SELECT depname, empno, salary, avg(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY depname) FROM empsalary;
order by 区别window frame and partition
没有order by, window function是对整个partition起作用, partition是over语句制定的
有了order by,那window function就是对window frame起作用,window frame就是整个partition先按照order by排序,然后到当前row为止的所有数据。
There is another important concept associated with window functions: for each row, there is a set of rows within its partition called its window frame. Some window functions act only on the rows of the window frame, rather than of the whole partition. By default, if ORDER BY is supplied then the frame consists of all rows from the start of the partition up through the current row, plus any following rows that are equal to the current row according to the ORDER BY clause. When ORDER BY is omitted the default frame consists of all rows in the partition. [5] Here is an example using sum:
SELECT salary, sum(salary) OVER () FROM empsalary;
salary | sum
5200 | 47100
5000 | 47100
3500 | 47100
4800 | 47100
3900 | 47100
4200 | 47100
4500 | 47100
4800 | 47100
6000 | 47100
5200 | 47100
(10 rows)
没有order by, sum的结果是一样的,因为只有一个partition。
SELECT salary, sum(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) FROM empsalary;
salary | sum
3500 | 3500
3900 | 7400
4200 | 11600
4500 | 16100
4800 | 25700
4800 | 25700
5000 | 30700
5200 | 41100
5200 | 41100
6000 | 47100
(10 rows)
有了order by,每次只计算不断增长的window frame
SELECT sum(salary) OVER w, avg(salary) OVER w
FROM empsalary
window function执行顺序
window function是在where, group执行完以后才执行的,所以不可以用在where, group语句里面,只能用在select,order by子语句。
Window functions are permitted only in the SELECT list and the ORDER BY clause of the query. They are forbidden elsewhere, such as in GROUP BY, HAVING and WHERE clauses. This is because they logically execute after the processing of those clauses. Also, window functions execute after non-window aggregate functions. This means it is valid to include an aggregate function call in the arguments of a window function, but not vice versa.