
news2025/3/16 18:49:34

最近在复习Spring Security,发现测试jwt解密的时候会报错,之前没有问题,但是最近几次都出现了问题,我决定究其原因。




public Jwt parse(String jwt) throws ExpiredJwtException, MalformedJwtException, SignatureException {

    Assert.hasText(jwt, "JWT String argument cannot be null or empty.");

    String base64UrlEncodedHeader = null;
    String base64UrlEncodedPayload = null;
    String base64UrlEncodedDigest = null;

    int delimiterCount = 0;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);

    for (char c : jwt.toCharArray()) {

        if (c == SEPARATOR_CHAR) {

            CharSequence tokenSeq = Strings.clean(sb);
            String token = tokenSeq!=null?tokenSeq.toString():null;

            if (delimiterCount == 0) {
                base64UrlEncodedHeader = token;
            } else if (delimiterCount == 1) {
                base64UrlEncodedPayload = token;

        } else {

    if (delimiterCount != 2) {
        String msg = "JWT strings must contain exactly 2 period characters. Found: " + delimiterCount;
        throw new MalformedJwtException(msg);
    if (sb.length() > 0) {
        base64UrlEncodedDigest = sb.toString();

    if (base64UrlEncodedPayload == null) {
        throw new MalformedJwtException("JWT string '" + jwt + "' is missing a body/payload.");

    // =============== Header =================
    Header header = null;

    CompressionCodec compressionCodec = null;

    if (base64UrlEncodedHeader != null) {
        String origValue = TextCodec.BASE64URL.decodeToString(base64UrlEncodedHeader);
        Map<String, Object> m = readValue(origValue);

        if (base64UrlEncodedDigest != null) {
            header = new DefaultJwsHeader(m);
        } else {
            header = new DefaultHeader(m);

        compressionCodec = compressionCodecResolver.resolveCompressionCodec(header);

    // =============== Body =================
    String payload;
    if (compressionCodec != null) {
        byte[] decompressed = compressionCodec.decompress(TextCodec.BASE64URL.decode(base64UrlEncodedPayload));
        payload = new String(decompressed, Strings.UTF_8);
    } else {
        payload = TextCodec.BASE64URL.decodeToString(base64UrlEncodedPayload);

    Claims claims = null;

    if (payload.charAt(0) == '{' && payload.charAt(payload.length() - 1) == '}') { //likely to be json, parse it:
        Map<String, Object> claimsMap = readValue(payload);
        claims = new DefaultClaims(claimsMap);

    // =============== Signature =================
    if (base64UrlEncodedDigest != null) { //it is signed - validate the signature

        JwsHeader jwsHeader = (JwsHeader) header;

        SignatureAlgorithm algorithm = null;

        if (header != null) {
            String alg = jwsHeader.getAlgorithm();
            if (Strings.hasText(alg)) {
                algorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.forName(alg);

        if (algorithm == null || algorithm == SignatureAlgorithm.NONE) {
            //it is plaintext, but it has a signature.  This is invalid:
            String msg = "JWT string has a digest/signature, but the header does not reference a valid signature " +
            throw new MalformedJwtException(msg);

        if (key != null && keyBytes != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("A key object and key bytes cannot both be specified. Choose either.");
        } else if ((key != null || keyBytes != null) && signingKeyResolver != null) {
            String object = key != null ? "a key object" : "key bytes";
            throw new IllegalStateException("A signing key resolver and " + object + " cannot both be specified. Choose either.");

        //digitally signed, let's assert the signature:
        Key key = this.key;

        if (key == null) { //fall back to keyBytes

            byte[] keyBytes = this.keyBytes;

            if (Objects.isEmpty(keyBytes) && signingKeyResolver != null) { //use the signingKeyResolver
                if (claims != null) {
                    key = signingKeyResolver.resolveSigningKey(jwsHeader, claims);
                } else {
                    key = signingKeyResolver.resolveSigningKey(jwsHeader, payload);

            if (!Objects.isEmpty(keyBytes)) {

                              "Key bytes can only be specified for HMAC signatures. Please specify a PublicKey or PrivateKey instance.");

                key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, algorithm.getJcaName());

        Assert.notNull(key, "A signing key must be specified if the specified JWT is digitally signed.");

        //re-create the jwt part without the signature.  This is what needs to be signed for verification:
        String jwtWithoutSignature = base64UrlEncodedHeader + SEPARATOR_CHAR + base64UrlEncodedPayload;

        JwtSignatureValidator validator;
        try {
            validator = createSignatureValidator(algorithm, key);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            String algName = algorithm.getValue();
            String msg = "The parsed JWT indicates it was signed with the " +  algName + " signature " +
                         "algorithm, but the specified signing key of type " + key.getClass().getName() +
                         " may not be used to validate " + algName + " signatures.  Because the specified " +
                         "signing key reflects a specific and expected algorithm, and the JWT does not reflect " +
                         "this algorithm, it is likely that the JWT was not expected and therefore should not be " +
                         "trusted.  Another possibility is that the parser was configured with the incorrect " +
                         "signing key, but this cannot be assumed for security reasons.";
            throw new UnsupportedJwtException(msg, e);

        if (!validator.isValid(jwtWithoutSignature, base64UrlEncodedDigest)) {
            String msg = "JWT signature does not match locally computed signature. JWT validity cannot be " +
                         "asserted and should not be trusted.";
            throw new SignatureException(msg);

    final boolean allowSkew = this.allowedClockSkewMillis > 0;

    //since 0.3:
    if (claims != null) {

        SimpleDateFormat sdf;

        final Date now = this.clock.now();
        long nowTime = now.getTime();

        //token MUST NOT be accepted on or after any specified exp time:
        Date exp = claims.getExpiration();
        if (exp != null) {

            long maxTime = nowTime - this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
            Date max = allowSkew ? new Date(maxTime) : now;
            if (max.after(exp)) {
                sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_FORMAT);
                String expVal = sdf.format(exp);
                String nowVal = sdf.format(now);

                long differenceMillis = maxTime - exp.getTime();

                String msg = "JWT expired at " + expVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal + ", a difference of " +
                    differenceMillis + " milliseconds.  Allowed clock skew: " +
                    this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
                throw new ExpiredJwtException(header, claims, msg);

        //token MUST NOT be accepted before any specified nbf time:
        Date nbf = claims.getNotBefore();
        if (nbf != null) {

            long minTime = nowTime + this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
            Date min = allowSkew ? new Date(minTime) : now;
            if (min.before(nbf)) {
                sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_FORMAT);
                String nbfVal = sdf.format(nbf);
                String nowVal = sdf.format(now);

                long differenceMillis = nbf.getTime() - minTime;

                String msg = "JWT must not be accepted before " + nbfVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal +
                    ", a difference of " +
                    differenceMillis + " milliseconds.  Allowed clock skew: " +
                    this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
                throw new PrematureJwtException(header, claims, msg);

        validateExpectedClaims(header, claims);

    Object body = claims != null ? claims : payload;

    if (base64UrlEncodedDigest != null) {
        return new DefaultJws<Object>((JwsHeader) header, body, base64UrlEncodedDigest);
    } else {
        return new DefaultJwt<Object>(header, body);


final boolean allowSkew = this.allowedClockSkewMillis > 0;

//since 0.3:
if (claims != null) {

    SimpleDateFormat sdf;

    final Date now = this.clock.now();
    long nowTime = now.getTime();

    //token MUST NOT be accepted on or after any specified exp time:
    Date exp = claims.getExpiration();
    if (exp != null) {

        long maxTime = nowTime - this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
        Date max = allowSkew ? new Date(maxTime) : now;
        if (max.after(exp)) {
            sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_FORMAT);
            String expVal = sdf.format(exp);
            String nowVal = sdf.format(now);

            long differenceMillis = maxTime - exp.getTime();

            String msg = "JWT expired at " + expVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal + ", a difference of " +
                differenceMillis + " milliseconds.  Allowed clock skew: " +
                this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
            throw new ExpiredJwtException(header, claims, msg);

    //token MUST NOT be accepted before any specified nbf time:
    Date nbf = claims.getNotBefore();
    if (nbf != null) {

        long minTime = nowTime + this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
        Date min = allowSkew ? new Date(minTime) : now;
        if (min.before(nbf)) {
            sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_FORMAT);
            String nbfVal = sdf.format(nbf);
            String nowVal = sdf.format(now);

            long differenceMillis = nbf.getTime() - minTime;

            String msg = "JWT must not be accepted before " + nbfVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal +
                ", a difference of " +
                differenceMillis + " milliseconds.  Allowed clock skew: " +
                this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
            throw new PrematureJwtException(header, claims, msg);

    validateExpectedClaims(header, claims);

final boolean allowSkew = this.allowedClockSkewMillis > 0;

这段代码是 Spring Security 中 JWT 验证过滤器的一部分,用于检查 JWT 的时间戳是否有效。它首先检查 allowedClockSkewMillis 是否大于 0,如果是,则表示允许 JWT 的时间戳与当前时间存在一定的偏差。然后,它通过比较 JWT 中的时间戳(即 iat 和 exp 声明)和当前时间来判断 JWT 是否过期或者尚未生效。如果 JWT 的时间戳在允许的偏差范围内,那么该 JWT 就被认为是有效的。否则,将抛出异常,表示 JWT 已经过期或者尚未生效。

SimpleDateFormat sdf;

final Date now = this.clock.now();
long nowTime = now.getTime();

//token MUST NOT be accepted on or after any specified exp time:
Date exp = claims.getExpiration();
if (exp != null) {

    long maxTime = nowTime - this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
    Date max = allowSkew ? new Date(maxTime) : now;
    if (max.after(exp)) {
        sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_FORMAT);
        String expVal = sdf.format(exp);
        String nowVal = sdf.format(now);

        long differenceMillis = maxTime - exp.getTime();

        String msg = "JWT expired at " + expVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal + ", a difference of " +
            differenceMillis + " milliseconds.  Allowed clock skew: " +
            this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
        throw new ExpiredJwtException(header, claims, msg);

这段代码是用于检查 JWT 是否已过期的逻辑。首先,它获取当前时间和 JWT 的过期时间,并将它们转换为毫秒数。然后,它比较当前时间与允许的时钟偏差之后的最大时间是否在 JWT 过期时间之前。如果是,则说明 JWT 仍然有效;否则,就抛出一个 ExpiredJwtException 异常,表示 JWT 已过期。


最后,如果 JWT 已过期,代码会生成一条错误消息,其中包括 JWT 的过期时间、当前时间以及它们之间的时间差。这条错误消息将被传递给 ExpiredJwtException 异常,以便调用方可以捕获并处理它。

Date exp = claims.getExpiration();

这段代码是用来获取 JWT 的过期时间的。在 JWT 中,通常会包含一个 exp 字段,用来表示 JWT 的过期时间。在使用 JWT 进行认证时,需要检查当前时间是否在 JWT 的有效期内,如果超过了有效期,则认证失败。

首先,通过 claims.getExpiration() 方法获取 JWT 中的过期时间。claims 是一个包含 JWT 所有声明信息的对象,可以通过它来获取 JWT 中的各种信息。getExpiration() 方法就是用来获取 JWT 的过期时间的。

如果 JWT 中没有设置过期时间,或者过期时间无效(比如格式不正确),则 getExpiration() 方法会返回 null。因此,在使用 JWT 进行认证时,需要先判断 exp 是否为 null,以及当前时间是否在有效期内,才能确定 JWT 是否有效。

long maxTime = nowTime - this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
Date max = allowSkew ? new Date(maxTime) : now;

这段代码是用来计算 JWT 的最大有效期的。JWT 中包含了一个时间戳,以便在验证时检查 JWT 是否已经过期。但是由于客户端和服务器之间的时间可能存在差异,因此需要考虑一些时钟偏差。这里的 allowedClockSkewMillis 变量就是用来设置时钟偏差的毫秒数。

首先,获取当前时间戳 nowTime,然后减去允许的时钟偏差 allowedClockSkewMillis 得到最大有效期的时间戳 maxTime。接着,根据是否允许时钟偏差来创建一个 Date 对象 max,如果允许时钟偏差,则使用 maxTime 创建 Date 对象;否则,使用当前时间 now 创建 Date 对象。

最终,max 就是 JWT 的最大有效期,用于在验证 JWT 时检查时间戳是否在有效期内。




public static final Long JWT_TTL = 60 * 60 * 1000L;// 60 * 60 *1000  一个小时



 * JWT工具类
public class JwtUtil {

    public static final Long JWT_TTL = 60 * 60 * 1000L;// 60 * 60 *1000  一个小时
    public static final String JWT_KEY = "sPowerveil";

    public static String getUUID() {
        String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");
        return token;

     * 生成jtw
     * @param subject token中要存放的数据(json格式)
     * @return
    public static String createJWT(String subject) {
        JwtBuilder builder = getJwtBuilder(subject, null, getUUID());// 设置过期时间
        return builder.compact();

     * 生成jtw
     * @param subject   token中要存放的数据(json格式)
     * @param ttlMillis token超时时间
     * @return
    public static String createJWT(String subject, Long ttlMillis) {
        JwtBuilder builder = getJwtBuilder(subject, ttlMillis, getUUID());// 设置过期时间
        return builder.compact();

    private static JwtBuilder getJwtBuilder(String subject, Long ttlMillis, String uuid) {
        SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.HS256;
        SecretKey secretKey = generalKey();
        long nowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Date now = new Date(nowMillis);
        if (ttlMillis == null) {
            ttlMillis = JwtUtil.JWT_TTL;
        long expMillis = nowMillis + ttlMillis;
        Date expDate = new Date(expMillis);
        return Jwts.builder()
                .setId(uuid)              //唯一的ID
                .setSubject(subject)   // 主题  可以是JSON数据
                .setIssuer("pv")     // 签发者
                .setIssuedAt(now)      // 签发时间
                .signWith(signatureAlgorithm, secretKey) //使用HS256对称加密算法签名, 第二个参数为秘钥

     * 创建token
     * @param id
     * @param subject
     * @param ttlMillis
     * @return
    public static String createJWT(String id, String subject, Long ttlMillis) {
        JwtBuilder builder = getJwtBuilder(subject, ttlMillis, id);// 设置过期时间
        return builder.compact();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String jwt = createJWT("123456");


     * 生成加密后的秘钥 secretKey
     * @return
    public static SecretKey generalKey() {
        byte[] encodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(JwtUtil.JWT_KEY);
        SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(encodedKey, 0, encodedKey.length, "AES");
        return key;

     * 解析
     * @param jwt
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static Claims parseJWT(String jwt) throws Exception {
        SecretKey secretKey = generalKey();
        return Jwts.parser()






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