【Prompting】ChatGPT Prompt Engineering开发指南(2)

news2025/1/19 15:54:33

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering开发指南2

  • 从产品概况表生成营销产品描述
    • 问题1:文本太长
    • 问题2: 文本聚焦于错误的细节
    • 问题3:描述需要一个尺寸表
  • 加载Python库查看HTML
  • 内容来源

基本条件设定与 ChatGPT Prompt Engineering开发指南1中相同。


fact_sheet_chair = """
- Part of a beautiful family of mid-century inspired office furniture, 
including filing cabinets, desks, bookcases, meeting tables, and more.
- Several options of shell color and base finishes.
- Available with plastic back and front upholstery (SWC-100) 
or full upholstery (SWC-110) in 10 fabric and 6 leather options.
- Base finish options are: stainless steel, matte black, 
gloss white, or chrome.
- Chair is available with or without armrests.
- Suitable for home or business settings.
- Qualified for contract use.

- 5-wheel plastic coated aluminum base.
- Pneumatic chair adjust for easy raise/lower action.

- WIDTH 53 CM | 20.87”
- DEPTH 51 CM | 20.08”
- HEIGHT 80 CM | 31.50”
- SEAT HEIGHT 44 CM | 17.32”
- SEAT DEPTH 41 CM | 16.14”

- Soft or hard-floor caster options.
- Two choices of seat foam densities: 
 medium (1.8 lb/ft3) or high (2.8 lb/ft3)
- Armless or 8 position PU armrests 

- Cast Aluminum with modified nylon PA6/PA66 coating.
- Shell thickness: 10 mm.
- HD36 foam

- Italy


prompt = f"""
Your task is to help a marketing team create a 
description for a retail website of a product based 
on a technical fact sheet.

Write a product description based on the information 
provided in the technical specifications delimited by 
triple backticks.

Technical specifications: ```{fact_sheet_chair}```
response = get_completion(prompt)




prompt = f"""
Your task is to help a marketing team create a 
description for a retail website of a product based 
on a technical fact sheet.

Write a product description based on the information 
provided in the technical specifications delimited by 
triple backticks.

Use at most 50 words.

Technical specifications: ```{fact_sheet_chair}```
response = get_completion(prompt)


len(response)  # 317

问题2: 文本聚焦于错误的细节


prompt = f"""
Your task is to help a marketing team create a 
description for a retail website of a product based 
on a technical fact sheet.

Write a product description based on the information 
provided in the technical specifications delimited by 
triple backticks.

The description is intended for furniture retailers, 
so should be technical in nature and focus on the 
materials the product is constructed from.

Use at most 50 words.

Technical specifications: ```{fact_sheet_chair}```
response = get_completion(prompt)


Introducing our mid-century inspired office chair, perfect for both home and business settings. With a range of shell colors and base finishes to choose from, this chair is available with or without armrests and in 10 fabric and 6 leather options. Constructed with a 5-wheel plastic coated aluminum base and HD36 foam seat, it also features pneumatic chair adjust for easy raise/lower action. Made in Italy and qualified for contract use.
prompt = f"""
Your task is to help a marketing team create a 
description for a retail website of a product based 
on a technical fact sheet.

Write a product description based on the information 
provided in the technical specifications delimited by 
triple backticks.

The description is intended for furniture retailers, 
so should be technical in nature and focus on the 
materials the product is constructed from.

At the end of the description, include every 7-character 
Product ID in the technical specification.

Use at most 50 words.

Technical specifications: ```{fact_sheet_chair}```
response = get_completion(prompt)


Introducing our mid-century inspired office chair, perfect for home or business settings. With a range of shell colors and base finishes, including stainless steel and matte black, this chair is available with or without armrests and in 10 fabric and 6 leather options. Constructed with a 5-wheel plastic coated aluminum base and HD36 foam seat, it also features pneumatic chair adjust for easy raise/lower action. Every 7-character Product ID: SWC-100, SWC-110.



prompt = f"""
Your task is to help a marketing team create a 
description for a retail website of a product based 
on a technical fact sheet.

Write a product description based on the information 
provided in the technical specifications delimited by 
triple backticks.

The description is intended for furniture retailers, 
so should be technical in nature and focus on the 
materials the product is constructed from.

At the end of the description, include every 7-character 
Product ID in the technical specification.

After the description, include a table that gives the 
product's dimensions. The table should have two columns.
In the first column include the name of the dimension. 
In the second column include the measurements in inches only.

Give the table the title 'Product Dimensions'.

Format everything as HTML that can be used in a website. 
Place the description in a <div> element.

Technical specifications: ```{fact_sheet_chair}```

response = get_completion(prompt)


<h2>Mid-Century Inspired Office Chair</h2>
<p>This mid-century inspired office chair is part of a beautiful family of furniture that includes filing cabinets, desks, bookcases, meeting tables, and more. It comes in several options of shell color and base finishes, allowing you to customize it to your liking. You can choose between plastic back and front upholstery or full upholstery in 10 fabric and 6 leather options. The base finish options are stainless steel, matte black, gloss white, or chrome. The chair is available with or without armrests, making it suitable for both home and business settings. Plus, it's qualified for contract use, so you know it's built to last.</p>
<p>The chair features a 5-wheel plastic coated aluminum base and pneumatic chair adjust for easy raise/lower action. You can also choose between soft or hard-floor caster options and two choices of seat foam densities: medium (1.8 lb/ft3) or high (2.8 lb/ft3). The armless option is available, or you can choose 8 position PU armrests for added comfort.</p>
<p>The shell base glider is made of cast aluminum with modified nylon PA6/PA66 coating, and the shell thickness is 10 mm. The seat is made of HD36 foam, ensuring maximum comfort during long work sessions. This chair is made in Italy, so you know it's crafted with care and precision.</p>
<h3>Product ID(s): SWC-100, SWC-110</h3>
  <caption>Product Dimensions</caption>
    <td>53 cm | 20.87"</td>
    <td>51 cm | 20.08"</td>
    <td>80 cm | 31.50"</td>
    <th>Seat Height</th>
    <td>44 cm | 17.32"</td>
    <th>Seat Depth</th>
    <td>41 cm | 16.14"</td>


from IPython.display import display, HTML



  1. https://learn.deeplearning.ai/chatgpt-prompt-eng/lesson/3/iterative




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