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<div class="common-layout">
<div class="header no_print">
<div class="title">***报告</div>
<div class="header-content">
<div class="common-">
<span class="iconfont icon-human1"></span><span>客户单位:XX科学院</span>
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<div class="logo"><img src="image/1.png"></div>
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<div class="behind"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div>
<div class="content" style="page-break-after: always;">
<div class="content_first" id="id1">
<img src="image/report/1.png" alt="" title="">
<div class="content_first">
<h3 id="id2">2.流程说明</h3>
<div class="content_second">
<h4 id="id21">2.1.实验流程</h4>
<img src="image/report/2.1.png" alt="">
<div id="id211">
<p class="cont">************</p>
<div id="id212">
<div class="cont">************
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<p class="cont">************************************************************************************************</p>
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<div class="cont">************************************************************************************************
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<p class="cont">************************************************************************************************
<img src="image/report/2.2.png" alt="">
<div class="content_first">
<h3 id="id3">3.数据质控</h3>
<div class="content_second">
<div id="id31">
<h4>3.1 测序数据统计</h4>
<p class="cont">结果见表1。</p>
<h6 class="table_1">表1 ***</h6>
<div class="table_container table1">
<thead class="thead">
<th>Raw reads</th>
<th>Raw bases</th>
<tbody class="no_print">
<div class="tips">
<p class="tip">注:</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<h4 id="id32">3.2.质量控制</h4>
<div id="id321">
<div class="cont">************结果见图1。</div>
<div class="echarts">
<div class="no_print" style="font-size: 16px;margin: 40px 0 0 20px;">
<select name="cars" id="select1"
<div class="echart">
<iframe id="iframe1"
width="100%" height="600px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<h6 class="h62">图1 </h6>
<div class="tips">
<p class="tip">注:</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<div id="id322">
<h5>3.2.2.Base Content分布</h5>
<div class="cont">************</div>
<div class="echarts" id="echart2">
<div class="no_print" style="font-size: 16px;margin: 40px 0 0 20px;">
<select id="select2" name="cars"
<option value="16-122" selected>16-122</option>
<option value="16-146">16-146</option>
<option value="16-161">16-161</option>
<option value="16-176">16-176</option>
<option value="16-182">16-182</option>
<option value="16-183">16-183</option>
<option value="16-200">16-200</option>
<option value="16-201">16-201</option>
<option value="16F">16F</option>
<option value="16M">16M</option>
<div class="echart echart2">
<iframe id="iframe21"
width="100%" height="600px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<iframe id="iframe22"
width="100%" height="600px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<h6 class="h62">图2 </h6>
<div class="tips">
<p class="tip">注:</p>
<p class="tip">************,</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<div id="id33">
<div class="cont">************</div>
<p class="cont">1)************</p>
<p class="cont">2)************</p>
<div class="cont">************数据处理的步骤如下:
<p class="cont">1)************</p>
<p class="cont">2)************</p>
<p class="cont">3)************
<div class="cont">数据过滤的基本情况见表2。</div>
<h6 class="h61">表2 </h6>
<div class="table_container table2">
<th>Clean reads</th>
<th>Clean bases</th>
<th>Clean reads(%)</th>
<th>Clean bases(%)</th>
<tbody class="no_print">
<div class="tips">
<p class="tip">注:</p>
<p class="tip">************,</p>
<p class="tip">************,</p>
<p class="tip">************,</p>
<p class="tip">************,</p>
<p class="tip">************</p>
<div class="echarts">
<div class="no_print"
style="font-size: 16px;margin: 40px 0 0 20px;">
<select name="cars" id="select3"
<div class="echart">
<iframe id="iframe3" src="public/fig3_piecharts/9-3_pie.html"
width="100%" height="600px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<h6 class="h62">图3 数据过滤统计</h6>
let navList = [
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'id': 'id2',
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'id': 'id21',
'title': '2.1 实验流程',
'children': [
'id': 'id211',
'title': '2.1.1 aa'
'id': 'id212',
'title': '2.1.2 bb'
'id': 'id213',
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'id': 'id214',
'title': '2.1.4 dd'
'id': 'id215',
'title': '2.1.5 ee'
'id': 'id22',
'title': '2.2 信息分析流程'
'id': 'id3',
'title': '3. 数据质控',
'children': [
'id': 'id31',
'title': '3.1 测序数据统计'
'id': 'id32',
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'title': '3.2.1 质量分布'
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'id': 'id33',
'title': '3.3 过滤数据统计'
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