new Harry Potter movie,即一部新的哈利·波特影片),两周内获得8.5亿美元票房收入。这使它成为该电影工作室历史上第二成功的《哈利·波特》发布会。但《霍格沃兹:遗产》,这个片名并不是电影,而是一个电子游戏。

Warner’s hit is an example of how gaming is besting older media, both as a business and as a way for people to entertain themselves. Consumers are forecast to spend $185bn on games this year, five times what they will spend at the cinema and 70% more than they will allocate to streamers like Netflix. Once a children’s hobby, gaming has grown up. Console players in their 30s and 40s now outnumber those in their teens and 20s.


Yet as gaming matures, it is not just rivalling other media. Rather like a ravenous Pac-Man, it is gobbling them up. While such intellectual property (IP) as Harry Potter may be finding success in game form, game franchises have themselves become the most in-demand kind of IP in other media. Apple’s “Tetris” movie, due out later this month, is the latest (and perhaps oddest) instance of Hollywood mining games for ideas as audiences tire of comic-book heroes. Amateur creators are doing the same. After music, gaming clips are the biggest content category on YouTube.

然而,随着游戏的成熟,它不仅仅是在与其它媒体竞争。就像一个贪婪的吃豆人(译者注:Pac-Man是著名游戏公司万代南宫梦(Bandai Namco Games)于1980年开发的一款经典游戏和2015年漫威制作的动画剧集《吃豆人的鬼魅历险》中的角色),它正在吞噬它们。虽然像《哈利波特》这样的知识产权可能在游戏形式上取得成功,但游戏特许经营权本身已经成为其它媒体中最受欢迎的知识产权类型。苹果的《俄罗斯方块》电影,定于本月晚些时候上映,是最新的(也许是最奇怪的)好莱坞挖矿游戏的实例,因为观众厌倦了漫画书中的英雄。业余创作者也在做同样的事情。继音乐之后,游戏片段是YouTube上最大的内容类别。

Mar 20th 2023 | Insert coin | Ready, player four billion: the rise of video games | As video games move from teenage distraction to universal pastime they are following the path of other mass media, says Tom Wainwright


At the same time, audiences are increasingly consuming old media through games. The latest season of “The Walking Dead”, a long-running television drama, took the form of an interactive game on Facebook. Musicians such as Ariana Grande perform concerts in “Fortnite”. The fitness video is giving way to the fitness game. Even social networking is partly migrating to the gaming arena. Platforms like Roblox provide children with a place to play—but also to hang out, chat and shop. In so far as anything resembling a metaverse yet exists, it exists in games.


Expect more growth. Smartphones put a powerful console in people’s pockets and unlocked hours of playtime on the commute and at the back of the lecture hall. The next boost may come from smart TVs and streaming, which bring high-fidelity games to living rooms without the need for dedicated hardware.


New business models are another source of growth. Gaming’s latest boom was propelled by free-to-play games, which suck users in before monetising them with ads and in-game purchases. A new phase of expansion is coming from game-library subscriptions, which already show signs of increasing consumption and accelerating discovery, much as the cable bundle did in television. These new distribution mechanisms and business models promise more choice for consumers—which is why regulators should allow Microsoft’s $69bn acquisition of Activision Blizzard, a big gamemaker whose titles Microsoft would make available for streaming and subscription.

新的商业模式是增长的另一个源泉。游戏的最新繁荣是由免费游戏推动的,这些游戏在通过广告和游戏内购买等方式将用户货币化之前就吸收了用户。游戏库订阅正在进入一个新的扩张阶段,它已经显示出消费增加和发现速度加快的迹象,就像电视上的有线电视一样。这些新的分销机制和业务模式为消费者带来了更多选择——这就是为什么监管机构应该允许微软以690亿美元收购大型游戏制造商动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard),微软将为其游戏提供流媒体和订阅服务。

All this holds lessons for other industries—chiefly that, if you are in media, you need to be in gaming. Apple and Netflix are scrambling to complement their streaming offerings with games. Others are already there. In August Sony Pictures will release “Gran Turismo”, a film based on a Sony game which features songs by artists from Sony Music. Media firms that ignore gaming risk being like those that decided in the 1950s to sit out the TV craze.


Governments should also pay attention. Their main concern so far has been whether games rot young minds (almost certainly not, especially if playing diverts them from social media). As gaming grows, bigger questions loom. Film and television, the engines of popular culture in the 20th century, are dominated by Hollywood. The contest in new media is more open. Western governments are waking up to the implications of the world’s hottest social-media app, TikTok, being Chinese-owned. Next, they might consider what it means that China also made two of last year’s three highest-grossing mobile games.


《经济学人》本周人物配图:TikTok CEO周受资先生出席美国国会听证会

When video games were just electronic toys, this might not have mattered. But as games expand and spill into other formats, it is becoming clear that whoever dominates gaming is going to wield clout in every form of communication. In every sense, the future of the media is in play. 






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