news2025/3/18 11:25:19


ALSA(Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)简介


还有重要ALSA ASoc是ALSA的核心部分,它将音频系统分为Codec、Platform和Machine模块,并为每个模块提供相关的注册接口,协作各个模块,提供灵活的音频解决方案,除上面3个模块外,还有DAPM动态音频电源管理、pcm substream等音频数据处理。

dai(Digital Audio Interfaces)表示数字音频接口,一种抽象的传递音频数据接口




ALSA源码通常位于:kernel/sound/目录下,其子目录soc是各个产商的驱动相关代码;子目录core与产商无关,通用代码Asoc core

cpu_dai通过数字接口dai与codec_dai连接,实际codec内部的编解码、ADC、DAC和音量控制等都是在外部DSP芯片中,但是codec_dai相关的驱动代码在平台侧,这块驱动也是通过I2S等接口与外部dsp芯片通信,传递寄存器地址和指令来执行外部dsp的功能;如AK7738、TAS6424、SAF7759等;但也有平台侧集成了外部audio dsp的功能,如Snapdragon 888、Jacinto 7 DRA829V等

ASoc Core通用结构体

通常在创建如如dma、cpu和codec的dai结构时,各个模块已定义了snd_soc_component_driver变量,他们在向alsa core注册自身时,会在core创建snd_soc_component,一一对应,建立连接,最后在将snd_soc_component加入到一个全局链表,后续需要的时候就从这个全局链表中去找,结构体拓扑图如下:



struct snd_soc_component {
        const char *name;
        int id;
        const char *name_prefix;
        struct device *dev;
        struct snd_soc_card *card;

        unsigned int active;

        unsigned int ignore_pmdown_time:1; /* pmdown_time is ignored at stop */
        unsigned int registered_as_component:1;
        unsigned int suspended:1; /* is in suspend PM state */

        struct list_head list;
        struct list_head card_aux_list; /* for auxiliary bound components */
        struct list_head card_list;

        struct snd_soc_dai_driver *dai_drv;     //指向snd_soc_dai_driver,位于qcom-i2s.c中的qcom_i2s_dai_drv实例中,是cpu_dai
        int num_dai;

        const struct snd_soc_component_driver *driver;  //这个driver位于qcom-i2s.c中的qcom_i2s_component_drv实例中,

        struct list_head dai_list;

        int (*read)(struct snd_soc_component *, unsigned int, unsigned int *);
        int (*write)(struct snd_soc_component *, unsigned int, unsigned int);

        struct regmap *regmap;
        int val_bytes;

        struct mutex io_mutex;

        /* attached dynamic objects */
        struct list_head dobj_list;

        struct dentry *debugfs_root;
        * DO NOT use any of the fields below in drivers, they are temporary and
        * are going to be removed again soon. If you use them in driver code the
        * driver will be marked as BROKEN when these fields are removed.

        /* Don't use these, use snd_soc_component_get_dapm() */
        struct snd_soc_dapm_context dapm;               //这是实体不是指针

        struct snd_soc_codec *codec;            //指向codec结构体

        int (*probe)(struct snd_soc_component *);
        void (*remove)(struct snd_soc_component *);
        int (*suspend)(struct snd_soc_component *);
        int (*resume)(struct snd_soc_component *);

        int (*set_sysclk)(struct snd_soc_component *component,
                          int clk_id, int source, unsigned int freq, int dir);
        int (*set_pll)(struct snd_soc_component *component, int pll_id,
                       int source, unsigned int freq_in, unsigned int freq_out);
        int (*set_jack)(struct snd_soc_component *component,
                        struct snd_soc_jack *jack,  void *data);

        /* machine specific init */
        int (*init)(struct snd_soc_component *component);

        void (*init_debugfs)(struct snd_soc_component *component);
        const char *debugfs_prefix;

/* 每个component对应的driver,可以是i2s、adma */
struct snd_soc_component_driver {
        const char *name;

        /* Default control and setup, added after probe() is run */
        const struct snd_kcontrol_new *controls;
        unsigned int num_controls;
        const struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *dapm_widgets;
        unsigned int num_dapm_widgets;
        const struct snd_soc_dapm_route *dapm_routes;
        unsigned int num_dapm_routes;

        int (*probe)(struct snd_soc_component *);
        void (*remove)(struct snd_soc_component *);
        int (*suspend)(struct snd_soc_component *);
        int (*resume)(struct snd_soc_component *);

        /* component wide operations */
        int (*set_sysclk)(struct snd_soc_component *component,
                          int clk_id, int source, unsigned int freq, int dir);
        int (*set_pll)(struct snd_soc_component *component, int pll_id,
                       int source, unsigned int freq_in, unsigned int freq_out);
        int (*set_jack)(struct snd_soc_component *component,
                        struct snd_soc_jack *jack,  void *data);

        /* DT */
        int (*of_xlate_dai_name)(struct snd_soc_component *component,
                                 struct of_phandle_args *args,
                                 const char **dai_name);
        int (*of_xlate_dai_id)(struct snd_soc_component *comment,
                               struct device_node *endpoint);
        void (*seq_notifier)(struct snd_soc_component *, enum snd_soc_dapm_type,
                int subseq);
        int (*stream_event)(struct snd_soc_component *, int event);

        /* probe ordering - for components with runtime dependencies */
        int probe_order;        //系统启动有个order顺序,probe_order是当前结构体在某个order启动了
        int remove_order;
struct snd_kcontrol_new {
        snd_ctl_elem_iface_t iface;     /* interface identifier类型 */
        unsigned int device;            /* device/client number */
        unsigned int subdevice;         /* subdevice (substream) number */
        const unsigned char *name;      /* ASCII name of item */
        unsigned int index;             /* index of item 在声卡中的编号*/
        unsigned int access;            /* access rights 访问类型,按bit位来区分*/
        unsigned int count;             /* count of same elements */
        snd_kcontrol_info_t *info;
        snd_kcontrol_get_t *get;
        snd_kcontrol_put_t *put;
        union {
                snd_kcontrol_tlv_rw_t *c; 
                const unsigned int *p; 
        } tlv;
        unsigned long private_value; /*通过info、get和put可以访问该私有值,可以是一个soc_mixer_control*/

 * Digital Audio Interface Driver.
 * Describes the Digital Audio Interface in terms of its ALSA, DAI and AC97
 * operations and capabilities. Codec and platform drivers will register this
 * structure for every DAI they have.
 * This structure covers the clocking, formating and ALSA operations for each
 * interface.
struct snd_soc_dai_driver {
        /* DAI description */
        const char *name;
        unsigned int id; 
        unsigned int base;
        struct snd_soc_dobj dobj;

        /* DAI driver callbacks */
        int (*probe)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai);
        int (*remove)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai);
        int (*suspend)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai);
        int (*resume)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai);
        /* compress dai */
        int (*compress_new)(struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd, int num);
        /* Optional Callback used at pcm creation*/
        int (*pcm_new)(struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd,
                       struct snd_soc_dai *dai);
        /* DAI is also used for the control bus */
        bool bus_control;

        /* ops */
        const struct snd_soc_dai_ops *ops;
        const struct snd_soc_cdai_ops *cops;

        /* DAI capabilities */
        struct snd_soc_pcm_stream capture;
        struct snd_soc_pcm_stream playback;
        unsigned int symmetric_rates:1;
        unsigned int symmetric_channels:1;
        unsigned int symmetric_samplebits:1;

        /* probe ordering - for components with runtime dependencies */
        int probe_order;
        int remove_order;

struct snd_soc_dai_ops {
         * DAI clocking configuration, all optional.
         * Called by soc_card drivers, normally in their hw_params.
        int (*set_sysclk)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai,
                int clk_id, unsigned int freq, int dir);
        int (*set_pll)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, int pll_id, int source,
                unsigned int freq_in, unsigned int freq_out);
        int (*set_clkdiv)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, int div_id, int div);
        int (*set_bclk_ratio)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, unsigned int ratio);

         * DAI format configuration
         * Called by soc_card drivers, normally in their hw_params.
        int (*set_fmt)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, unsigned int fmt);
        int (*xlate_tdm_slot_mask)(unsigned int slots,
                unsigned int *tx_mask, unsigned int *rx_mask);
        int (*set_tdm_slot)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai,
                unsigned int tx_mask, unsigned int rx_mask,
                int slots, int slot_width);
        int (*set_channel_map)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai,
                unsigned int tx_num, unsigned int *tx_slot,
                unsigned int rx_num, unsigned int *rx_slot);
        int (*set_tristate)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, int tristate);

         * DAI digital mute - optional.
         * Called by soc-core to minimise any pops.
        int (*digital_mute)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, int mute);
        int (*mute_stream)(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, int mute, int stream);

         * ALSA PCM audio operations - all optional.
         * Called by soc-core during audio PCM operations.
        int (*startup)(struct snd_pcm_substream *,
                struct snd_soc_dai *);
        void (*shutdown)(struct snd_pcm_substream *,
                struct snd_soc_dai *);
         * NOTE: Commands passed to the trigger function are not necessarily
         * compatible with the current state of the dai. For example this
         * sequence of commands is possible: START STOP STOP.
         * So do not unconditionally use refcounting functions in the trigger
         * function, e.g. clk_enable/disable.
        int (*trigger)(struct snd_pcm_substream *, int,
                struct snd_soc_dai *);
        int (*bespoke_trigger)(struct snd_pcm_substream *, int,
                struct snd_soc_dai *);
         * For hardware based FIFO caused delay reporting.
         * Optional.
        snd_pcm_sframes_t (*delay)(struct snd_pcm_substream *,
                struct snd_soc_dai *);

 * Digital Audio Interface runtime data.
 * Holds runtime data for a DAI., 位于snd_soc_pcm_runtime中codec_dais成员中
struct snd_soc_dai {
        const char *name;                       //通常和snd_soc_dai_driver的name一致
        int id; 
        struct device *dev;

        /* driver ops */
        struct snd_soc_dai_driver *driver;

        /* DAI runtime info */
        unsigned int capture_active:1;          /* stream is in use */
        unsigned int playback_active:1;         /* stream is in use */
        unsigned int symmetric_rates:1;
        unsigned int symmetric_channels:1;
        unsigned int symmetric_samplebits:1;
        unsigned int probed:1;

        unsigned int active;

        struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *playback_widget;
        struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *capture_widget;

        /* DAI DMA data */
        void *playback_dma_data; //标记了从dma传输过来的数据类型,是单通道还是多通道等等
        void *capture_dma_data;

        /* Symmetry data - only valid if symmetry is being enforced */
        unsigned int rate;
        unsigned int channels;
        unsigned int sample_bits;

        /* parent platform/codec */
        struct snd_soc_codec *codec;
        struct snd_soc_component *component;

        /* CODEC TDM slot masks and params (for fixup) */
        unsigned int tx_mask;
        unsigned int rx_mask;

        struct list_head list;  //list_head用于链表,会加入到snd_soc_componet组件的list链表中去管理
/* dapm widget */
struct snd_soc_dapm_widget {
        enum s





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