论文英文题目:A spatial interaction model of Qin-Han Dynasty organisation on the northern frontier and the location of the Zhidao highway (China)
发表于:journal of archaeological science,影响因子:3.030
In this study, we employ hiking function to generate a local travel network connecting each settlement in the landscape with a specified number of its nearest neighbours. In order to determine the traffic value for each path in the network, a kernel density estimate was employed to handle the potential overlap of roads or proximity of multiple paths. 在本研究中,我们采用徒步函数生成一个本地旅行网络,将景观中的每个定居点与其指定数量的最近邻居连接起来。为了确定网络中每条路径的交通值,我们使用了核密度估计来处理道路的潜在重叠或多条路径的接近性。The paths were transformed into a series of evenly spaced points (100 m intervals) with each point being assigned the same traffic value and then the resulting traffic distribution within the study area was visualized through a weighted kernel density estimate. 将路径转换成一系列间隔均匀的点(间隔 100 米),每个点分配相同的交通值,然后通过加权核密度估计将研究区域内的交通分布可视化。
使用forts 碉堡 作为节点:
As the path of the road may exhibit a strong correlation with the forts it linked, the identification of nodes and construction of a spatial model of the road can aid in verifying the existence of road remains, which may be challenging to discover through fieldwork. 由于道路的路径可能与其所连接的堡垒表现出很强的相关性,因此识别节点和构建道路的空间模型可以帮助验证道路遗迹的存在,而这可能很难通过实地考察来发现。(之所以不直接考察道路,而考察堡壘,是因為很多泥土的道路現在已經不存在了,但是堡壘卻還在。)
In terms of chronology, our study mainly focuses on the Western Han period (202 BCE – _8 CE). Although the Zhidao was originally constructed during the Qin Dynasty (221–207 BCE), achieving a more detailed chronological division of forts into distinct periods such as the Qin, Western Han, and Eastern Han (25–220 CE) proves challenging due to the coarse resolution of the archaeological evidence. 在年代学方面,我们的研究主要集中在西汉时期(公元前 202 年 - 公元 8 年)。虽然直道最初建于秦朝(公元前 221-207 年),但由于考古证据的分辨率较差,要将堡垒更详细地划分为秦、西汉和东汉(公元 25-220 年)等不同时期,是一项艰巨的任务。——囿於幾個原因,將秦漢的ports直接看作西漢的ports。
Obtain all archaeological site data by sourcing information from various local gazetteers, archaeological excavation and survey reports, grey literature, provincial heritage atlases, and other published studies. 通过获取各种地方地名录、考古发掘和调查报告、灰色文献、省级遗产地图集和其他已发表的研究信息来获取所有考古遗址数据。
Established a threshold of 625 square meters to exclude all sites with an area smaller than 625 (因為它們雖然被紀錄成forts,但實際上更接近beacons信標)——so: concentrate on sites that provide greater insights into the broader military and strategic landscape, aligning with the central objectives of our research.
We utilized the r.walk method to simulate a road network, a key aspect of our spatial interaction model. This method was applied to the 165 forts identified in the study area, to compute paths between these forts. A total of 27060 undirected paths were generated across the landscape. Subsequently, the network was pruned to ensure each fort was connected only to a defined number of nearest neighbours (k value). This step was critical in refining the spatial interaction model by determining the total flow of each path segment. (With the increase in the number of nearest neighbours, the networks become more complex.)
Following the generation of the paths and trimming of the network using the nearest neighbour approach (Fig. 3), we obtained undirected paths between forts, along with their respective travel times in second, which is the important parameter of spatial relation between the two sites (Cij). With this parameter, we were able to calculate the spatial interaction model between sites, resulting in a matrix representing travel flow. The outcomes of this analysis were encapsulated in a weighted kernel density map, using a Gaussian bandwidth of σ = 5 km (Fig. 2). The map provides a comprehensive insight into the network’s interactions, effectively highlighting the spatial dynamics within the model. 在使用最近邻方法生成路径和修剪网络之后(图 3),我们获得了堡垒之间的无向路径,以及它们各自的旅行时间(以秒为单位),这是两个地点之间空间关系的重要参数(Cij)。利用此参数,我们能够计算出地点之间的空间交互模型,从而得到一个表示旅行流量的矩阵。此分析的结果封装在加权核密度图中,使用高斯带宽 σ = 5 公里(图 2)。该图提供了对网络交互的全面洞察,有效地突出了模型中的空间动态。
The high volume of traffic observed between these two small sites suggests that the influence of flow is not solely dependent on the size of the forts, but rather the location and relative distance between them in light of the much wider logistical landscape. ---- reconstructing historical roads;
This consistency across ‘k’ values underscores the reliability of the model.
看的第一篇考古方面的文章。以下是GPT 4o对于一些概念的讲解。我觉得本文的空间建模具有一定的说服力,但是**作者一直在强调最后模型的结果不再随着K值的波动而改变,表明模型具有一定鲁棒性。真的是这样吗?会不会由于数据集的限制,k变大之后算法失效?**这个问题记在这里,希望有网友帮忙解答!
1. r.walk 方法
概念:r.walk 是 GIS 軟體(例如 GRASS GIS)中用來模擬行走時間或成本的工具。它基於累積成本距離(cost distance)算法,考慮地形(如坡度和障礙物)來計算在地表上行進的最短路徑或成本。
應用:在段落中,r.walk 被用來模擬道路網絡,計算從 165 個堡壘(forts)之間的路徑,這些路徑的成本通常以「行走時間」或「行進困難度」為單位。
原理:r.walk 不僅考慮了歐幾里得距離(直線距離),還納入了基於地形的阻力因素(例如上坡更耗時,下坡可能更快)。
2. 空間互動模型(Spatial Interaction Model)
重力模型(Gravity Model):模仿物理重力定律,與距離成反比,與位置的重要性(如人口或經濟活動)成正比。
流量模型(Flow Model):基於路徑的權重計算流動量。
原理本段中,空間互動模型的基本參數是旅行時間 𝐶𝑖𝑗 ,表示兩個堡壘之間的空間關係。這些旅行時間被用來計算從一個位置到另一個位置的互動強度,最終生成了一個流量矩陣。
流量矩陣中的每個值代表從堡壘 𝑖到堡壘 𝑗 的互動強度,這取決於旅行時間和其他可能的因素(如堡壘的重要性)。
3. 生成與修剪網絡(Network Pruning)
初始網絡生成:利用 r.walk 計算的路徑,生成堡壘之間的所有可能連接(在此案例中是 165 個堡壘間的 27060 條無向路徑)。
修剪網絡:此步驟通過最近鄰方法(k-nearest neighbor approach)進行:
最近鄰方法:對於每個堡壘,僅保留與最近的 k 個鄰居的連接,減少網絡的複雜性。
原理:網絡修剪有助於聚焦於顯著的空間關係,避免過度複雜的網絡影響模型的解釋性和應用性。當 k 值增加時,網絡變得更為密集和複雜,可能導致計算負擔增加,但同時也能捕捉更多的潛在互動。
4. 加權核密度圖(Weighted Kernel Density Map)
概念:核密度估計(Kernel Density Estimation, KDE)是一種空間分析方法,用於估計數據點在空間上的分佈密度。加權 KDE 考慮了每個數據點的權重,生成更準確的分佈圖。
應用:在此案例中,使用高斯核函數(Gaussian Kernel)和帶寬(bandwidth)σ = 5 公里,生成了一張描述網絡互動的加權密度圖。
帶寬 σ:控制平滑的程度,較大的帶寬會生成更廣泛的影響區域,而較小的帶寬會更強調局部差異。
加權輸入:路徑流量(travel flow)作為權重,確保核密度圖不僅反映位置分佈,還反映不同路徑的相對重要性。
5. 總結與意義
這個分析過程結合了地形模擬(r.walk 方法)、網絡分析(生成與修剪網絡)、空間互動模型(基於旅行時間計算流量矩陣)以及空間可視化(加權核密度圖),重點在於揭示 165 個堡壘之間的空間動態與互動模式。