
news2025/1/10 18:58:11



  • 前言
    • 1 Dice Loss
    • 2 BCE-Dice Loss
    • 3 Jaccard/Intersection over Union (IoU) Loss
    • 4 Focal Loss
    • 5 Tvesky Loss
    • 6 Focal Tvesky Loss
    • 7 Lovasz Hinge Loss
    • 8 Combo Loss
    • 9 参考资料





1 Dice Loss

Dice 系数是像素分割的常用的评价指标,也可以修改为损失函数:

D i c e = 2 ∣ X ∩ Y ∣ ∣ X ∣ + ∣ Y ∣ Dice=\frac{2|X \cap Y|}{|X|+|Y|} Dice=X+Y2∣XY

import numpy
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class DiceLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True):
        super(DiceLoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, targets, smooth=1):
        #comment out if your model contains a sigmoid or equivalent activation layer
        inputs = F.sigmoid(inputs)       
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = inputs.view(-1)
        targets = targets.view(-1)
        intersection = (inputs * targets).sum()                            
        dice = (2.*intersection + smooth)/(inputs.sum() + targets.sum() + smooth)  
        return 1 - dice


import keras
import keras.backend as K

def DiceLoss(targets, inputs, smooth=1e-6):
    #flatten label and prediction tensors
    inputs = K.flatten(inputs)
    targets = K.flatten(targets)
    intersection = K.sum(K.dot(targets, inputs))
    dice = (2*intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(targets) + K.sum(inputs) + smooth)
    return 1 - dice

2 BCE-Dice Loss

这种损失结合了 Dice 损失标准二元交叉熵 (BCE) 损失,后者通常是分割模型的默认值。将这两种方法结合起来可以使损失具有一定的多样性,同时受益于 BCE 的稳定性。

D i c e + B C E = 2 ∣ X ∩ Y ∣ ∣ X ∣ + ∣ Y ∣ + 1 N ∑ n = 1 N H ( p n , q n ) Dice + BCE=\frac{2|X \cap Y|}{|X|+|Y|} + \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^{N}{H(p_n,q_n)} Dice+BCE=X+Y2∣XY+N1n=1NH(pn,qn)


class DiceBCELoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True):
        super(DiceBCELoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, targets, smooth=1):
        #comment out if your model contains a sigmoid or equivalent activation layer
        inputs = F.sigmoid(inputs)       
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = inputs.view(-1)
        targets = targets.view(-1)
        intersection = (inputs * targets).sum()                            
        dice_loss = 1 - (2.*intersection + smooth)/(inputs.sum() + targets.sum() + smooth)   # 注意这里已经使用1-dice 
        BCE = F.binary_cross_entropy(inputs, targets, reduction='mean')
        Dice_BCE = BCE + dice_loss
        return Dice_BCE


def DiceBCELoss(targets, inputs, smooth=1e-6):    
    #flatten label and prediction tensors
    inputs = K.flatten(inputs)
    targets = K.flatten(targets)
    BCE =  binary_crossentropy(targets, inputs)
    intersection = K.sum(K.dot(targets, inputs))    
    dice_loss = 1 - (2*intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(targets) + K.sum(inputs) + smooth)
    Dice_BCE = BCE + dice_loss
    return Dice_BCE

3 Jaccard/Intersection over Union (IoU) Loss

IoU 指标,或 Jaccard 指数,类似于 Dice 指标计算为两个集合之间正实例的重叠与其相互组合值之间的比率;与 Dice 指标一样,它是评估像素分割模型的性能。
J ( A , B ) = ∣ A ∩ B ∣ ∣ A ∪ B ∣ = ∣ A ∩ B ∣ ∣ A ∣ + ∣ B ∣ − ∣ A ∩ B ∣ J(A,B)=\frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|} = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A| + |B|-|A\cap B|} J(A,B)=ABAB=A+BABAB

class IoULoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True):
        super(IoULoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, targets, smooth=1):
        #comment out if your model contains a sigmoid or equivalent activation layer
        inputs = F.sigmoid(inputs)       
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = inputs.view(-1)
        targets = targets.view(-1)
        #intersection is equivalent to True Positive count
        #union is the mutually inclusive area of all labels & predictions 
        intersection = (inputs * targets).sum()
        total = (inputs + targets).sum()
        union = total - intersection 
        IoU = (intersection + smooth)/(union + smooth)
        return 1 - IoU


def IoULoss(targets, inputs, smooth=1e-6):
    #flatten label and prediction tensors
    inputs = K.flatten(inputs)
    targets = K.flatten(targets)
    intersection = K.sum(K.dot(targets, inputs))
    total = K.sum(targets) + K.sum(inputs)
    union = total - intersection
    IoU = (intersection + smooth) / (union + smooth)
    return 1 - IoU

4 Focal Loss

Focal损失函数是由Facebook AI Research的Lin等人在2017年提出的,作为一种对抗极端不平衡数据集的手段。
见文章:Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection


class FocalLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True):
        super(FocalLoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, targets, alpha=0.8, gamma=2, smooth=1):
        #comment out if your model contains a sigmoid or equivalent activation layer
        inputs = F.sigmoid(inputs)       
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = inputs.view(-1)
        targets = targets.view(-1)
        #first compute binary cross-entropy 
        BCE = F.binary_cross_entropy(inputs, targets, reduction='mean')
        BCE_EXP = torch.exp(-BCE)
        focal_loss = alpha * (1-BCE_EXP)**gamma * BCE
        return focal_loss


def FocalLoss(targets, inputs, alpha=0.8, gamma=2):    
    inputs = K.flatten(inputs)
    targets = K.flatten(targets)
    BCE = K.binary_crossentropy(targets, inputs)
    BCE_EXP = K.exp(-BCE)
    focal_loss = K.mean(alpha * K.pow((1-BCE_EXP), gamma) * BCE)
    return focal_loss

5 Tvesky Loss

见文章:Tversky loss function for image segmentation using 3D fully convolutional deep networks
通过公式可以看出,其就是针对不同的指标进行加权,文章中指出,当a = b = 0.5, 就是Dice系数,当a = b = 1,就是Iou系数


class TverskyLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True):
        super(TverskyLoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, targets, smooth=1, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5):
        #comment out if your model contains a sigmoid or equivalent activation layer
        inputs = F.sigmoid(inputs)       
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = inputs.view(-1)
        targets = targets.view(-1)
        #True Positives, False Positives & False Negatives
        TP = (inputs * targets).sum()    
        FP = ((1-targets) * inputs).sum()
        FN = (targets * (1-inputs)).sum()
        Tversky = (TP + smooth) / (TP + alpha*FP + beta*FN + smooth)  
        return 1 - Tversky


def TverskyLoss(targets, inputs, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5, smooth=1e-6):
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = K.flatten(inputs)
        targets = K.flatten(targets)
        #True Positives, False Positives & False Negatives
        TP = K.sum((inputs * targets))
        FP = K.sum(((1-targets) * inputs))
        FN = K.sum((targets * (1-inputs)))
        Tversky = (TP + smooth) / (TP + alpha*FP + beta*FN + smooth)  
        return 1 - Tversky

6 Focal Tvesky Loss

就是将Focal Loss集成到Tvesky中
F o c a l T v e r s k y = ( 1 − T v e r s k y ) α FocalTversky = (1-Tversky)^{\alpha } FocalTversky=(1Tversky)α


class FocalTverskyLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True):
        super(FocalTverskyLoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, targets, smooth=1, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5, gamma=2):
        #comment out if your model contains a sigmoid or equivalent activation layer
        inputs = F.sigmoid(inputs)       
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = inputs.view(-1)
        targets = targets.view(-1)
        #True Positives, False Positives & False Negatives
        TP = (inputs * targets).sum()    
        FP = ((1-targets) * inputs).sum()
        FN = (targets * (1-inputs)).sum()
        Tversky = (TP + smooth) / (TP + alpha*FP + beta*FN + smooth)  
        FocalTversky = (1 - Tversky)**gamma
        return FocalTversky


def FocalTverskyLoss(targets, inputs, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5, gamma=2, smooth=1e-6):
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = K.flatten(inputs)
        targets = K.flatten(targets)
        #True Positives, False Positives & False Negatives
        TP = K.sum((inputs * targets))
        FP = K.sum(((1-targets) * inputs))
        FN = K.sum((targets * (1-inputs)))
        Tversky = (TP + smooth) / (TP + alpha*FP + beta*FN + smooth)  
        FocalTversky = K.pow((1 - Tversky), gamma)
        return FocalTversky

7 Lovasz Hinge Loss

该损失函数是由Berman, Triki和Blaschko在他们的论文“The Lovasz-Softmax loss: A tractable surrogate for the optimization of the intersection-over-union measure in neural networks”中介绍的。


Lovasz-Softmax and Jaccard hinge loss in PyTorch
Maxim Berman 2018 ESAT-PSI KU Leuven (MIT License)

from __future__ import print_function, division

import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
    from itertools import  ifilterfalse
except ImportError: # py3k
    from itertools import  filterfalse as ifilterfalse

def lovasz_grad(gt_sorted):
    Computes gradient of the Lovasz extension w.r.t sorted errors
    See Alg. 1 in paper
    p = len(gt_sorted)
    gts = gt_sorted.sum()
    intersection = gts - gt_sorted.float().cumsum(0)
    union = gts + (1 - gt_sorted).float().cumsum(0)
    jaccard = 1. - intersection / union
    if p > 1: # cover 1-pixel case
        jaccard[1:p] = jaccard[1:p] - jaccard[0:-1]
    return jaccard

def iou_binary(preds, labels, EMPTY=1., ignore=None, per_image=True):
    IoU for foreground class
    binary: 1 foreground, 0 background
    if not per_image:
        preds, labels = (preds,), (labels,)
    ious = []
    for pred, label in zip(preds, labels):
        intersection = ((label == 1) & (pred == 1)).sum()
        union = ((label == 1) | ((pred == 1) & (label != ignore))).sum()
        if not union:
            iou = EMPTY
            iou = float(intersection) / float(union)
    iou = mean(ious)    # mean accross images if per_image
    return 100 * iou

def iou(preds, labels, C, EMPTY=1., ignore=None, per_image=False):
    Array of IoU for each (non ignored) class
    if not per_image:
        preds, labels = (preds,), (labels,)
    ious = []
    for pred, label in zip(preds, labels):
        iou = []    
        for i in range(C):
            if i != ignore: # The ignored label is sometimes among predicted classes (ENet - CityScapes)
                intersection = ((label == i) & (pred == i)).sum()
                union = ((label == i) | ((pred == i) & (label != ignore))).sum()
                if not union:
                    iou.append(float(intersection) / float(union))
    ious = [mean(iou) for iou in zip(*ious)] # mean accross images if per_image
    return 100 * np.array(ious)

# --------------------------- BINARY LOSSES ---------------------------

def lovasz_hinge(logits, labels, per_image=True, ignore=None):
    Binary Lovasz hinge loss
      logits: [B, H, W] Variable, logits at each pixel (between -\infty and +\infty)
      labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, binary ground truth masks (0 or 1)
      per_image: compute the loss per image instead of per batch
      ignore: void class id
    if per_image:
        loss = mean(lovasz_hinge_flat(*flatten_binary_scores(log.unsqueeze(0), lab.unsqueeze(0), ignore))
                          for log, lab in zip(logits, labels))
        loss = lovasz_hinge_flat(*flatten_binary_scores(logits, labels, ignore))
    return loss

def lovasz_hinge_flat(logits, labels):
    Binary Lovasz hinge loss
      logits: [P] Variable, logits at each prediction (between -\infty and +\infty)
      labels: [P] Tensor, binary ground truth labels (0 or 1)
      ignore: label to ignore
    if len(labels) == 0:
        # only void pixels, the gradients should be 0
        return logits.sum() * 0.
    signs = 2. * labels.float() - 1.
    errors = (1. - logits * Variable(signs))
    errors_sorted, perm = torch.sort(errors, dim=0, descending=True)
    perm = perm.data
    gt_sorted = labels[perm]
    grad = lovasz_grad(gt_sorted)
    loss = torch.dot(F.relu(errors_sorted), Variable(grad))
    return loss

def flatten_binary_scores(scores, labels, ignore=None):
    Flattens predictions in the batch (binary case)
    Remove labels equal to 'ignore'
    scores = scores.view(-1)
    labels = labels.view(-1)
    if ignore is None:
        return scores, labels
    valid = (labels != ignore)
    vscores = scores[valid]
    vlabels = labels[valid]
    return vscores, vlabels

class StableBCELoss(torch.nn.modules.Module):
    def __init__(self):
         super(StableBCELoss, self).__init__()
    def forward(self, input, target):
         neg_abs = - input.abs()
         loss = input.clamp(min=0) - input * target + (1 + neg_abs.exp()).log()
         return loss.mean()

def binary_xloss(logits, labels, ignore=None):
    Binary Cross entropy loss
      logits: [B, H, W] Variable, logits at each pixel (between -\infty and +\infty)
      labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, binary ground truth masks (0 or 1)
      ignore: void class id
    logits, labels = flatten_binary_scores(logits, labels, ignore)
    loss = StableBCELoss()(logits, Variable(labels.float()))
    return loss

# --------------------------- MULTICLASS LOSSES ---------------------------

def lovasz_softmax(probas, labels, classes='present', per_image=False, ignore=None):
    Multi-class Lovasz-Softmax loss
      probas: [B, C, H, W] Variable, class probabilities at each prediction (between 0 and 1).
              Interpreted as binary (sigmoid) output with outputs of size [B, H, W].
      labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, ground truth labels (between 0 and C - 1)
      classes: 'all' for all, 'present' for classes present in labels, or a list of classes to average.
      per_image: compute the loss per image instead of per batch
      ignore: void class labels
    if per_image:
        loss = mean(lovasz_softmax_flat(*flatten_probas(prob.unsqueeze(0), lab.unsqueeze(0), ignore), classes=classes)
                          for prob, lab in zip(probas, labels))
        loss = lovasz_softmax_flat(*flatten_probas(probas, labels, ignore), classes=classes)
    return loss

def lovasz_softmax_flat(probas, labels, classes='present'):
    Multi-class Lovasz-Softmax loss
      probas: [P, C] Variable, class probabilities at each prediction (between 0 and 1)
      labels: [P] Tensor, ground truth labels (between 0 and C - 1)
      classes: 'all' for all, 'present' for classes present in labels, or a list of classes to average.
    if probas.numel() == 0:
        # only void pixels, the gradients should be 0
        return probas * 0.
    C = probas.size(1)
    losses = []
    class_to_sum = list(range(C)) if classes in ['all', 'present'] else classes
    for c in class_to_sum:
        fg = (labels == c).float() # foreground for class c
        if (classes is 'present' and fg.sum() == 0):
        if C == 1:
            if len(classes) > 1:
                raise ValueError('Sigmoid output possible only with 1 class')
            class_pred = probas[:, 0]
            class_pred = probas[:, c]
        errors = (Variable(fg) - class_pred).abs()
        errors_sorted, perm = torch.sort(errors, 0, descending=True)
        perm = perm.data
        fg_sorted = fg[perm]
        losses.append(torch.dot(errors_sorted, Variable(lovasz_grad(fg_sorted))))
    return mean(losses)

def flatten_probas(probas, labels, ignore=None):
    Flattens predictions in the batch
    if probas.dim() == 3:
        # assumes output of a sigmoid layer
        B, H, W = probas.size()
        probas = probas.view(B, 1, H, W)
    B, C, H, W = probas.size()
    probas = probas.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, C)  # B * H * W, C = P, C
    labels = labels.view(-1)
    if ignore is None:
        return probas, labels
    valid = (labels != ignore)
    vprobas = probas[valid.nonzero().squeeze()]
    vlabels = labels[valid]
    return vprobas, vlabels

def xloss(logits, labels, ignore=None):
    Cross entropy loss
    return F.cross_entropy(logits, Variable(labels), ignore_index=255)

# --------------------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS ---------------------------
def isnan(x):
    return x != x
def mean(l, ignore_nan=False, empty=0):
    nanmean compatible with generators.
    l = iter(l)
    if ignore_nan:
        l = ifilterfalse(isnan, l)
        n = 1
        acc = next(l)
    except StopIteration:
        if empty == 'raise':
            raise ValueError('Empty mean')
        return empty
    for n, v in enumerate(l, 2):
        acc += v
    if n == 1:
        return acc
    return acc / n

8 Combo Loss

该损失函数是由Taghanaki等人在他们的论文"Combo loss: Handling input and output imbalance in multi-organ segmentation"中介绍的。组合损失是Dice损失和一个修正的BCE函数的组合,像Tversky损失一样,有额外的常数,分别惩罚假阳性或假阴性。


import torch.nn as nn
import torch
ALPHA = 0.5 # < 0.5 penalises FP more, > 0.5 penalises FN more
CE_RATIO = 0.5 #weighted contribution of modified CE loss compared to Dice loss
BETA = 0.5
import torch.nn.functional as F

class ComboLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True):
        super(ComboLoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, targets, smooth=1, alpha=ALPHA, beta=BETA, eps=1e-9):
        inputs  = F.sigmoid(inputs)
        #flatten label and prediction tensors
        inputs = inputs.view(-1)
        targets = targets.view(-1)
        #True Positives, False Positives & False Negatives
        intersection = (inputs * targets).sum()    
        dice = (2. * intersection + smooth) / (inputs.sum() + targets.sum() + smooth)
        inputs = torch.clamp(inputs, eps, 1.0 - eps)       
        out = - (ALPHA * ((targets * torch.log(inputs)) + ((1 - ALPHA) * (1.0 - targets) * torch.log(1.0 - inputs))))
        weighted_ce = out.mean(-1)
        combo = (CE_RATIO * weighted_ce) - ((1 - CE_RATIO) * dice)
        return -combo


9 参考资料








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本文来自&#xff1a; 彭亮 极狐(GitLab) 高级产品经理 毛超 极狐(GitLab) 研发工程师 极狐(GitLab) 市场部内容团队 “敏捷” 是指能够驾驭变化&#xff0c;保持组织竞争优势的一种能力。自 2001 年《敏捷宣言》以来&#xff0c;敏捷及敏捷开发理念逐渐席卷全球。中国信通院《…


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C和QML混合编程_QML发送信号到C端&#xff08;信号和槽绑定&#xff09; 前言&#xff1a; 下面是之前讲解过的三种方法 1、使用Q_INVOKABLE声明一下普通函数&#xff0c;在QML端可以直接调用 2、使用Connections绑定QML的信号和C端的槽函数 3、使用connect绑定QML的信号和C端的…


文章目录概述本质优缺点优点&#xff1a;缺点&#xff1a;实际应用解决redis缓存穿透问题&#xff1a;概述 本质 本质&#xff1a;很长的二进制向量&#xff08;数组&#xff09; 主要作用&#xff1a;判断一个数据在这个数组中是否存在&#xff0c;如果不存在为0&#xff0c…

NR PDCP duplication

欢迎关注同名微信公众号“modem协议笔记”。 PDCP duplication 是PDCP 的一个功能&#xff0c;主要是为满足URLLC 场景的可靠性/延迟要求&#xff0c;而产生的一种提高传输可靠性的机制&#xff0c;具体就是在信号状况比较差的情况下&#xff0c;网络侧通过配置PDCP duplicati…



Zynq非Video Mixer方案实现视频叠加输出,无需SDK配置,提供工程源码和技术支持

目录1、前言2、Video Mixer的不便之处3、FDMA取代Video Mixer实现视频叠加输出4、Vivado工程详解5、上板调试验证并演示6、福利&#xff1a;工程代码的获取1、前言 关于Zynq使用Video Mixer方案实现视频叠加输出方案请参考点击查看&#xff1a;Video Mixer方案 对于Zynq和Micr…

Elasticsearch:Security API 介绍

在我之前的文章 “Elasticsearch&#xff1a;运用 API 创建 roles 及 users” &#xff0c;我展示了如何使用 Security API 来创建用户及角色来控制访问 Elasticsearch 中的索引。在今天的文章中&#xff0c;我将展示一个使用 Security API 来创建一个用户及角色来访问一个索引…