- 原理:每个新像素的值直接采用脱离其最近的已知像素的值。
- 优点:计算简单,速度快。
- 缺点:图像边缘可能会出现锯齿效应和块状效应,图像质量较低。
def nearest_neighbor(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
img_np = np.array(image)
img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32)
original_height, original_width = img_np.shape[:2]
new_height = int(original_height * scale_factor)
new_width = int(original_width * scale_factor)
# 创建新的图像矩阵
new_img_np = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, img_np.shape[2]), dtype=img_np.dtype)
# 遍历新图像的每个像素,进行最近邻插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 计算对应于原始图像的最近邻像素
orig_x = int(i / scale_factor)
orig_y = int(j / scale_factor)
new_img_np[i, j] = img_np[orig_x, orig_y]
new_img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_img_np, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_img
image1 = image.resize((height * scale_factor, width * scale_factor), Image.NEAREST)
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# -----------------------------------------------------#
# 最近邻插值
# ------------------------------------------------------#
def nearest_neighbor(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
img_np = np.array(image)
img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32)
original_height, original_width = img_np.shape[:2]
new_height = int(original_height * scale_factor)
new_width = int(original_width * scale_factor)
# 创建新的图像矩阵
new_img_np = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, img_np.shape[2]), dtype=img_np.dtype)
# 遍历新图像的每个像素,进行最近邻插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 计算对应于原始图像的最近邻像素
orig_x = int(i / scale_factor)
orig_y = int(j / scale_factor)
new_img_np[i, j] = img_np[orig_x, orig_y]
new_img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_img_np, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_img
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = r'test/test.jpg'
scale_factor = 3
image = Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
height, width = image.size
image0 = nearest_neighbor(image, scale_factor)
image1 = image.resize((height * scale_factor, width * scale_factor), Image.NEAREST)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
- 原理:对目标像素点的上下和左右像素点的数值进行线性插值,取其加权托盘。
- 优点:比最近邻接值更平滑,过渡减弱自然。
- 缺点:图像的细节和边缘可能会模糊。
def bilinear_interpolation(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
new_height, new_width = int(height * scale_factor), int(width * scale_factor)
# 初始化新图像
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype)
else: # 灰度图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=image.dtype)
# 缩放比例
row_scale = height / new_height
col_scale = width / new_width
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 找到原图像中的对应坐标
src_row = i * row_scale
src_col = j * col_scale
# 计算上下和左右的整数像素位置
row_top = min(int(np.floor(src_row)), height - 2)
row_bottom = row_top + 1
col_left = min(int(np.floor(src_col)), width - 2)
col_right = col_left + 1
# 计算插值的权重
row_weight = src_row - row_top
col_weight = src_col - col_left
# 进行插值计算
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
for c in range(image.shape[2]):
top_left = image[row_top, col_left, c]
top_right = image[row_top, col_right, c]
bottom_left = image[row_bottom, col_left, c]
bottom_right = image[row_bottom, col_right, c]
top = top_left + (top_right - top_left) * col_weight
bottom = bottom_left + (bottom_right - bottom_left) * col_weight
new_image[i, j, c] = top + (bottom - top) * row_weight
else: # 灰度图像
top_left = image[row_top, col_left]
top_right = image[row_top, col_right]
bottom_left = image[row_bottom, col_left]
bottom_right = image[row_bottom, col_right]
top = top_left + (top_right - top_left) * col_weight
bottom = bottom_left + (bottom_right - bottom_left) * col_weight
new_image[i, j] = top + (bottom - top) * row_weight
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
# Scipy
image1 = zoom(image, (scale_factor, scale_factor, 1), order=1)
image2 = image.resize((height*scale_factor, width*scale_factor), Image.BILINEAR)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
# -----------------------------------------------------#
# 双线性插值
# ------------------------------------------------------#
def bilinear_interpolation(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
new_height, new_width = int(height * scale_factor), int(width * scale_factor)
# 初始化新图像
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype)
else: # 灰度图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=image.dtype)
# 缩放比例
row_scale = height / new_height
col_scale = width / new_width
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 找到原图像中的对应坐标
src_row = i * row_scale
src_col = j * col_scale
# 计算上下和左右的整数像素位置
row_top = min(int(np.floor(src_row)), height - 2)
row_bottom = row_top + 1
col_left = min(int(np.floor(src_col)), width - 2)
col_right = col_left + 1
# 计算插值的权重
row_weight = src_row - row_top
col_weight = src_col - col_left
# 进行插值计算
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
for c in range(image.shape[2]):
top_left = image[row_top, col_left, c]
top_right = image[row_top, col_right, c]
bottom_left = image[row_bottom, col_left, c]
bottom_right = image[row_bottom, col_right, c]
top = top_left + (top_right - top_left) * col_weight
bottom = bottom_left + (bottom_right - bottom_left) * col_weight
new_image[i, j, c] = top + (bottom - top) * row_weight
else: # 灰度图像
top_left = image[row_top, col_left]
top_right = image[row_top, col_right]
bottom_left = image[row_bottom, col_left]
bottom_right = image[row_bottom, col_right]
top = top_left + (top_right - top_left) * col_weight
bottom = bottom_left + (bottom_right - bottom_left) * col_weight
new_image[i, j] = top + (bottom - top) * row_weight
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = r'test/test.jpg'
scale_factor = 3
image = Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
height, width = image.size
image_bilinear = bilinear_interpolation(image, scale_factor)
image1 = zoom(image, (scale_factor, scale_factor, 1), order=1)
image2 = image.resize((height*scale_factor, width*scale_factor), Image.BILINEAR)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
- 原理:基于16个端点像素(距离最近的4x4像素块)进行三次迭代方式插值计算新像素的值。
- 优点:相比双线性插值,生成的图像更加平滑,边缘细节更好,过渡更自然。
- 缺点:计算量比双线性插值大,图像可能会有一些模糊。
def cubic_weight(t):
a = -0.5
t = abs(t)
if t <= 1:
return (a + 2) * (t ** 3) - (a + 3) * (t ** 2) + 1
elif t <= 2:
return a * (t ** 3) - 5 * a * (t ** 2) + 8 * a * t - 4 * a
return 0
def bicubic_interpolation(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
img_np = np.array(image)
img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32)
original_height, original_width = img_np.shape[:2]
new_height = int(original_height * scale_factor)
new_width = int(original_width * scale_factor)
new_img_np = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, img_np.shape[2]), dtype=img_np.dtype)
# 遍历新图像的每个像素,进行双三次插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 计算原始图像中浮点坐标的位置
orig_x = i / scale_factor
orig_y = j / scale_factor
# 取整得到插值中心的整数部分和小数部分
x_int = int(orig_x)
y_int = int(orig_y)
dx = orig_x - x_int
dy = orig_y - y_int
# 双三次插值的核心部分,遍历16个邻近像素
for m in range(-1, 3):
for n in range(-1, 3):
# 获取边界处理后的坐标
xm = min(max(x_int + m, 0), original_height - 1)
yn = min(max(y_int + n, 0), original_width - 1)
# 计算权重
weight_x = cubic_weight(m - dx)
weight_y = cubic_weight(n - dy)
weight = weight_x * weight_y
# 插值计算,按通道计算
new_img_np[i, j] += img_np[xm, yn] * weight
new_img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_img_np, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_img
image1 = image.resize((height * scale_factor, width * scale_factor), Image.BICUBIC)
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# -----------------------------------------------------#
# 双三次插值
# ------------------------------------------------------#
def cubic_weight(t):
a = -0.5
t = abs(t)
if t <= 1:
return (a + 2) * (t ** 3) - (a + 3) * (t ** 2) + 1
elif t <= 2:
return a * (t ** 3) - 5 * a * (t ** 2) + 8 * a * t - 4 * a
return 0
def bicubic_interpolation(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
img_np = np.array(image)
img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32)
original_height, original_width = img_np.shape[:2]
new_height = int(original_height * scale_factor)
new_width = int(original_width * scale_factor)
new_img_np = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, img_np.shape[2]), dtype=img_np.dtype)
# 遍历新图像的每个像素,进行双三次插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 计算原始图像中浮点坐标的位置
orig_x = i / scale_factor
orig_y = j / scale_factor
# 取整得到插值中心的整数部分和小数部分
x_int = int(orig_x)
y_int = int(orig_y)
dx = orig_x - x_int
dy = orig_y - y_int
# 双三次插值的核心部分,遍历16个邻近像素
for m in range(-1, 3):
for n in range(-1, 3):
# 获取边界处理后的坐标
xm = min(max(x_int + m, 0), original_height - 1)
yn = min(max(y_int + n, 0), original_width - 1)
# 计算权重
weight_x = cubic_weight(m - dx)
weight_y = cubic_weight(n - dy)
weight = weight_x * weight_y
# 插值计算,按通道计算
new_img_np[i, j] += img_np[xm, yn] * weight
new_img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_img_np, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_img
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = r'test/test.jpg'
scale_factor = 3
image = Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
height, width = image.size
image0 = bicubic_interpolation(image, scale_factor)
image1 = image.resize((height * scale_factor, width * scale_factor), Image.BICUBIC)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
- 原理:利用Lanczos核函数进行插值,通常在3x3或5x5像素邻域内进行计算。该方法是对双三次插值的进一步改进。
- 优点:高质量的插值,能够较好地保留图像细节,减少剪辑效果。
- 缺点:计算复杂度较高,容易产生振铃效应(ringing artifacts)。
def lanczos_weight(x, a):
"""Lanczos 核函数,计算权重"""
if x == 0:
return 1
elif -a < x < a:
return np.sinc(x) * np.sinc(x / a)
return 0
def lanczos_interpolation_custom(image, scale_factor, a=3):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
:param a: Lanczos 窗宽,通常为2或3
img_np = np.array(image)
img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32)
# 获取原始图像的尺寸
original_height, original_width = img_np.shape[:2]
# 计算新图像的尺寸
new_height = int(original_height * scale_factor)
new_width = int(original_width * scale_factor)
# 创建新的图像矩阵
new_img_np = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, img_np.shape[2]), dtype=img_np.dtype)
# 遍历新图像的每个像素,进行 Lanczos 插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 计算原始图像中浮点坐标的位置
orig_x = i / scale_factor
orig_y = j / scale_factor
# 取整得到整数部分和小数部分
x_int = int(orig_x)
y_int = int(orig_y)
dx = orig_x - x_int
dy = orig_y - y_int
# Lanczos 插值核心部分,考虑 a×a 个邻近像素
total_weight = 0
for m in range(-a + 1, a):
for n in range(-a + 1, a):
xm = min(max(x_int + m, 0), original_height - 1)
yn = min(max(y_int + n, 0), original_width - 1)
weight_x = lanczos_weight(m - dx, a)
weight_y = lanczos_weight(n - dy, a)
weight = weight_x * weight_y
new_img_np[i, j] += img_np[xm, yn] * weight
total_weight += weight
# 防止权重过小,做归一化
if total_weight > 0:
new_img_np[i, j] = new_img_np[i, j] / total_weight
new_img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_img_np, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_img
image1 = image.resize((height * scale_factor, width * scale_factor), Image.LANCZOS)
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# -----------------------------------------------------#
# Lanczos插值
# ------------------------------------------------------#
def lanczos_weight(x, a):
"""Lanczos 核函数,计算权重"""
if x == 0:
return 1
elif -a < x < a:
return np.sinc(x) * np.sinc(x / a)
return 0
def lanczos_interpolation_custom(image, scale_factor, a=3):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
:param a: Lanczos 窗宽,通常为2或3
img_np = np.array(image)
img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32)
original_height, original_width = img_np.shape[:2]
new_height = int(original_height * scale_factor)
new_width = int(original_width * scale_factor)
# 创建新的图像矩阵
new_img_np = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, img_np.shape[2]), dtype=img_np.dtype)
# 遍历新图像的每个像素,进行 Lanczos 插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 计算原始图像中浮点坐标的位置
orig_x = i / scale_factor
orig_y = j / scale_factor
# 取整得到整数部分和小数部分
x_int = int(orig_x)
y_int = int(orig_y)
dx = orig_x - x_int
dy = orig_y - y_int
# Lanczos 插值核心部分,考虑 a×a 个邻近像素
total_weight = 0
for m in range(-a + 1, a):
for n in range(-a + 1, a):
xm = min(max(x_int + m, 0), original_height - 1)
yn = min(max(y_int + n, 0), original_width - 1)
weight_x = lanczos_weight(m - dx, a)
weight_y = lanczos_weight(n - dy, a)
weight = weight_x * weight_y
new_img_np[i, j] += img_np[xm, yn] * weight
total_weight += weight
# 防止权重过小,做归一化
if total_weight > 0:
new_img_np[i, j] = new_img_np[i, j] / total_weight
new_img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_img_np, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_img
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = r'test/test.jpg'
scale_factor = 3
image = Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
height, width = image.size
image0 = lanczos_interpolation_custom(image, scale_factor)
image1 = image.resize((height * scale_factor, width * scale_factor), Image.BILINEAR)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
- 原理:通过样条函数(如立方样条函数)进行取值,以平滑曲线形式连接已知像素点,从而计算新的像素值。
- 优点:生成的图像非常平滑,适合处理曲线轮廓的图像。
- 缺点:计算复杂,可能导致图像过度平滑,损失细节。
def cubic_spline_coefficients(x, y):
:param x: x 坐标点数组(升序排列)
:param y: y 坐标点数组
:return: (a, b, c, d): 分段三次多项式系数
n = len(x) - 1 # 段数
h = np.diff(x) # 每段的长度
# 构造三对角矩阵 A
A = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
A[0, 0] = 1
A[n, n] = 1
for i in range(1, n):
A[i, i - 1] = h[i - 1]
A[i, i] = 2 * (h[i - 1] + h[i])
A[i, i + 1] = h[i]
# 构造右侧的向量 B
B = np.zeros(n + 1)
for i in range(1, n):
B[i] = 3 * ((y[i + 1] - y[i]) / h[i] - (y[i] - y[i - 1]) / h[i - 1])
# 求解二阶导数向量 M
M = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
# 计算三次样条的系数 a, b, c, d
a = y[:-1]
b = (y[1:] - y[:-1]) / h - h * (2 * M[:-1] + M[1:]) / 3
c = M[:-1]
d = (M[1:] - M[:-1]) / (3 * h)
return a, b, c, d
def cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(x, y, x_new):
:param x: 原始数据的 x 坐标
:param y: 原始数据的 y 坐标
:param x_new: 要插值的 x 坐标点
:return: 插值后对应的 y 值
a, b, c, d = cubic_spline_coefficients(x, y)
n = len(x) - 1
y_new = np.zeros_like(x_new)
for i, x_i in enumerate(x_new):
for j in range(n):
if x[j] <= x_i <= x[j + 1]:
dx = x_i - x[j]
y_new[i] = a[j] + b[j] * dx + c[j] * dx ** 2 + d[j] * dx ** 3
return y_new
def cubic_spline_interpolation_image(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
# 创建原始图像的网格
x = np.arange(width)
y = np.arange(height)
# 创建新图像的网格
new_x = np.linspace(0, width - 1, int(width * scale_factor))
new_y = np.linspace(0, height - 1, int(height * scale_factor))
# 初始化新图像
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
channels = image.shape[2]
new_image = np.zeros((len(new_y), len(new_x), channels), dtype=image.dtype)
for c in range(channels):
# 对每个通道进行行和列的插值
temp = np.zeros((height, len(new_x)), dtype=image.dtype)
for i in range(height):
temp[i, :] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(x, image[i, :, c], new_x)
for j in range(len(new_x)):
new_image[:, j, c] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(y, temp[:, j], new_y)
else: # 灰度图像
temp = np.zeros((height, len(new_x)), dtype=image.dtype)
new_image = np.zeros((len(new_y), len(new_x)), dtype=image.dtype)
for i in range(height):
temp[i, :] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(x, image[i, :], new_x)
for j in range(len(new_x)):
new_image[:, j] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(y, temp[:, j], new_y)
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
def spline_interpolation(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
# 创建原始图像的网格
x = np.arange(width)
y = np.arange(height)
# 创建新图像的网格
new_x = np.linspace(0, width - 1, int(width * scale_factor))
new_y = np.linspace(0, height - 1, int(height * scale_factor))
# 初始化新图像
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
channels = image.shape[2]
new_image = np.zeros((len(new_y), len(new_x), channels), dtype=image.dtype)
for c in range(channels):
# 对每个通道使用 RectBivariateSpline 进行插值
spline = RectBivariateSpline(y, x, image[:, :, c])
new_image[:, :, c] = spline(new_y, new_x)
else: # 灰度图像
spline = RectBivariateSpline(y, x, image)
new_image = spline(new_y, new_x)
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from PIL import Image
# -----------------------------------------------------#
# 样条插值
# ------------------------------------------------------#
# --------------------手写实现-------------------------#
def cubic_spline_coefficients(x, y):
:param x: x 坐标点数组(升序排列)
:param y: y 坐标点数组
:return: (a, b, c, d): 分段三次多项式系数
n = len(x) - 1 # 段数
h = np.diff(x) # 每段的长度
# 构造三对角矩阵 A
A = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
A[0, 0] = 1
A[n, n] = 1
for i in range(1, n):
A[i, i - 1] = h[i - 1]
A[i, i] = 2 * (h[i - 1] + h[i])
A[i, i + 1] = h[i]
# 构造右侧的向量 B
B = np.zeros(n + 1)
for i in range(1, n):
B[i] = 3 * ((y[i + 1] - y[i]) / h[i] - (y[i] - y[i - 1]) / h[i - 1])
# 求解二阶导数向量 M
M = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
# 计算三次样条的系数 a, b, c, d
a = y[:-1]
b = (y[1:] - y[:-1]) / h - h * (2 * M[:-1] + M[1:]) / 3
c = M[:-1]
d = (M[1:] - M[:-1]) / (3 * h)
return a, b, c, d
def cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(x, y, x_new):
:param x: 原始数据的 x 坐标
:param y: 原始数据的 y 坐标
:param x_new: 要插值的 x 坐标点
:return: 插值后对应的 y 值
a, b, c, d = cubic_spline_coefficients(x, y)
n = len(x) - 1
y_new = np.zeros_like(x_new)
for i, x_i in enumerate(x_new):
for j in range(n):
if x[j] <= x_i <= x[j + 1]:
dx = x_i - x[j]
y_new[i] = a[j] + b[j] * dx + c[j] * dx ** 2 + d[j] * dx ** 3
return y_new
def cubic_spline_interpolation_image(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
# 创建原始图像的网格
x = np.arange(width)
y = np.arange(height)
# 创建新图像的网格
new_x = np.linspace(0, width - 1, int(width * scale_factor))
new_y = np.linspace(0, height - 1, int(height * scale_factor))
# 初始化新图像
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
channels = image.shape[2]
new_image = np.zeros((len(new_y), len(new_x), channels), dtype=image.dtype)
for c in range(channels):
# 对每个通道进行行和列的插值
temp = np.zeros((height, len(new_x)), dtype=image.dtype)
for i in range(height):
temp[i, :] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(x, image[i, :, c], new_x)
for j in range(len(new_x)):
new_image[:, j, c] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(y, temp[:, j], new_y)
else: # 灰度图像
temp = np.zeros((height, len(new_x)), dtype=image.dtype)
new_image = np.zeros((len(new_y), len(new_x)), dtype=image.dtype)
for i in range(height):
temp[i, :] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(x, image[i, :], new_x)
for j in range(len(new_x)):
new_image[:, j] = cubic_spline_interpolation_1d(y, temp[:, j], new_y)
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
# --------------------------内置函数--------------------------------------#
def spline_interpolation(image, scale_factor):
:param image: 输入图像
:param scale_factor: 缩放因子
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
# 创建原始图像的网格
x = np.arange(width)
y = np.arange(height)
# 创建新图像的网格
new_x = np.linspace(0, width - 1, int(width * scale_factor))
new_y = np.linspace(0, height - 1, int(height * scale_factor))
# 初始化新图像
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
channels = image.shape[2]
new_image = np.zeros((len(new_y), len(new_x), channels), dtype=image.dtype)
for c in range(channels):
# 对每个通道使用 RectBivariateSpline 进行插值
spline = RectBivariateSpline(y, x, image[:, :, c])
new_image[:, :, c] = spline(new_y, new_x)
else: # 灰度图像
spline = RectBivariateSpline(y, x, image)
new_image = spline(new_y, new_x)
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = r'test/test.jpg'
scale_factor = 3
image = Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
height, width = image.size
image_spline = cubic_spline_interpolation_image(image, scale_factor)
image1 = spline_interpolation(image, scale_factor)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
- 原理:基于高斯分布的加权平均方法,通过赋予相邻像素不同的权重来计算新的像素值。
- 优点:平滑并保留一定的细节,减少噪声影响。
- 缺点:计算复杂度首要。
def gaussian_weight(distance, sigma):
return math.exp(-(distance ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
def gaussian_kernel(size, sigma):
kernel = np.zeros((size, size))
center = size // 2
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
distance = np.sqrt((i - center) ** 2 + (j - center) ** 2)
kernel[i, j] = gaussian_weight(distance, sigma)
return kernel / np.sum(kernel) # 归一化核
def gaussian_interpolation(image, scale_factor, kernel_size=3, sigma=0.5):
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
kernel = gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, sigma)
new_height, new_width = int(height * scale_factor), int(width * scale_factor)
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype)
else: # 灰度图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=image.dtype)
# 缩放比例
row_scale = height / new_height
col_scale = width / new_width
# 对新图像的每个像素进行插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 在原图像中找到对应的坐标
src_row = i * row_scale
src_col = j * col_scale
row_floor = int(np.floor(src_row))
col_floor = int(np.floor(src_col))
# 初始化加权和
weighted_sum = np.zeros(image.shape[2]) if len(image.shape) == 3 else 0.0
weight_total = 0.0
# 遍历高斯核
for m in range(kernel_size):
for n in range(kernel_size):
row_offset = row_floor + m - kernel_size // 2
col_offset = col_floor + n - kernel_size // 2
# 如果超出图像边界,跳过该点
if row_offset < 0 or row_offset >= height or col_offset < 0 or col_offset >= width:
# 加权平均
weight = kernel[m, n]
if len(image.shape) == 3:
weighted_sum += weight * image[row_offset, col_offset, :]
weighted_sum += weight * image[row_offset, col_offset]
weight_total += weight
# 归一化结果
if len(image.shape) == 3:
new_image[i, j, :] = weighted_sum / weight_total
new_image[i, j] = weighted_sum / weight_total
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
image1 = gaussian_filter(image, sigma=0.5)
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from PIL import Image
# -----------------------------------------------------#
# 高斯插值
# ------------------------------------------------------#
def gaussian_weight(distance, sigma):
return math.exp(-(distance ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
def gaussian_kernel(size, sigma):
kernel = np.zeros((size, size))
center = size // 2
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
distance = np.sqrt((i - center) ** 2 + (j - center) ** 2)
kernel[i, j] = gaussian_weight(distance, sigma)
return kernel / np.sum(kernel) # 归一化核
def gaussian_interpolation(image, scale_factor, kernel_size=3, sigma=0.5):
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32)
height, width = image.shape[:2]
kernel = gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, sigma)
new_height, new_width = int(height * scale_factor), int(width * scale_factor)
if len(image.shape) == 3: # 彩色图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype)
else: # 灰度图像
new_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=image.dtype)
# 缩放比例
row_scale = height / new_height
col_scale = width / new_width
# 对新图像的每个像素进行插值
for i in range(new_height):
for j in range(new_width):
# 在原图像中找到对应的坐标
src_row = i * row_scale
src_col = j * col_scale
row_floor = int(np.floor(src_row))
col_floor = int(np.floor(src_col))
# 初始化加权和
weighted_sum = np.zeros(image.shape[2]) if len(image.shape) == 3 else 0.0
weight_total = 0.0
# 遍历高斯核
for m in range(kernel_size):
for n in range(kernel_size):
row_offset = row_floor + m - kernel_size // 2
col_offset = col_floor + n - kernel_size // 2
# 如果超出图像边界,跳过该点
if row_offset < 0 or row_offset >= height or col_offset < 0 or col_offset >= width:
# 加权平均
weight = kernel[m, n]
if len(image.shape) == 3:
weighted_sum += weight * image[row_offset, col_offset, :]
weighted_sum += weight * image[row_offset, col_offset]
weight_total += weight
# 归一化结果
if len(image.shape) == 3:
new_image[i, j, :] = weighted_sum / weight_total
new_image[i, j] = weighted_sum / weight_total
new_image = Image.fromarray(np.clip(new_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
return new_image
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = r'test/test.jpg'
scale_factor = 3
image = Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
height, width = image.size
image_gaussian = gaussian_interpolation(image, scale_factor, kernel_size=3, sigma=0.5)
image1 = gaussian_filter(image, sigma=0.5)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
pip install opencv-python
pip install opencv-contrib-python
import cv2
from cv2 import dnn_superres
sr = dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl_create()
# -------------------输入图像路径--------------------------#
path = r'test/test.jpg'
# ----------------------模型路径---------------------------#
model = r'models/EDSR/EDSR_x3.pb'
image = cv2.imread(path)
sr.setModel('edsr', 3)
result = sr.upsample(image)
cv2.imshow('image', result)
path = "EDSR_x3.pb" sr.readModel(path) # Set CUDA backend and target to enable GPU inference sr.setPreferableBackend(cv2.dnn.DNN_BACKEND_CUDA) sr.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CUDA)
Upscayl项目是一个免费开源的 AI 图像升频器,支持 Linux、macOS 和 Windows 系统。它使用先进的人工智能算法来放大和增强低分辨率图像,且不损失质量。在该项目页面中,可以找到相关的代码、文档、发布版本等信息。如果大家对图像增强、人工智能图像处理等方面感兴趣,可以关注这个项目。