OpenShift Route 的实现原理

news2024/9/25 17:22:41

OpenShift Route 的实现原理

    • OpenShift 如何使用 HAProxy 实现 Router 和 Route
      • Router app
      • HAProxy 配置
        • 1. HTTP
        • 2. HTTPS

OpenShift 中的 Route 解决了从集群外部访问服务的需求,与 Kubernetes 中的 Ingress 类似。

OpenShift 中 Route 资源 API 定义如下:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Route
  name: route-edge-secured
    kind: Service
    name: service-name
    termination: edge
    key: |-
      -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END PRIVATE KEY-----      
    certificate: |-
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----      
    caCertificate: |-
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----      

与 Ingress 类似需要指定:

  • host 也就是服务的域名,也就是主机地址
  • to route 通过该 service 选择器对接至服务背后的 endpoint
  • 如果希望服务更安全可以通过配置 TLS 相关证书来实现 HTTPS

OpenShift 如何使用 HAProxy 实现 Router 和 Route

Router app

首先看一下 Router Pod 的控制器 DeploymentConfig API 资源定义:

kind: DeploymentConfig
  creationTimestamp: null
  generation: 1
    router: router
  name: router
  selfLink: /apis/
  replicas: 1
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
    router: router

OpenShift 集群中的每个 Infra 节点都会启动一个名为 router-n-xxxxx 的 Pod:

$ oc get po -l deploymentconfig=router -n default
router-1-8j2pp   1/1       Running   0          8d

我们挑一个 router app 容器进入其中:

$ oc exec -it router-1-8j2pp -n default /bin/bash
bash-4.2$ ps -ef
UID         PID   PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
1000000+      1      0  0 Mar07 ?        01:02:32 /usr/bin/openshift-router
1000000+   3294      1  0 04:26 ?        00:00:21 /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config -p /var/lib/haproxy/run/ -x /var/lib/haproxy/run/
1000000+   3298      0  0 07:07 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash
1000000+   3305   3298  0 07:07 ?        00:00:00 ps -ef

Router app 由两个进程组成:openshift-router 和 haproxy。

完整的 OpenShift 高可用集群架构如上图,所有集群上的业务(集群中运行的业务 Pod)流量会通过 DNS 指向右边的负载均衡 IP,然后通过集群前置的负载均衡器分片至集群的 Ingra 节点。在所有 Infra 节点上会以 Hostnetwork 方式运行 HAProxy 容器也就是进程监听着 80 和 443 端口。

$ netstat -lntp | grep haproxy
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      105481/haproxy
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      105481/haproxy
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      105481/haproxy
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      105481/haproxy

这里的 HAProxy 就相当于 Kubernetes 中的 Ingress controller,业务流量经过集群前端的负载均衡器到达 HAProxy 后会根据 HTTP 的 Host 请求头匹配转发规则分发至对应的业务后端。

$ curl -H 'Host:'

HAProxy 配置

查看容器中 haproxy 进程所使用的配置文件:

  maxconn 20000

  ca-base /etc/ssl
  crt-base /etc/ssl
  # TODO: Check if we can get reload to be faster by saving server state.
  # server-state-file /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.state
  stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin expose-fd listeners
  stats timeout 2m

  # Increase the default request size to be comparable to modern cloud load balancers (ALB: 64kb), affects
  # total memory use when large numbers of connections are open.
  tune.maxrewrite 8192
  tune.bufsize 32768

  # Prevent vulnerability to POODLE attacks
  ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

# The default cipher suite can be selected from the three sets recommended by,
# or the user can provide one using the ROUTER_CIPHERS environment variable.
# By default when a cipher set is not provided, intermediate is used.
  # Intermediate cipher suite (default) from
  tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048

  maxconn 20000

  # Add x-forwarded-for header.

  # To configure custom default errors, you can either uncomment the
  # line below (server ... and point it to your custom
  # backend service or alternatively, you can send a custom 503 error.
  # server openshift_backend
  errorfile 503 /var/lib/haproxy/conf/error-page-503.http

  timeout connect 5s
  timeout client 30s
  timeout client-fin 1s
  timeout server 30s
  timeout server-fin 1s
  timeout http-request 10s
  timeout http-keep-alive 300s

  # Long timeout for WebSocket connections.
  timeout tunnel 1h

frontend public

  bind :80
  mode http
  tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
  tcp-request content accept if HTTP
  monitor-uri /_______internal_router_healthz

  # Strip off Proxy headers to prevent HTTpoxy (
  http-request del-header Proxy

  # DNS labels are case insensitive (RFC 4343), we need to convert the hostname into lowercase
  # before matching, or any requests containing uppercase characters will never match.
  http-request set-header Host %[req.hdr(Host),lower]

  # check if we need to redirect/force using https.
  acl secure_redirect base,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/ -m found
  redirect scheme https if secure_redirect

  use_backend %[base,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/]

  default_backend openshift_default

# public ssl accepts all connections and isn't checking certificates yet certificates to use will be
# determined by the next backend in the chain which may be an app backend (passthrough termination) or a backend
# that terminates encryption in this router (edge)
frontend public_ssl

  bind :443
  tcp-request  inspect-delay 5s
  tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }

  # if the connection is SNI and the route is a passthrough don't use the termination backend, just use the tcp backend
  # for the SNI case, we also need to compare it in case-insensitive mode (by converting it to lowercase) as RFC 4343 says
  acl sni req.ssl_sni -m found
  acl sni_passthrough req.ssl_sni,lower,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/ -m found
  use_backend %[req.ssl_sni,lower,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/] if sni sni_passthrough

  # if the route is SNI and NOT passthrough enter the termination flow
  use_backend be_sni if sni

  # non SNI requests should enter a default termination backend rather than the custom cert SNI backend since it
  # will not be able to match a cert to an SNI host
  default_backend be_no_sni

# When using SNI we can terminate encryption with custom certificates.
# Certs will be stored in a directory and will be matched with the SNI host header
# which must exist in the CN of the certificate.  Certificates must be concatenated
# as a single file (handled by the plugin writer) per the haproxy documentation.
# Finally, check re-encryption settings and re-encrypt or just pass along the unencrypted
# traffic
backend be_sni
  server fe_sni weight 1 send-proxy

frontend fe_sni
  # terminate ssl on edge
  bind ssl no-sslv3 crt /etc/pki/tls/private/tls.crt crt-list /var/lib/haproxy/conf/ accept-proxy
  mode http

  # Strip off Proxy headers to prevent HTTpoxy (
  http-request del-header Proxy

  # DNS labels are case insensitive (RFC 4343), we need to convert the hostname into lowercase
  # before matching, or any requests containing uppercase characters will never match.
  http-request set-header Host %[req.hdr(Host),lower]

  # map to backend
  # Search from most specific to general path (host case).
  # Note: If no match, haproxy uses the default_backend, no other
  #       use_backend directives below this will be processed.
  use_backend %[base,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/]

  default_backend openshift_default


# When we don't have SNI the only thing we can try to do is terminate the encryption
# using our wild card certificate.  Once that is complete we can either re-encrypt
# the traffic or pass it on to the backends
# backend for when sni does not exist, or ssl term needs to happen on the edge
backend be_no_sni
  server fe_no_sni weight 1 send-proxy

frontend fe_no_sni
  # terminate ssl on edge
  bind ssl no-sslv3 crt /etc/pki/tls/private/tls.crt accept-proxy
  mode http

  # Strip off Proxy headers to prevent HTTpoxy (
  http-request del-header Proxy

  # DNS labels are case insensitive (RFC 4343), we need to convert the hostname into lowercase
  # before matching, or any requests containing uppercase characters will never match.
  http-request set-header Host %[req.hdr(Host),lower]

  # map to backend
  # Search from most specific to general path (host case).
  # Note: If no match, haproxy uses the default_backend, no other
  #       use_backend directives below this will be processed.
  use_backend %[base,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/]

  default_backend openshift_default


backend openshift_default
  mode http
  option forwardfor
  #option http-keep-alive
  option http-pretend-keepalive

##-------------- app level backends ----------------

# Secure backend, pass through
backend be_tcp:default:docker-registry
  balance source

  hash-type consistent
  timeout check 5000ms}
  server pod:docker-registry-1-tvrjp:docker-registry: weight 256

# Secure backend, pass through
backend be_tcp:default:registry-console
  balance source

  hash-type consistent
  timeout check 5000ms}
  server pod:registry-console-1-jspmx:registry-console: weight 256

# Plain http backend or backend with TLS terminated at the edge or a
# secure backend with re-encryption.
backend be_edge_http:default:route-origin-license-information-provider
  mode http
  option redispatch
  option forwardfor
  balance leastconn

  timeout check 5000ms
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(host)]
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc }
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto-Version h2 if { ssl_fc_alpn -i h2 }
  http-request add-header Forwarded for=%[src];host=%[req.hdr(host)];proto=%[req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto)];proto-version=%[req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto-Version)]
  cookie f68e01f4fd193411edcdbd2ed2123b1b insert indirect nocache httponly secure
  server pod:deployment-origin-license-information-provider-7b55689655-vcn2j:svc-origin-license-information-provider: cookie d000e3ba84d0860ea1f900879572c5fa weight 256

# Secure backend, pass through
backend be_tcp:kube-service-catalog:apiserver
  balance source

  hash-type consistent
  timeout check 5000ms}
  server pod:apiserver-w4szj:apiserver: weight 256

HAProxy 的配置包括几部分:

  • 全局配置 最大连接数等
  • 前端配置 在 80 端口监听 HTTP 请求和在 443 端口监听 HTTPS 请求
  • 后端配置 包含了协议(mode)、负载均衡方式、请求头改写、后端服务的 OpenShift 集群内部地址

顺着这份配置文件我们可以大致分析出 haproxy 对业务流量的处理:


frontend public

  bind :80
  mode http
  tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
  tcp-request content accept if HTTP
  monitor-uri /_______internal_router_healthz

  # Strip off Proxy headers to prevent HTTpoxy (
  http-request del-header Proxy

  # DNS labels are case insensitive (RFC 4343), we need to convert the hostname into lowercase
  # before matching, or any requests containing uppercase characters will never match.
  http-request set-header Host %[req.hdr(Host),lower]

  # check if we need to redirect/force using https.
  acl secure_redirect base,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/ -m found
  redirect scheme https if secure_redirect

  use_backend %[base,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/]

  default_backend openshift_default

当 haproxy 接收到 HTTP (80 端口)请求,会根据 /var/lib/haproxy/conf/ 文件中的转发规则转发至对应的后端。

^[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$ be_edge_http:mep-apigateway:backend

后端再根据配置中集群内部的 Pod 地址将流量转发至对应业务 Pod,从这里开始走 Kubernetes 内部网络。

# Plain http backend or backend with TLS terminated at the edge or a
# secure backend with re-encryption.
backend be_edge_http:mep-apigateway:backend
  mode http
  option redispatch
  option forwardfor
  balance leastconn

  timeout check 5000ms
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(host)]
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc }
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto-Version h2 if { ssl_fc_alpn -i h2 }
  http-request add-header Forwarded for=%[src];host=%[req.hdr(host)];proto=%[req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto)];proto-version=%[req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto-Version)]
  cookie dcdcad015a918c4295da5aec7a0daf50 insert indirect nocache httponly
  server pod:backend-listener-1-mwgb6:backend-listener: cookie 4a624e547781196b55877322edeaec05 weight 256


frontend public_ssl

  bind :443
  tcp-request  inspect-delay 5s
  tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }

  # if the connection is SNI and the route is a passthrough don't use the termination backend, just use the tcp backend
  # for the SNI case, we also need to compare it in case-insensitive mode (by converting it to lowercase) as RFC 4343 says
  acl sni req.ssl_sni -m found
  acl sni_passthrough req.ssl_sni,lower,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/ -m found
  use_backend %[req.ssl_sni,lower,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/] if sni sni_passthrough

  # if the route is SNI and NOT passthrough enter the termination flow
  use_backend be_sni if sni

  # non SNI requests should enter a default termination backend rather than the custom cert SNI backend since it
  # will not be able to match a cert to an SNI host
  default_backend be_no_sni

当 haproxy 接收到 HTTPS (443 端口)请求,会检查 HTTPS 请求支持 sni (TLS Server Name Indication)

这边的处理对应了 Router 对 HTTPS 流量的终结方式:

  • edge HTTPS 流量将在 Router 中解密并以纯 HTTP 转发至后端 Pod
  • passthrough TLS 加密包直接递交给后端 Pod,Router 不做任何 TLS 终结,不需要 TLS 相关证书
  • re-encryption 是 edge 的变种,HTTPS 流量将在 Router 中解密后再使用其他证书加密后转发至后端 Pod

也就是 route API 中的 termination 字段。

当 TLS 终结类型不是 passthrough 时将使用 be_sni 后端:

backend be_sni
  server fe_sni weight 1 send-proxy

名为 fe_sni 的前端与 10444 端口绑定,流量被转向 fe_sni:

frontend fe_sni
  # terminate ssl on edge
  bind ssl no-sslv3 crt /etc/pki/tls/private/tls.crt crt-list /var/lib/haproxy/conf/ accept-proxy
  mode http

  # Strip off Proxy headers to prevent HTTpoxy (
  http-request del-header Proxy

  # DNS labels are case insensitive (RFC 4343), we need to convert the hostname into lowercase
  # before matching, or any requests containing uppercase characters will never match.
  http-request set-header Host %[req.hdr(Host),lower]

  # map to backend
  # Search from most specific to general path (host case).
  # Note: If no match, haproxy uses the default_backend, no other
  #       use_backend directives below this will be processed.
  use_backend %[base,map_reg(/var/lib/haproxy/conf/]

  default_backend openshift_default

HTTPS 流量来到这里后会使用相关 TLS 证书解密,然后根据 /var/lib/haproxy/conf/ 映射文件中的转发规则转发至对应的后端。

^[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$ be_edge_http:user-management:user-management
^[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$ be_edge_http:mep-apigateway:zync-3scale-api-sp8kr
^[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$ be_edge_http:mep-apigateway:zync-3scale-api-twdpk
^[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$ be_edge_http:mep-apigateway:zync-3scale-api-r7rwm

与 HTTP 完全一样,后端再根据配置中集群内部的 Pod 地址将流量转发至对应业务 Pod,从这里开始走 Kubernetes 内部网络。

而我们创建/删除 Route API 资源的本质就是修改 HAProxy 的配置来控制流量的走向,OpenShift Router 的七层负载均衡能力也正是 Infra 节点上的 haproxy 提供的。

与 Ingress 类似,OpenShift Route 的 service 选择器只是用来向 HAProxy 配置中添加相关后端 Pod,而实际使用中跳过了 Kubernetes Service 这一层而避免 iptables 带来的性能影响。





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