论文网址:Multi-Channel Graph Neural Network for Entity Alignment (aclanthology.org)
论文代码:https:// github.com/thunlp/MuGNN
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1. 心得
2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
2.2. Introduction
2.3. Preliminaries and Framework
2.3.1. Preliminaries
2.3.2. Framework
2.4. KG Completion
2.4.1. Rule Inference and Transfer
2.4.2. Rule Grounding
2.5. Multi-Channel Graph Neural Network
2.5.1. Relation Weighting
2.5.2. Multi-Channel GNN Encoder
2.5.3. Align Model
2.6. Experiment
2.6.1. Experiment Settings
2.6.2. Overall Performance
2.6.3. Impact of Two Channels and Rule Transfer
2.6.4. Impact of Seed Alignments
2.6.5. Qualitative Analysis
2.7. Related Work
2.8. Conclusions
3. 知识补充
3.1. Adagrad Optimizer
4. Reference
1. 心得
2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
①Limitations of entity alignment: structural heterogeneity and limited seed alignments
②They proposed Multi-channel Graph Neural Network model (MuGNN)
2.2. Introduction
①Knowledge graph (KG) stores information by directed graph, where the nodes are entity and the edges denote relationship
②Mother tongue information usually stores more information:
(作者觉得KG1的Jilin会对齐KG2的Jilin City,因为他们有相似的方言和连接的长春。这个感觉不是一定吧?取决于具体模型?感觉还是挺有差别的啊这俩东西,结构上也没有很相似)
③To solve the problem, it is necessary to fill in missing entities and eliminate unnecessary ones
2.3. Preliminaries and Framework
2.3.1. Preliminaries
①Defining a directed graph , which contains entity set , relation set and triplets
(2)Rule knowledge
①For rule , , it means there are
(3)Rule Grounding
(4)Entity alignment
①Alignments in two entities:
②Alignment relation:
2.3.2. Framework
①Workflow of MuGNN:
(1)KG completion
①Adopt rule mining system AMIE+
(2)Multi-channel Graph Neural Network
①Encoding KG in different channels
2.4. KG Completion
2.4.1. Rule Inference and Transfer
2.4.2. Rule Grounding
2.5. Multi-Channel Graph Neural Network
2.5.1. Relation Weighting
①They will generate a weighted relationship matrix
②They construct self attention adjacency matrix and cross-KG attention adjacency matrix for each channel
(1)KG Self-Attention(这个是为了补齐)
①Normalized connection weights:
where contains self loop and denotes the neighbors of
② denotes the attention coefficient between two entities:
where and are trainable parameters
(2)Cross-KG Attention(这个是为了修剪,是另一个邻接矩阵)
①Pruning operation :
if is true then it will be 1 otherwise 0, denotes inner product similarity measure
2.5.2. Multi-Channel GNN Encoder
①Propagation of GNN:
and they chose as ReLU
②Multi GNN encoder:
where denotes the number of channels
③Updating function:
④Pooling strategy: mean pooling
2.5.3. Align Model
①Embedding two KG to the same vector space and measure the distance to judge the equivalence relation:
where , , and are negative pairs in the original sets, and are margin hyper-parameters separating positive and negative entity and relation alignments
②Triplet loss:
③ denotes the true value function for triplet :
then it can be recursively transformed into:
where is the embedding size
④The overall loss:
2.6. Experiment
2.6.1. Experiment Settings
①Datasets: DBP15K (contains DBPZH-EN(Chinese to English), DBPJA-EN (Japanese to English), and DBPFREN (French to English)) and DWY100K (contains DWY-WD (DBpedia to Wikidata) and DWY-YG (DBpedia to YAGO3))
②Statistics of datasets:
③Statistics of KG in datasets:
(3)Training Details
①Training ratio: 30% for training and 70% for testing
②All the embedding size: 128
③All the GNN layers: 2
④Optimizer: Adagrad
⑥Grid search to learning rate in {0.1,0.01,0.001}, L2 in {0.01,0.001,0.0001}, dropout rate in {0.1,0.2,0.5}. They finally got 0.001,0.01,0.2 optimal each
2.6.2. Overall Performance
2.6.3. Impact of Two Channels and Rule Transfer
①Module ablation:
2.6.4. Impact of Seed Alignments
①Ratio of seeds:
2.6.5. Qualitative Analysis
①Two examples of how the rule works:
2.7. Related Work
Introduces some related works
2.8. Conclusions
They aim to further research word ambiguity
3. 知识补充
3.1. Adagrad Optimizer
(1)补充学习:Deep Learning 最优化方法之AdaGrad - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
4. Reference
Cao, Y. et al. (2019) 'Multi-Channel Graph Neural Network for Entity Alignment', Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, doi: 10.18653/v1/P19-1140