Three.js Journey (notes)

news2025/3/13 15:07:30



Three.js Journey — Learn WebGL with Three.js

Part 1 first-threejs-project

1. build tools

①vite vs webpack

  do a bunch of things like optimizations,cache breaking,source mapping,running a local server,etc.

build tool

vite (most appreciated):

faster to install, faster to run, and less prone to bugs.

webpack (widely used):

It’s widely used, it has a great community and you can do a lot with it. 


在开发模式下通过原生 ES 模块(ESM)来服务应用,可以按需编译未缓存的模块,从而大大减少了首次启动时间在开发服务器启动时会将整个应用程序打包,这可能导致较慢的初始化速度,尤其是在大型项目中


非常快速的热更新体验,因为它只重新加载修改过的模块,而不是整个页面热更新机制通常需要更多的配置,并且在某些情况下可能不如 Vite 快速或可靠


插件数量和成熟度目前可能还不及 Webpack拥有庞大的社区支持和丰富的插件库,可以满足各种复杂的构建需求


使用 Rollup 来进行打包,对于大多数现代 JavaScript 应用来说,这可以提供更快的构建速度和更小的输出文件构建性能可以通过多种优化手段得到提升,但在默认配置下,它的构建速度可能会比 Vite 慢一些


主要针对现代浏览器和基于 ESM 的开发流程,对旧版浏览器的支持需要额外配置支持老旧浏览器的项目\更多定制化功能

.To add a dependency to a Node.js project, in the terminal, run npm install vite


①Launch VSCode and press CMD + J (MacOS) or CTRL + J (Windows) to open the integrated terminal.


③CTRL + C to stop the server

3. Node.js

① node.js——a dependency manager that will fetch the packages we need.

 NPM stands for Node Package Manager and is a dependency manager that will fetch the packages we need such as Three.js, Vite, and the various libraries we are going to use in the course.

  • In order to run Vite, you need to have Node.js installed on your computer.
  • Node.js enables running JavaScript on your computer outside of a browser. It’s great to run various tools like Vite, it has been around for many years and is very popular.
  • If you don’t know if Node.js is already installed or which version is installed run node -v from your terminal.
  • If the answer tells you that the node command isn’t recognised, then it’s not installed.
  • If it’s installed, the answer will contain the current version. Make sure it’s updated to the last version. Vite currently works with version 14.18 and above, but I recommend you always have the LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node.js installed.
  • To install or update Node.js, go to Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere, download the “LTS” and install it with the default settings.
  • Close your Terminal (MacOS) or Command Prompt (Windows), re-open it, and run node -v again to check the version.

4. Create a Node.js project

(1)npm init -y

By running npm init -y, NPM will create a package.json that will contain the minimal information needed to run a Node.js project.

  • 创建一个名为 package.json 的文件,该文件是项目的配置文件,包含了项目的元数据(如名称、版本、描述等)、依赖项列表以及脚本命令等信息。
  • 在执行 npm init 时,npm 会引导用户输入一系列问题(例如项目名称、版本号、入口文件等),根据用户的回答生成或更新 package.json 文件。
  • 可以通过传递参数简化这个过程,比如使用 npm init --yes 或 npm init -y 来自动接受所有默认值,快速创建 package.json
  • The package.json has been updated and now contains an array of dependencies written in the "dependencies" properties with numbers corresponding to the version with a level of tolerance.
  • package-lock.json has been written and contains information about the dependencies and the exact versions that have been installed in your project without tolerance.

(2)npm install

  • 安装在 package.json 文件中的 dependencies 和 devDependencies 列表中指定的包,并将它们下载到项目的 node_modules 目录下。
  • 如果没有指定具体的包名,npm install 会读取 package.json 并安装所有列出的依赖。
  • 如果指定了包名(例如 npm install <package-name>),则会安装该包及其依赖,并将其添加到 dependencies 或 devDependencies 中(取决于是否使用了 -D 或 --save-dev 标志)。
  • 还可以使用 --save 或 -S(现在已默认行为)来保存安装的包作为生产依赖,或者使用 -D 或 --save-dev 来保存为开发依赖。
  • npm init 主要用于创建或更新 package.json 文件,定义项目的元数据和初始依赖结构。
  • npm install 主要用于安装项目依赖,确保开发者拥有运行和构建项目所需的所有外部库。


  This folder contains the project dependencies and you should never modify things inside that folder. Besides containing the vite dependency as the vite/ folder, it also features the other dependencies that are being used by vite.

  If you want to share your beautiful Three.js website with another developer, you’ll want to remove the node_modules folder and share the rest of the project. The other developer will retrieve your project and run a command that will automatically re-create the node_modules folder according to what is written in package.json

Note that package-lock.json is optional, but if it’s present in the project, the other developer will get the exact same versions of the dependencies as you with no tolerance.

5. Basic website

We have our Node.js project, we have Vite added as a dependency.

In package.json, replace the "scripts" part with the following:

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "vite",
    "build": "vite build"
  // ...

  By having those two “scripts”, we can now run those dev and build commands from the terminal and those commands will trigger vite and vite build respectively by using the vite/ dependency from the node_modules/ folder.

①npm run dev (final step)

  To run the dev script, in the terminal, run npm run dev.

   Vite should display a URL looking something like http://localhost:5173/. Copy it and paste it into your browser to open it like any website.

P.S. vite.config.js vs package.json

  • vite.config.js:

    • 仅在使用 Vite 构建工具的上下文中起作用,它不是通用的 JavaScript 项目配置文件。
    • 是 Vite 构建工具的配置文件,主要用于定义与构建过程相关的设置,如插件使用、环境变量、服务器配置、优化选项等。
    • 帮助开发者自定义和扩展 Vite 的行为,以适应项目的特定需求。
  • package.json:

    • package.json 中的 scripts 字段常常包含启动 Vite 开发服务器或执行 Vite 构建的命令;是一个广泛使用的标准文件,适用于所有的 Node.js 和 JavaScript 项目,不限于使用 Vite 或任何其他特定的构建工具。
    • 是一个 npm(Node Package Manager)或 yarn 的项目描述文件,用于记录项目的元数据信息,例如名称、版本、作者、许可证等。
    • 列出项目的依赖项(dependencies)和开发依赖项(devDependencies),以及脚本命令(scripts)来执行各种任务,比如启动开发服务器、构建生产版本、运行测试等,确保所有开发者在安装项目时都能获得相同版本的库。

vite.config.js 更像是一个具体的构建配置文件,而 package.json 则更像是一个项目的全局管理和描述文件。


①npm install three

(1) script标签方式引入three.js


<script src="./build/three.js"></script>
(2) ES6 import方式引入

  import * as THREE from 'three'

  will import all core classes of Three.js inside the THREE variable.


// 引入扩展库OrbitControls.js
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js';
// 引入扩展库GLTFLoader.js
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';
// 扩展库引入——旧版本,比如122, 新版本路径addons替换了examples/jsm
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js';

(3)  type="importmap"配置路径
<!-- 具体路径配置,你根据自己文件目录设置,我的是课件中源码形式 -->
<script type="importmap">
		"imports": {
			"three": "../../../three.js/build/three.module.js"

The three/ folder should have been added to the node_modules/ folder and both package.json and package-lock.json now contain references to it.

2. 4 Basic elements


In index.html, instead of the <h1>, create the <canvas> element before you load the scripts and give it a class


<canvas class="webgl"></canvas>

Create a canvas variable at the start of the code, then fetch and store in it the element we created in the HTML using document.querySelector(...).


Create a canvas variable at the start of the code, then fetch and store in it the element we created in the HTML using document.querySelector(...).

// Canvas
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas.webgl')

// ...

// Renderer
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
    canvas: canvas
renderer.setSize(sizes.width, sizes.height)

renderer.render(scene, camera)

  • Scene

  a container in which we put objects , models, particles , lights , etc.

①const scene = new THREE.Scene()
  • Obects

  can be many things

const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); //网格模型对象Mesh

  • Camera

  can have multiple cameras but usually only use one

const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, sizes.width / sizes.height)
camera.position.z = 3

Part 2 Transform objects 

4 properties to transform objects in our scene

  • position (to move the object)
  • scale (to resize the object)
  • rotation (to rotate the object)
  • quaternion (to also rotate the object; more about that later)

Move objects

The position possesses 3 essential properties, which are xy, and z. Those are the 3 necessary axes to position something in a 3D space.

The direction of each axis is purely arbitrary, and it can vary according to the environment. In Three.js, we usually consider that the y axis is going upward, the z axis is going backward, and the x axis is going to the right.

As for the meaning of 1 unit, it's up to you. 1 can be 1 centimeter, 1 meter, or even 1 kilometer. I recommend that you adapt the unit to what you want to build. If you're going to create a house, you probably should think of 1 unit as 1 meter.

You can play around with the position property of your mesh and try to guess where the cube will get (try to keep it in the screen).

Make sure to do that before you call the render(...) method or you will render the mesh before moving it.

mesh.position.x = 0.7
mesh.position.y = - 0.6
mesh.position.z = 1

 The position property is not any object. It's an instance of the Vector3 class. While this class has an x, a y, and a z property, it also has many useful methods.




// To change the values, instead of changing x, y and z separately, you can also use the set(...) method:
mesh.position.set(0.7, - 0.6, 1)

 Axes helper

The AxesHelper will display 3 lines corresponding to the xy and z axes, each one starting at the center of the scene and going in the corresponding direction.

To create the AxesHelper, instantiate it and add it to the scene right after instantiating that scene. You can specify the length of the lines as the only parameter. We are going to use 2:

 * Axes Helper

The green line corresponds to the y axis. 
The red line corresponds to the x axis and 
there is a blue line corresponding to the z axis 
but we can't see it because it's perfectly aligned with the camera.

const axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper(2)

Scale objects

mesh.scale.x = 2
mesh.scale.y = 0.25
mesh.scale.z = 0.5

Rotate objects 

In native JavaScript, you can end up with an approximation of π using Math.PI.

mesh.rotation.x = Math.PI * 0.25
mesh.rotation.y = Math.PI * 0.25

 We can change this order by using the reorder(...) method object.rotation.reorder('YXZ')


The quaternion property also expresses a rotation, but in a more mathematical way, which solves the order problem.

We will not cover how quaternions work in this lesson but keep in mind that the quaternion updates when you change the rotation. This means that you can use any one of the two as you please.

Look at this!

Object3D instances have an excellent method named lookAt(...) that lets you ask an object to look at something. The object will automatically rotate its -z axis toward the target you provided. No complicated maths needed.

You can use it to rotate the camera toward an object, orientate a cannon to face an enemy, or move the character's eyes to an object.

The parameter is the target and must be a Vector3. You can create one just to try it:

camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, - 1, 0))

Scene graph

At some point, you might want to group things. Let's say you are building a house with walls, doors, windows, a roof, bushes, etc.

When you think you're done, you become aware that the house is too small, and you have to re-scale each object and update their positions.

A good alternative would be to group all those objects into a container and scale that container.

You can do that with the Group class.

 * Objects
const group = new THREE.Group()
group.scale.y = 2
group.rotation.y = 0.2

const cube1 = new THREE.Mesh(
    new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 })
cube1.position.x = - 1.5

const cube2 = new THREE.Mesh(
    new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 })
cube2.position.x = 0

const cube3 = new THREE.Mesh(
    new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 })
cube3.position.x = 1.5

Part 3 Animations

The screen you are looking at runs at a specific frequency. We call that a frame rate. The frame rate mostly depends on the screen, but the computer itself has limitations. Most screens run at 60 frames per second. If you do the maths, that means about a frame every 16ms. But some screens can run much faster, and when the computer has difficulties processing things, it'll run more slowly.

requestAnimationFrame will execute the function you provide on the next frame. But then, if this function also uses requestAnimationFrame to execute that same function on the next frame, you'll end up with your function being executed on each frame forever which is exactly what we want.

Create a function named tick and call this function once. In this function, use window.requestAnimationFrame(...) to call this same function on the next frame:

 * Animate
const tick = () =>
    // Update objects
    mesh.rotation.y += 0.01

    // Render
    renderer.render(scene, camera)

    // Call tick again on the next frame


Adaptation to the framerate 

First, we need a way to measure time. In native JavaScript, you can use to get the current timestamp:

const time =

The timestamp corresponds to how much time has passed since the 1st of January 1970 (the beginning of time for Unix). In JavaScript, its unit is in milliseconds.

What you need now is to subtract the current timestamp to that of the previous frame to get what we can call the deltaTime and use this value when animating objects:

 * Animate
let time =

const tick = () =>
		// Time
    const currentTime =
    const deltaTime = currentTime - time
    time = currentTime

    // Update objects
    mesh.rotation.y += 0.01 * deltaTime

    // ...


Using Clock

You simply have to instantiate a Clock variable and use the built-in methods like getElapsedTime(). This method will return how many seconds have passed since the Clock was created.

You can use this value to rotate the object:

 * Animate
const clock = new THREE.Clock()

const tick = () =>
    const elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()

    // Update objects
    mesh.rotation.y = elapsedTime

    // ...


 You can also use it to move things with the position property. If you combine it with Math.sin(...) you can get a pretty good result:

 * Animate
const clock = new THREE.Clock()

const tick = () =>
    const elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()

    // Update objects
    mesh.position.x = Math.cos(elapsedTime)
    mesh.position.y = Math.sin(elapsedTime)

    // ...


 And obviously, you can use those techniques to animate any Object3D like the camera:

 * Animate
const clock = new THREE.Clock()

const tick = () =>
    const elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()

    // Update objects
    camera.position.x = Math.cos(elapsedTime)
    camera.position.y = Math.sin(elapsedTime)

    // ...


 Using a library

Sometimes you'll want to animate your scene in a very specific way that will require using another library. There are tons of animation libraries, but a very famous one is GSAP.

To add GSAP to our project, we can use the dependency manager provided with Node.js called npm.

In your terminal (while the server is not running or by using another terminal window on the same folder), run npm install gsap@3.12

The @3.12 forces the version. We use this version because it was the one used when writing the lesson, but you can try the latest version if you want by removing @3.12.

GSAP is now available in the node_modules/ folder, and we can import it in our script.js:

import './style.css'
import * as THREE from 'three'
import gsap from 'gsap'

// ...

 There are many ways of using GSAP, and we could dedicate an entire course to it, but it is not the goal of this course. We will simply create a tween to test things out. If you already know how to use GSAP, it works the same with Three.js.

Comment the code related to the previous animations but keep the tick function with the render. Then you can create what we call a tween (an animation from A to B) using

 * Animate
 */, { duration: 1, delay: 1, x: 2 })

const tick = () =>
    // Render
    renderer.render(scene, camera)

    // Call tick again on the next frame


 GSAP has a built-in requestAnimationFrame, so you don't need to update the animation by yourself, but still, if you want to see the cube moving, you need to keep doing the renders of your scene on each frame.

Part 4 Camera


The ArrayCamera is used to render your scene multiple times by using multiple cameras. Each camera will render a specific area of the canvas. You can imagine this looking like old school console multiplayer games where we had to share a split-screen.


The StereoCamera is used to render the scene through two cameras that mimic the eyes in order to create what we call a parallax effect that will lure your brain into thinking that there is depth. You must have the adequate equipment like a VR headset or red and blue glasses to see the result.


The CubeCamera is used to get a render facing each direction (forward, backward, leftward, rightward, upward, and downward) to create a render of the surrounding. You can use it to create an environment map for reflection or a shadow map. 


The OrthographicCamera is used to create orthographic renders of your scene without perspective. It's useful if you make an RTS game like Age of Empire. Elements will have the same size on the screen regardless of their distance from the camera.


The PerspectiveCamera is the one we already used and simulated a real-life camera with perspective.

We are going to focus on the OrthographicCamera and the PerspectiveCamera.

As we saw earlier, the PerspectiveCamera class needs some parameters to be instantiated, but we didn't use all the possible parameters. Add the third and fourth parameters:

const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, sizes.width / sizes.height, 1, 100)

Field of view

The first parameter called field of view corresponds to your camera view's vertical amplitude angle in degrees. If you use a small angle, you'll end up with a long scope effect, and if you use a wide-angle, you'll end up with a fish eye effect because, in the end, what the camera sees will be stretched or squeezed to fit the canvas.

As for choosing the right field of view, you'll have to try things out. I usually use a field of view between 45 and 75.

Aspect ratio

The second parameter is called aspect ratio and corresponds to the width divided by the height. While you might think that it's obviously the canvas width by the canvas height and Three.js should calculate it by itself, it's not always the case if you start using Three.js in very specific ways. But in our case, you can simply use the canvas width and the canvas height.

I recommend saving those values in an object because we are going to need them multiple times:

const sizes = {
    width: 800,
    height: 600

 Near and far

The third and fourth parameters called near and far, correspond to how close and how far the camera can see. Any object or part of the object closer to the camera than the near value or further away from the camera than the far value will not show up on the render.

You can see that like in those old racing games where you could see the trees pop up in the distance.

While you might be tempted to use very small and very large values like 0.0001 and 9999999 you might end up with a bug called z-fighting where two faces seem to fight for which one will be rendered above the other.

Try to use reasonable values and increase those only if you need it. In our case, we can use 0.1 and 100.


The OrthographicCamera differs from the PerspectiveCamera by its lack of perspective, meaning that the objects will have the same size regardless of their distance from the camera.

The parameters you have to provide are very different from the PerspectiveCamera.

Instead of a field of view, you must provide how far the camera can see in each direction (leftrighttop and bottom). Then you can provide the near and far values just like we did for the PerspectiveCamera.

Comment the PerspectiveCamera and add OrthographicCamera . Keep the position update and lookAt(...) call:

const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(- 1, 1, 1, - 1, 0.1, 100)

As you can see, there is no perspective, and the sides of our cube seem parallel. The problem is that our cube doesn't look cubic.

That is due to the values we provided for the leftrighttop, and bottom which are 1 or - 1, meaning that we render a square area, but that square area will be stretched to fit our rectangle canvas and our canvas isn't a square.

We need to use the canvas ratio (width by height). Let's create a variable named aspectRatio (just like the PerspectiveCamera) and store that ratio in it:

const aspectRatio = sizes.width / sizes.height
const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(- 1 * aspectRatio, 1 * aspectRatio, 1, - 1, 0.1, 100)

 Custom controls

// Camera
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, sizes.width / sizes.height, 1, 1000)

// const aspectRatio = sizes.width / sizes.height
// const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(- 1 * aspectRatio, 1 * aspectRatio, 1, - 1, 0.1, 100)

// camera.position.x = 2
// camera.position.y = 2
camera.position.z = 3

 What we want to do now is control the camera with our mouse. First of all, we want to know the mouse coordinates. We can do that using native JavaScript by listening to the mousemove event with addEventListener.

The coordinates will be located in the argument of the callback function as event.clientX and event.clientY:

// Cursor
window.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) =>
    console.log(event.clientX, event.clientY)

 We could use those values, but I recommend adjusting them. By adjusting, I mean to have a 1 amplitude and that the value can be both negative and positive.

If we only focus on the x value, that would mean that:

  • if your cursor is on the far left of the canvas, you should get - 0.5
  • if your cursor is at the center of the canvas, you should get 0
  • if your cursor is at the far right of the canvas, you should get 0.5

While this is not mandatory, it helps to have clean values like that.

Just like the size variable, we will create a cursor variable with default x and y properties and then update those properties in the mousemove callback:

// Cursor
const cursor = {
    x: 0,
    y: 0

window.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) =>
    cursor.x = event.clientX / sizes.width - 0.5
    cursor.y = event.clientY / sizes.height - 0.5

    console.log(cursor.x, cursor.y)

 Dividing event.clientX by sizes.width will give us a value between 0 and 1 (if we keep the cursor above the canvas) while subtracting 0.5 will give you a value between - 0.5 and 0.5.

You now have the mouse position stored in the cursor object variable, and you can update the position of the camera in the tick function:

const tick = () =>
    // ...

    // Update camera
    camera.position.x = cursor.x
    camera.position.y = cursor.y

    // ...

As you can see, it's working but the axes movements seem kind of wrong. This is due to the position.y axis being positive when going upward in Three.js but the clientY axis being positive when going downward in the webpage.

You can simply invert the cursor.y while updating it by adding a - in front of the whole formula (don't forget the parentheses):

window.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) =>
    cursor.x = event.clientX / sizes.width - 0.5
    cursor.y = - (event.clientY / sizes.height - 0.5)

 Built-in controls


DeviceOrientationControls will automatically retrieve the device orientation if your device, OS, and browser allow it and rotate the camera accordingly. You can use it to create immersive universes or VR experiences if you have the right equipment.


FlyControls enable moving the camera like if you were on a spaceship. You can rotate on all 3 axes, go forward and go backward.


FirstPersonControls is just like FlyControls, but with a fixed up axis. You can see that like a flying bird view where the bird cannot do a barrel roll. While the FirstPersonControls contains "FirstPerson," it doesn't work like in FPS games.


PointerLockControls uses the pointer lock JavaScript API. This API hides the cursor, keeps it centered, and keeps sending the movements in the mousemove event callback. With this API, you can create FPS games right inside the browser. While this class sounds very promising if you want to create that kind of interaction, it'll only handle the camera rotation when the pointer is locked. You'll have to handle the camera position and game physics by yourself.


OrbitControls is very similar to the controls we made in the previous lesson. You can rotate around a point with the left mouse, translate laterally using the right mouse, and zoom in or out using the wheel.


TrackballControls is just like OrbitControls but there are no limits in terms of vertical angle. You can keep rotating and do spins with the camera even if the scene gets upside down.


TransformControls has nothing to do with the camera. You can use it to add a gizmo to an object to move that object.


Just like the TransformControls, DragControls has nothing to do with the camera. You can use it to move objects on a plane facing the camera by drag and dropping them.

We will only use the OrbitControls but feel free to test the other classes.


The OrbitControls class is part of those classes that are not available by default in the THREE variable. That decision helps to reduce the weight of the library. And this is where our Vite template comes in.

The OrbitControls class may not be available in the THREE variable; it is still located in the dependencies folder. To import it, you must provide the path from inside the /node_modules/ folder, which is /three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js:

import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js'

For it to work, you must provide the camera and the element in the page that will handle the mouse events as parameters:

// Controls
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, canvas)

 If we want the OrbitControls to look above the cube by default, we just have to increase the y property.But this won’t work just like that because we need to tell the OrbitControl to update itself. And we can do that by calling the update method right after: = 2


If you read the documentation of OrbitControls there are mentions of damping. The damping will smooth the animation by adding some kind of acceleration and friction formulas.

To enable damping, switch the enableDamping property of controls to true.

In order to work properly, the controls also needs to be updated on each frame by calling controls.update(). You can do that on the tick function:

// Controls
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, canvas)
controls.enableDamping = true

// ...

const tick = () =>
    // ...

    // Update controls

    // ...




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