
news2025/1/7 16:27:55





Acceptor* Server::BuildAcceptor() {
    std::set<std::string> whitelist;
    for (butil::StringSplitter sp(_options.enabled_protocols.c_str(), ' ');
         sp; ++sp) {
        std::string protocol(sp.field(), sp.length());
    const bool has_whitelist = !whitelist.empty();
    Acceptor* acceptor = new (std::nothrow) Acceptor(_keytable_pool);
    if (NULL == acceptor) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to new Acceptor";
        return NULL;
    InputMessageHandler handler;
    std::vector<Protocol> protocols;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < protocols.size(); ++i) {
        if (protocols[i].process_request == NULL) {
            // The protocol does not support server-side.
        if (has_whitelist &&
            !is_http_protocol(protocols[i].name) &&
            !whitelist.erase(protocols[i].name)) {
            // the protocol is not allowed to serve.
            RPC_VLOG << "Skip protocol=" << protocols[i].name;
        // `process_request' is required at server side
        handler.parse = protocols[i].parse;
        handler.process = protocols[i].process_request;
        handler.verify = protocols[i].verify;
        handler.arg = this; = protocols[i].name;
        if (acceptor->AddHandler(handler) != 0) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to add handler into Acceptor("
                       << acceptor << ')';
            delete acceptor;
            return NULL;
    if (!whitelist.empty()) {
        std::ostringstream err;
        err << "ServerOptions.enabled_protocols has unknown protocols=`";
        for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = whitelist.begin();
             it != whitelist.end(); ++it) {
            err << *it << ' ';
        err << '\'';
        delete acceptor;
        LOG(ERROR) << err.str();
        return NULL;
    return acceptor;


SocketOptions options;
options.fd = listened_fd;
options.user = this;
options.bthread_tag = _bthread_tag;
options.on_edge_triggered_events = OnNewConnections;
if (Socket::Create(options, &_acception_id) != 0) {
    // Close-idle-socket thread will be stopped inside destructor
    LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to create _acception_id";
    return -1;

int Socket::Create(const SocketOptions& options, SocketId* id) {
    butil::ResourceId<Socket> slot;
    Socket* const m = butil::get_resource(&slot, Forbidden());
    if (m == NULL) {
        LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to get_resource<Socket>";
        return -1;
    g_vars->nsocket << 1;
    CHECK(NULL == m->_shared_part.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed));
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->_keytable_pool = options.keytable_pool;
    m->_tos = 0;
    m->_remote_side = options.remote_side;
    m->_on_edge_triggered_events = options.on_edge_triggered_events;
    m->_user = options.user;
    m->_conn = options.conn;
    m->_app_connect = options.app_connect;
    // nref can be non-zero due to concurrent AddressSocket().
    // _this_id will only be used in destructor/Destroy of referenced
    // slots, which is safe and properly fenced. Although it's better
    // to put the id into SocketUniquePtr.
    m->_this_id = MakeSocketId(
                    1, butil::memory_order_release)), slot);
    m->_preferred_index = -1;
    m->_hc_count = 0;
    const int64_t cpuwide_now = butil::cpuwide_time_us();
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->_correlation_id = 0;
    m->_health_check_interval_s = options.health_check_interval_s;
    m->_is_hc_related_ref_held = false;
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    const int rc2 = bthread_id_create(&m->_auth_id, NULL, NULL);
    if (rc2) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create auth_id: " << berror(rc2);
        m->SetFailed(rc2, "Fail to create auth_id: %s", berror(rc2));
        return -1;
    m->_force_ssl = options.force_ssl;
    // Disable SSL check if there is no SSL context
    m->_ssl_state = (options.initial_ssl_ctx == NULL ? SSL_OFF : SSL_UNKNOWN);
    m->_ssl_session = NULL;
    m->_ssl_ctx = options.initial_ssl_ctx;
    CHECK(m->_rdma_ep == NULL);
    if (options.use_rdma) {
        m->_rdma_ep = new (std::nothrow)rdma::RdmaEndpoint(m);
        if (!m->_rdma_ep) {
            const int saved_errno = errno;
            PLOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create RdmaEndpoint";
            m->SetFailed(saved_errno, "Fail to create RdmaEndpoint: %s",
            return -1;
        m->_rdma_state = RDMA_UNKNOWN;
    } else {
        m->_rdma_state = RDMA_OFF;
    m->_connection_type_for_progressive_read = CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->_overcrowded = false;
    // May be non-zero for RTMP connections.
    m->_fail_me_at_server_stop = false;
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->_error_code = 0;
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    // NOTE: last two params are useless in bthread > r32787
    const int rc = bthread_id_list_init(&m->_id_wait_list, 512, 512);
    if (rc) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to init _id_wait_list: " << berror(rc);
        m->SetFailed(rc, "Fail to init _id_wait_list: %s", berror(rc));
        return -1;
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
    m->_keepalive_options = options.keepalive_options;
    m->_bthread_tag = options.bthread_tag;
    CHECK(NULL == m->_write_head.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed));
    m->_is_write_shutdown = false;
    // Must be last one! Internal fields of this Socket may be access
    // just after calling ResetFileDescriptor.
    if (m->ResetFileDescriptor(options.fd) != 0) {
        const int saved_errno = errno;
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Fail to ResetFileDescriptor";
        m->SetFailed(saved_errno, "Fail to ResetFileDescriptor: %s", 
        return -1;
    *id = m->_this_id;
    return 0;
int Socket::ResetFileDescriptor(int fd) {
    // Reset message sizes when fd is changed.
    _last_msg_size = 0;
    _avg_msg_size = 0;
    // MUST store `_fd' before adding itself into epoll device to avoid
    // race conditions with the callback function inside epoll, butil::memory_order_release);
    _reset_fd_real_us = butil::gettimeofday_us();
    if (!ValidFileDescriptor(fd)) {
        return 0;
    // OK to fail, non-socket fd does not support this.
    if (butil::get_local_side(fd, &_local_side) != 0) {
        _local_side = butil::EndPoint();

    // FIXME : close-on-exec should be set by new syscalls or worse: set right
    // after fd-creation syscall. Setting at here has higher probabilities of
    // race condition.

    // Make the fd non-blocking.
    if (butil::make_non_blocking(fd) != 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Fail to set fd=" << fd << " to non-blocking";
        return -1;
    // turn off nagling.
    // OK to fail, namely unix domain socket does not support this.
    if (_tos > 0 &&
        setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &_tos, sizeof(_tos)) != 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Fail to set tos of fd=" << fd << " to " << _tos;

    if (FLAGS_socket_send_buffer_size > 0) {
        int buff_size = FLAGS_socket_send_buffer_size;
        if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &buff_size, sizeof(buff_size)) != 0) {
            PLOG(ERROR) << "Fail to set sndbuf of fd=" << fd << " to "
                        << buff_size;

    if (FLAGS_socket_recv_buffer_size > 0) {
        int buff_size = FLAGS_socket_recv_buffer_size;
        if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &buff_size, sizeof(buff_size)) != 0) {
            PLOG(ERROR) << "Fail to set rcvbuf of fd=" << fd << " to "
                        << buff_size;


    if (_on_edge_triggered_events) {
        if (GetGlobalEventDispatcher(fd, _bthread_tag).AddConsumer(id(), fd) != 0) {
            PLOG(ERROR) << "Fail to add SocketId=" << id() 
                        << " into EventDispatcher";
  , butil::memory_order_release);
            return -1;
    return 0;



void Acceptor::OnNewConnections(Socket* acception) {
    int progress = Socket::PROGRESS_INIT;
    do {
        if (acception->Failed()) {
    } while (acception->MoreReadEvents(&progress));

void Acceptor::OnNewConnectionsUntilEAGAIN(Socket* acception) {
    while (1) {
        struct sockaddr_storage in_addr;
        bzero(&in_addr, sizeof(in_addr));
        socklen_t in_len = sizeof(in_addr);
        butil::fd_guard in_fd(accept(acception->fd(), (sockaddr*)&in_addr, &in_len));
        if (in_fd < 0) {
            // no EINTR because listened fd is non-blocking.
            if (errno == EAGAIN) {
            // Do NOT return -1 when `accept' failed, otherwise `_listened_fd'
            // will be closed. Continue to consume all the events until EAGAIN
            // instead.
            // If the accept was failed, the error may repeat constantly, 
            // limit frequency of logging.
                << "Fail to accept from listened_fd=" << acception->fd();

        Acceptor* am = dynamic_cast<Acceptor*>(acception->user());
        if (NULL == am) {
            LOG(FATAL) << "Impossible! acception->user() MUST be Acceptor";
            acception->SetFailed(EINVAL, "Impossible! acception->user() MUST be Acceptor");
        SocketId socket_id;
        SocketOptions options;
        options.keytable_pool = am->_keytable_pool;
        options.fd = in_fd;
        butil::sockaddr2endpoint(&in_addr, in_len, &options.remote_side);
        options.user = acception->user();
        options.force_ssl = am->_force_ssl;
        options.initial_ssl_ctx = am->_ssl_ctx;
        if (am->_use_rdma) {
            options.on_edge_triggered_events = rdma::RdmaEndpoint::OnNewDataFromTcp;
        } else {
            options.on_edge_triggered_events = InputMessenger::OnNewMessages;
        options.use_rdma = am->_use_rdma;
        options.bthread_tag = am->_bthread_tag;
        if (Socket::Create(options, &socket_id) != 0) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create Socket";
        in_fd.release(); // transfer ownership to socket_id

        // There's a funny race condition here. After Socket::Create, messages
        // from the socket are already handled and a RPC is possibly done
        // before the socket is added into _socket_map below. This is found in
        // ChannelTest.skip_parallel in test/brpc_channel_unittest.cpp (running
        // on machines with few cores) where the _messenger.ConnectionCount()
        // may surprisingly be 0 even if the RPC is already done.

        SocketUniquePtr sock;
        if (Socket::AddressFailedAsWell(socket_id, &sock) >= 0) {
            bool is_running = true;
                is_running = (am->status() == RUNNING);
                // Always add this socket into `_socket_map' whether it
                // has been `SetFailed' or not, whether `Acceptor' is
                // running or not. Otherwise, `Acceptor::BeforeRecycle'
                // may be called (inside Socket::OnRecycle) after `Acceptor'
                // has been destroyed
                am->_socket_map.insert(socket_id, ConnectStatistics());
            if (!is_running) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Acceptor on fd=" << acception->fd()
                    << " has been stopped, discard newly created " << *sock;
                sock->SetFailed(ELOGOFF, "Acceptor on fd=%d has been stopped, "
                        "discard newly created %s", acception->fd(),
        } // else: The socket has already been destroyed, Don't add its id
          // into _socket_map




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