
news2024/11/25 11:36:21

  Using a lambda expression,we can make the code more compact and elegant。


  作为编程语言C#和编程环境Visual Stuidio的发展,总得不停地变幻出新花样,功能还是那个功能或者略有增强,得益于编译器的强大,C#3.0推出了Lambda表达式。


  ①  一般写法

        private delegate int calculate(int x, int y);//声明一个用于计算的委托类型
        private calculate MyCalculate;//声明一个委托实例

        private int Add(int x, int y)
            return x+y;

        private int Reduce(int x, int y)
            return x - y;


            MyCalculate = new calculate(Add);
            string StrResultAdd = MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString();
            MyCalculate = new calculate(Reduce);
            string StrResultReduce = MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString();
            textBox1.Text = $"两数相加结果:{StrResultAdd}" + Environment.NewLine;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+ $"两数相减结果:{StrResultReduce}" + Environment.NewLine;

  ② 使用自定义的委托


            MyCalculate = delegate(int x,int y)
                return x + y;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+"两数相加结果:" + MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString()+Environment.NewLine;
            MyCalculate = delegate (int x, int y)
                return x - y;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + "两数相减结果:" + MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString() + Environment.NewLine;


  ③ 使用Func委托


Func<int,int,int> MyAdd = (int x, int y) => { return x + y; };
Func<int, int, int> MyReduce = (int x, int y) => { return x - y; };

textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相加结果:{MyAdd(7,2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相减结果:{MyReduce(7, 2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;

  ④ 使用规范的Lambda表达式


MyCalculate = (int x, int y) => { return x + y; };
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+$"两数相加结果:{MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;
MyCalculate = (int x, int y) => { return x - y; };
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+$"两数相减结果:{MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;


namespace Lambda
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private delegate int calculate(int x, int y);//声明一个用于计算的委托类型
        private calculate MyCalculate;//声明一个委托实例

        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyCalculate = new calculate(Add);
            string StrResultAdd = MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString();
            MyCalculate = new calculate(Reduce);
            string StrResultReduce = MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString();
            textBox1.Text = $"两数相加结果:{StrResultAdd}" + Environment.NewLine;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+ $"两数相减结果:{StrResultReduce}" + Environment.NewLine;
            MyCalculate = delegate(int x,int y)
                return x + y;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+"两数相加结果:" + MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString()+Environment.NewLine;
            MyCalculate = delegate (int x, int y)
                return x - y;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + "两数相减结果:" + MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
            Func<int,int,int> MyAdd = (int x, int y) => { return x + y; };
            Func<int, int, int> MyReduce = (int x, int y) => { return x - y; };
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相加结果:{MyAdd(7,2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相减结果:{MyReduce(7, 2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;
            MyCalculate = (int x, int y) => { return x + y; };
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+$"两数相加结果:{MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;
            MyCalculate = (int x, int y) => { return x - y; };
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text+$"两数相减结果:{MyCalculate(7, 2).ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;

        private int Add(int x, int y)
            return x+y;

        private int Reduce(int x, int y)
            return x - y;




        private delegate int calculate1(int x, int y,string str);//声明一个用于计算的委托类型
        private calculate1 MyCalculate1;//声明一个委托实例
        MyCalculate1 = (int x, int y,string StrOP) => {
                switch (StrOP)
                    case "+":
                        return x + y; break;
                    case "-": return x - y; break;
                    default: return 0; break;
        textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相加结果:{MyCalculate1(7, 2,"+").ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;
        textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相减结果:{MyCalculate1(7, 2,"-").ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;


            Func<int, int, string,int> MyOperate = (int x, int y, string StrOP) => {
                switch (StrOP)
                    case "+":
                        return x + y; break;
                    case "-": return x - y; break;
                    default: return 0;break;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相加结果:{MyOperate(7, 2,"+").ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;
            textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + $"两数相减结果:{MyOperate(7, 2,"-").ToString()}" + Environment.NewLine;



  ① 一般写法:

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:"+GetMax(new int[6]{7, 11,23,4,15,6}).ToString();
            textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine;
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + GetMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();

        private static int GetMax(int[] Arr)
            int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
            foreach( int a in Arr)
                if(a > ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;

            return ReturnValue;

        private static int GetMin(int[] Arr)
            int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
            foreach (int a in Arr)
                if (a < ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;
            return ReturnValue;

  ② 使用委托来改写:

        private delegate int GetMaxOrMin(int[] Arr);
        private GetMaxOrMin MyGetMaxOrMin;

        private static int GetMax(int[] Arr)
            int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
            foreach( int a in Arr)
                if(a > ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;

            return ReturnValue;

        private static int GetMin(int[] Arr)
            int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
            foreach (int a in Arr)
                if (a < ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;
            return ReturnValue;
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyGetMaxOrMin = new GetMaxOrMin( GetMax);
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();
            textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine;
            MyGetMaxOrMin = new GetMaxOrMin(GetMin);
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();

  ③ 使用自定义的委托

            MyGetMaxOrMin=delegate(int[] Arr)
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (a > ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;

                return ReturnValue;
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();
            MyGetMaxOrMin = delegate (int[] Arr)
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (a < ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;
                return ReturnValue;
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + GetMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();


        private delegate Boolean Judge(int x,int y);//定义判断
        private Judge MyJudge;//实例化委托

        private delegate int GetMaxOrMin(int[] Arr,Judge j);//定义得到最大值或者最小值的计算方法
        private GetMaxOrMin MyGetMaxOrMin;//实例化

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyGetMaxOrMin=delegate(int[] Arr,Judge MyJude)
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (MyJudge(a,ReturnValue)) ReturnValue = a;
                return ReturnValue;
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x > y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 },MyJudge).ToString();
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x < y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 },MyJudge).ToString();


  ④ 使用Func委托

            Func<int[],Judge,int> MyGetMax = (int[] Arr,Judge MyJudge) => {
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (MyJudge(a, ReturnValue)) ReturnValue = a;
                return ReturnValue;
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x > y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMax(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 },MyJudge).ToString();
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x < y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMax(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, MyJudge).ToString();

  ⑤ 使用更简洁的Lambda表达式

            var MyGetMaxOrMin1 = (int[] Arr,Judge J1 ) =>
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (J1(a, ReturnValue)) ReturnValue = a;
                return ReturnValue;
            Judge JudgeMax = (int x, int y) => { return x > y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin1(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, JudgeMax).ToString();
            Judge JudgeMin = (int x, int y) => { return x < y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin1(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, JudgeMin).ToString();


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

namespace Lambda
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private delegate int calculate(int x, int y);//声明一个用于计算的委托类型
        private calculate MyCalculate;//声明一个委托实例

        private delegate int calculate1(int x, int y,string str);//声明一个用于计算的委托类型
        private calculate1 MyCalculate1;//声明一个委托实例

        private delegate Boolean Judge(int x,int y);
        private Judge MyJudge;

        private delegate int GetMaxOrMinA(int[] Arr);
        private GetMaxOrMinA MyGetMaxOrMinA;

        private delegate int GetMaxOrMin(int[] Arr,Judge j);
        private GetMaxOrMin MyGetMaxOrMin;

        public Form1()

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + GetMax(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + GetMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();
            textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine +"=====" + Environment.NewLine;

            MyGetMaxOrMinA = new GetMaxOrMinA(GetMax);
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMaxOrMinA(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();
            MyGetMaxOrMinA = new GetMaxOrMinA(GetMin);
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMaxOrMinA(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }).ToString();
            textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + "=====" + Environment.NewLine;

            MyGetMaxOrMin = delegate (int[] Arr, Judge MyJude)
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (MyJudge(a, ReturnValue)) ReturnValue = a;
                return ReturnValue;
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x > y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, MyJudge).ToString();
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x < y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, MyJudge).ToString();
            textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine +"=====" + Environment.NewLine;

            Func<int[], Judge, int> MyGetMax = (int[] Arr, Judge MyJudge) =>
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (MyJudge(a, ReturnValue)) ReturnValue = a;
                return ReturnValue;
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x > y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMax(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, MyJudge).ToString();
            MyJudge = delegate (int x, int y) { return x < y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMax(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, MyJudge).ToString();
            textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine +"=====" + Environment.NewLine;

            var MyGetMaxOrMin1 = (int[] Arr,Judge Judge1 ) =>
                int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
                foreach (int a in Arr)
                    if (Judge1(a, ReturnValue)) ReturnValue = a;
                return ReturnValue;
            Judge JudgeMax = (int x, int y) => { return x > y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最大值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin1(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, JudgeMax).ToString();
            Judge JudgeMin = (int x, int y) => { return x < y; };
            textBox1.Text += "最小值:" + MyGetMaxOrMin1(new int[6] { 7, 11, 23, 4, 15, 6 }, JudgeMin).ToString();

        private static int GetMax(int[] Arr)
            int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
            foreach( int a in Arr)
                if(a > ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;

            return ReturnValue;

        private static int GetMin(int[] Arr)
            int ReturnValue = Arr[0];
            foreach (int a in Arr)
                if (a < ReturnValue) ReturnValue = a;
            return ReturnValue;

        private static List<int> GetEven(List<int> list)
            List<int> ReturnList =new List<int>();
            foreach (var a in list)
                if (a %2 == 0) ReturnList.Add(a);
            return ReturnList;

        private static List<int> GetOdd(List<int> list)
            List<int> ReturnList = new List<int>();
            foreach (var a in list)
                if ( (a+1) % 2 == 0) ReturnList.Add(a);
            return ReturnList;








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