AI绘图实战(九):给热门歌曲做配图 | Stable Diffusion成为设计师生产力工具

news2024/10/7 3:20:25

I :至少在设计行业,目前AI扮演的主要角色还是超级工具,要顶替?除非甲方对设计效果无所畏惧~~


  • 安装及其问题解决参考:《Windows安装Stable Diffusion WebUI及问题解决记录》;
  • 运行使用时问题《Windows使用Stable Diffusion时遇到的各种问题整理》;
  • 模型运用及参数《Stable Diffusion 个人推荐的各种模型及设置参数、扩展应用等合集》;
  • 提示词生图咒语《AI绘图提示词/咒语/词缀/关键词使用指南(Stable Diffusion Prompt 设计师操作手册)》;
  • 不同类的模型Models说明《解析不同种类的StableDiffusion模型Models》;
  • 绘制人物动作及手脚细节《Stable Diffusion 准确绘制人物动作及手脚细节(需ControlNet扩展)》;
  • 各种风格对比及实际运用《AI绘图风格对照表/画风样稿详细研究记录及经验总结》;

stable diffusion就只能小姐姐么?不,今天我们用stable diffusiony音乐配图。

抖音最近一直在推给我《Savage Daughter》这首歌,确实挺有感觉的,那就来吧~~



  • 女武神1:Brynhildr
    Brynhildr is a fierce warrior with long golden hair. She is often seen riding a black stallion through the snowy mountains of the north, her armor glistening in the sunlight. Her helmet is adorned with two sharp antlers, and her sword is rumored to be imbued with magic.

  • 女武神2:Sigrún
    Sigrún is a valkyrie with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair. She is known for her bravery in battle and her unwavering loyalty to the gods. She wears a suit of golden armor and carries a spear that glows with a divine light. She is often seen flying through the skies on a winged horse, searching for worthy warriors to bring to Valhalla.

  • 女武神3:Gunnr
    Gunnr is a warrior goddess with a fierce reputation. Her long, red hair is often tied back in a braid, and she wears a suit of silver armor with gold trim. Her helmet is adorned with a pair of majestic wings, and she wields a double-headed axe that is said to have been forged in the heart of a volcano.

  • 女武神4:Hildr
    Hildr is a valkyrie with a gentle and compassionate demeanor. She is often seen tending to wounded warriors on the battlefield, her silver armor shining in the sunlight. Her helmet is adorned with a single white feather, and she carries a long staff that glows with a healing energy.

  • 女武神5:Skeggjold
    Skeggjold is a fierce warrior with a reputation for never backing down from a fight. She wears a suit of black armor with silver trim and a horned helmet that strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies. She wields a deadly battle axe and is often seen leading her troops into battle.

  • 女武神6:Geirskogul
    Geirskogul is a valkyrie with long, flowing hair the color of flames. She wears a suit of red and gold armor and carries a spear that is said to be able to pierce even the thickest armor. She is often seen riding a white horse through the battlefield, inspiring her allies with her fiery spirit.

  • 女武神7:Gondul
    Gondul is a warrior goddess with a keen eye for strategy. She wears a suit of bronze armor and a helmet adorned with a golden eagle. She carries a bow and arrow and is often seen perched on a hill, surveying the battlefield and issuing commands to her troops.

  • 女武神8:Brynhildr
    Brynhildr is a valkyrie with long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She wears a suit of golden armor with intricate designs and carries a sword that glows with a divine light. She is often seen flying through the skies on a winged horse, searching for worthy warriors to bring to Valhalla.

二、stable diffusion上场直出


photorealistic , 8k, 1(Valkyrie) is a fierce warrior with long golden hair, She is often seen riding a black stallion through the snowy mountains of the north, her armor glistening in the sunlight, Her helmet is adorned with two sharp antlers, and her sword is rumored to be imbued with magic
negative prompt: badhandv4,  easynegative, ((ugly))),(((duplicate))),((morbid)),((mutilated)),(((tranny))),(((trans))),((trannsexual))),(((mutation))),(((deformed)))(((long neck))),((bad anatomy))(((bad proportions))),(((extra arms))),(((extra legs))), (((disfigured))),((more than 2 nipples))),malformed,mutated,(hermaphrodite),((extra limbs)).((missing arms)).((missing legs)).((poorly drawn hands))((poorty drawn face)),(mutation,poorly drawn :1.2),(long body :1.3).multiple breasts,cloned face,gross proportions, mutated hands,bad hands,bad feet,long neck,missing limb,(malformed limbs),malformed hands,(fused fingers).(too many fingers),extra fingers,missing fingers,extra digit,fewer digits,(mutated hands and fingers :1.5),low res,text,error,cropped,worst quality,low quality,normal quality,jpeg artifacts,signature,watermark,username,blurry,text font ui,futa,yaoi,









主语从 女武神 变为 北欧女战士

  • The first Valkyrie, dressed in fur, trudged through the snowstorm, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of life.
  • The second warrior, with her silver hair whipping in the wind, stood atop a barren cliff overlooking the sea, her gaze fixed on the endless waves crashing against the rocks below.
  • The third shieldmaiden sat alone in a dimly lit hall, her battle-worn armor creaking as she rested her head on her sword, lost in thought.
  • The fourth heroine, her blonde braids hanging limply over her face, trudged through the icy tundra, her footsteps echoing in the desolate landscape.
  • The fifth valkyrie, with her golden wings folded at her back, perched on a frost-covered tree branch, her eyes staring blankly into the distance.
  • The sixth warrior, wrapped in a tattered cloak, stood at the entrance of a crumbling castle, her eyes narrowed as she surveyed the ruined halls.
  • The seventh shieldmaiden, her red hair matted with frost, knelt beside a frozen stream, her fingers numb as she tried to dig for fish beneath the ice.
  • The eighth heroine, with her black armor reflecting the pale moonlight, walked alone through a silent forest, her hand gripping the hilt of her sword as she braced for any danger.







局部修图的时候,尤其手可以告诉sd手的动作,比如1hand clutch a broadsword tightly

最后,大家学习过这篇内容了么?AI绘图实战(八):制作游戏人物原稿三视图 | Stable Diffusion成为设计师生产力工具












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