1. 右键单击损坏的文件,然后单击打开方式...,选择记事本
2. 将代码复制并粘贴到MicrosoftWord中
3. 如果有有效的备份版本,请将代码作为新的MicrosoftWord文档复制并粘贴到Word中。
4. 现在使用“跟踪更改/比较”功能比较Word中的两个版本。*跟踪更改/比较功能可在MicrosoftWord 的“审阅”选项卡中找到。
Following these steps may aid in fixing alibrary or project file corruption. Many corruptions will beunrecoverable without a backup.
Right-click the corrupted file, and click on Open With..., select Notepad
Copy and paste the code into Microsoft Word
If you have the working back-up version, copy and paste the code into Word as a new Microsoft Word document.
Now compare the two versions in Word using Track Changes/Compare functionality. *The track changes/compare functionality is found in the Review tab of Microsoft Word 2007.
Fixinga LabVIEW Project File Corruption
A corrupted library file can also corrupt a project file if the corruptedlibrary file was included in the LabVIEW project. This issue can beresolved by either removing the reference to this corrupted library file byediting the XML code for the project file, or by fixing the library filecorruption.
Open the LabVIEW Project File With LabVIEW64-bit
If the code was written in a 32-bit version of LabVIEW, opening it in 64-bitLabVIEW will increas the application memory and potentially resolve corruptionbased off of large block diagrams.
Fixing a LabVIEW Project File or Library FileCorruption
Project files and library files can both be corrupted if some of the closingXML tags were not written completely during a save process.
For example, a corrupted projectfile may be missing the following lines at the end of the file:
These lines are closing the project and itemreferences. The item references are project-specific, so do not concernyourself if your project has more or fewer of these lines. Ifthese references are not closed off, LabVIEW will not be able to close theproject file, and subsequently inform the user that the project has been corrupted.
If you do not have a backup copy of theproject, create a new project and access the source code as describedabove. Look for any obvious differences between the empty project and thecorrupted project.
Often times these differences will involvemissing XML tags, and the user should pay close attention to these referencesacross the working back-up copy of the project/library and the corruptedproject/library file.
If any of the previous steps solve the issue,try removingand reinstalling the required NI software on the PC.
A project file can be corrupteddue to many reasons. For example, during the automated save process,a LabVIEW internal error may have occurred, registry keys may be corrupt, orpower may have shut off and corrupted the file.
Often times, these corruptions result in amissing entry within the project or library file. Library and project filesare written in XML format and can be opened up with any text-basededitor. However, the easiest method of working with these files willbe to open them with Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft Wordpad initially andthen copying and pasting the contents to a Microsoft Word document.
A working back-up copy of the project can beuseful in diagnosing and fixing the corruption. The backupcopy does not have to be exactly the same as the corruptedcopy. However, the back-up copy can provide a framework or a template forwhat to expect in a working project or library file.