- 01 现有工作的不足?
- 02 文章解决了什么问题?
- 03 关键的解决方案是什么?
- 04 主要的贡献是什么?
- 05 有哪些相关的工作?
- 06 方法具体是如何实现的?
- 07 论文中的实验是如何设计的?
- 08 实验结果和对比效果如何?
- 09 消融研究告诉了我们什么?
- 10 这个工作还可以如何优化?
- 参考文献
01 现有工作的不足?
Local image editing: those methods could only give coarse guidance for generation and often fail to synthesize ID-consistent results for untrained new concepts
Customized image generation: Although they could generate high-fidelity images, the user could not specify the scenario and the location of the target object. Besides, the time-consuming finetuning impedes them from being used in large-scale applications.
Image harmonization: these methods only explore the low-level changes, editing the structure, view, and pose of the foreground objects, or generating the shadows and reflections are not taken into consideration.
02 文章解决了什么问题?
This work presents AnyDoor, a diffusion-based image generator with the power to teleport target objects to new scenes at user-specified locations with desired shapes.
AnyDoor is able to generate ID-consistent compositions with high quality in zero-shot.
03 关键的解决方案是什么?
Instead of tuning parameters for each object, our model is trained only once and effortlessly generalizes to diverse object-scene combinations at the inference stage. Such a challenging zero-shot setting requires an adequate characterization of a certain object.
- we complement the commonly used identity feature with detail features, which are carefully designed to maintain appearance details yet allow versatile local variations (e.g., lighting, orientation, posture, etc.), supporting the object in favorably blending with different surroundings.
- We further propose to borrow knowledge from video datasets, where we can observe various forms (i.e., along the time axis) of a single object, leading to stronger model generalizability and robustness.
04 主要的贡献是什么?
- We present AnyDoor for object teleportation. The core idea is to use a discriminative ID extractor and a frequency aware detail extractor to characterize the target object.
- Trained on a large combination of video and image data, we composite the object at the specific location of the scene image with effective shape control.
- AnyDoor provides a universal solution for general region-to-region mapping tasks and could be profitable for various applications.
05 有哪些相关的工作?
- Stable Diffusion [41],
- IP-Adapter [58],
- Paint-by-Example [56]
- Graphit [16]
- DreamBooth [42]
- Custom Diffusion [27]
- Cones [33]
06 方法具体是如何实现的?
In this paper, we investigate “object teleportation”, which means accurately and seamlessly placing the target object into the desired location of the scene image.
we re-generate a box/mask-marked local region of a scene image by taking the target object as the template.
- we represent the target object with identity and detail-related features,
- then composite them with the interaction of the background scene.
- we use an ID extractor to produce discriminative ID tokens and delicately design a frequency-aware detail extractor to get detail maps as a supplement.
- We inject the ID tokens and the detail maps into a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model as guidance to generate the desired composition.
- To make the generated content more customizable, we explore leveraging additional controls (e.g. user-drawn masks) to indicate the shape/poses of the object.
- To learn customized object generation with high diversities, we collect image pairs for the same object from videos to learn the appearance variations, and also leverage largescale statistic images to guarantee the scenario diversity.
High frequencyy map
The training supervision is a mean square error loss as:
07 论文中的实验是如何设计的?
During inference, given a scene image and a location box, we expand the box into a square with an amplifier ratio of 2.0.
For quantitative results, we construct a new benchmark with 30 new concepts provided by DreamBooth [42] for the target images. For the scene image, we manually pick 80 images with boxes in COCO-Val [31]. Thus we generate 2,400 images for the object-scene combinations. We also make qualitative analysis on VitonHDtest [13] to validate the performance for virtual try-on.
we follow DreamBooth [42] to calculate the CLIPScore and DINO-Score, as these metrics could reflect the similarity between the generated region and the target object. we organize user studies with a group of 15 annotators to rate the generated results from the perspective of fidelity, quality, and diversity.
08 实验结果和对比效果如何?
Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach over existing alternatives as well as its great potential in real-world applications, such as virtual try-on, shape editing, and object swapping
Comparisons with Reference-based methods.
Firure 5 show that previous reference-based methods could only keep the semantic consistency with distinguishing features like the dog face on the backpack, and coarse granites of patterns like the color of the sloth toy. However, as those new concepts are not included in the training category, their generation results are far from ID-consistent. In contrast, our AnyDoor shows promising performance for zero-shot image customization with highly-faithful details.
Comparisons with Tuning-based methods.
User study.
09 消融研究告诉了我们什么?
Core components.
ID extractor.
Detail extractor.
More Applications
10 这个工作还可以如何优化?
It still struggles with fine details like the small characters or logos. This issue might be solved by collecting related training data, enlarging the resolution, and training better VAE decoders.
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