
news2025/3/9 10:24:28







  @File: rrt-connect.py
  @Brief: RRT-Connect algorithm for pathplanning
  @Author: Benxiaogu
  @Github: https://github.com/Benxiaogu
  @CSDN: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_51995147?type=blog
  @Date: 2024-11-13
import numpy as np
import random
import math
from itertools import combinations
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.patches as patches

class RRTConnect:
    def __init__(self,start,goal,obstacles,board_size,max_try,max_dist,goal_sample_rate,env) -> None:
        self.start = self.Node(start,None,0)
        self.goal = self.Node(goal,None,0)
        self.obstacles = obstacles
        self.board_size = board_size
        self.max_try = max_try # Number of iterations
        self.max_dist = max_dist # Maximum sampling distance
        self.goal_sample_rate = goal_sample_rate
        self.env = env
        self.inflation = 1
        self.searched = []

    class Node:
        def __init__(self,position,parent,cost) -> None:
            self.position = position
            self.parent = parent
            self.cost = cost

    def run(self):
        cost,path,expand = self.plan()
        self.searched = expand

    def plan(self):
        nodes_forward = {self.start.position: self.start}
        nodes_back = {self.goal.position: self.goal}

        for iter in range(self.max_try):
            # Generate a random node
            node_rand = self.get_random_node()
            # Get the nearest neighbor node
            node_near = self.get_nearest_neighbor(list(nodes_forward.values()),node_rand)
            # Get the new node
            node_new = self.get_new_node(node_rand,node_near)
            if node_new:
                nodes_forward[node_new.position] = node_new
                node_near_b = self.get_nearest_neighbor(list(nodes_back.values()), node_new)
                node_new_b = self.get_new_node(node_new,node_near_b)

                if node_new_b:
                    nodes_back[node_new_b.position] = node_new_b
                    # Greedy extending
                    while True:
                        for node_position, node in nodes_back.items():
                            if node.position == node_new.position:
                                cost, path = self.extractPath(node_new, nodes_back, nodes_forward)
                                expand = self.get_expand(list(nodes_back.values()), list(nodes_forward.values()))
                                print("Exploring {} nodes.".format(iter))
                                return cost, path, expand

                        node_new_b2 = self.get_new_node(node_new,node_new_b)

                        if node_new_b2:
                            nodes_back[node_new_b2.position] = node_new_b2
                            node_new_b = node_new_b2

            if len(nodes_back) < len(nodes_forward):
                nodes_forward, nodes_back = nodes_back, nodes_forward

        return 0, None, None

    def get_random_node(self):
            Return a random node.
        if random.random()>self.goal_sample_rate:
            node = self.Node(
            node = self.goal
        return node

    def get_nearest_neighbor(self,node_list,node):
            Return node that is nearest to 'node' in node_list
        dist = [self.distance(node, n) for n in node_list]
        node_near = node_list[int(np.argmin(dist))]
        return node_near
    def get_new_node(self,node_rand,node_near):
            Return node found based on node_near and node_rand.
        dx = node_rand.position[0] - node_near.position[0]
        dy = node_rand.position[1] - node_near.position[1]
        dist = math.hypot(dx,dy)
        theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)

        d = min(self.max_dist,dist)
        position = ((node_near.position[0]+d*math.cos(theta)),node_near.position[1]+d*math.sin(theta))

        node_new = self.Node(position,node_near,node_near.cost+d)

        if self.isCollision(node_new, node_near):
            return None
        return node_new
    def isCollision(self,node1,node2):
            Judge collision from node1 to node2 
        if self.isInObstacles(node1) or self.isInObstacles(node2):
            return True
        for rect in self.env.obs_rectangle:
            if self.isInterRect(node1,node2,rect):
                return True
        for circle in self.env.obs_circle:
            if self.isInterCircle(node1,node2,circle):
                return True
        return False
    def distance(self,node1,node2):
        dx = node2.position[0] - node1.position[0]
        dy = node2.position[1] - node1.position[1]

        return math.hypot(dx,dy)
    def isInObstacles(self,node):
            Determine whether it is in obstacles or not.
        x,y = node.position[0],node.position[1]
        for (ox,oy,w,h) in self.env.boundary:
            if ox-self.inflation<x<ox+w+self.inflation and oy-self.inflation<y<oy+h+self.inflation:
                return True
        for (ox,oy,w,h) in self.env.obs_rectangle:
            if ox-self.inflation<x<ox+w+self.inflation and oy-self.inflation<y<oy+h+self.inflation:
                return True
        for (ox,oy,r) in self.env.obs_circle:
            if math.hypot(x-ox,y-oy)<=r+self.inflation:
                return True
        return False
    def isInterRect(self,node1,node2,rect):
            Judge whether it will cross the rectangle when moving from node1 to node2
        ox,oy,w,h = rect
        vertex = [[ox-self.inflation,oy-self.inflation],
        x1,y1 = node1.position
        x2,y2 = node2.position

        def cross(p1,p2,p3):
            x1 = p2[0]-p1[0]
            y1 = p2[1]-p1[1]
            x2 = p3[0]-p1[0]
            y2 = p3[1]-p1[0]
            return x1*y2 - x2*y1
        for v1,v2 in combinations(vertex,2):
            if max(x1,x2) >= min(v1[0],v2[0]) and min(x1,x2)<=max(v1[0],v2[0]) and \
                max(y1,y2) >= min(v1[1],v2[1]) and min(y1,y2) <= max(v1[1],v2[1]):
                if cross(v1,v2,node1.position) * cross(v1,v2,node2.position)<=0 and \
                    cross(node1.position,node2.position,v1) * cross(node1.position,node2.position,v2)<=0:
                    return True
        return False
    def isInterCircle(self,node1,node2,circle):
            Judge whether it will cross the circle when moving from node1 to node2
        ox,oy,r = circle

        dx = node2.position[0] - node1.position[0]
        dy = node2.position[1] - node1.position[1]

        # print("isInterCircle-dx:",dx)
        # print("isInterCircle-dy:",dy)
        d = dx * dx + dy * dy
        if d==0:
            return False
        # Projection
        t = ((ox - node1.position[0]) * dx + (oy - node1.position[1]) * dy) / d
        # The projection point is on line segment AB
        if 0 <= t <= 1:
            closest_x = node1.position[0] + t * dx
            closest_y = node1.position[1] + t * dy
            # Distance from center of the circle to line segment AB
            distance = math.hypot(ox-closest_x,oy-closest_y)
            return distance <= r+self.inflation
        return False

    def extractPath(self, node_middle, nodes_back, nodes_forward):
            Extract the path based on the closed set.
        if self.start.position in nodes_back:
            nodes_forward, nodes_back = nodes_back, nodes_forward

        # forward
        node = nodes_forward[node_middle.position]
        path_forward = [node.position]
        cost = node.cost
        while node.position != self.start.position:
            node_parent = nodes_forward[node.parent.position]
            node = node_parent

        # backward
        node = nodes_back[node_middle.position]
        path_back = []
        cost += node.cost
        while node.position != self.goal.position:
            node_parent = nodes_back[node.parent.position]
            node = node_parent
        path = list(reversed(path_forward))+path_back

        return cost, path
    def get_expand(self, nodes_back, nodes_forward):
        expand = []
        tree_size = max(len(nodes_forward), len(nodes_back))
        for tr in range(tree_size):
            if tr < len(nodes_forward):
            if tr < len(nodes_back):

        return expand
    def visualize(self, cost, path):
            Plot the map.





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