Jsonlizer,一个把C++各类数据转成 Json 结构体的玩意儿

news2025/3/14 0:33:47



        思考了一段时间,我意识到 Jsonlizer 和 Serializer 有本质的区别,一个是构建层次结构,一个是构建一维结构,我本来想尽可能的复用Serializer的代码,但我意识到,这是不可能的。我能利用的,可能仅仅是一部分最基本的,被称为 trait 模板代码。



//Begin section for file tagJsonPrimitive.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file tagJsonPrimitive.h

namespace atom

	//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	template <class A, class T, bool save>
	struct tagJsonPrimitive
	    //Begin section for si::tagJsonPrimitive
	    //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
	    //End section for si::tagJsonPrimitive
	        //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	        inline static void Invoke(A & node, T & t)
	        	//TODO Auto-generated method stub
	        	node.Bind( t );


	};  //end struct tagJsonPrimitive

} // end namespace atom



//Begin section for file tagJsonInvalid.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file tagJsonInvalid.h

namespace atom

	//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	template <class A, class T, bool save>
	struct tagJsonInvalid
	    //Begin section for si::tagJsonInvalid
	    //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
	    //End section for si::tagJsonInvalid
	        //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	        inline static void Invoke(A & n, T & t)

	        	//TODO Auto-generated method stub
				printf( "Jsonlization NOT support these keyword: mutable\n" );

	};  //end struct tagJsonInvalid

} // end namespace atom



//Begin section for file tagJsonArray.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file tagJsonArray.h
#include "../../../serialization/trait/array_trait.h"

namespace atom
	//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	template <class A, class T, bool save>
	struct tagJsonArray
	    //Begin section for si::tagJsonArray
	    //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
	    //End section for si::tagJsonArray
	        //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	        inline static void Invoke(A & jr, T & t)
	        	//TODO Auto-generated method stub
	        	// 读取或写入数组的长度;
	        	U32 bound = static_cast<U32>( array_trait<T>::bound );
                U32 limit = bound;
				CJson node = jr.GetCurrentNode();

				if( save == false ) {
					bound = static_cast<U32>( node.Length() );

                // 确认数组的长度是否越界;
                bound = atom_min( bound, limit );
	        	// 读取或写入数组的元素;
	        	for( size_t i = 0; i < bound; ++ i )
					CJson child( true );
					if( save == false ) {
						child = node[i];

					jr.Push( child );
	        		jr.Bind( t[i] );

					if( save ) {
						node.Push( child );

	};  //end struct tagJsonArray

} // end namespace atom


        数组开始有点东西了,其中能看到 Jsonlizer 有几个函数:Push,Pop,GetCurrentNode。这几个函数其实就是维护一个节点堆栈,堆栈内放入的是被操作的节点列表。顶部的节点就是最新需要被操作的节点。

//Begin section for file tagJsonClass.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file tagJsonClass.h

// 为序列化类而特别准备的缺省模板函数。
template<class A, class T>
inline void Jsonlize(A & jr, T & t, bool save)
	t.Jsonlize( jr, save );

namespace atom

	//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	template <class A, class T, bool save>
	struct tagJsonClass
	    //Begin section for si::tagJsonClass
	    //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
	    //End section for si::tagJsonClass
	        //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	        inline static void Invoke(A & jr, T & t)
	        	//TODO Auto-generated method stub
	        	Jsonlize( jr, t, save );

	};  //end struct tagJsonClass

} // end namespace atom



//Begin section for file tagJsonlizer.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file tagJsonlizer.h

#include "../../../serialization/trait/is_primitive.h"
#include "../../../serialization/trait/is_array.h"
#include "../../../serialization/trait/is_class.h"
#include "../../../serialization/trait/is_pointer.h"
#include "../../../serialization/trait/if_else.h"
#include "../../../serialization/trait/degradation_trait.h"
#include "tagJsonPrimitive.h"
#include "tagJsonArray.h" 
#include "tagJsonClass.h"
#include "tagJsonInvalid.h"

namespace atom

	//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	template <class A, class T, bool B>
	struct tagJsonlizer
	    //Begin section for si::tagJsonlizer
	    //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
	    //End section for si::tagJsonlizer

	        //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
	        inline static void Jsonlize(A & json, T & data)
	        	//TODO Auto-generated method stub
                typedef typename 
                degradation_trait<T>::type C;

					tagJsonArray<A, C, B>, 
						tagJsonClass<A, C, B>, 
						    tagJsonPrimitive<A, C, B>,
						    tagJsonInvalid  <A, C, B>
				>::type Invoker;
				Invoker::Invoke( json, type_cast(data) );

	};  //end struct tagJsonlizer

} // end namespace atom



//Begin section for file CJsonImporter.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file CJsonImporter.h
#include "../../../Common.h"
#include "../../../interface/IEmbedInterface.h"
#include "../../../interface/IInterface.h"
#include "../../../interface/IJsonlizerRoot.h"
#include "../../../enumeration/INTERFACE_ID.h"
#include "../../../os/character/CCharset.h"
#include "../../stl/a_string.h"
#include "../../stl/a_wstring.h"
#include "../../hex/hex.h"
#include "../../tool/CInterface.h"
#include "tagJsonlizer.h"

namespace atom

    //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
    class CJsonImporter : public IEmbedInterface

        //Begin section for atom::CJsonImporter
        //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
        //End section for atom::CJsonImporter


            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            IInterface * nest;

			#ifdef _SHIPPING_
			//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
			IReferencedInterface * cast;


            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual ~CJsonImporter(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual int IncRef(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual int DecRef(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual int GetRef(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual IInterface * QueryInterface(U32 iid); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual void SetNest(IInterface * nest); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline CJson GetCurrentNode()
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CJson result;
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) ) {
                    result = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                return result;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Push(CJson & node)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) ) {
                    root -> Push( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Pop()
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) ) {
                    root -> Pop();

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(bool & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<bool>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(char & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<U08>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I08 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<I08>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I16 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<I16>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I32 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<I32>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I64 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<I64>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U08 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<U08>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U16 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<U16>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U32 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<U32>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U64 & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<U64>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(float & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<float>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(double & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<double>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(a_string & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    value = static_cast<a_string>( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(a_wstring & value)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    a_string text = node;
                    CCharset charset( text.c_str() );
                    value = charset.FromUtf8.ToUnicode;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(void * buffer, U64 length)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if( buffer && length )
                    CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                    if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                        CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                        a_string text = node;
                        FromHex( text, buffer, length );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline void Bind(T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
	            tagJsonlizer<CJsonImporter, T, false>::Jsonlize( *this, value );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline void Bind(const char * name, T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if( name )
                    CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                    if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                        CJson node  = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                        CJson child = node[name];
                        root -> Push( child );
	                    Bind( value );
                        root -> Pop();

    };  //end class CJsonImporter

} //end namespace atom


//Begin section for file CJsonExporter.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file CJsonExporter.h
#include "../../../Common.h"
#include "../../../interface/IEmbedInterface.h"
#include "../../../interface/IInterface.h"
#include "../../../interface/IJsonlizerRoot.h"
#include "../../../enumeration/INTERFACE_ID.h"
#include "../../../os/character/CCharset.h"
#include "../../stl/a_string.h"
#include "../../stl/a_wstring.h"
#include "../../hex/hex.h"
#include "../../tool/CInterface.h"
#include "tagJsonlizer.h"

namespace atom

    //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
    class CJsonExporter : public IEmbedInterface

        //Begin section for atom::CJsonExporter
        //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
        //End section for atom::CJsonExporter


            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            IInterface * nest;

			#ifdef _SHIPPING_
			//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
			IReferencedInterface * cast;


            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual ~CJsonExporter(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual int IncRef(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual int DecRef(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual int GetRef(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual IInterface * QueryInterface(U32 iid); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual void SetNest(IInterface * nest); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline CJson GetCurrentNode()
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CJson result;
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) ) {
                    result = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                return result;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Push(CJson & node)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) ) {
                    root -> Push( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Pop()
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) ) {
                    root -> Pop();

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(bool & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(char & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I08 & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I16 & value) 
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I32 & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(I64 & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U08 & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U16 & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U32 & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(U64 & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(float & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(double & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(const char * value) 
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if( value )
                    CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                    if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                        CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                        node = value;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(const wchar_t * value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if( value )
                    CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                    if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                        CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                        CCharset charset( value );
                        a_string text = charset.ToUtf8;
                        node = text.c_str();

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(a_string & value) 
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    node = value.c_str();

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(a_wstring & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                    CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                    CCharset charset( value.c_str() );
                    a_string text = charset.ToUtf8;
                    node = text.c_str();

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Bind(void * buffer, U64 length)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if( buffer && length )
                    CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                    if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                        a_string text = ToHex( buffer, length );
                        CJson node = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                        node = text.c_str();

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline void Bind(T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
	        	tagJsonlizer<CJsonExporter, T, true>::Jsonlize( * this, value );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline void Bind(const T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                Bind( const_cast<T &>(value) );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline void Bind(const char * name, T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if( name )
                    CInterface<IJsonlizerRoot> root;
                    if( root.Mount(this, IID_JSONLIZER_ROOT) )
                        CJson node  = root -> GetCurrentNode();
                        CJson child = node[name];
                        root -> Push( child );
	                    Bind( value );
                        root -> Pop();

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline void Bind(const char * name, const T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                Bind( name, const_cast<T &>(value) );

    };  //end class CJsonExporter

} //end namespace atom



inline void Bind(const char * name, T & value)


//Begin section for file CJsonlizer.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file CJsonlizer.h
#include "../../../Common.h"
#include "CJsonExporter.h"
#include "CJsonImporter.h"
#include "CJsonlizerRoot.h"
#include "../CJson.h"

inline const char * last_dot(const char * value)
    const char * result(value);
    if( value ) 
        for( ;; ++ value )
            if( *value == 0 ) break;

            if( *value == '.' ) {
                result = value + 1;
    return result;

#define JKV(V) make_pair(a_string(#V), V)
#define JBD(A,V)  A.Bind(last_dot(#V), V)

namespace atom

    //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
    class CJsonlizer : public IInterface

        //Begin section for atom::CJsonlizer
        //TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved
        //End section for atom::CJsonlizer


            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            CJsonExporter exporter;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            CJsonImporter importer;

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            CJsonlizerRoot root;


            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual ~CJsonlizer(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            virtual IInterface * QueryInterface(U32 iid); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            bool Assign(CJson & data); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            bool Obtain(CJson & data); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            void Clear(); 

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline CJson GetCurrentNode()
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Push(CJson & node)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                root.Push( node );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            inline void Pop()
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline CJsonlizer & operator <<(const T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                exporter.Bind( value );
                return( * this );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline CJsonlizer & operator <<(const pair<a_string, T> & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                exporter.Bind( value.first.c_str(), value.second );
                return( * this );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline CJsonlizer & operator >>(T & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                importer.Bind( value );
                return( * this );

            //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"
            template<class T>
            inline CJsonlizer & operator >>(pair<a_string, T> & value)
                //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                importer.Bind( value.first.c_str(), value.second );
                return( * this );

    };  //end class CJsonlizer

} //end namespace atom



struct tagTest
	U32 index;
	a_string name;

	tagTest():index(0) {

	~tagTest() {

struct tagTest2
	U32 index;
	tagTest value[4];

	tagTest2():index(0) {

	~tagTest2() {

template<class A>
inline void Jsonlize(A & jr, tagTest & t, bool save)
	JBD( jr, t.index );
	JBD( jr, t.name );

template<class A>
inline void Jsonlize(A & jr, tagTest2 & t, bool save)
	JBD( jr, t.index );
	JBD( jr, t.value );


		tagTest2 in, out;
		in.index = 1;
		in.value[0].index = 101;
		in.value[0].name  = "101";
		in.value[1].index = 102;
		in.value[1].name  = "102";
		in.value[2].index = 103;
		in.value[2].name  = "103";
		in.value[3].index = 104;
		in.value[3].name  = "104";

		CJsonlizer jr;
		jr << in;

		CJson json;
		jr.Obtain( json );

		a_string value = json.Stringify();
		printf( "%s\n", value.c_str() );


其实并不困难。大家也可以试试,其中 trait 的那些代码可以去看看boost的序列化相关的代码。





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