CIMCAI mature AI product, digital port intelligent port waterway

news2025/2/27 5:57:20
  • 全球港航人工智能领军企业中集飞瞳CIMCAI,
  • 成熟港航人工智能产品全球领先,核心技术世界顶尖水平数字化港航自动化。
  • 全球集装箱人工智能AI领军企业CIMCAI中集飞瞳,全球航运港口高科技领军企业,
  • 率先将港口人工智能Ceaspectus™产品做到成熟,建设世界超一流高效能AI超级港口码头。
  • CIMCAI领跑全球智能港口码头应用落地,先进人工智能科技提升港区效能,
  • 优化港区次序,减少危险区域人员干预操作,降低人员间/人箱接触。
  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳AI智能验箱得到全球前三船公司认可,
  • CIMCAI 集装箱AI/航运港口人工智能垂直领域领军企业。
  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the leading shipping port high-tech enterprise in the world,
  • The mature port and shipping AI products are leading in the world, and the core technology is the world's top level digital port and shipping automation.
  • CIMCAI is the world's leading container AI enterprise, and the world's leading shipping port high-tech enterprise,
  • Ceaspectus leading in the world port AI, which constructing mature products , and the world's super-class efficient AI super port terminal is built.
  • CIMCAI leads the global application of intelligent ports and terminals, and advanced artificial intelligence technology improves the efficiency of the port area,
  • Optimize the order of the port area, reduce the intervention of personnel in dangerous areas, and reduce the contact between personnel/containers.
  • CIMCAI intelligent inspection container has been recognized by the world's top three shipping companies,
  • CIMCAI is a leading enterprise in the vertical field of container AI/shipping port AI.
  • CIMCAI先进产品完全基于摄像头视频流,没有地磅红外线等触发装置,
  • 领先科技自动感知集卡/集装箱位置+轨迹,全自动化完成箱况残损识别检验/箱息识别/集卡信息识别。
  • 在集装箱交接区自动化智能验箱减少人工干预,节省港口码头坏箱溯源工作,
  • 精细化港区集装箱管控,成熟港口人工智能提效降本减人,先进产品提升港口效能。
  • CIMCAI advanced products are completely based on camera video stream, without trigger devices such as weighbridge infrared,
  • The leading technology automatically senses the location+track of the container/container, and fully automates the identification and inspection of the container condition and damage/the identification of the container information/the identification of the container information.
  • Automatic and intelligent container inspection in the container handover area reduces manual intervention, and saves the work of tracing the source of bad containers at ports and terminals,
  • Refine container control in port area, improve efficiency, reduce cost and reduce personnel with mature port AI, and improve port efficiency with advanced products.
  • ceaspectusG™超级闸口产品,进出闸过程中箱信息/箱况残损/集卡信息全自动识别检测。
  • 高识别率99.95%以上,零接触高实时性快速过闸。
  • ceaspectusT™智能理货产品装卸船过程全自动化箱信息/箱况残损识别检测并记录,
  • 提升集装箱信息录入效率,降低接触,一步区分好坏箱。ceaspectusC™轮胎吊/轨道吊对位产品,
  • 精准集装箱自动化对位检测,着箱一次成功,减少错位耗时。
  • easpectusG ™ Super gate products, fully automatic identification and detection of container info/damage in the process of entering and leaving the gate.
  • High recognition rate above 99.95%, zero contact, high real-time and fast switching.
  • ceaspectusT ™ Full-automatic container info/damage identification detection and record during loading and unloading of intelligent tally products,
  • Improve the efficiency of container information entry, reduce contact, and distinguish between good and bad containers. ceaspectusC ™ Tire crane/rail crane alignment products,
  • Accurate automatic alignment detection of containers, successful landing at one time, reducing the time spent on dislocation.
  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳领先产品领跑全球集装箱人工智能/港口航运人工智能应用落地,
  • 集装箱人工智能/港口航运人工智能垂直领域领军者,领先产品走向全球。
  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,
  • 完成全球上百万集装箱人工智能箱况残损检验,与全球顶尖船公司港口合作,
  • 产品在全球各港区生产环境大规模投产,产品识别率/准确率/实时性各指标在全球处于顶尖水平。
  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳集装箱港航人工智能垂直领域领军者,领跑全球港口航运人工智能AI。
  • CIMCAI's leading products of CIMCAI lead the global container AI/port shipping AI applications,
  • The leader in the vertical field of container AI/port and shipping AI, with leading products going global.
  • CIMCAI has completed the identification of container information for hundreds of millions of times in the world,
  • Complete the damage inspection of millions of artificial intelligence containers around the world, and cooperate with the ports of the world's top shipping companies,
  • The product has been put into production on a large scale in the production environment of various ports in the world, and the product identification rate/accuracy rate/real-time performance indicators are at the top level in the world.
  • CIMCAI is a leader in the vertical field of artificial intelligence for container ports and shipping, leading the global AI for port and shipping.
  • 人工智能企业CIMCAI中集飞瞳,全球港航人工智能领军企业,
  • 成熟港航人工智能产品全球领先,核心技术世界顶尖水平数字化港航自动化。
  • 全球集装箱人工智能AI领军企业CIMCAI中集飞瞳,全球航运港口高科技领军企业,
  • 率先将港口人工智能Ceaspectus™产品做到成熟,建设世界超一流高效能AI超级港口码头。
  • CIMCAI领跑全球智能港口码头应用落地,先进人工智能科技提升港区效能,
  • 优化港区次序,减少危险区域人员干预操作,降低人员间/人箱接触。
  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳AI智能验箱得到全球前三船公司认可,
  • CIMCAI 集装箱AI/航运港口人工智能垂直领域领军企业。
  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the leading shipping port high-tech enterprise in the world,
  • The mature port and shipping AI products are leading in the world, and the core technology is the world's top level digital port and shipping automation.
  • CIMCAI is the world's leading container AI enterprise, and the world's leading shipping port high-tech enterprise,
  • Ceaspectus leading in the world port AI, which constructing mature products , and the world's super-class efficient AI super port terminal is built.
  • CIMCAI leads the global application of intelligent ports and terminals, and advanced artificial intelligence technology improves the efficiency of the port area,
  • Optimize the order of the port area, reduce the intervention of personnel in dangerous areas, and reduce the contact between personnel/containers.
  • CIMCAI intelligent inspection container has been recognized by the world's top three shipping companies,
  • CIMCAI is a leading enterprise in the vertical field of container AI/shipping port AI.




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