一 后端
package com. woniu. community. entity ;
import lombok. AllArgsConstructor ;
import lombok. Data ;
import lombok. NoArgsConstructor ;
public class Complaint {
private int id;
private int comId;
private String comDate;
private int ownerId;
private Integer status;
private String clr;
private String remarks;
private String userName;
private String name;
private String endDate;
package com. woniu. community. mapper ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. Complaint ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. PropertyInfo ;
import java. util. List ;
public interface ComplaintMapper {
List < Complaint > selectAll ( int start, int size , String name, Integer status) ;
int count ( String name, Integer status) ;
int insertComplaint ( Complaint complaint) ;
int deleteComplaint ( int id) ;
int updateComplaint ( Complaint complaint) ;
package com. woniu. community. service ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. Complaint ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. HttpResult ;
public interface IComplaintService {
HttpResult selectAll ( int pageIndex, int pageSize , String name, Integer status) ;
HttpResult insertComplaint ( Complaint complaint) ;
HttpResult deleteComplaint ( int id) ;
HttpResult updateComplaint ( Complaint complaint) ;
package com. woniu. community. service. impl ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. CarCharge ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. Complaint ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. HttpResult ;
import com. woniu. community. mapper. ComplaintMapper ;
import com. woniu. community. service. ICarChargeService ;
import com. woniu. community. service. IComplaintService ;
import org. apache. tomcat. util. http. parser. HttpParser ;
import org. springframework. beans. factory. annotation. Autowired ;
import org. springframework. stereotype. Service ;
import java. util. List ;
public class ComplaintServiceImpl implements IComplaintService {
@Autowired ( required = false )
private ComplaintMapper complaintMapper;
public HttpResult selectAll ( int pageIndex, int pageSize, String name, Integer status) {
HttpResult result= null ;
List < Complaint > complaints = complaintMapper. selectAll ( ( pageIndex - 1 ) * pageSize, pageSize, name, status) ;
int count = complaintMapper. count ( name, status) ;
if ( complaints!= null && complaints. size ( ) > 0 ) {
result = new HttpResult ( complaints, count, 200 , null ) ;
} else {
result = new HttpResult ( null , 0 , 500 , "没有更多数据" ) ;
return result;
public HttpResult insertComplaint ( Complaint complaint) {
HttpResult result= null ;
int count = complaintMapper. insertComplaint ( complaint) ;
if ( count> 0 ) {
result= new HttpResult ( null , 0 , 200 , "添加成功" ) ;
} else {
result= new HttpResult ( null , 0 , 500 , "添加失败" ) ;
return result;
public HttpResult deleteComplaint ( int id) {
int count = complaintMapper. deleteComplaint ( id) ;
HttpResult result= null ;
if ( count> 0 ) {
result= new HttpResult ( null , 0 , 200 , "删除成功" ) ;
} else {
result= new HttpResult ( null , 0 , 500 , "删除失败" ) ;
return result;
public HttpResult updateComplaint ( Complaint complaint) {
HttpResult result= null ;
int count = complaintMapper. updateComplaint ( complaint) ;
if ( count> 0 ) {
result= new HttpResult ( null , 0 , 200 , "修改成功" ) ;
} else {
result= new HttpResult ( null , 0 , 500 , "修改失败" ) ;
return result;
package com. woniu. community. controller ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. Complaint ;
import com. woniu. community. entity. HttpResult ;
import com. woniu. community. service. IComplaintService ;
import org. springframework. beans. factory. annotation. Autowired ;
import org. springframework. web. bind. annotation. CrossOrigin ;
import org. springframework. web. bind. annotation. RequestMapping ;
import org. springframework. web. bind. annotation. RestController ;
@RequestMapping ( "/complaint" )
@CrossOrigin ( origins = "*" )
public class ComplaintController {
private IComplaintService iComplaintService;
@RequestMapping ( "/list" )
HttpResult selectAll ( int pageIndex, int pageSize , String name, Integer status) {
return iComplaintService. selectAll ( pageIndex, pageSize, name, status) ;
@RequestMapping ( "/add" )
HttpResult insertComplaint ( Complaint complaint) {
return iComplaintService. insertComplaint ( complaint) ;
@RequestMapping ( "/delete" )
HttpResult deleteComplaint ( int id) {
return iComplaintService. deleteComplaint ( id) ;
@RequestMapping ( "/update" )
HttpResult updateComplaint ( Complaint complaint) {
return iComplaintService. updateComplaint ( complaint) ;
< ? xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ? >
< ! DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
< mapper namespace= "com.woniu.community.mapper.ComplaintMapper" >
< resultMap id= "comMap" type= "Complaint" >
< result column= "id" property= "id" / >
< result column= "com_id" property= "comId" / >
< result column= "com_date" property= "comDate" / >
< result column= "owner_id" property= "ownerId" / >
< result column= "status" property= "status" / >
< result column= "clr" property= "clr" / >
< result column= "remarks" property= "remarks" / >
< result column= "username" property= "userName" / >
< result column= "name" property= "name" / >
< result column= "end_date" property= "endDate" / >
< / resultMap>
< select id= "selectAll" resultMap= "comMap" >
co. name, o. username, c. *
complaint c left join owner o on
c. owner_id= o. id
left join complaint_type co on
c. com_id= co. id
< where>
< if test= "name!=null and name!='' and name!='null'" >
and co. name= #{ name}
< / if >
< if test= "status!=null" >
and c. status= #{ status}
< / if >
< / where>
limit #{ start} , #{ size}
< / select>
< select id= "count" resultType= "int" >
count ( c. id)
complaint c left join owner o on
c. owner_id= o. id
left join complaint_type co on
c. com_id= co. id
< where>
< if test= "name!=null and name!='' and name!='null'" >
and co. name= #{ name}
< / if >
< if test= "status!=null" >
and c. status= #{ status}
< / if >
< / where>
< / select>
< insert id= "insertComplaint" >
insert into complaint ( com_id, remarks, owner_id, com_date, status, clr, end_date)
values ( #{ comId} , #{ remarks} , #{ ownerId} , #{ comDate} , #{ status} , #{ clr} , #{ endDate} )
< / insert>
< delete id= "deleteComplaint" >
delete from complaint where id= #{ id}
< / delete>
< update id= "updateComplaint" >
update complaint set status= #{ status} where id= #{ id}
< / update>
< / mapper>
2 前端代码
<! DOCTYPE html >
< html lang = " en" >
< head>
< meta charset = " UTF-8" >
< title> Title</ title>
< link href = " assets/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel = " stylesheet" >
< link href = " assets/css/right.css" rel = " stylesheet" >
< script src = " assets/jquery-3.5.1.min.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/vue.min-v2.5.16.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/vue-router.min-2.7.0.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/axios.min.js" > </ script>
</ head>
< body>
< div id = " app" class = " container" >
< div class = " row" >
< div class = " col-md-12" style = " height : 80px; line-height : 50px; " >
< div class = " row" >
< div class = " col-md-3" style = " height : 20px; margin-bottom : 15px; " >
投诉类型:< select style = " width : 150px; " v-model = " name" >
< option > 垃圾乱放</ option>
< option > 绿植太差</ option>
</ select>
</ div>
< div class = " col-md-3" style = " height : 20px; margin-bottom : 15px; " >
缴费状态:< select style = " width : 150px; " v-model = " status" >
< option value = " 1" > 已处理</ option>
< option value = " 0" > 未处理</ option>
</ select>
</ div>
< div class = " col-md-3" style = " height : 20px; margin-bottom : 15px" >
< button class = " btn btn-primary" @click = " doQuery" > 搜索</ button>
</ div>
</ div>
< button class = " btn btn-info" @click = " doAdd" > 新增</ button>
</ div>
</ div>
< div class = " row" >
< div class = " col-md-12" >
< table class = " table table-striped" >
< caption> 投诉管理</ caption>
< thead>
< tr>
< th> 投诉类型</ th>
< th> 投诉内容</ th>
< th> 投诉人</ th>
< th> 投诉时间</ th>
< th> 处理状态</ th>
< th> 处理人</ th>
< th> 处理时间</ th>
< th> 操作</ th>
</ tr>
</ thead>
< tbody>
< tr v-for = " c in complaint" >
< td> {{c.comId}}</ td>
< td> {{c.name}}</ td>
< td> {{c.userName}}</ td>
< td> {{c.comDate}}</ td>
< td> {{c.status==1?"已处理":"未处理"}}</ td>
< td> {{c.clr}}</ td>
< td> {{c.endDate}}</ td>
< td v-if = " c.status==1" >
< button class = " btn btn-danger" @click = " doDelete(c.id)" > 删除</ button>
</ td>
< td v-else = " c.status==0" >
< button class = " btn btn-primary" @click = " doUpdate(c.id)" > 处理</ button>
< button class = " btn btn-danger" @click = " doDelete(c.id)" > 删除</ button>
</ td>
</ tr>
</ tbody>
</ table>
< ul class = " pagination" v-for = " p in pageNum" >
< li v-if = " p==pageIndex" class = " active" > < a @click = " doGO(p)" > {{p}}</ a> </ li>
< li v-else = " p==pageIndex" > < a @click = " doGO(p)" > {{p}}</ a> </ li>
</ ul>
</ div>
</ div>
</ div>
< script>
new Vue ( {
el : '#app' ,
data : {
complaint : null ,
pageIndex : 1 ,
pageSize : 4 ,
pageTotal : 0 ,
pageNum : 0 ,
name : '' ,
status : '' ,
} ,
methods : {
requestComplaintList ( url ) {
axios. get ( url) . then ( response => {
this . complaint= response. data. data;
this . pageTotal = response. data. pageTotal;
this . pageNum = Math. ceil ( this . pageTotal / this . pageSize) ;
} )
} ,
doQuery ( ) {
this . doGO ( 1 ) ;
} ,
doGO ( p ) {
this . pageIndex = p;
var url= "http://localhost:8080/complaint/list?pageIndex=" + p+ "&pageSize=" + this . pageSize+ "&name=" + this . name+ "&status=" + this . status;
this . requestComplaintList ( url) ;
} ,
doAdd ( ) {
window. parent. main_right. location. href = "complaint_add_update.html" ;
} ,
doUpdate ( id ) {
var url= "http://localhost:8080/complaint/update?status=1&id=" + id;
axios. get ( url) . then ( response => {
if ( response. data. code== 200 ) {
var url= "http://localhost:8080/complaint/list?pageIndex=" + this . pageIndex+ "&pageSize=" + this . pageSize;
this . requestComplaintList ( url) ;
} else {
alert ( response. date. msg) ;
} )
} ,
doDelete ( id ) {
var url= "http://localhost:8080/complaint/delete?id=" + id;
axios. get ( url) . then ( response => {
if ( response. data. code== 200 ) {
var url= "http://localhost:8080/complaint/list?pageIndex=" + this . pageIndex+ "&pageSize=" + this . pageSize;
this . requestComplaintList ( url) ;
} else {
alert ( response. data. msg)
} )
} ,
} ,
created : function ( ) {
var url= "http://localhost:8080/complaint/list?pageIndex=" + this . pageIndex+ "&pageSize=" + this . pageSize;
this . requestComplaintList ( url) ;
} ) ;
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
<! DOCTYPE html >
< html lang = " en" >
< head>
< meta charset = " UTF-8" >
< title> Title</ title>
< link href = " assets/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel = " stylesheet" >
< link href = " assets/css/right.css" rel = " stylesheet" >
< script src = " assets/jquery-3.5.1.min.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/vue.min-v2.5.16.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/vue-router.min-2.7.0.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/axios.min.js" > </ script>
< script src = " assets/date_picker.js" > </ script>
</ head>
< body>
< div id = " app" class = " container" >
< div class = " row" >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-md-offset-2" >
< div class = " row" >
< div class = " col-md-12" style = " text-align : center; font-weight : bold; font-size : 18px; height : 80px; line-height : 80px; " >
</ div>
</ div>
< div class = " row" >
< div class = " col-md-6 col-md-offset-3" style = " height : 260px; " >
投诉类型:< select style = " width : 150px; " v-model = " comId" >
< option value = " 1" > 垃圾乱放</ option>
< option value = " 2" > 绿植太差</ option>
</ select> < br>
< label> 投诉内容</ label>
< input type = " text" v-model = " remarks" > < br>
投诉人:< select v-model = " ownerId" >
< option v-for = " o in ownerList" :value = " o.id" > {{o.userName}}</ option>
</ select> < br>
< label> 投诉时间:</ label>
< input type = " date" class = " form-control" v-model = " comDate" /> < br>
处理状态:< select v-model = " status" >
< option value = " 1" > 已处理</ option>
< option value = " 0" > 未处理</ option>
</ select> < br>
< label> 处理人</ label>
< input type = " text" v-model = " clr" >
< br>
< label> 处理时间:</ label>
< input type = " date" class = " form-control" v-model = " endDate" /> < br>
</ div>
</ div>
< div class = " row" >
< div class = " col-md-6 col-md-offset-3" style = " height : 80px; " >
< button class = " btn btn-primary" @click = " doSave" > 保存</ button>
< button class = " btn btn-default" @click = " doNot" > 取消</ button>
</ div>
</ div>
</ div>
</ div>
</ div>
< script>
new Vue ( {
el : '#app' ,
data : {
title : null ,
remarks : null ,
ownerId : null ,
ownerList : null ,
comDate : null ,
status : null ,
clr : null ,
comId : null ,
endDate : null ,
} ,
methods : {
requestOwnerList ( ) {
var url= "http://localhost:8080/owner/list?pageIndex=1&pageSize=100" ;
axios. get ( url) . then ( response => {
this . ownerList= response. data. data;
} )
} ,
doSave ( ) {
this . title= "添加投诉信息"
var url= "http://localhost:8080/complaint/add?comId=" + this . comId+ "&remarks=" + this . remarks+ "&ownerId=" + this . ownerId+ "&comDate=" + this . comDate+ "&status=" + this . status+ "&clr=" + this . clr+ "&endDate=" + this . endDate;
console. log ( url)
axios. get ( url) . then ( response => {
if ( response. data. code== 200 ) {
window. parent. main_right. location. href = "complaint_list.html" ;
} else {
alert ( response. data. msg)
} )
} ,
doNot ( ) {
history. go ( - 1 ) ;
} ,
} ,
created : function ( ) {
this . requestOwnerList ( ) ;
this . title= "添加投诉信息" ;
} ) ;
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>