【社区图书馆】Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics——The beginning of computer graphics

news2024/9/22 4:27:56





     "Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics" is a classic textbook on computer graphics, also known as the "Tiger Book". It is considered one of the best introductory texts in the field of computer graphics. The book was written by Peter Shirley and Steve Marschner, and is an excellent resource for beginners. As a computer science student, I have always been interested in computer graphics. During my studies, I discovered "The Tiger Book" through recommendations and research. Reading this book has allowed me to better understand the fundamentals of computer graphics, and I would like to share my thoughts on it through this review.

      "The Tiger Book" is divided into ten chapters, covering topics such as basic concepts, coordinate systems, transformations, lighting, textures, curves and surfaces, solid geometry, and visualization. Each chapter includes numerous figures and code examples, which help readers to understand the concepts and algorithms presented. Additionally, the book contains exercises and references for further study.

    What sets "The Tiger Book" apart from other textbooks on the subject is its clear and concise language. The authors use straightforward language to explain various concepts and algorithms, making it easier for readers to understand and apply them. Additionally, the book contains many well-written code examples that help readers to understand the implementation details of the algorithms.

      One of the strengths of "The Tiger Book" is its coverage of interesting examples and applications. For instance, in Chapter 8, the book introduces some basic ray tracing algorithms that can be used to create realistic images. In Chapter 9, the book introduces some basic visualization techniques that can be used to create interactive images and animations.

      The cover image is from Tiger in the Water by J. W. Baker .The subject of a tiger is a reference to a wonderful talk given by Alain Fournier(1943-2000) at a workshop at Cornell University in 1998. His talk was an evoc-ative verbal description of the movements of a tiger He summarized his point:Even though modelling and rendering in computer graphics have been improved tremendously in the past 35 years. we are still not at the point where we can model automatically a tiger swimming in the river in all its glorious details. By automatically I mean in a way that does not need careful manual tweaking by an artist/expert.

      Later, it was cited as the cover of a graphics textbook, Fundamentals of computer Graphics,Fifteen years later, a swimming tiger is easy to achieve, and this cover is more of a legacy of the graphics dream. It's more of a reminder to all graphics students that we still have a lot of challenges ahead of us. We still haven't captured the Holy Grail, but just like in the face of the technological dilemma of the time; In that speech, he also said this sentence: The bad news is that we have still a long way to go.The good news is that we have still a long way to go.

        Overall, "The Tiger Book" is an excellent introductory textbook on computer graphics. Its comprehensive coverage of the subject, clear language, and well-written code examples make it an ideal resource for beginners. If you are interested in computer graphics or are studying computer graphics, I highly recommend reading this book.


       《计算机图形学基础》是计算机图形学的经典教材,也被称为“老虎书”。它被认为是计算机图形学领域最好的介绍性文本之一。这本书是由Peter Shirley和Steve Marschner写的,对于初学者来说是一个很好的资源。作为一名计算机科学专业的学生,我一直对计算机图形学很感兴趣。在我的学习过程中,我通过推荐和研究发现了《虎书》。阅读这本书让我更好地理解了计算机图形学的基础知识,我想通过这篇评论来分享我对它的看法。











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