MyBatis ---- 动态SQL
- 1. if
- 2. where
- 3. trim
- 4. choose、when、otherwise
- 5. foreach
- 6. SQL片段
MyBatis 框架的动态 SQL 技术是一种根据特定条件动态拼接 SQL 语句的功能,它存在的意义是为了解决拼接 SQL 语句字符串时的痛点问题。
1. if
* 根据条件查询员工信息if
* @param emp
* @return
List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ(Emp emp);
<!--List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ(Emp emp);-->
<select id="getEmpListByMoreTJ" resultType="emp">
select * from t_emp where
<if test="empName != '' and empName != null">
emp_name = #{empName}
<if test="age != '' and age != null">
and age = #{age}
<if test="sex != '' and sex != null">
and sex = #{sex}
<if test="email != '' and email != null">
and email = #{email}
当 age、sex…等条件为空时,不会影响查询结果,但是若 empName 为空的话,查询语句就会变成 where 后面直接跟 and,这是不符合语法规则的,避免措施:
在查询语句中添加一个 1=1,恒成立条件,且不会影响查询效果
<!--List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ(Emp emp);-->
<select id="getEmpListByMoreTJ" resultType="emp">
select * from t_emp where 1=1
<if test="empName != '' and empName != null">
and emp_name = #{empName}
<if test="age != '' and age != null">
and age = #{age}
<if test="sex != '' and sex != null">
and sex = #{sex}
<if test="email != '' and email != null">
and email = #{email}
2. where
* 根据条件查询员工信息where
* @param emp
* @return
List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ2(Emp emp);
<!--List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ2(Emp emp);-->
<select id="getEmpListByMoreTJ2" resultType="emp">
select * from t_emp
<if test="empName != '' and empName != null">
emp_name = #{empName}
<if test="age != '' and age != null">
and age = #{age}
<if test="sex != '' and sex != null">
and sex = #{sex}
<if test="email != '' and email != null">
and email = #{email}
where 和 if 一般结合使用:
a> 若 where 标签找那个的 if 条件都不满足,则 where 标签没有任何功能,即不会添加 where 关键字
b> 若 where 标签中的 if 条件满足,则 where 标签会自动添加 where 关键字,并将条件最前方多余的 and 去掉
注意:where 标签不能去掉条件最后多余的 and
3. trim
* 根据条件查询员工信息trim
* @param emp
* @return
List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ3(Emp emp);
<!--List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ3(Emp emp);-->
<select id="getEmpListByMoreTJ3" resultType="emp">
select * from t_emp
<trim prefix="where" suffixOverrides="and">
<if test="empName != '' and empName != null">
emp_name = #{empName} and
<if test="age != '' and age != null">
age = #{age} and
<if test="sex != '' and sex != null">
sex = #{sex} and
<if test="email != '' and email != null">
email = #{email} and
4. choose、when、otherwise
choose、when、otherwise相当于if…else if…else
* choose、when、otherwise
* @param emp
* @return
List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ4(Emp emp);
<!--List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ4(Emp emp);-->
<select id="getEmpListByMoreTJ4" resultType="emp">
select * from t_emp
<when test="empName != '' and empName != null">
emp_name = #{empName}
<when test="age != '' and age != null">
age = #{age}
<when test="sex != '' and sex != null">
sex = #{sex}
<when test="email != '' and email != null">
email = #{email}
did = 1
public void testGetEmpListByMoreTJ4(){
SqlSession sqlSession = SqlSessionUtils.getSqlSession();
DynamicSQLMapper dynamicSQLMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(DynamicSQLMapper.class);
List<Emp> empListByMoreTJ = dynamicSQLMapper.getEmpListByMoreTJ4(new Emp(null, null, null, null, null));
empListByMoreTJ.forEach(emp -> System.out.println(emp));
5. foreach
* 通过数组批量删除
* @param eids
* @return
int deleteMoreByArray(@Param("eids") Integer[] eids);
<!--int deleteMoreByArray(@Param("eids") Integer[] eids);-->
<delete id="deleteMoreByArray">
delete from t_emp where
<foreach collection="eids" item="eid" separator="or">
eid = #{eid}
public void testDeleteMoreByArray(){
SqlSession sqlSession = SqlSessionUtils.getSqlSession();
DynamicSQLMapper dynamicSQLMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(DynamicSQLMapper.class);
int i = dynamicSQLMapper.deleteMoreByArray(new Integer[]{6, 7, 8});
open:设置 foreach 标签中的内容的开始符
close:设置 foreach 标签中的内容的结束符
6. SQL片段
sql 片段,可以记录一段公共 sql 片段,在使用的地方通过 include 标签进行引入
<sql id="empColumns">eid, emp_name, age, sex</sql>
<!--List<Emp> getEmpListByMoreTJ4(Emp emp);-->
<select id="getEmpListByMoreTJ4" resultType="emp">
select <include refid="empColumns"></include> from t_emp
<when test="empName != '' and empName != null">
emp_name = #{empName}
<when test="age != '' and age != null">
age = #{age}
<when test="sex != '' and sex != null">
sex = #{sex}
<when test="email != '' and email != null">
email = #{email}
did = 1