vpp hqos分析

news2025/2/22 13:03:34


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如上图所示,worker线程从nic中读取报文进行处理,调用dpdk设备发送函数时,如果配置了hqos,那么设置hqos相关参数,将其送入swq队列(swq队列与worker线程是1:1的关系),worker线程处理结束,hqos线程(根据配置决定个数)轮询从swq中读取报文进行qos处理,qos使用的是dpdk qos套件。



dpdk {
  socket-mem 16384,16384

  dev 0000:02:00.0 {
    num-rx-queues 2
    hqos #使能网卡hqos
  dev 0000:06:00.0 {
    num-rx-queues 2
    hqos #使能网卡hqos

  num-mbufs 1000000


cpu {
  main-core 0
  corelist-workers  1, 2, 3, 4
  corelist-hqos-threads  5, 6  #启动两个hqos线程,分别使用cpu5和6


dpdk qos相关参数配置

  • port configuration
port {
  rate 1250000000           /* Assuming 10GbE port */
  frame_overhead 24         /* Overhead fields per Ethernet frame:
                             * 7B (Preamble) +
                             * 1B (Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD)) + 
                             * 4B (Frame Check Sequence (FCS)) +
                             * 12B (Inter Frame Gap (IFG))
  mtu 1522                  /* Assuming Ethernet/IPv4 pkt (FCS not included) */
  n_subports_per_port 1     /* Number of subports per output interface */
  n_pipes_per_subport 4096  /* Number of pipes (users/subscribers) */
  queue_sizes 64 64 64 64   /* Packet queue size for each traffic class.
                             * All queues within the same pipe traffic class
                             * have the same size. Queues from different
                             * pipes serving the same traffic class have
                             * the same size. */
  • subport configuration
subport 0 {
  tb_rate 1250000000        /* Subport level token bucket rate (bytes per second) */
  tb_size 1000000           /* Subport level token bucket size (bytes) */
  tc0_rate 1250000000       /* Subport level token bucket rate for traffic class 0 (bytes per second) */
  tc1_rate 1250000000       /* Subport level token bucket rate for traffic class 1 (bytes per second) */
  tc2_rate 1250000000       /* Subport level token bucket rate for traffic class 2 (bytes per second) */
  tc3_rate 1250000000       /* Subport level token bucket rate for traffic class 3 (bytes per second) */
  tc_period 10              /* Time interval for refilling the token bucket associated with traffic class (Milliseconds) */
  pipe 0 4095 profile 0     /* pipe 0到4095使用profile0 pipes (users/subscribers) configured with pipe profile 0 */
  • pipe configuration
pipe_profile 0 {
  tb_rate 305175          /* Pipe level token bucket rate (bytes per second) */
  tb_size 1000000         /* Pipe level token bucket size (bytes) */
  tc0_rate 305175         /* Pipe level token bucket rate for traffic class 0 (bytes per second) */
  tc1_rate 305175         /* Pipe level token bucket rate for traffic class 1 (bytes per second) */
  tc2_rate 305175         /* Pipe level token bucket rate for traffic class 2 (bytes per second) */
  tc3_rate 305175         /* Pipe level token bucket rate for traffic class 3 (bytes per second) */
  tc_period 40            /* Time interval for refilling the token bucket associated with traffic class at pipe level (Milliseconds) */
  tc3_oversubscription_weight 1 /* Weight traffic class 3 oversubscription */
  tc0_wrr_weights 1 1 1 1     /* Pipe queues WRR weights for traffic class 0 */
  tc1_wrr_weights 1 1 1 1     /* Pipe queues WRR weights for traffic class 1 */
  tc2_wrr_weights 1 1 1 1     /* Pipe queues WRR weights for traffic class 2 */
  tc3_wrr_weights 1 1 1 1     /* Pipe queues WRR weights for traffic class 3 */
  • red 拥塞控制
red {
  tc0_wred_min 48 40 32     /* Minimum threshold for traffic class 0 queue (min_th) in number of packets */
  tc0_wred_max 64 64 64     /* Maximum threshold for traffic class 0 queue (max_th) in number of packets */
  tc0_wred_inv_prob 10 10 10    /* Inverse of packet marking probability for traffic class 0 queue (maxp = 1 / maxp_inv) */
  tc0_wred_weight 9 9 9     /* Traffic Class 0 queue weight */
  tc1_wred_min 48 40 32     /* Minimum threshold for traffic class 1 queue (min_th) in number of packets */
  tc1_wred_max 64 64 64     /* Maximum threshold for traffic class 1 queue (max_th) in number of packets */
  tc1_wred_inv_prob 10 10 10    /* Inverse of packet marking probability for traffic class 1 queue (maxp = 1 / maxp_inv) */
  tc1_wred_weight 9 9 9     /* Traffic Class 1 queue weight */
  tc2_wred_min 48 40 32     /* Minimum threshold for traffic class 2 queue (min_th) in number of packets */
  tc2_wred_max 64 64 64     /* Maximum threshold for traffic class 2 queue (max_th) in number of packets */
  tc2_wred_inv_prob 10 10 10    /* Inverse of packet marking probability for traffic class 2 queue (maxp = 1 / maxp_inv) */
  tc2_wred_weight 9 9 9     /* Traffic Class 2 queue weight */
  tc3_wred_min 48 40 32     /* Minimum threshold for traffic class 3 queue (min_th) in number of packets */
  tc3_wred_max 64 64 64     /* Maximum threshold for traffic class 3 queue (max_th) in number of packets */
  tc3_wred_inv_prob 10 10 10    /* Inverse of packet marking probability for traffic class 3 queue (maxp = 1 / maxp_inv) */
  tc3_wred_weight 9 9 9     /* Traffic Class 3 queue weight */



  • 可以使用如下命令配置subport参数
set dpdk interface hqos subport <if-name> subport <n> [rate <n>] [bktsize <n>] [tc0 <n>] [tc1 <n>] [tc2 <n>] [tc3 <n>] [period <n>]
  • 配置pipe参数
set dpdk interface hqos pipe <if-name> subport <n> pipe <n> profile <n>
  • 指定接口的hqos处理线程
set dpdk interface hqos placement <if-name> thread <n>
  • 设置报文的具体域用于报文分类,其中id为hqos_field编号
set dpdk interface hqos pktfield <if-name> id <n> offset <n> mask <n>
  • 设置tc和tcq映射表,根据dscp映射到具体的tc和tcq
set dpdk interface hqos tctbl <if-name> entry <n> tc <n> queue <n>
  • 查看hqos配置命令
vpp# show dpdk interface hqos TenGigabitEthernet2/0/0
   Input SWQ size = 4096 packets
   Enqueue burst size = 256 packets
   Dequeue burst size = 220 packets
   Packet field 0: slab position =    0, slab bitmask = 0x0000000000000000
   Packet field 1: slab position =   40, slab bitmask = 0x0000000fff000000
   Packet field 2: slab position =    8, slab bitmask = 0x00000000000000fc
   Packet field 2 translation table:
   [ 0 .. 15]:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
   [16 .. 31]:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
   [32 .. 47]:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
   [48 .. 63]:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
   Rate = 1250000000 bytes/second
   MTU = 1514 bytes
   Frame overhead = 24 bytes
   Number of subports = 1
   Number of pipes per subport = 4096
   Packet queue size: TC0 = 64, TC1 = 64, TC2 = 64, TC3 = 64 packets
   Number of pipe profiles = 1
   Pipe profile 0:
   Rate = 305175 bytes/second
   Token bucket size = 1000000 bytes
   Traffic class rate: TC0 = 305175, TC1 = 305175, TC2 = 305175, TC3 = 305175 bytes/second
   TC period = 40 milliseconds
   TC0 WRR weights: Q0 = 1, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, Q3 = 1
   TC1 WRR weights: Q0 = 1, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, Q3 = 1
   TC2 WRR weights: Q0 = 1, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, Q3 = 1
   TC3 WRR weights: Q0 = 1, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, Q3 = 1
  • 查看设备所属的hqos线程
vpp# show dpdk interface hqos placement
  Thread 5 (vpp_hqos-threads_0 at lcore 5):
      TenGigabitEthernet2/0/0 queue 0
  Thread 6 (vpp_hqos-threads_1 at lcore 6):
       TenGigabitEthernet4/0/1 queue 0








typedef struct
    /* HQoS related 工作线程与hqos线程之间有一个映射关系,因为两者线程不一样多 */
    dpdk_device_hqos_per_worker_thread_t *hqos_wt;//工作线程队列,工作线程往hqos_wt.swq中写报文,swq指向hqos_ht.swq
    dpdk_device_hqos_per_hqos_thread_t *hqos_ht;//hqos线程队列,hqos线程从hqos_ht.swq中读报文
} dpdk_device_t;


typedef struct
    /* Required for vec_validate_aligned */
    CLIB_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_MARK (cacheline0);

    struct rte_ring *swq;//指向该设备的该线程将报文写入的目标环形队列。
    //这些参数用来对报文进行分类,设置dpdk qos的subport,pipe,tc,queue等参数
    u64 hqos_field0_slabmask;
    u32 hqos_field0_slabpos;
    u32 hqos_field0_slabshr;
    u64 hqos_field1_slabmask;
    u32 hqos_field1_slabpos;
    u32 hqos_field1_slabshr;
    u64 hqos_field2_slabmask;
    u32 hqos_field2_slabpos;
    u32 hqos_field2_slabshr;
    u32 hqos_tc_table[64];
} dpdk_device_hqos_per_worker_thread_t;



typedef struct
    /* Required for vec_validate_aligned */
    CLIB_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_MARK (cacheline0);
    struct rte_ring **swq;//worker thread和hqos thread线程报文中转环形队列数组,其大小等于worker线程的个数
    struct rte_mbuf **pkts_enq;//入队,用于从swq中提取报文放入到pkts_enq中,然后将pkts_enq中的报文压入qos
    struct rte_mbuf **pkts_deq;//出队,从qos中提取报文,然后从网口发送出去。
    struct rte_sched_port *hqos;//设备的dpdk qos配置参数
    u32 hqos_burst_enq;//设备一次入队报文的个数限制
    u32 hqos_burst_deq;//设备一次出队报文的个数限制
    u32 pkts_enq_len;//当前入队报文中的个数
    u32 swq_pos;//hqos迭代器当前处理的软件队列的位置
    u32 flush_count;//当前报文不足批量写入个数空转次数,达到一定次数后,立即写入,不再等待。
} dpdk_device_hqos_per_hqos_thread_t;



typedef struct
    //dpdk设备hqos cpu索引数组,根据hqos索引获取其管理的dpdk设备数组,构建了hqos线程与dpdk设备的关系,是一对多的关系
    dpdk_device_and_queue_t **devices_by_hqos_cpu;
} dpdk_main_t;


/* *INDENT-OFF* 注册dpdk类线程*/
VLIB_REGISTER_THREAD (hqos_thread_reg, static) =
    .name = "hqos-threads",
    .short_name = "hqos-threads",
    .function = dpdk_hqos_thread_fn,//执行函数

前面提到的配置corelist-hqos-threads 5,6 。VPP在解析到该配置后,会使用hqos-threads去线程类型链表中去查找是否存在这样的线程,找到后会启动对应个数的该类线程,线程的主函数为dpdk_hqos_thread_fn



dpdk_hqos_thread_fn (void *arg)
    vlib_worker_thread_t *w = (vlib_worker_thread_t *) arg;
    vlib_worker_thread_init (w);//hqos线程初始化
    dpdk_hqos_thread (w);

dpdk_hqos_thread (vlib_worker_thread_t * w)
    vlib_main_t *vm;
    vlib_thread_main_t *tm = vlib_get_thread_main ();
    dpdk_main_t *dm = &dpdk_main;

    vm = vlib_get_main ();

    ASSERT (vm->thread_index == vlib_get_thread_index ());

    clib_time_init (&vm->clib_time);
    clib_mem_set_heap (w->thread_mheap);

    /* Wait until the dpdk init sequence is complete */
    while (tm->worker_thread_release == 0)
        vlib_worker_thread_barrier_check ();
    if (vec_len (dm->devices_by_hqos_cpu[vm->thread_index]) == 0)
            ("current I/O TX thread does not have any devices assigned to it");

        dpdk_hqos_thread_internal_hqos_dbg_bypass (vm);//调试函数,用于调试
        dpdk_hqos_thread_internal (vm);//核心处理函数


static_always_inline void
dpdk_hqos_thread_internal (vlib_main_t * vm)
    dpdk_main_t *dm = &dpdk_main;
    u32 thread_index = vm->thread_index;
    u32 dev_pos;

    dev_pos = 0;//起始设备编号
    while (1)//循环遍历每一个设备
        vlib_worker_thread_barrier_check ();//查看主线程是否通知了sync
        //根据cpu id获取该cpu的设备数组
        u32 n_devs = vec_len (dm->devices_by_hqos_cpu[thread_index]);
        if (PREDICT_FALSE (n_devs == 0))
            dev_pos = 0;
        if (dev_pos >= n_devs)
            dev_pos = 0;
        dpdk_device_and_queue_t *dq =
            vec_elt_at_index (dm->devices_by_hqos_cpu[thread_index], dev_pos);
        dpdk_device_t *xd = vec_elt_at_index (dm->devices, dq->device);







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