(gersemi) CMake 格式化工具

news2024/10/25 1:20:51


  • 🧮介绍
  • 🧮安装
  • 🧮使用
    • 🗳️模式 modes
    • 🗳️样式配置 config
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BlankSpruce/gersemi: A formatter to make your CMake code the real treasure

A formatter to make your CMake code the real treasure.



Gersemi - Wikipedia

Gersemi (Old Norse “treasure”) is the daughter of the fertility-goddess Freyja in Norse mythology.She could be the same figure as Hnoss, another daughter of Freyja.



# 查询包
pip_search gersemi

# 安装
pip install gersemi

# 卸载
pip uninstall gersemi





直接指定目标的 cmake 文件。

gersemi CMakeLists.txt

🗳️模式 modes

-c, --check检查文件是否需要重新格式化。当没有重新格式化的时候返回0。当一些文件被重新格式化时返回1。
-i, --in-plac原地格式化文件。
–default-config生成默认的配置文件 名为.gersemirc 文件
-h, --help展示帮助信息并退出
gersemi -i CMakeLists.txt

gersemi CMakeLists.txt --diff

🗳️样式配置 config

.gersemirc 文件

# 查看默认配置
gersemi --default-config
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlankSpruce/gersemi/master/gersemi/configuration.schema.json

cache: true
color: false
definitions: []
indent: 4
line_length: 80
list_expansion: favour-inlining
quiet: false
unsafe: false
warn_about_unknown_commands: true
workers: max

这个部分 help 信息说明的不全,当然也可能是笔者没有找到对应的使用说明文档在哪。

cachetrue false启用缓存已知格式化文件的数据,以加快执行速度。[default: cache enabled]
indentINTEGER tabs用于缩进的空格数或用于缩进制表符的“tabs”[default: 4]
line_lengthINTEGER以字符为单位的最大行长。[default: 80]
list_expansionfavour-inlining favour-expansion[default: favour-inlining]
quiettrue false跳过将非错误消息打印到stderr。[default: false]
unsafetrue false跳过默认的完整性检查。[default: false]
warn_about_unknown_commands当启用了未知自定义命令的文件时,将会发出警告,并且结果不会被缓存。请参见README中的"Let's make a deal"部分。[default: warnings enabled]
workersINTEGER max明确的worker数量或max用于给定机器上并行格式化多个文件的最大可能worker数量。[default: max]


color 经笔者测试无论 true | false 还是直接写颜色或者 rgb 君无效。

还有很多别的规则,还是参照 README.md 为好。




usage: gersemi [-c] [-i] [--diff] [--default-config] [--version] [-h]
               [-l INTEGER] [--indent (INTEGER | tabs)] [--unsafe] [-q]
               [--color] [--definitions src [src ...]]
               [--list-expansion {favour-inlining,favour-expansion}]
               [-w (INTEGER | max)] [--cache] [--warn-about-unknown-commands]
               [src ...]

A formatter to make your CMake code the real treasure.

positional arguments:
  src                   File or directory to format. If only `-` is provided,
                        input is taken from stdin instead.

  -c, --check           Check if files require reformatting. Return 0 when
                        there's nothing to reformat. Return 1 when some files
                        would be reformatted.
  -i, --in-place        Format files in-place.
  --diff                Show diff on stdout for each formatted file instead.
  --default-config      Generate default .gersemirc configuration file.
  --version             Show version.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

  By default configuration is loaded from YAML formatted .gersemirc file if
  it's available. This file should be placed in one of the common parent
  directories of source files. Arguments from command line can be used to
  override parts of that configuration or supply them in absence of
  configuration file.

  -l INTEGER, --line-length INTEGER
                        Maximum line length in characters. [default: 80]
  --indent (INTEGER | tabs)
                        Number of spaces used to indent or 'tabs' for
                        indenting with tabs [default: 4]
  --unsafe              Skip default sanity checks.
  -q, --quiet           Skip printing non-error messages to stderr.
  --color               If --diff is selected showed diff is colorized.
  --definitions src [src ...]
                        Files or directories containing custom command
                        definitions (functions or macros). If only - is
                        provided custom definitions, if there are any, are
                        taken from stdin instead. Commands from not deprecated
                        CMake native modules don't have to be provided. See:
  --list-expansion {favour-inlining,favour-expansion}
                        Switch controls how code is expanded into multiple
                        lines when it's not possible to keep it formatted in
                        one line. With "favour-inlining" the list of entities
                        will be formatted in such way that sublists might
                        still be formatted into single line as long as it's
                        possible or as long as it doesn't break the "more than
                        four standalone arguments" heuristic that's mostly
                        focused on commands like `set` or `list(APPEND)`. With
                        "favour-expansion" the list of entities will be
                        formatted in such way that sublists will be completely
                        expanded once expansion becomes necessary at all.
                        [default: favour-inlining]
  -w (INTEGER | max), --workers (INTEGER | max)
                        Explicit number of workers or 'max' for maximum
                        possible number of workers on given machine used to
                        format multiple files in parallel. [default: max]
  --cache, --no-cache   Enables cache with data about files that are known to
                        be formatted to speed up execution. [default: cache
  --warn-about-unknown-commands, --no-warn-about-unknown-commands
                        When enabled file which has unknown custom commands
                        will have warnings issued about that and result won't
                        be cached. See: "Let's make a deal" section in README.
                        [default: warnings enabled]


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