【哈佛积极心理学笔记】第14讲 过犹不及

news2025/1/11 21:59:19

第14讲 过犹不及


Stress is not the problem. The problem is lack of revovery.
level of stress -> chronic stress -> chronic anxiety -> depression

Recovery on different level:

  1. micro level 15 min break, lunch time
  2. mezzo level, full night sleep, the day off once a week at least
  3. vacation, longer period

Our nature dictates that we need recovery, we pay a price for it if we frustrate our psychological or physical need.
The key is to introduce these natural recovery periods into our lives.
The key is to focus on both work as well as recovery.

Quantity affects quality. Too much of good thing.

multi-task at the same time -10 points IQ
36 hours not sleep -10 points IQ

Doing less and when you do less, you get so much more done.
Creativity goes up. Productivity goes up. Work satisfaction goes up.

affluence 充裕

time affluence, which is the feeling that we have time, the feeling that we can savor the things that we are doing, that we are not constantly chasing our own shadow.

How do we choose what do we say no and what do we say yes to? By simply asking what do I really, really, really want to do.

The key though is to reach optimum levels of simplicity because we don’t want to simplify too much.

The law of gas applied to time management
But even if we have very little work, it well take up all of your time.

How do we need to simplify today, in the 21st century?
sustainable growth -> not to freeze the progress -> it means that it wants to grow, however, in a sustainable way.
“Let’s take out of the environment, what can be replenished naturally through our help.”

We are not talking about a stress-less life, when we don’t take out ourself, when we don’t push ourselves, when we don’t exert ourselves. What we are talking about sustainable growth is that we take out of ourselves, we exert, we stress ourselves and we replenish throught recovery just enough, so that it is sustainable.

Where do I in my life need to simplify? Where do I in my life need to do more?

Procrastinators, the world over, think that in order to act, they first need to be inspired.
We first need to start acting, behavior that will affect your attitude.
5 min take-off. And very often that the 5 minutes start an upward spiral. Not through mind. Not through heart. Through action.

threw my knapsack over the wall 破釜沉舟

Finally, permission to recreate, give yourself to be human, give yourself permission to procrastinate at time as well, give yourself premission to recover.
Because if we don’t respect nature, nature is not going to respect us, and we are going to pay a price, in term of our productivity, our creativity as well as our happiness-the ultimate currency.

reprieve 缓刑,暂缓 ecstatic 欣喜若狂的 ecstasy 欣喜 prevasive 普遍的

All or nothing.
Now there is no perfectionist, there is no one person who is on this extreme, nor there is a person who’s on the excellence extreme.

  1. characteristics-what it means to be a perfectionist?
  2. the consequences.
  3. how it possible to be both successful and happy.
  4. the source of prefectionism
  5. how do we overcome it and how do we help other people overcome perfectionism?

courage is not about having fear, it’s about having fear and going ahead anyway.

learn to fail or fail to learn, there is no other way to learn.

Elbert Hubbard: “The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.”

Gandhi: “Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err”

charisma 魅力 profusely 大量地 methodical 条理的
psychological safety for failure





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