Sony IMX334LQR-C 1/1.8寸 8.42 M像素

news2025/2/22 3:50:33

索尼IMX334LQR宽动态超星光级交通监测CMOS 封装:LGA

对⾓线:8.86 mm(类型1/1.8)


IMX334LQR-C是⼀个对⾓线8.86 mm(类型1/1.8)的cmos活动像素型固态图像传感器,带有


IMX334LQR是属于星光级别的,封装:128pin ceramic LGA,





帧率(全尺⼨扫描模式):每秒60帧(AD 12位)







The IMX334LQR-C is a diagonal 8.86 mm (Type 1/1.8) CMOS active pixel type solid-state image sensor with a
square pixel array and 8.42 M effective pixels. This chip operates with analog 2.9 V, digital 1.2 V, and interface 1.8 V
triple power supply, and has low power consumption. High sensitivity, low dark current and no smear are achieved
through the adoption of R, G and B primary color mosaic filters. This chip features an electronic shutter with variable
charge-integration time.
(Applications: Surveillance cameras, FA cameras, Industrial cameras)
CMOS active pixel type dots
Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit
Input frequency: 6 to 27 MHz / 37.125 MHz / 74.25 MHz
Number of recommended recording pixels: 3840 (H) × 2160 (V) approx. 8.29M pixel
Readout mode
All-pixel scan mode
Horizontal/Vertical 2/2-line binning mode
Window cropping mode
Vertical / Horizontal direction-normal / inverted readout mode
Readout rate
Maximum frame rate in All-pixel scan mode 3840(H) × 2160(V) AD12bit: 60 frame / s
Wide dynamic range (WDR) function
Multiple exposure WDR
Digital overlap WDR
Variable-speed shutter function (resolution 1H units)
10-bit / 12-bit A/D converter
CDS / PGA function
0 dB to TBD dB (step pitch 0.3 dB)
Supports I/O
CSI-2 serial data output ( 4 Lane / 8 Lane, RAW10 / RAW12 output)
◆Recommended exit pupil distance: –30 mm to –∞​​​​​​​
Device Structure
CMOS image sensor
Image size
Type 1/1.8
Total number of pixels
3952 (H) × 2320 (V) approx. 9.17 M pixels
Number of effective pixels
3864 (H) × 2180 (V) approx. 8.42 M pixels
Number of active pixels
3864 (H) × 2176 (V) approx. 8.41 M pixels
Number of recommended recording pixels
3840 (H) × 2160 (V) approx. 8.29 M pixels
Unit cell size
2.0 µm (H) × 2.0 µm (V)
Optical black
Horizontal (H) direction: Front 0 pixels, rear 0 pixels
Vertical (V) direction: Front 13 pixels, rear 0 pixels
Horizontal (H) direction: Front 0 pixels, rear 0 pixels
Vertical (V) direction: Front 0 pixels, rear 0 pixels
Substrate material
Register Write and Read (I 2 C)
This sensor corresponds to four reed modes and the two write modes.
Single Read from Random Location
The sensor has an index function that indicates which address it is focusing on. In reading the data at an optional
single address, the Master must set the index value to the address to be read. For this purpose it performs dummy
write operation up to the register address. The upper level of the figure below shows the sensor internal index
value, and the lower level of the figure shows the SDA I/O data flow. The Master sets the sensor index value to M
by designating the sensor slave address with a write request, then designating the address (M). Then, the Master
generates the start condition. The Start Condition is generated without generating the Stop Condition, so it
becomes the Repeated Start Condition. Next, when the Master sends the slave address with a read request, the
sensor outputs an Acknowledge immediately followed by the index address data on SDA. After the Master
receives the data, it generates a Negative Acknowledge and the Stop Condition to end the communication
Single Read from Current Location
After the slave address is transmitted by a write request, that address is designated by the next communication
and the index holds that value. In addition, when data read/write is performed, the index is incremented by the
subsequent Acknowledge/Negative Acknowledge timing. When the index value is known to indicate the address
to be read, sending the slave address with a read request allows the data to be read immediately after
Acknowledge. After receiving the data, the Master generates a Negative Acknowledge and the Stop Condition to
end the communication, but the index value is incremented, so the data at the next address can be read by
sending the slave address with a read request.





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