【Biomechanics】1 Biomechanics as an Interdiscipline

news2025/2/21 23:28:47


    • 1.0 Introduction
    • 1.1 Measurement, Description, Analysis, and Assessment
    • 1.1.1 Measurement, Description, and Monitoring
      • 1.1.2 Analysis
      • 1.1.3 Assessment and Interpretation
    • 1.2 Biomechanics and its Relationship with Physiology and Anatomy
    • 1.3 Scope of the Textbook
      • 1.3.1 Signal Processing

1.0 Introduction

The biomechanics of human movement can be defined as the interdiscipline that describes, analyzes, and assesses human movement. A wide variety of physical movements are involved—everything from the gait of the physically handicapped to the lifting of a load by a factory worker to the performance of a superior athlete. The physical and biological principles that apply are the same in all cases. What changes from case to case are the specific movement tasks and the level of detail that is being asked about the performance of each movement.


The list of professionals and semiprofessionals interested in applied aspects of human movement is quite long: orthopedic surgeons, athletic coaches, rehabilitation engineers, therapists, kinesiologists, prosthetists, psychiatrists, orthotists, sports equipment designers, and so on. At the basic level, the name given to the science dedicated to the broad area of human movement is kinesiology. It is an emerging discipline blending aspects of psychology, motor learning, and exercise physiology as well as biomechanics. Biomechanics, as an outgrowth of both life and physical sciences, is built on the basic body of knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, physiology, and anatomy. It is amazing to note that the first real “biomechanicians” date back to Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Lagrange, Bernoulli, Euler, and Young. All these scientists had primary interests in the application of mechanics to biological problems.


1.1 Measurement, Description, Analysis, and Assessment

The scientific approach as applied to biomechanics has been characterized by a fair amount of confusion. Some descriptions of human movement have been passed off as assessments, some studies involving only measurements have been falsely advertised as analyses, and so on. It is, therefore, important to clarify these terms. Any quantitative assessment of human movement must be preceded by a measurement and description phase, and if more meaningful diagnostics are needed, a biomechanical analysis is usually necessary. Most of the material in this text is aimed at the technology of measurement and description and the modeling process required for analysis. The final interpretation, assessment, or diagnosis is movement specific and is limited to the examples given.


Figure 1.1, which has been prepared for the assessment of the physically handicapped, depicts the relationships between these various phases of assessment. All levels of assessment involve a human being and are based on his or her visual observation of a patient or subject, recorded data, or some resulting biomechanical analysis. The primary assessment level uses direct observation, which places tremendous “overload” even on the most experienced observer. All measures are subjective and are almost impossible to compare with those obtained previously. Observers are then faced with the tasks of documenting (describing) what they see, monitoring changes, analyzing the information, and diagnosing the causes. If measurements can be made during the patient’s movement, then data can be presented in a convenient manner to describe the movement quantitatively. Here the assessor’s task is considerably simplified. He or she can now quantify changes, carry out simple analyses, and try to reach a more objective diagnosis. At the highest level of assessment, the observer can view biomechanical analyses that are extremely powerful in diagnosing the exact cause of the problem, compare these analyses with the normal population, and monitor their detailed changes with time.


The measurement and analysis techniques used in an athletic event could be identical to the techniques used to evaluate an amputee’s gait. However, the assessment of the optimization of the energetics of the athlete is quite different from the assessment of the stability of the amputee. Athletes are looking for very detailed but minor changes that will improve their performance by a few percentage points, sufficient to move them from fourth to first place. Their training and exercise programs and reassessment normally continue over an extended period of time. The amputee, on the other hand, is looking for major improvements, probably related to safe walking, but not fine and detailed differences. This person is quite happy to be able to walk at less than maximum capability, although techniques are available to permit training and have the prosthesis readjusted until the amputee reaches some perceived maximum. In ergonomic studies, assessors are likely looking for maximum stresses in specific tissues during a given task, to thereby ascertain whether the tissue is working within safe limits. If not, they will analyze possible changes in the workplace or task in order to reduce the stress or fatigue.


1.1.1 Measurement, Description, and Monitoring

It is difficult to separate the two functions of measurement and description. However, for clarity the student should be aware that a given measurement device can have its data presented in a number of different ways. Conversely, a given description could have come from several different measurement devices.


Earlier biomechanical studies had the sole purpose of describing a given movement, and any assessments that were made resulted from visual inspection of the data. The description of the data can take many forms: pen recorder curves, plots of body coordinates, stick diagrams, or simple outcome measures such as gait velocity, load lifted, or height of a jump. A movie camera, by itself, is a measurement device, and the resulting plots form the description of the event in time and space. Figure 1.2 illustrates a system incorporating a cine camera and two different descriptive plots. The coordinates of key anatomical landmarks can be extracted and plotted at regular intervals in time. Time history plots of one or more coordinates are useful in describing detailed changes in a particular landmark. They also can reveal to the trained eye changes in velocity and acceleration. A total description in the plane of the movement is provided by the stick diagram, in which each body segment is represented by a straight line or stick. Joining the sticks together gives the spatial orientation of all segments at any point in time. Repetition of this plot at equal intervals of time gives a pictorial and anatomical description of the dynamics of the movement. Here, trajectories, velocities, and accelerations can by visualized. To get some idea of the volume of the data present in a stick diagram, the student should note that one full page of coordinate data is required to make the complete plot for the description of the event. The coordinate data can be used directly for any desired analysis: reaction forces, muscle moments, energy changes, efficiency, and so on. Conversely, an assessment can occasionally be made directly from the description. A trained observer, for example, can scan a stick diagram and extract useful information that will give some directions for training or therapy, or give the researcher some insight into basic mechanisms of movement.



The term monitor needs to be introduced in conjunction with the term describe. To monitor means to note changes over time. Thus, a physical therapist will monitor the progress (or the lack of it) for each physically disabled person undergoing therapy. Only through accurate and reliable measurements will the therapist be able to monitor any improvement and thereby make inferences to the validity of the current therapy. What monitoring does not tell us is why an improvement is or is not taking place; it merely documents the change. All too many coaches or therapists document the changes with the inferred assumption that their intervention has been the cause. However, the scientific rationale behind such inferences is missing. Unless a detailed analysis is done, we cannot document the detailed motor-level changes that will reflect the results of therapy or training.


1.1.2 Analysis

1.1.3 Assessment and Interpretation

1.2 Biomechanics and its Relationship with Physiology and Anatomy

1.3 Scope of the Textbook

1.3.1 Signal Processing






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