Signed distance fields (SDFs) and Truncated Signed Distance Field(TSDF)

news2025/2/24 9:09:20

1. Signed distance fields (SDFs)

[1] Signed distance fields (SDFs)
[2] Signed Distance Function (SDF): Implicit curves or surfaces
[3] Ray Marching and Signed Distance Functions
[4] Truncated Signed Distance Function
[5] Wiki/Signed distance function

1.1 What is SDF?


Signed distance functions, or SDFs for short, when passed the coordinates of a point in space, return the shortest distance between that point and some surface. The sign of the return value indicates whether the point is inside that surface or outside (hence signed distance function).


圆心: ( a , b ) 、半径: r = 1   圆的表达式: ( x − a ) 2 + ( y − b ) 2 − 1 = 0   d ( x , y ) = ( x − a ) 2 + ( x − b ) 2 − 1 \text{圆心:}(a,b)、\text{半径:}r=1\\ ~\\ \text{圆的表达式}:(x-a)^2+(y-b)^2-1=0\\ ~\\ d(x,y)=\sqrt{(x-a)^2+(x-b)^2 }-1 圆心:(a,b)半径:r=1 圆的表达式(xa)2+(yb)21=0 d(x,y)=(xa)2+(xb)2 1
平面内各个点到圆的最近距离,若该点在圆外则距离为正( d ( x , y ) > 0 d(x,y)\gt 0 d(x,y)>0),若该点刚好在圆上则距离为0( d ( x , y ) = 0 d(x,y)=0 d(x,y)=0),若该点在圆内则距离为负( d ( x , y ) < 0 d(x,y)\lt 0 d(x,y)<0


S A B ( x , y ) = λ A + ( 1 − λ ) B S_{AB}(x,y)=\lambda A+(1-\lambda)B SAB(x,y)=λA+(1λ)B
其中 λ \lambda λ
w ⃗ = P − A 、 v ⃗ = B − A   λ = < w ⃗ , v ⃗ > ∣ ∣ v ⃗ ∣ ∣ 2 \vec{w}=P-A、\vec{v}=B-A\\ ~\\ \lambda=\frac{<\vec{w},\vec{v}>}{||\vec{v}||^2} w =PAv =BA λ=∣∣v 2<w ,v >
如果 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 0\leq \lambda\leq 1 0λ1,则点在线段AB上,若 λ < 0 \lambda\lt 0 λ<0或者 λ > 1 \lambda\gt1 λ>1,则点在直线AB上但不在线段AB上

下图来自:Inigo Quilez/articles/distance functions


Constructive Solid Geometry(CSG)
Constructive solid geometry, or CSG for short, is a method of creating complex geometric shapes from simple ones via boolean operations. CSG is built on 3 primitive operations: intersection ( ∩ ), union ( ∪ ), and difference ( − )

1.2 Ray Marching

Ray Tracing 和 Ray Marching 的区别
In raytracing, the scene is typically defined in terms of explicit geometry: triangles, spheres, etc. To find the intersection between the view ray and the scene, we do a series of geometric intersection tests: where does this ray intersect with this triangle, if at all? What about this one? What about this sphere?

In raymarching, the entire scene is defined in terms of a signed distance function. To find the intersection between the view ray and the scene, we start at the camera, and move a point along the view ray, bit by bit. At each step, we ask “Is this point inside the scene surface?”, or alternately phrased, “Does the SDF evaluate to a negative number at this point?“. If it does, we’re done! We hit something. If it’s not, we keep going up to some maximum number of steps along the ray.

We could just step along a very small increment of the view ray every time, but we can do much better than this (both in terms of speed and in terms of accuracy) using “sphere tracing”. Instead of taking a tiny step, we take the maximum step we know is safe without going through the surface: we step by the distance to the surface, which the SDF provides us!
In this diagram, p 0 p_0 p0​​ is the camera. The blue line lies along the ray direction cast from the camera through the view plane. The first step taken is quite large: it steps by the shortest distance to the surface. Since the point on the surface closest to p 0 p_0 p0​​ doesn’t lie along the view ray, we keep stepping until we eventually get to the surface, at p 4 p_4 p4


(1)Does the ray hit the surface?
(2)If so,where,at what angle is the surface?
If the ray doesn’t hit the surface, we just colour in the pixel white (or transparent).
If it does, we need to know what angle the surface is at to know how to shade it.

在计算机图形学中大多数 lighting model 使用表面法向量来计算某种材质表面上某个点的颜色,当scene由显式几何定义时,如三角面元,法向量在三角面元的三个顶点指定,其他点的法向量由插值计算得到。当scene由SDF定义时,我们使用梯度来计算法向量



2.Truncated Signed Distance Field(TSDF)

Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF) is a simplified way to represent 3D shapes or surfaces, which stores the distance information for points near the surface up to a certain threshold. It is used in applications like 3D reconstruction and surface rendering to create accurate and efficient representations of 3D scenes.

Truncation: In a Truncated Signed Distance Function, we limit or “truncate” the range of distances that we care about. This means that we only consider distances up to a certain threshold, and ignore any distances beyond that. Truncation is useful because it simplifies the representation of the 3D shape and reduces the amount of data we need to store.
This trunction is essential to limit the influence of voxels far from the surface, ensuring more accurate integration close to the surface.

The main purpose of TSDF is to represent and reconstruct 3D surfaces or shapes from different measurements or observations, like depth images from a 3D camera or point clouds from a LiDAR sensor. By combining these measurements using TSDF, we can create a more accurate and complete representation of the 3D surface.

下图来自:截断符号距离 | TSDF, Truncated Signed Distance Function





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