💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
👨💻4 Matlab代码
💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
% plot inputs and states %% run smpc (runs new MPC simulation) [x,u, x1_limit, sig, beta, s, comp_time]= run_mpc; %% plot input and states % set up figure for input and states figure(2) clf plot_noise = 1; % plot noise? 0: no; 1: yes (if yes: computation time will also be plotted) % if noise was not saved, automatically swich to 0 if exist('s','var') == 0 plot_noise = 0; end steps = 0:length(x)-1; % get steps (last input is computed but not applied) % state x1 if plot_noise == 0 subplot(3,1,1) else subplot(3,2,1) end hold on title('state - x1') grid on plot(steps,x(:,1), 'b', 'Linewidth',0.8) % plot constraint only if close enough if x1_limit < 40 yline(x1_limit, 'r', 'Linewidth',0.8) ylim([-0.5 x1_limit+0.5]); gamma1 = sqrt(2*[1;0]'*[sig^2 0; 0 sig^2]*[1;0])*erfinv(2*beta-1); % chance constraint addition for first predicted step yline(x1_limit-gamma1, 'r--', 'Linewidth',0.8) end xlim([steps(1) steps(end)]); hold off % state x2 if plot_noise == 0 subplot(3,1,2) else subplot(3,2,3) end hold on title('state - x2') plot(steps,x(:,2), 'b', 'Linewidth',0.8) grid on ylim([-0.5 5.5]); xlim([steps(1) steps(end)]); hold off % input u if plot_noise == 0 subplot(3,1,3) else subplot(3,2,5) end K = [0.2858 -0.4910]; u_applied = []; for i = 1:length(u) u_applied(i,1) = u(i,1) - K*[x(i,1); x(i,2)]; end hold on title('input - u') grid on plot(steps,u_applied(:,1), 'b', 'Linewidth',0.8) yline(0.2,'r', 'Linewidth',0.8) yline(-0.2,'r', 'Linewidth',0.8) ylim([-0.25 0.25]); xlim([steps(1) steps(end)]); hold off % plot noise (given seeding) % rng(30,'twister'); % hardcoded seeding rng(s); % retrieve seeding from run_mpc w = []; for i = 1: length(x) w(i,1) = normrnd(0,sig); w(i,2) = normrnd(0,sig); end % plot subplots with noise if plot_noise == 1 w_max = max(max(abs(w))); % get largest uncertainty subplot(3,2,2) hold on title('noise - w1') plot(steps, w(:,1), 'b', 'Linewidth',0.8) % plot standard deviation yline(sig,'r:', 'Linewidth',0.8) yline(-sig,'r:', 'Linewidth',0.8) if w_max > 0 ylim([-1.2*w_max 1.2*w_max]) end
🎉3 参考文献
[1]T. Br¨udigam, M. Olbrich, M. Leibold, and D. Wollherr. Combining stochastic and scenario model predictive control to handle target vehicle uncertainty in autonomous driving. In 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Maui, USA, 2018.